Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Feb 1972, p. 10

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IDTll sees more sense names saunas me Is rm PROPERTY FOR SALE WE GIVE IT liORiEtt trti Carnival Values On Posode All The Time SMARTrOtsts EVERYWHEREREAD THIS PAGE FOR VALUES IN on HOME orrrcr AND ON the FARM DIAL 7202414 FOR THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT REAL ESTATE Dont Talk Personal Service steam rite SAL MLs REALTORS OIIer The Service OI Brokers Plus Dedicated Sales People Who Make BROKER rOR PROFESSIONAL serrcr iN BUYING OR SELLING COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT PROPERTY aIIsttd Ileelcu NEW PRETIOE BUILDING TOR LEASE Inertial location tor tavern and rcstmreaa tree so It cooper liars and thtatop nu Upstairs otilce spree can be leased to tests leeeeoa rrqtetro tncraa Bssiidsn cortrpieted b1 out at Italc OPTICS BUILDING BAYTIBLD STREET Well maintained building oe cupled by proteasloisal leis ants Asking 001000 Ternu ereleblo INVESTMENT FUTURE DBVZIDPMENT II acres part In City at Bar rle helum rnegpllictnt vlair overlooks city arid Lake Simone Price terror and survey on request IIINI HOBBY TARII an arm with opting ch stream and bell sets pond too year old ruellc log home zfurplecee studia at test by to test pine panelled lhroupt out miles west pt Orlliia In llsdatle Asking 047900 Terrna 10 RETURN Older building situated dollltr town tiarrlr containing apartments Asking stereo DAYIIELU STIIIIEJT Crtrsrsrrrvtal Ironluge Ill test by lots tort sleep and 100 tell by too trrt north at Itiilsri Terms to still Orr Jane Crelccnt all time Avenue Iett Ilrdldsy Ion Spittentrence bungalow In good erstond location close WOUId III It to I70 known that Ulci 00 10 limit in schools buses shopping etc Ireheperi livingdining atmiatvd with it CHOLKAN AND CO Real Estate Career Not Hobby TRYING TO SELL YOUR HOUSE YOURSELF YOU FACE DANGERS YOU MAY rvtrr KNOW THE MARKET RE IIARASSLI BY PARADE OP CURIOSIIY SEEKERS mll WIIII BARGAIN HUNTERS NEGLECT YOUR JOB EXPOSE YOUR FAIIILY TO STRANGERS IIORIELL PROFESSIONAL IVIIYI CONTACTS AND EXPERIENCE WILD HELP SET PAIR IIARKET PRICE SUGGEST HIGHLIGHTS TILAT AAIIAIIE YOUR HOUSE MOST SALE FIND rose THE RIGHT rssuev stress serum versesrestarts ttANDLE summons arts IIUYER rota FINANC TAKE CARE or Au porous TO SELL QUICKER AT MARKET VALUE RAY tBUCKl BUBEL ICL DIIIsIm more LISA vsssv rot Division nestle ANITA SWlII Residential TINT LL it LAYOOCK Residential mm AND CALL 7280674 Residential T190023 rtttrtcnciroitzrir nutrition mull LIST WITH US TODAY LET US DnlONbiIIATE OUR JEAN ENGLA Residential 7106110 PROVISN METHOD FOR FAST ACTION GIRISTINE MITCHELL COMPARE East View In Barrie BAYFIELD HOMES $24900 INVEST IN FAST GROWING BARRIE PRIVATE SALE JACKANDLYNDAHEYDEN EQRBY room ott bright airy entrance Hollywood kitchen built In dishwasher and abundant cupboard space Iour bed rooms Finished recreation room One and onehalt bslha Ruliy carpeted main level real bonus Is an oversitcd lei iully traced with garden area raspberries straw berries Ilowere Attached garage with walkin basement entry Paved drive TELEPHONE 72eorss REALTOR In anyway whatsoever And they can now be reached at 7286646 MOORE 7282642 Ilia Realtor III DUNIOP ST OPPOSITE ARENA trsbrl Roots mutt on court Norm Stoddert Res 7285197 It out estAg rroreiuvressese wijGOedemondr RN BAYFILLD LT ssssstt RD assists resent as about as ORILIJA moses rarer sourm stamens ronorrso uttr ureter WIRSIAIIAQMI Iortblslrooenpdtliet Ewnmmnmornmtywwky