to Ill re be as or or In be oi to e1 be coll For lurlhsr lnIonrratlon cell David wuss Reel Palate IIIILIIRRto Collier as Russia teetoot so emu mam LITLIDAY as am tt REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE UNITED TRUST DUNLOP OPPOSITE BAISIIORE HOTEL BONE FREE TORONTO LINE loot noon BDIROOII BUACAIDWLarge lot It quality tor LA to village It minutes Insn downtown Barrie Toast water In down payment all da Paul Thotnpoon mm on IIDNIIII souls ot Barrie trot om Sbedroorn in 11 Irecd Iot brosdleorn oil heal clear to beach Dsrgsse 011500 CaU Bill ltocllry mi HIM Sim DOVIN STOREYd butroosru on corner lot Ittb lots oI mature maple tree real tsmily borne on bus rotate close to mini eelaooln Largo kitchen pith eating area Irving room dLnIol room nob Grant meson KINGSIlED BEDROOM81M orets minutes to Bank eds tintsbtag torchescustorn built home 0000 so It tiring hail acre lot slrrem ottoly treed double gengc workshop Tr Coptilo motor in BEDROOM BRICK SIDE SPLIT minutes Irom Iterrta ueiottl bitches hardwood tloors lull bucmrnt 150 user lot sex tel Vendor her Looted srlli mango tipaneing pith 01000 down Rivers mom OWNER TILANSPERRFDlnunectilals side tplii otersiscd bedrooms complrmrnted with drop broadbons throughout Warm tensity room witorn butt Rrrplacc All right textures RIIRI exquisite taste along pith large kitchen plus attached garage make too the psrtrct home $0000 tlilt Ibontai moon RD INanlENTm acres to prlrne location Irootsga on the eds home in Al condition Water and hydro In barn mole out view at Lake Sincere Tstooo Don llcRInooo 1206000 It INNISFIL REACHYear round vacation home tooth side split aluminum siding extra large living dining and lernlly robin broadiocsncd electric heating garage Sturgcss moose INESINO40 HIGHWAYill acre term suitable lot but rattle vs tables very productive Excellent water subtly m0 at River Road and highway Ironlagc storey brick bed large living room tery lurgc bitches piece bath reed ar Ih New burn and auto lielt tsncrd WM rOlIIln TERPIIOIIT iIONIaIildlahd 11500 doors Electric titII tl large living room modcrts blithrn desplwsUAIm ate possession Andy Dpat taboo as Riven ittDNTAOB In ntNantt cpd oi stnnieare out Iooni bungalow place both large bedrooms living 27x10 tI iotcly modern kltch partial basement or rnt Iratrr supply cities lots buludrd ell loaded with bl trccr Asking 800000 part down bellow at Rel ems treason or Wm DAVID 109 BAYFIELD sr Barrie Real Estate Broker VID WASSIHMIOI RON DIICAIIIE TLGIIUI Lst HAVI AN OFFER rr desperate anxious bedroom brick hungoittvr with dloom wot out to Rtvluood patio must scli Call Itch meter or honor OLDER PRESTIGE IIRICK STOREY it home may or ehwrn by appointment only Lot is its lrcI TIth prestige borne hu bedrooms separate dialog room llvla room and den cornptcteiy modernised lichen dIoom rt living roottr dining roorss and trails large eunporLh master bedroom This prlnIe property nIsp has double gor wilh paved drive Coll Ron or Dave Tilt PRlSTIIIEJ APARTMENTS eontho Pmllgo Apartments to Ross St beside the bcdrooni and bachelor apartments exclusive PIP CHOIkKEAAIEIrgRCO LTD tit 23 Anne 5t Bottle 7262510 Direct Toronto Lino 3646625 GENERAL INSURANCE OLDER llOIitll SOMETHING NEW In excellent condition located you are tired ot tracking on bottom St bedrooms living room dinind room illi chcn separate garage lord Itiurlgoglttg Try your down pay mrn 120W Ilorkrn berry man ILle END bedroom largo trrnl lot int inoculate lmtde and out real stool at 3500 For more In trrmotion call Bob sit 700ml or restore Mllloh New pirrarplo