Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Feb 1972, p. 2

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cm Ivcws urns mm Tuners up Hospital Operating Engineers Get IllCent Hourly Increase The it uriceerr It Royal tlo ttrle Hospital neatly retitled Ill sci Hospital Assessment Team liaiesllVH lls Excellent Royal blctorls Hotpiiel her beers reled excellent by teem oi Ireruerr under the trial has pttei assessment prayers he doctors and en Idmlnls Irslor are visiting eruy harpi tel to Ontario to users them In report to the iiIlI board It trustees yer rdry sum the horplIeI record room wIs reted by the teens II the best they heve crer users The report rtsted the so Ieumcut Ierm ores uIsnirnmtI Board Reluses To Consider llllowing Osteopathllt llVH The question at whether II ow teopelb should be stirred to precilse in Re It Vlrtorte Iloe pttel ereoe Ip It the merits ot the boerd ot trustees yester dIy ItterIouu Iormrr petlrnt Ieked In Ietler wby ortropribs ere not Iiiowed to treet It end sdmlt pstteuie to the bospiiel stars the treetrnentr Ire covered by Issuance Will to the set rem lop bospllel proceduresln as vtzlweipdeogrldnreet prllcrll or Inca ussed medchI doctor The board decided to reply to the expattruts letter chip the set Is the reason Iur Ite retreat to boulder the nutter THREE Colieen Youn student It Central Coll took three tirrt prices and second discs in Iceordlos competitions It the Itlwsrrle biuelc Fertiv in ISAVE lheIIIu cl alSsvlnpabIosn treat East 88 DunIo 7267200 PI Tel 705 Saturday the municipal savings loan Anthltdlsryolthlclpui Drabrs Vlllhluuuuosnrroarsm tsstorliarrdvlbeeper only Aurair bIIIb playmyet Outhoursofbuainess Monday to Thursday tlOOemtot5OO be Friday 900am 0900 mt Theioeeesdemomletoebotd pgeestersrtbetwoyeer II PC Itrzotietlresr III the desired begin in October but were brok ur all while motietims with the service emploan IaioI It the hospital was completed Dill Caldwell board rhelmeh leltied the spectral Iris oIormr do To hi Own Union is prslre at this line buipilel This state thet tbs iertlitIIe Tells the orreulsetlors red the Irtlvriy oi the medial riIiI both clinically end IdminieIrI lively end the generel Ieeiirrl oi ooopereilou In the bupitel Is rrcelieot The term pertlcw Iery noted th ilua records bept II the horpllel Ind ruled that the mcdleel rreords room is the best they have ever seen The Iuesrmrnl prurrsm wsI set up by the provincial ov erumeot lest ytsr leg thyroid to cepeclty In the Iur ery Irer so cktdln to Ted Ion IreIIlsul ItiII rooms etc It rIpIcin end In some uses some operations Ire bolus postponed Iur three or our dIyI MEthMIIIT IIGNI lIOLTVlLLE Celii tAPI Rishtbsudod pitcher Andy blee Ierrmltb who posted this record with the Celtic An pets in MI Ilroed ble rostrsct hiondey or In eetlIIIted noaoo Tire risnlns lelt Sendy Alornar end lien Ilrhlulliu the tortured evsHIDlvd Yltlinter FlRSIS Toronto She pieced llrrt II Idendunder rain tlonend In two solo riser Ieoond are Ilesdi enotiur thudunder NOW hilnldiuirs rooIihly bslrnu Oil OUT BONUS SAVINGS ACCOUNT Corporation Barrie Ontario ease cell collect 900 emto Ii pm mrpotallnn Oopporstlon loll limited MANOR CORPORATION Ledrietler erlehlisbias re Iuletory authority to supervise the provision It oommulrr per tender trels centre la red round tIe Tomato eree is one at the shoe of John Roberts IL Ilium llmulu tebllh pro es llrreemunwzemmlrslon which would underteke tho prepare lory plannle steps Iur such Iervles end coordlneie It with other tom oi tiIiupartItlun service which In new beta to vldod In our area he III III ItItemerti Mostrlmportent the commission would heve iurisdir tlun over rIilwey rundbeds Ind rlphtsol wry in releiion