molestation Ngsr ohsldissg For opponentelem taleblgetlunubtt DWNIOWN 01000 brick Ideal edited pth sell pertained are Your perm WW and use RimDIIW LIIITtAremnod Ilenstrmbtumlb beautiful plumbers lantern endear arse Mm presuminlequ LISTEDRestaurant and Bake new is Balm Beach in mtmhmvmiummtmlegabwthh thswbiur Metastases rdy 071500 Calm AWTAIDtlpouetlootereeootylonutulrosn mdudmemlormiymw Meaota eastbtettecregosnsritbeugrrbuebandoxceltontbtslktings WWI rtootrtr point tom aurirrrturr purtotuow as parents Del Upstairs bu living room dining area and bitches goodalu bedrooms and piece bathroom Downstairs hee completely eeUeustaIned Apartment with living room Iltchen bedroom Painsstick Broadioomed living and dining room All potanos tDOILYl IIORIEIJ BROKER MEN THINK BUSINESS AND MAKING MONEY WOMEN THINK HOME AND SAVING MONEY So It makes sense to use the neturellnluition ot wotnaatobuyoreeliabome CLOSEl TO EVERYTILINGI Brand new larger then ever ass bedroom storey King also ius master bed room his Ilchen with walk olst to large lot You can see the hey lrorn this convenient location Full price 100 Plan to see It nor IIEDROOII BACK SPLIT Attached gsregs tuit bass msni 010000 Available Options Double garage shower In Ind washroom luIIy Iinlshcd rec room wIlh fireplace par quet floors Sliding doors to natlo Brick to rtrtsrnd level 13900 or Ilth llneaclng available OAKLEY PARK RUNOALAJW Well kept bedroom home broaoloornrd living room and balls finished rec room well lendera ed very private lot reasons down payment btIII handle OWNER GOING ARROAD RUST SELLl Lovely three bedroom split entry Ironic Arndlcr Road area could easily convert to live bctlroomr Ind wash room IIIkImI garesc leve ly eonriltlon bow down pay ment EXECUTIVE TYPE IIOIIE 120000 lull Erica low lasso located spin at town open kitchrh arid Iemlly room broodioomcd cum Icte washrooms lireniecr sc ent we have the key RARRIR TRIPLEX Walking distance to down town ltrreo one bedroom apartments Excellent to turn perhblg too door per ml Exclusive Agents MORTELL LTD 112 BAYFIELD Open Saturday and Sunday IO am to pm 7280674 Realtor Appraisers El Duolup St 11th We arrange Ind buy ill and led mortgagor Alsbcl btrrailalt lid Loos Illbill 1101351 Ill5m TZRII Iton Irrw Greta erlerl IMIIII Campbell astute lrlv are aluminum on or tree re overpay set Is SILT MIN HITS II We INSOMI Not Intent tum ml IIIMI oisrr tar sItIU rtrentheti met timer Arsmrvr mos lotim carport out to school bus and stioppIIIlr andtplccobalhrnomehldrrcotelorlmamooth Alllhlstos 011000 Call 7114007 no ACRES SUNNIDALB mWNSIIlPw auto workable 7o acres mixed harsh stony brick houu with bedrooms and large Irv legroom dining room and kitchen this lens srith many estru such as modern equipped barns sheds and hatchery ts priced at only 050000 call 1750001 BEDROOM CUSTOM BUILT ROME no Ilootgonic edDrive ger Patio Very elirsrtlva recreation room with fireplace Electric heat It yota do not have large dorm eytnsnt but can eIIord hlgtt monthly peymcota gIve sea salt and lets see II we can taste deal tor you tel0001 its veooouvrrr solstereo ASKING rrucr tor bedroom brick bstngaipw with Iamlty room In this very desirable area near schools and shopping the mortgage can be changed to suit your down payment Call today 1734001 ROSE STREET127000 bedroom brisk beck spill with do tutsed ssrege this lovely home has bathrooms plenty oI broadloom and many extras Cali III0001 tor appointment REAR HOSPITALd bedroom home with garage 00l00 ASKING PRICE with easy terms this spotless