Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Feb 1972, p. 37

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Barrs Gillian Water Audition int mantel leilsd alien maids drrsrrs will be Irsturlni IIIII DAL OWNS best type oI advertising Joan uh suesMMI Barrie Firm 3th rinse III ha soap uid mare traits er heaters dull and as rights doubt PIN and pas hands ran all be attributed to the eiirds oi hard uteri Stu does have Indlrsted ruler hard ness horse the trrernnst house but problems Inlay There Is solution to II nmpletl conditioning and filter lnl mines to any housdhold Ind hut recently have in II Irrntnndlllmlnx tn entries II III Soil ualrr II more plmant tn Ire lend Ii cleans better lssa Iron are soft Istsljs benellv rial Illrita on heelth in dish Isrhlnz Ind lsundrrlnhlsollen rd uhirr promotes nlinesl Ind sanitation elnra soap curds do not Iornl Suit water rah also be Import Shle Caters To Women The nlslure woman in Barrie Is Mall but intelligent shopper man It some in cloth Inl She knows lshat the unit and doesnt last to be told short Irmrlilns to Joan Iloherts II Oplllrrsllouse linen Ind Darlene Cooper op orels the Inuit shop In In older house In Collier st across the mall Ironl Colllrr 5i United crith let up the shop In hams because were not In nrdlnn store and dont want tubo mishtnlassltdtrlusn said the older home will Ii IrIyI be In because It takes away the male oi the store It makes It more relaxed Ior peo ple II IelI As shopper enters the shop the passes through smell loy rr decorated In plush eoldeu wall paper and sold ornate mlmlr Insideths IIIW room area the III Int drror centres around me odrspes Indlled Ilrrrmean chairs The trnnt rnorn IeIlures ilrepisto and smell retention desk Both Joan and Dsrlene are hitth qualified to sum sny mtomer Josh spent the yeer In the riothiny business helers ntahluhiny her own business itI something Ive lively naut ed to do Ihri wanted have somethin to utter tor the ntslun woman the sold Dhrlrnn II Ilshlull mddull irom llyrnon Polytechnic In Ilituto and has worked with Iashlon or about three ears Ilituts end has work with luehlun for about three years Although Joan employs Irani etress both she and bar lene are acquainted with alter lnot and can do it themselves You have to be able to do It yeursetl and understand how lts done heioro yuursn supervise II and undrrIlInd ltI problems John said Fittings Ior dresses lneludlnr bridal and bridesmaids owns lle made by appointment The shop is npen Tuesday throutlt Saturday Ironl III am in Mi Friday It remains op rn unltl Ipm and Is eiosrd on Mondays NAUTICAL LOOK While Iuhlon desltnrre are ralilnn tor the nautical loot tor the nunrer ert Joan and Dan Irne said hrlgill prints Illd Ihirlwaisls will be popular with mature women thk lplIhL hlr trrlslswlll Include rayon Ianh popular tnltl and ehlIlIns Suits will also be popular this Iprinp us lhry are each spring Lenrlhl will be around the lure theyre roles to vary and lhIIe reall wonderllli he tausl you an the lenrtli to suit the person and the style It dress than said Its very eorniorlabie length Amonlst garments they carry are those yllarro Dress Itslle Faye and handy Collection Collier Ilouse aisn specialties In brldIII wear and long gowns John said there has been real Inrrnue In long gowns lnr Ii nlost any occasion People are beginning in wear lenr reuse or more trmlnlne Inuit Ihn sloop wlli be Isrrylnzs number nl Iniormnl gowns In easytolarolnr prints lirldes strong mlors hiany will he In styles that run he usrll be too ml or casual wear lairr Volla will undoubtedly be populer tor sprint Ilridhl ennui nlli he Ilouin with yards unrn lllrds ni or trendy and hith tlreular Itlrts Jnsn Iaiil lllryre rry Ienlr inino nlld lrry romantic the added think youll see some Iirls rhnnirin to hat and tell torn hinailonl the still llrad nieces lor roost brides will letters In and Juliette It lrs brides are going tor eolor III their gowns end Ire turning Inward strong eolnre Ior lrlrlL Another growing trend lI tor the style It bridesmaids dresses to coordinate or echo that oi the brides The reason lor Collier Ilous Irs Iuceess II Its verlonal serv Ioe The very blr thine we spo rlrlllzo in is personal Ierllre Jean elhphlslztd wont ever hire anybody to sell only she said lrrsnnsl ealislarLlnn Is the shirt Iord oi mouth has been Iantastlc The home have been lerriiic to us then other hualn essrs hIIa helped Other husin essel have sent people here which Is really nice in en Inure Itert Ins out Collier llottto hes been open to soap curd inter hard ness Ilslr was with snap and IoIt nlrr ls dunner setter m1 lustrous and more Insu Irehie Allhotlxh realise Orlpn water softener