Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Feb 1972, p. 4

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QUEENS PARK Economical Uses Of Rubber Stamps altould hm hla on pennant kliahdl And problem mu Alarm thiiilt elude ptcturI at the meal niairlu nil In oidrtaahi Ial naae practice Ibica ah TIhIl doc it nontride to Ihl public good to bar oi tiara Joe to hair departihrhia Pubilrirod by Canadian Nmpaperp Company Limited l6 hybrid Street Barrie Ontario Jamn Robb PubllrherGrnarai Manager Walla Editor Emeritus It McPhereeo ADM mauaar Ti AGld DON OBlAltN Olma Part lama Olmlulll With the upudilm at per hanarrnhbrralun lthI 0h govnnnaeaat IIve Howard and perbepI mudI oi IhouaMI oi dob Dotoi thI Incidental alcabi rtctctheIialhaIlheycIn oouIiderIbiI ruin at page money thmgh tbaaurtrhl me elll MInIplrrg Editor Argue Pros And Cons Of Regional Government mild government Milnuea Altbougta Slime Couon council on IdnatniIIrIlion chair rely topic oi dictussion County council In advised caution to that danger may be considered Iuiiy ra ther than Ian iementcd in hurry on In erperime baria Critic have ahqwn concern over trend toward more centralization They argue that till couldan more bureau cracy and increased tan on at the came time reducing oontroih the people gov ernmentabouidbcrc ng Reeve ma batter ol Adiaia hax dressed the need ior Itrengihening the democratic proceaa Few will question that ratepayera who pay the tax bill Ibouid bare the prime say over Ipcndlng enta to regional government tor StormCount uteri lba the area irom the lloiland Georgian bay to lake Dlmcoe too lar to tranrier err oi municipal coun to regiona dnainlrtrabon strongwimi counctla have advantages whiehr Id aotbo ardcd For one 2131 local admlntetn on Itimuiatel pride and encourarcr resident to make community contri Item to Icrvi re and iunda 0n the other band the need at larger area tor effective plannin to help de velopment it It rectoyn ad irin three municipal admin ration In Sim coo County may be too many but there are to be Imalpamationa people How About To many partial1 molortaia odttia It they notice at la lighted watcr truer and rctt little town with redominant ur Iteepie anuggicd on hlii near lake they we at our city Thala about all when thehpm along bury louriano lll way or than ihoae who know cw ie Odiitapptiiron 1y realize that It ii Iconic to busy city oi over 24000 at he hub oi Iubrtanttal tndurtry and commerce and that it potential tor oater tillan lllll Few would guest that po ulatlon only about but let than oi noigtahodng barrio which they rec II largo aimoatemciropoliian cenrc ItI partly the lay oi the land that hide the real Orillia ironr there parting mot orirta ltr thtI aarno pastoral outward appearance that hel matte Orltlla peasant place in ch to live and no one complaintn wheat that but ano ther reaaon la the ack oi rigor to inform motoririr that they are alclrtiny email city In actual tact aince anncxa ion they Ire driving rt through apart oi it The uruai ghway also that announcn any community In Ontario plvinn popu lai on ilgurca are abrent on iiphway it on either aide oi Oriiba They are located tarrh to Oriiiia and irom concerned Ibould be given the opportune ity oi voicing their approval in demo cratic manner possiby at tho polll report tdo count council tom time ago re not on William he the aim oi mun mun ictpaliiica There are Instances where Ilramationa should be accepttbie but there are certain to be problemr trite In other user major difficultylln combining rural and urban munide tie under one local administration would develop when an rivin at lair tax lcrci Uniiorm tara tion ardly could be