horns Is Ideally located only tubules walking to dim two You will be glad you looked at this one Call newts BEDROOM EXECUTIVE NONE that has everything you could wish tor lot Is very dry with bceuiilul pine trees ISunnIdsiI Perk acrose the road Over 2000 so It at floor space Rooms ero bri land specious Ibethrooma tarolly room and much more Ma it point to In this one Call ltd0007 OWNER IS MOVINGHARE AN OFFER no this storey borne with bslhroonu brosdtoom double ysrags tensed end and many extras located in prestige rcsdcotlet area oil price It only $3100 with lentil Call III0001 bathroom Located In excellent residential area 335000 Cell 1104001 has been redecorated tbedroorne garage torccd air all heating Priced to sell at 018700 Cell 1100001 ItI Do II III II OIIIIII LEMMA on IIIIIII CIIII Tilvsltqorltlil It til liltlil NNMIA WMlilart It mill JeM ILNAI IIHIII Hui TINA Russet REALTOR Ill DUNIOP tibllll TORONTO MIMI AIEDONTE TOWNSHIP 100 acrce 00 ecrce workable balance maple bush clay loam bank barn to II it so It Modern rootrs til storey Inset rick It0mr new cupboards new piece bathroom double garage maple trees In lane Vendor very anxious III health miles lrom llt St tools Please call Everett tendered 1201150 N0 Til ORO TOWNSHIPoz acres with 300000 Income last year Netti now home with luxury and convenience to spare bathrooms replaces bedroom bog barrel histt moisture grates slots are tor 210 tons Beveled teed mlltetorago tor to toast All Krodlkttvc corn lend See this money maker with this asdustva ome Cell Dst lcrtoey more No Ill INICELY TREED Im on edge at city Over A000 so It Good eree tor skldoolnh Asking piles 00000 Ibrms Celt Irene Forbes TWO tot WOULDNT YOU KNOW IT They lost got tiled eridho II tremtcrred leaving behind LN It ot showpiece lit the east sad broadloorrtrd bedrooms spacious open living room room with thlck shag Ibaihroome large brtdtt kitchen pro ollcd Iamlly room with to It stone tircplaee reel eye catcher Gall Itec Maelreod tor rundown on the crises is No ire vie Deed Atkinson asserts Everett toughtsd 12bit Cecil Rralhat OHM II bloomers Hm Orte Brown raetrss It ItecLlod 1W Carl Doreo rsersoo Koltltttcbtertrr PW Del Jerisoy 72ml Mary Morrison PhIIJuE meets trarrot Rollers Chiltk mbrrt motor trauma Ilsier Irene Itorbes IMID Itlla Scendrrtt Itery tree Letlrnsr miter Jane Younl IIlIrdlt Inlhvtllh mil Hammond Harold Davis laul Albeit Lerrr Oavviids Ill EXCLUSIVE AGENTS YEAH HOAAII Oommelidl morn TIMES 71qu PIS0111 BAmELII st PlitiN 12015 BEDROOM SID IIIIAT surrounded Is whieporllig place large bright kitchen with lots ot cupooar watts out to sun stock All this tor only stores with leer does payment asanrv RAVIJ bedroom brick bungalow tarst troll 0m with Ilreplecr trood tot DUCKWOIIITI IIT storey bedroom hum riEiss trans mm Ilrcrdscs in living IDLIA IIIOII llAlllilll Very good dairy term on blithwev 1100 lb milk contract ntsy be purchased sop llesutltel lirtrkhorns wllhmodem tonygntogtcu Large erred painted barn tt stanchion Ius boil trails with new sleiiie cleaner tilted site with unloader king room with good tetlnI Ill In ltth It note your rrssirr ureter well assert honest it sun It Arm II eveasroh IIII tilt STEIN REAL ESTATE LTD titt outrun it 110 Durilop CREAI ESTATE reorenrv roe ease WHITE ates Realtor rulotl Altruism Lillian Invited rotor is Worn puns timepr GRIESBACH Photo AIL Realtor DUNLOP ml mount NORMAN SHELSWELL TZSSZPS to TIbB ONE YEAR OLDt bedroom alde split with tersth rootn garage OOOKSIDWNOldcr home In good condition All bottom R00 