Illl mean small nancial outlay each month there are also Iarlllxs lnrellrd lllth Inn uter Imps are men elilclent and tip to to per rent less Insp II used Clothes nny mrnptnblperrmtiarsrr and water heating mats are re dired by as much as uper rent IEDUCILS POLLUTION runs Into sharp Ilatltl Is the use at M3081 elements IN the pm they psy III the nlrrsll water pollution prutlrm Th train the phosphates In the leontry drterruu Is In with the water lilies saltrned water Is Ml there is no Ionr er any need the the phmllutu his the honeliie run isundrr her elethu with phxnhnlrIm deterrents kaolin tilry will do st II eirteleot Inh Collin soil Inter Ion simple as Irrsnrhse Inr pas portable esrhsnze Ir re or rental lrniee As trie phone service there is no merit to buy The dealer Inns Less III are at It Permissin the deal rI urhanm the unit tor Irtsh can that her tern Icthsrrrd It the plant The rents unit mhar ltseii rrraiuiy tuition Itstrr Condli ueil hmwn In the turn IIIL Ihehlehxsl has been In hor III or rsrs starting in up WWII Street and routtnv he Prntlan Sttrst II years am The ris la nov upsnde In so that the plant In oilire Isothlles Ill be doubled III Ier Ilcnlhm In the later care field and is nuts beginsqu re rIne osmosis lyhltllis such as those ileud In the he shell Galilean does its Id In urrlelns and Installation burn the Barrie plant Neely nne emptiness Ire Inlullni with the operation shill covers an Ire Irnrn pm hi North orh la Sims WI Irsl Ltrwzh the surrounliln districts Eight trusts are an the road at III times Torry lime idenl oi the local 0a sn rum the ant trnin system are more and more popular Iiih slrrable number he Installed In eottsr enhirh re Ins hinterlsediur yu end use iII said these In stats he usually Inlallh liltre lion lyslrms xperls In Water Softening Process unnsent depertnrrcts or IhIIII suelnaltrally nnlsta sates prphlrnu We th Ls Ist hill the Ontario Wnlrr Ramrs Co ltr ReeleIIIlL1heyhsue the pm him and II can sells them tor the people Many errisl Institutions In the Slmme County area Isle Installed waitr Ihlllmn Lui sn system was installed In the wuss Inn at Alinltn short It opened his time ssld The trust ulster Inner Iur borne ran be ll easily Into spell not IIIth more then tour trot rid eight Inthes drop The sure about loot III hall unie the mham lime and Ireduen ry lib16 operation dJuI hotel the Alrlllul Ind Ibpts to pressures Imus train In In pounds per squsrs inch An automatic hnrll IILE hy pan and an uriIIiIe VIIII sl Iluls unrundliunul enter In line sprinkling and other Irrss ehrrn soil Ialur Is not nestled It lorrisl Illlrnr slnlds rrlrrilwl nnd ulrrillllne There Is In glee lnr JIW plus mechanical llnsl tulle Ior shutolls Gilligans Irrich LI prolidrd by Isrlurylrmned techruriars Simply rail and say Itry Mll Ono II it Issues that has the InitInIn unit and Intel treatment oi hldnny Gilligan also marks with ov IhI II it home tilli Ilnco Isnnsry IVII ARCHITECTURAL BLOCK CONCRETE HAYDITE BLOCKS PATIO SLABS CLAY CONCRETE PIPE TILE BRICK BUILDERS SUPPLIES READY MIX CONCRETE During T911 This is what happened Wa recorded record volumes at tales in III divisionl WI developed new Irehlteelursl block that ran he used In piles at block and brlelt We expanded oursellee wllh new equipment Improved procedures More employees WIIupplled mIIIIIIIIor The new FormoII Flint BIyIIeld Shopping Mall Midisnd High School OIIIIII High Seheol 0rIIlII shopping le GIorpe Brown College and many more BUFFERIN modern tIelIillIs new plant In Midland II This is what will happen To uruirs Ihs growing needs at Barrie Dultelin Materials and Conttruelion Lid pIIn $750000 expansion In 1771 Their plane eall Ior new Iully sutamslod mdy mix pIInI new materials hsndlinp equipment tor their concrete block plant new Iruelu and new cities The axlltlnp eanelele bloek plInI on Iltlln 5t will be updated Fully automated maiorlslr hsndling system similar to the ten erete plant will be added The sulomallon wIll eliminate III human error and sllow DvIlsrin Io produes eenIleIent high quality prodorl Ail materials will he enelolsd In bins allowing eomplsle Inniral over weather ennditione and clean atlrselive silo Tho but In unite and nusllly ir Dullorins ohloellve In lm The most UpIodlle equipment together with the eonllnued altorte ol the Dutlseln stall will Inlurs that Simeon County It well nrvnd in the contests products llsld ESTABLISHED IN BARRIE SINCE 1954 BARRIE MIDLAND ORILLIA 3263221 333V NV Es HEAD NOIDSISS HZDJII $33 M01 Insang ALIlvnb saluon puong HS NV HSVD IVNIGXVD on LXZN AVMHDIH Jaauss amsawa 007 00 15 oo=os OOOL 145 N340 paumav cg no SNIDNVNId AVOOJ ST 335

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