Iran psrrlr Itettneh rm bar end Mug Ferovicn to rmtlv nit themso JIIH MLNIDD Jere toeroeood EMORY WELLER LIIIITED Realtor rrer mil tiltough old harm or you would like to see your home purity commuted cull kian at 23 Anne St 7202510 Irr an In terview on tile motlrt SUAIIIIIII GOODIES Tvro watertroot mitoses One summer cabin business OTwa pmallcr cottages here It OulI Gerri Wright tor appointv meat delete or assure ill lltlll um litu 002 IN IIeerI Alllid Itsva crisps Vvohnl lows rahn lilthia labors loop Gold Wright CIW Robinson Mary tou Deudsrin belly Revlon sorton satran 01 Duitlop Barrio IZtIitibi DOES SALES TALK HELP TO SELL HOUSE Generally speaking It Ll better to Irtttro house epctIk tor ttseII while the sales talk Is contlncd to meoningiul lecis too much talk will bItrn bore prospective homo boycnt tend even worse dislrpct them truth concentrating en the property at hand It tnrhrilngIoss chatter Is kcptup they tney bccnltto envious to leave and lose Interest In the house Remarks elich or this Is beautiful living room do little goorl ohert buyers can too tor theirtrcitcs And It Is what they see and not what the salesman yr owner tells them that will decide whether or not It Is beautiv III to them Alton house Is being shorts It to best tor an owner to remain in tho borkgt0und ItavIn You may not ututcrstand the presentation on to tho Itreitor Is methods brat II Is reputable and exprrlcncsvi prolcseionei he is certain to know his business It the other It asked direct question however he should an tour or brlrlIy or possible whlio nvoerng any tendency to Inter Iili between the Itcaltor and the Mayor llts brevity rcscrro Irrnltltirrivcncss ittny vvsIl IilIII in make the title ithfLLIHO threes rrt tltt no Isis items rtetttt THIN AI Leaner Lilitt Mmmllll II III III lltl III sort Its 0t nth rtlrtlt AlbII iterate trestle on use LI JAN KLDOIIEIMAN IUII SMITH rose KIN MILL OOID INN HAIYIY WIIII Its The SeasonTO Advertise REAL ESTATE roorerv roe sate IAIN cm re soreness MI nu Iladepartmental OU FLILSII nits It college 100 late K1 vies partly insisted and lined herniated beth We lot no zoo eith stream 3115 Tone and Dorothy Fitnirnnm seem DUNIHI ACIDS Isms cleared rinse to triple prey II at Strood Smell barn presently used as eorkstsoet Asking mood Tom and Do othy Plaslmmirra cocoon DUPLEX storey brick poo Ibcdroom and one lbeIroorss side drive and garage rinse in dorntopne Price Slim IIiIl Iurvie 0501 evenings new no IL KEITLLLTD RULIOR Ilurlel Tortured main Earl Bsbcock TEDSON Lblbeuttto DrsWI Ed Green tietits Anna Spencer es nil Dorothy Ftissirnmlps diocese Lillian Roberts Room LORNE HAY REAL ESTATEIIROKER APIRAISALS TRY OUR 566 PERSONALIZED SERVICE FIND GREATER HAPPINESS In thIs bcstroom rurich blurgnluw trlth big tamily room kitchen that whornrs tots lmotsgcrs and guests also eornlortabiy also living room tor you and our host oi Istcntis This borne Is one at lcir Possession soon Reader will consider holding mortgage East end location teem LOADED WITH PEACE AND QUIET 0st ball acre lot this new side spilt has eat gtregc sspstate arcs tor lainlly room and games room Spacious Irving room and separate dznlng room with weikottt polo doors Ibis ncw home sill be available torn In the Itidhurst airs IIt RESTAURART LY CITY Excellent repeat trade berm MILLg seats 519111 Trek saith no late nights Business Is good and can he pleaded arm Price more Cooled IIIII Mints mmi evenings 730m TRIPLEIT ODIthGION 51 Fully rental rseciierrt location in boiroooss one bedroom atom ant rcdrlgrsstors sup plied Tenants pay pun bistro