considered lair where it involved area receivinly tiller ent Iervicca ilcridenta who have make proviaion Ior their own water and rewer rervicea II in varioua rural areas could not be blamed tor obiecting toTpaylng the name tax ratea at others II In itseiiwouid mm to call the practical adjustmentr which have received only scant attention Slmcoe County council haa been Icilnf tn the best lnterert oi ratrpa era by lot owtng tho proyml oi new rhoo re gtonal Idm nia ration in ink iiiuriroka and oirowhere These region were Flvcn rubriantial ntr irom the provncla yovcmmcnt Iaslrtha initial inlnclng lihen cost It mare Itudled ibia arpect rhould be ta era Into consideration Servicea to be rendered on ractical heal and kcepiny control with rate Bryon who prov do the tax money are cy iactorr Oriiiia Signs on tha rccondary hlEhway and client that lead into the ct tar out oi II oi the main thorou him And In care oi liithay IT cat the population Itgn are heated outside the bypaaa In that motodrt could turn into Orilita oil liighway 11 without ever knowan it II more than more tourist village he entering ita tar diiiercnt care It barrio where large department oI lrrnIportatlon and common cation at no on the main hi way name the ciy and give It popu tlon Thir II the care In most centrcr Up to now Oriiiia has had one promo tional Ilgn glut aoth oi the city adver tising tho it on No taker It war placed there lry the number oi Com merco at It owneltrpcnre and on the order oi the dgpa ment at highway It war iar back the hithay It we later htddcn oby now holding in the Townrhip oi iiia industrial park and has been rrmovcd lbla maker it all the more in that Orllllar 1population be given on liighway The department oi tranrportation it doing an be city and to the rtani algna nlurtlce to para ng moiorlltl by not doing no Orillla Packet and Times DOWN MEMORY LANE 50 YEARS AOO lN TWIN Barrie Examiner ich II 1922 Add cultural Soctet piInI new rtablcr at lair ground Eocea Silt Daniel Quinlan elected prerident tor 22nd eonrrculivo year Executive included Simon Dy merit Ilarold Dymenl lluntcr Kennedy Little Drown liarry Love Cooryo Vickcra Oliver Cameron banilng Cockatown elected tardcn oi Simcoe County barriaCoitrhcat Toronto Granitca on in Junior hockey llop Ilmmr George Powell Jack lirm Iirong Alike livin atom IIabc Dolordir were Itarr own Council wt cm bark on imnrendva propram atrch pav ing tWhlieilrh Excellent catcth and herring irom Kcmponlcll bay At Grand Opera Home ncw movicr Dlhcl Clayton in Sham and iatcit cni rodc Son at Tarzan with billion Silla liarrie orchcatra accompanying in plane next wrek Unlovcd to and Kha mI Wonder Shout AthwDrcrrnamI Duck lone In Dar Nolhlnp and Norma Trimang in Pardon Flower lupdtotltl by own theatre orchestra liol lord Ardagh oi barrio appointed racre tary law Social oi Upper Canada Ila Itrrtcd career thlogI llrmiitralhy It Eaten Work began on Inalalla ion new ptpo orpln St Andrew Church ii Cot er KC completed till year at Crown Attorney or County at Slmcnc Itiii on lob in it tb year barrio Coileptrtu hockey team conrlatcd oi buatcr Clark goal Tod lamiclon Ilarold Smith lim boar dcicnce John Dobron Cliarllo Iluntcr Charlie lichlartin lrcd biillnralay torwarda They wore bcalrn by ltmvalc led by tho Campbell and Copeland hrothcra lioya KC oi barrio lii Simone South appoint cd Chlot Wile Ior Conrcrvatlva party at Ottawa hi or John little opened new timber in our athirtlc league at barrio Armonry which will halo program at barkctbali aottbrli boxing racer boaatfowan wonrackrace John Wiadom Alianrlalo iood merchant clect Cll chairman board oi Education lorcph William Cook barrior crnlcnnrw tan died