to ram muter services second piece at Iegirletton he ropoIeI cenirfr Ilmadnllmlte one on temps Ttru legislation wouIrI Imit erpcn ditures breed on the number It voters II constituency lie Ield the purpose to to ensure thel unlike the United Sister Cane Ida does not arrive It Iltue tton where only wesllby men or women with Iceess to weelth see not Iur olilce hlr Roberts alto Intends to Introduce lryistellon which would require public disclosure by nunbers ol Perilsmeut Ind eenetors ol Ill their IiIeoclel In terests Ite raid he believes the gulls should know It mem Is receiviof iecs II lswlt yer tram var our companies This mlpht then be considered by the public In ludnr his stric mrnis on problems In the House oi Commons he slid lir Ruberlr our hopes to In troduce leplsletlon cel in or pester disclosure oi govern ment and civil service dOCII menu end reserrch meirriIi to the public At the present time II In osirvrnv MRI JUDGE Methodist iIIIsr United Funnel service Iur Elie Iou Church loulro wer prominent III Judre widow at Dr Rey It In drumailc circles rredueie ot Jud will be held tomorrow It It echele oi Marley bed In Eriinlou Ave West It Ler onc oclock Prt opossum nIverrItyoiThroIto boat at Nureln ed In RrIdiord It Tbombury drs tudge the iovmer Louise Ilurlburt oI berrte died In Riv erdele llorpltel Toronto on Set urdey loliowinr In Illness or to rmntlu She was the second at three deupirlers at Mr and hire lrsnk II Nurlburt who resided at the corner oi Toronto and Ross Sir tor meny yrIrI Irv the site at tkutrui United Church lIcr tether was shoe menu IIeturer Ind retell merchant whose store wes loceted on Dun Iop SI south between Five Points end Port Olich Sou The term lly was It Collier SI II yIIrr Leter they moved to heselda where Dr tudtr prac tired Ind wu on Its oi Tor onto Errt General IIOIDIIII III died tour your ego end our buried It Tbornhury Ilrr Judre Ie survived by Ins son John Ilurlhurt Iudpc two dsurhierr Anne loulee slid Cer ol lorrIlnI itIr Sven litle berrt OI anon two gr dtupiri cndy Ind Ienniier Judge In triers hire Curries Car In IOwcn Iiurlburt Ind IIrI Re Sutton heater llurI hurt Threat THE CANADIAN MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION OI Barrie Invites Everyone wrdrz TONIGHT UNTIL IO PM CENTRAL uwrru cuuncv TS SOCIAL AOENCIES SERVINO DARRII DISTRICT PROVIDINO DETAIL AND INFORMATION ON THEIR SERVICES MOVIES MOCK TRIALS STRAIGHT TALK AND FREE REFRESHMENTS Cammuter Train Authority Proposed By John Roberts reedy prepared this drewlrp send ubII to seller inuence the government on Is le Colleplrie lnrtttui sad tliodlnthstdlstrctlor not so he at OlllllOliS nor am thIk ms um Isei pu Iicwepelhetts mtg tilhist Club with the live Iudrtag FROM Llrir hut nle LeSere who pieced no and III burton Joe Wheel er tbird teerk Brenner tint Torn Evens sud Brien Gor derr Ermine Photo Idmlnlrtrstive to lentc clvll rerveutr elemp Ilmosl eny thluf that crosses their desks as coal denliei er Roberts Ield to statement This sometimes Lucinda the public Irom recev Iniorrnetlon which Is neces sary to Judpa whether or not luv mrIt dcrtrl bu wlreelfyn taken his Roberts Isidbe hsd Ileo Intended to Introduce lesitlstlon to prohibit tbelmporteilon oI iurs rlrlus lltti plumsge co dearered species but mother member at perllemrnt her It TRY EXAMINER WANT All PHONETIHIN OI course do not expect that Iny oi ihe piecesol IcIIrIIlIon ern presenting will nererrrr Ily be edoptrd by thI Commons Ind become Iswtbls year he Iedl Tb II Irtremely unilks ly but prrsrntlus them to the Commons will provide iorum Ior their dlirttsIlOn mrunr ol monthly Plymenu tloo Io Ind error to ours where MW lthlnkrhenpr Hr noirru noted corpore tIon known as