ItinInssm maintenance Route Price 039 CID Bill Pub sis Honor evenings 73062 AREA REPRESENTATIVE Elva Stills mitt David Itrmlloeh resent Rub Paeeilo meson EtrIro Ichsrrp 130m lie Bill Purvia mom iorn Pituirrunlns storm tllil GIAINiiUUU Now In Sellout Stage DISTINCTIVII HOMES TO CHOOSE PHD Priced From $20500 Including Lot Purchase an DOWN PAYMENTS Monthly Carrying Including Taxestroni 5180 THIS IS THE ONLY GOVT HOME PROGRAM WITHIN 50MILE RADIUS OF BARRIE For further tntorntnlloii roll lIlItlI IASAIIIII 7202111 0R 7206054 Great Pyronncs Development York thI Last Opportunity To Buy At These Prices IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $995 DOWN 2STOREY HOMES ON LARGE LOTS bedrooms washrooms ltldtillltllll attuchcd garage MORTGAGE FULL PRICE $26995 Best Value In Barrie $095 DOWN FROM $20400 Scottdetached homer Iur spring and summer possession DUNGAIAIVS RACK SPLITS AND ISTUUIIY vIth Mushrooms broadiooni in living and dining rooms MORTGAGE CARRIES FOR $I95 MONTHLY INCLUDING PRINCIPAL INTEREST AND TAXES OPEN DAILY Rsrrio North or South on Rayvicw ttrItc to Sgiringtlorno IILI Rust Srtringlsuttto to bioticI Ltrul ARNOLD HOMES 726280l PII l0 I0 It MD South Settle each is sore tread II Inierv IIII please telephone Itotlto Illa PM 01 Polar Ml LOTS FOR SALE brsbmm apartment All on De REAL ESTATE em sunbeam mt llrta arrow and lot eor Molel pas use Ire smack stare new IAIIII AIII Tb lg not use IT nus OPPORTUNITIES OWN PROFITABLE DONUT COFFEE STORE Good Times or Bad Everyone Buys Cottce Rt Donuts NOW BUILDING 1N BARRIL 0000 Investment Recruited Phone Betti Toronto or Irrie FRANCHISE DEPARTMENT Country Style Donuts Ltd SDI York Mills Road Ste 101 DON HILLS Ontsrlom IUIIIIO MI To VI We Ito lludl News so rare loula Good button In lento ntr lot are Iltlo Eumimr lit MOBILE HOMES RUSSELLCHURCH Mobile Homes Lit SALIZ RENT Paris and Service Norlhiundcr lrschuiI ticiitrsi Glendale CHIN or Tvrnt up In Am llurtvn Air 7100 SpecraI DONE Ior Home Owners at Associates II tttitro tnrttrts nur hnire youre eligible tor scrotal Ilomcouttcr LAJJII st Associates any time you need cash give you is bcltrr UNA LAtltr rrtrs or lorigsr tcrnts or even truth The amount you can borrow is invited only Ir the TtIIIIy you thc In your hsitie Knoll Its 000 mastic 31100 or Illtltt So It you have hiuhinlcrcsl rlrrIs outstanding or It you uvvrl cosh tor Bllfbtitl cur is host or any vlhct good ltilSoIil tulk lrr Also ciutes about IUWIIIITTISI Iloitrcoenrr latitrr Sic hurt IlIiltIi better tell youll Itolust tlttill FILED IIIIANT ST ASSOCIATES Itllr IltiJDlI LIMITED lit and IIliil Mortgage Loans It You NIsvl lionsy Tu consolidate ticth vy oil log strutltiugrs lOt irrurlgs sting due onto IllINtthltttlIII Any uuitliuhite rouse Write or Phone TIOIJAII Mortgage Funding tte lturtlop St El Barrio Ont Alvtnbcr unturtu llortgsgo Ilrokcrs Associuilon TI 90 LOANS RESIDENTIAL tlitid RURAL UVISI VACANT LAND till CtYIlAtiIS IOiisii 2nd Mortgages Itll Approved Correspondent tor Till2 MORTGAGE INSURANCE CO UP CANADA Cull tierch Little 7202011 to rttb35tlttl DRIL IF YOU NEED FIRST MORTGAGE Try The Municipal First OPrInre rrrle 07 No brokerage lees Fast Service the only Corporation under the loan and Trust Corpora tions Act having Ila HEAD OFFICE in Barrie lle ulso purchase existing tlrrt Itiortgugcs Contact MR INIUG CIHCIIRY TIC1100 Hot TRIIIM IIIH MUNICIPAL SAVINGS AND IOAN CORPORATION to Boston At tiert ID troll lit Barrio 7201200 IT trout Iona veers stoop tIrv revs both Mrorroo Anoue sews PRESTIGE AREA err building lot looatoo one or IOIIIALITIIIIIIO