at home oi daughter lira licn ryitohlnronlirrdiord St Aludllliti called by dirt Turnhuii In lntcrertr iormlnp Community NurrraAIaocn William Crorlland droplet pnrchaacd Jame ti chnana boo and atatinne lrurlncrrncxtdoor Darrloilhorrr lormed liackcnzlo King Club headed Leonard Simpaon and Dr Victor OTHER EDITORS VIEWS WANTS HIJACKSR Ottawa Citizen Ctnadaa application to axlradlio Pat rick Doian Lrtton lrom Cuba more than ate at move it tho lost ol pol itical rcla on between the two countr ca Dcrpito the lertlng treaty betweon Canada and Cuba Premier natro can return extradition howovcr atrong tho criminal charger Irainct Critton that he hi Icked In aircralt on Dec Id may be cha at kidnapping extortion Ind armed ro be oi In aimalt can leg Iii be let Iettlo Premier Castro aayr ttonIIIpoIiticatrIlugcc Atl ihrpuglt RISING PARIS Dciicville lntoiligcncor It look II the bonanaa eilordrd the railway and bu companch by the air conirolcra atrike war not onou to at the rrliwa out oi the red rail lira announce It lncreaelny Iarca and Ilooptnli accommodation charge by to for can on it tranrcontincntrl paatcngor rain aarvice bcnlnnlnyl today The con stant tnroad oi inilat on are aiwaya ap parent You too it in the aupcrmarkcl hi or tlirl item gocr up by three or tour cents Or the price oi new car raiaed economy in tact BATTLE FATIGUE WWWSMW tantrum CAPITAL COMMENT by Hme IIISINOION laamlacr Ottawa Banal OiIAWA Farmer llnancI miniater Edgar Brown rnay be In the prom oi ranting that weilknnwn trap train the bring an Into ihr lire he awilchtl ram handling thI countryr dai In to dealing with the lII protection our new min ater oi national delcnrr Alter min the contravrralal through the atory that quiet pipe amoker Irom King lan Ont wanted to get It thI but ml at unbalanclng turn and booka Ind opted for dclroce or the theory that thII would he much quieter backwater but there rmwing evidence that dcirnce mattcra Ira likely to heal up again The tart big controveray war at coum Lhr unitication mearurca introduce by iorrncr miniatrr yer Since In tho Bonaventure the II Itand tor penonnei openly Inn and maintenance coItI Icrmrrdelcnce mlnirlcr Don my able to Ioma awitching about and make aid ltacdorraid ehmlca$lht nave ma pee tael Item Iiiilred II printinn ThI miniatua an on practically all print department producerhum larheada to report to promotion bookletl In thI part whirl thera bare been cahlnri charger haI current Mel and to tccp them rearonabiy well equipped Illaci keep the total dclcncr budget ii Itebla and to allocate about it by imam Til per Ind lqiilpllAIll but It can riII each year cerioi It to new weaponry tor the upper echelon to proil eraiI II Parkinaonian to been the cautom to map moat oi thI exiulnr printing and II print it all carrying the new minirlera onto Ihlr oi rourIr haribeea Il lrlordinary wIalI And It could be matte rlmply circumvented by producing IeI rubber Itampe blocking out the old miaialcrr name ruhatitullng th arm at he are no WTtinlhl other Incldcoili mutalhepulhaahccaredr MRIill In great many cuca wheu tet rnlntaterr havr been char the decor ol lba new oi hIInI Iullcdtthrii particular tutu So then ha been complete radacoratlnr tub including dra rice and iurhilore en you III chIa Inch II til mrcnt one mlniatIrI are being lelcbed about big hundiI boodit cwkt be involved it It the involved decided they wanted lush new atmoaphere god Actually it we minlrtarr the retailer who really got lhi ticular practice lander many year ago The old arm to chair lit Iona won at be room It Irluaiiy lryinr to am money and rhowiag it Some new rioting would ba needed inune IIlciy at room new mlnillcr the example