llcritapo Cenede as been proposed the rovr ernmeni was an culerly de IIsirIed to beer II vemment commitment Iur we been IIiLI OFFER LAST DAY ONLY Thurs IEIOOIIO Ibillt Fri 00 t0 lltld bet Itrbd to trod This sites is so mobster YOU RECEIVE YOUR WlG ABSOLUTELY FREE WHEN YOU HAVE IT OUT AND STYLliD AT OUR REGULAR PRICE OR IS DY OUR TOP WIG EXPERTS Treat CANADAEUROPE oi rein Idlrl Reduce monies Italycioudyend Wednesdayhem end who or salted this posts III contesteote belore Roodeys Hour owns as now REDUCE rsvnwrs av AS MUCH AS HAII You Is home owner Ire now eilrible Iur low cost mood or third nurture losI Irom not to eespoo ei reduced vim oule low cost home owner loen eea psy ell your btlII pive you eddltlonel coshll reprised end It the Isms time reduce your monthly payments by II much bell Find out how any II II leper you then spproved within It hours Youceu cell to It pus today ior Will cotntraue service Prompt Investment corp IM no my 5LTutelllh Cell collect summonsmissus stvsmtrnomtuort One at the most fantastic wig otters ever held In Canada By Companion Wigs ONLY DAYS by period oi rsta Him Ind Rrdncsdey In low we IutJtAllSlon NortherI Lehe Huron who on use Ontario Today unduly cloudy antlpht with perhd It rein toy Wednesday mornins htIioly untidy sod mild Wednesday mu lillhl Ihdby tow sections lot the ys Tbrscuthlrt loruooeo usiodeyierrroerdloritled soremmdtbebove reroute today mebrly doudyJuIldrtwetrsowwith itigb tod odnudet Armand Al toullht to SO Windsor loudest Hamilton lekI 5t air leis Die huwmnurnm Idiot the snow or IIII this ermine Reid and tor touisht audio Wednee dey morolnr thinly oudy Ind eastlnrlnr mild Wednesday Ill cmouu Itidre lodry Irwnd lbwr this Ivarle erutmd so loi lowed by slowly rlsisr tempers ttnes orrrrslpat Iilpbe Wednes dIy In the tow eds Eertenr Leke Onierlo Hell berths mtbsru Gear In her NHHImmird whle 15 III elteruoou Ibulthl end Wednesdey snow with silence at lortonirhIlIIhImJphr wdnmytotheettr Scull Ste llerte North Boy dudhury uorthrrn learners Bey Alpsru Trmsremt south ern vtblte rer hteialy may this rrwruln lemeriu rioudlj sees this crowd snow orptnolar overnier cloudy with Intermittent snow maul deyt illsbs today to the leery lows tonlrbt Iur tern escept beer to below In White River and merrml IIIIhI Wedoes deylststdrbuve Northern While River coch ruie western Jemu Bey Sunny with cloudy periods tours hielsly eIoudy Wedan dry with rbsnce It pectode snow Ilitbs todI end Wednes dey rare to It re laws Iidtt so below to so below FORMOSA SPRINO answers Irem Auden DA Id Norman ill Wriyht president It Fomtose Spring Brewery Inuottnces the Ippolntrnent averse launder OA MFT or senior Irvin product me see his lender Is cepbnllhll tor the Introduction sod mullet Ins oi Oktoberirst lisverlsn beer end will Insist In new pro duct developmrrv Prior to lolstnr Formosa Sprint hrewm In Austui lilo he served with two Interostion II consumer product companies but rs meridian mnepervln rrv ALSO AVAILARLI MIKRO The Newest RIp II the IlIrkrI This II lush Ulhlesl RI liver MIde WelIbI Ices The lid 01 Her The VereItlIity Fer Oil The Perl tenable You DIII lIIve To be Ilslrdrerrrr out onus Te Celeb It Or Model TI Tier II THE COMPANION Tsrcorvo rtoon SHOWROOM 2s TIrIs orrsn tiara nnvs ONLY Thurs lit to than Mihrbtlelhtdd let Iltll to drill Rep Price Compete to No00 it DAYS ONLY 14 16 SALE HELD AT sIvsHorE norot Horn SHOWROOM 28 SECOND FLOOR er DUNLOP srnssr assr Sponsored by HAIRSTVLINO TAS THIS OPIEREROUOHT TO YOU RY COMPANION WIOS OF CANADA Formerly II Hollywood Ceillomle Spctistiy Dcrirned with the Older Oirlr to mind TWO LENOTIIS TO CHOOSE FROII INCL LONG SIIAO It Email

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