ter or 0000 rr Id 04 Hr MIMI lmlvlt town aislert INouoR WWII ho Lrtv Aaalhn sreoo trlephoro Tllltlt liter am Iar trellis ettrr no IF Ivritor InlorIoIilon III ill it Its your tail start Ito ttI Mil That sitearts its Ittay bertblc to ALUMINUM ALEAN Shim Awnings Rlnlsss Dwrl SOFFIT AND IACIA Tricobono to pot Itosdsv to Saturday SPURLING TIDE BUILDING PRODUCTS TD morn tIarria sli collect Ior LIN ssurnstcs SIDING TACIA OFIT anti GABLES storm petitions and doors llnIDD railings all its tor nttmsta beiore you buy II ALUAILIUAI STROUD 4302079 Aolt ALUMINUMH Storm tualuus Ml Irime IYIIRIOM French thiors Polio Doors Shutters Auotngs Itali lng Siding ItI lletlIiATILS IO DINTEII DISLDURT lltC ALUMINUM LTD PHONE 7208202 IThb Ilii ANTENNA SERVICE KELLYS TV TOWER ANTENNA SERVICE Installations anti llrtysirs Racked by tl cttrs experience PHONE 7206035 APPLIANCE SERVICE Lee at thirt dryers rm ms at IKIDIII st HIIIIAAI lerates Is an loittialtll washers meta recon llNIpoilIwh trons air retest MIIIIM countrie tItIMII III CONTRACTORS looting Ielhiihty Iltl no out tear or nurse tell etc pry attractors rte ma REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES has tog trainsrun out lltr arrow rm nitMin lustre lllllllitlln carpenters have loo union Melon reph vacuum recrqu me he olsnelea om lobe more to It OVALth wlmlmhl Win Mlle reIsoIlilom laceration rapre rerep es eueprt Ilt Pm estiman PM waiters llama MI elraisvll era no no in rm retem acorn oottepee or no men was mun II DRESSMAKINO LADIII orrsemaeer realms so on rte your arm roeorlll least we lumen air nerlu aor tlu Ma blltslearttsro no swarms lee meta end wortso Ian no true on re II mutt ll paesweiItiIo ettn sternum NWWIIOI oversee lrssoaepie Ator em norm III PAINTING llrloliImL alto twmlclal Larva no small tree om seertttr er ripariano aaihlers Absaihoro err arrt Many atom rewo Gaatpo Irttrert Telephone rseeiea atrl FIREPLACES rs00R75Artorrio smartd borne Hoot MI till F1 FURNITURE REPINISHINO set xIREsrIWtovtii llIIltIIMd 1W Wllvllripnd Irrl ma lsIIoIINw to raise mt HHS INSULATION SHINE ECONOMY INSULATION The blotting method to year upcrtastv Rs tpecisltso in electric heated homes Gusrarurcd work PM estimates 5W1 LIUIR ILLNESLNO mud RENTALS comments To RENT HOME REPAIRS IILIS utO Mrtp cvvcll It pals Ila AINUQ rpm rte IRDNING rephrase it ear easer it sent mus and count masts ll eraserth eoaoo whimsI voter me sir term so Ito nems rut MUSIC ENTERTATNHETUI DISC JWIIV II HTML ea nos Sams rpelxam rael lie Ms rsaerRrrto rurteattso oreIrv Smel rears January lsersery on sat etee rrt nrrsrtm Iv tort RIDING INSTRUCTION st lIoue taevrel Martini chirlell turrets ltlrwrall Ase etrvv par all lIsJIIIMl Tilmil REPAIRS Lies In terror rtr nears tv prrtgrl rm Vlt Amllltwi ta Luz lohlu scum riirttt Mrs TAX RETUR llIWIKYLTIOSI es Illl IMll MII and outrreird klvlr aicnlhle Islet gtcsed to end orliv deromariv Irretsr nttvr EXAMINER WANT ADS DONT cosr THEY PAY RENTALS HOUSES FOR RENT INSTANT MONEY lNllilIiSIttt lN outstrip torrtiilulalv All Your Present Mills For Lcsv tntth Ilsll 0i Itltsl Iou Are Now Paying DAY til EXISTING IltllthIAtrES PAY tlli RANK AND FINANCE CO lltlltt llltIiOVkllIJNTS ALUNINUII SIDINII IUY NEW CAR SlJuII Tu 300 or Iiure on First Second and Third Mortgages ltrsl titre Cull Does It All For IIrsonitl Service ttrilllll Georgian Financial Services AM IST 2ND 3RD MORTGAGES ARRANGED Second Mortgages on Prime We have numerous clients who will buy mortcasrs and holes Call It JENNINGS Tibtttll Ii tItllIKAN AND LTD REALTOR I0 UoIIIcr Street