CANADAS Story by DOE BOWMAN No doubt peole who lava the tea and ahlp werI dlahearleacd recently when Canadian Paclllc Inmunced the and at it palata ger Ihlpping union The white Emprcra liner with their red and while chcckcred balr am known around the world ill lint what he can do about the my it it ii Witt Canadian Paciilc drcidcdto up the hangr mind Icrdulroyer program Ioor iIcI the merrily lacing itI Aigua all outdated gunI tank and to rain riea oi the and the military vi rc llubmli ne eet and at the ram timr will have to plan many at III intckl law with Iha IIla armed lorcea riatng ti not the coria oi opcrallon lb Paul liati maintenance In aicady climb ll Tim the lIIbITIciilc rtramrhlpr then we have hId it will be dllilcuit to properly tome comparativriy minor equip our home dclrnre Iorrcx thatch colliy liwupr ronrern Ind our Icrvtcemen on uveraea CH commitmenta out oi the dwin the meraure oi blr Iuccear in ATP underrlandahiy con word about the volume and pumwo Ircqueacy oi the barn the Wm llllfll Inncd rervicea can produce oallgnlsl32932mm Wu demand The department it currently up to Ila gunwaic in ii hrilcol but long ago but Oailen blac donaid rammed up the aim lion in In addreaa la the dilliie enre oi deicncI Iaaorialionr the time put when the Canadian dclenca lurch could lrulai on havlnl certain ahale or make tinIncIIl demanda on the national budget without Ix pcctinr Iome very hard exam nIlioa llr Otiirn warned What we are going to have to lleclIvI ioruard planning llprcrialivn oi what the do prhhlcma are and how Ith are lo he met Secondly we no going to crate Ihlpplng Icrvlco rerun the loclilc Ocean Three ton ilncra were ordrrcd him at little Emprera oi Japan and mortar oi China NI limpma at India madI trial run in mi and the com plete aerrlre began Iocn alter provcd to be moncymalcr It limit when revenue war greatly needed There war an economic de prraaion between lamina and lit rallroadr in the United State went bankrupt but the CPA proa red thankr lo the increaaed urinear gencraled by They broke all record or Iperdy lravcl rrrvlro hclwecn brilaln and the Orient and provided the rhurt route tor which explorer had been aircr it til bra dOr math dun dam have turhow Irarciul Itrward Irurching aim the dnyl pl bailing and now the helicopter dcatroycrr but to keep the pot Iimmcr lnl Contrrvalva leader Robert Slaniield bar aug tried that ii hi partylr Iirc he will retaning many oi the changer braudn about order Mr bril yrr but Illa greater degree It idIntilleIlioii reparation fmong the three Irmed lein cu KNOWN MONEY It but hit nmaona biggcat tark will probably lie in In IIII which it now lamliiar to him moneytor the delean depart ment Ia cIught in bird which it becoming limiter by thI Ilr bore and more oi the with delencI dollar In going to ward what lhI brIa hat call and hi and tear and tea into new lighting equipment ID and HWW bin battle bummer It baylicld Street iIarrla OntIrio Telephone incur Second Clara ilail begirlrallon Number NM beiurn poalagr guaranteed Daliyl Sundryr Ind Slurtory iioildavr excepted Subacrtpilon rater daily by amber tic weekly Sim year ly Single rapier lit by mail IIIrrla limo ycIrly Slmcoe County lllub yearly balance or Canada tztoo yearly other cnunirira titut yearly lintar throw all iliou yrar National Advertlamg nilicrai as Queen at Writ Toronto Mt titty bib CIIhclll Sin binnlrcai Member oi the Canadian Prcrr and Audit bureau at Circula tionl The Canadian Im arcIuI tveiy entitled lo the are ior re pub labor at all nawa dllpultlb in thil paper credited to it or The Araoc wad ircrr or llculer and Ilao lba local new puhllah co therein in Barrie Examiner claim Copyright