to Ice trams AR Illa storm IIIS Realtor let DIinP VI Fisher Iobn lire mill Roger Shcbwsll mm Norman Sbelssrrll 7w Steve Davis mm HRS TP courts AND 00 DIVER St mates MORTGAGE SIDNEY AVAILABLE Photo All Rutter tam cattle DIN lt WII listen Itepairg IDAK IT New Mel bv Llgo Itvlno room aileron and lore aetteoom tlnlsM recreation ream grassed Irt porch at ease and paved driveway Let svatsv trusts alter eem one risesnae Install or PITVATI II III II Doormat or bedroom Inlemm Flushed rertortlon room with per lot A0 RV Furl Ice 11000 modicum Iltd to IAAIAI Itttttllt Intuit IIIIA ilalltl room little mm piece bath baseman celpst Ihr our pool tor shear trees Sign IIsoo doors realise tor less than rent lrtvsle trailer or neuter rte PROPERTY WANTED IDI BROOM Mild lllld Ml Mull bo llt Nut rity Ilmltsr prerore ll NM or Alum Ihift mm TIIIIRoM WU IIIII are Loo liolltl er ratio Arty sandiIipo atrsliabtsfwii RAIL lot properly Will My nth Mgr SDI IIDIOOM Null IlltoMny row Must be in so shape rrllhih billy IIMIII pryltfllmy nrirk cr altr um remr are to HOUII MD TO IlNTvzH YNIII IIDIOUM PALM Vilth or near Ilrtlo by April Ill PileI telephone THIS Still pm or lib slit ehylima lII WANTID Meant heou IN ms or buy tor no down permit by IIIbll Illnlty ll eupel altdilritll anew Notion TIMI Ipr leather settlsoiers Flt BOX REPLIES while every endeavor will made to torwrrd replica to box numbers to the edvsrtisrr tours as able we accept no liability II eJoet oi INI damage all to arise through either Iatlure or delay In lor wardrng such replies hwsver reused whether by negligence otherwise CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 72824 taaliiial ad tits at Tar their pepUsI vaiItb TIHEIIITEIIPT are lay errrtol mm lm publication ol CIAuIIIad OIIpIIY which built or III or am days ITKIYIIIIM ass FA masraois ersv REIT as TM wordst enlist one rvavssis Mgorde ran with IIAM It mt ng With DALI 00 Additional In or sedtrieher grind Ivllttl sass ear uIvmrt II WOID MINIMUM CLASIIIIID ADVIITIIING ID slittouhl Isles Iasl II are wllntt revs one or ivve Mall ns 0c Ivor Insertion three consecutive Iarlons pa pro llieIltIen Intel It All reheat live Insertions not Ioi lnserlon Idlll ILN AIL iiela Insertions may or ordered ue lit to tllKlIIltIoIl IND Illlalchpgy will deAIMl Method OI govnllti lower than as words count as words loch IsltIaI abbreviation et numbers etc count tarpsta words IIIOII AND COIIICTIDRI AlI INN Ilillltldli older asltratrd as convenience to IM ldvlltileil Ttototoro IN CIIIIIIIod Advavtirin Department require to edvsrleate to binary rector their advertisement Immediately attic rim insertion In order that any error or ImIIItoIrs may or rsorriso esters am III order out time may rrctttird tar the till euro day puell Itloll The Suite lantth II nrleir Ior only one In rertt attired thurlloh or any edvsrttetorn and than only the orient or portion at ad Iliel Invovol ttta ItrItplIliI Er lots which on rot lotion the tales the edvrrtlstmsht are lot arrcrime by male lathim nurvll rahl IIIl Ilarsirv revise or Islrrl any vent OHIIBINVIAL IDX IIPLIII rat at Iloc It made tor use ell llIrtIlill I01 Numw Ill Iltt liso lot out oi town identity Ioe Number users It strl try route rtlei Ireilrs to tailor ml will hrid It days arm Iaal were ion Whit rvrrv Mrevsr will meet in tomato rspi oi bps nvm ears lo the eevsrtr as soon will to secret no menu in re part II or pants epro sure thrsvsh either IRIurt or lay vrd mpmbhritor ev Mpllpansa In create 7282414

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