First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable ltairs Existing ltortltagcs Iurvhsrmi Itlr Cash FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES Ilti DUNIAII ST ll SUITI 201 7201130 Oitlcr IlortrR Illll by Appointment Ilettrbcr Untltrln Ilovtgago Ilrokers Association piii Mortgages PROPERTY AND ECUIUIILS IUIIUIIASHD IIIIIRttIIIILD mmtmlmcnts HEYCORNAL Iinlcrrirlsee Ltd TEIIUMU JtK HIIYDHN ilhS Auil RENTALS APARTMENTS T0 RENT be too ovat morloault as our morloawll tor cells or loan yap money at you MUIapo toil Mulqu rundtrp treats to Rub room ablllyrtlhl available Mmh In rttoGellt bmblli All HI Iailllll Ilttlimb Adults TlIleDN IilF Properties ill2 MISSISSAUGA COURT Itanctt Apartment Itortlcs NOW RENTING JOHNSON ST BLAKE ST HWY lIl llcsitlo Dominion store tSiIIICOE IItAZriI no bedroom suites Hstra terse balcony Colurrd appliances eith trust trso rrlriscrelor lStorsgo lockers In every suite IEoulpprd clcrvixe room Oulduor parking with electric plotIn Itodoor parking on deck OSeuns OI neltrutes nsIk to public bench and yacht club FOIL FURTHER lNIDRlIATION 7285273 OPIIR vcckdass tr HOODU pnt galth and Sunday to sin to RR bedroom swim to writers III period It 00 leer Avellsbio steer otrtplalo hlth Itov triage iausory eriiilist llt test room lliAltig ote sit at Art at arm spa per vale entrance raising laumry teririrlei yard bus rourr everrebre Merits lit stir monthly Mutts telephoto 170 use all uPrlI woom Apartment untur nlsNd Ilovl and Iatriporaer lite lcro lttrsi Immoral rcrvorncv he trrrtrus vsirahatia item altar be can tarontoselovie no Monthly bedroom umrrrished heat avers supplied PitAIhp larpl aroutldl beyirrid stid Goodies lord trio ohm Iiblm PI tolrltlorrn ran Ive rAtltr rli MaccoMTsooa tort TI our use bedroom two tot not IN please AIIIMIII VII All little Examiner totem iisriot thee bedroom pt Virlllil Street Avaiie in March sue meoih Irtrptw Inuit oil III II courtrooms srnco To RENT STORES and OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT at Sandy Cove Acres Ltd Tctrsrtts rrutrrrtvl lot out trerv IIir Altitce attic tiltIii tor Inntor ltririrt Dr Clcsncrs tiriurry More Reality ititlut litrl IIbIJIt tini nIlItrc ittrIl tbtllllldlltth iihtlldlltll Oilivvo SluiIl trier apttirtwiol llsIt 15 30 IINL trtrII tIti lttc iriIIIIIcd SANDY COVE ACRES LTD llth tontIvsivrt Irrrrrtlit lootb shirt ntiIvs vrst Itl Stittutt IIIUNIi 4301071 TILL III aeavovsl AIL ecrrrrt I000 rt per unit AImtnittteIe MY SNIRIIIIM lltrtl tleI INJ top new noticing the Iavvirvr attire inner rs ROOMS TO LET TO SHARE their apartment or Iohobovro Iriih one or too rrtrmrn in tile in phone not 00 latrrairn ml at Let Well It OIIL WANT to Nil boil In new house altogether busitass oris WIIIIIA Cations evre lebdliul roa TIIIDMM MIMI liior IIIOINT IIItied third rtl vsus ior March ltlsi Is bedroom tame Irnt silo or itlerltio lilsillll III Ihhltttt sum INA WITN young MIMIme not In bodlodm Iulntriod llllllds apartment tow televitira verso wim AYIIIIbIO Ninth ldoll snowmobiling IM bolting Mm IN trim and live personal donor to let XII Illlld leamim TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE TEATill EVIVIL Iecuuososr WWIO lite in CORD IAL round roll to to Irttlll hiraI Noreen house til it Iv sitchr lrtbll super0 trestle lit traps to attrition Ito eiied Oehitemlh are so tstrptmr itoiltt Itier pm the rent lrr rah Gent Diner way tr sro neatly Liars euorrryr or Liter rhespas urckly sh brihttcm with the pint esrrrwrntn artist treat roar orIrre Irerote tits neutrinofooter KIILNR tarirti list or merrlsd worlirp cousins Dlllllllr All TINT