in all original advcn lta ng and dlturlli material cra Ilod hy III employIII and to produced in thI newIpIprr Copyritbt begiatrallcr Nurv bcr ttIIlI irriatar It in rn lighting machinery HILL UNCKMAIN Ihi in dcniin with the limb rial Iaaelr wh ch arr IvailabII Ilr Demon bar not yet made tour To Ihb extent we can on clear hi own view on then Ind other dclence matterI but ear it aeemr very likely that hi to ill very much Iourher gnrral tarleta will be not uriika lime gocr on lIrdonaid There the alrengtb oi at that ilnlllcr bout the Demon welcome to the tin oi oi Ir are to maintain the mixed Iorcca at licipala that the budretary price in thI department la going So while you are climbing out lrylrr pan Ilr THE LIGHT TOUCH Kilchen Noise impairs Efficiency by Al DOYLE NEW YORK itlt Thing colvmrirt might never know it he didnt open hi mail On rraacn Iirphlnla bava lewcrdcnlat tprohiernr than people ix that oy may ow romaix laraven retrol rein during their ilicllma but Icmr membcra al thr aliiga tor lamiiy have been known to grow at many to reta Where lha worlda water uppiyl Well III per cent al Ii ray the National tico graphic Society la idlirrllllll ed in Earth inur main oceanic IrcaIiariilc Allan tic lndian and Arctic ThI real tr ln rivcrI llkca ice gtacirrr underground cloudt Ila your wile had In accl dent in her kitchen iatelyl lelhapl ll waa hcrauaa kitchen war too noiry Uni veraity oi Wiacnnaln re aearchrr inland to Iurvcy hi to II American the tear that their noiaa level war to hlrh ll mitht ImpIir alli cicnry and coordination lhur lnrrraaing the likelihood ol Ircidcnla bUthIlltll ttlltll1 lAlbldIi 1th they aiarlcd ioct Jullb Kraia war In IDOllldr car apprentice beiore hi re gilt won him iauio Iro ucrr billy bola walked II arcrelar Ind ahorlhand cgiilcrchorlit paint nhc Home Illt er thct laiicd ultravln note it cuavrr have in ve moulhalnmouih rrruacltat on to an intent uaa Ill level only the air in your mouth To breathe with bar lull torce oi your lung might damarr lhr abya lunga Iel tart People today Ira going tor Illklnda oi umuual animal home prtr rang ing tram oroloia to man goorea but ii on would like to have or wait around your livinr room remember thia No one yrt ha been Ibio to houaebrcak well WORLD BRIEFS IllAliIliS CANADA Secretaryurnerai Dialio Teiil oi the Or antralinn el Airicrn Unity irwie Wedncr day what he termed Croadar punitive and canalructlve role in the rtruarl Igainrt calculation and rarttm in Attica Speakinl to viaitlnr timan group oi tunodaa National beirilra Coi Ierr Tciii rcrriicri iIai yearl vitil to Ottawa at an 0Ali which he told war warmly rccclvrtl IAITIIIUL lliillANTl FliEDlllliClDN tCll The barker laiuliy oi Fredericton cciebraled ll Tllh annlvcrrary oi tcrvlcr to New brunrwicta lieutenanbgavernrra Wednca dry IlrI barker otiiclai terrotary to Ltanv Ilrdaid bohichaud her late lllilhblldh LtCol barker and her late lathertlriaw llS ilIrkIr have rcrvcd Iccrrtarlt to it liapienanbgovrrrorl alnce Ital John Ca oil liltieknawn inrt about the Canadian Tiarllic Ihipping rrrv Ice that It bcgan on tho Great Lokca Piara were math in lit to operate Illlil briwcrn Owen Sound Ont and Part Arlhura landing now Thunder bay The non THOUGHT And when yI IlIluI prlylul irrrlrc II ya have went gainai any that your Father II II whirtl II beaver my lap give you your trrrpaarca but Il ya do out larrivr neither will your Father which In braver iorglvr your trclpltlcr hlIrk mtan bet an live on earth that our that low dayr In Iitavrn to takrn up with Ipologlrlnp to hora we have wronged and ash lng lorgiventrr to thin that we did or tailed to do chua aald love one another have loved you lor their boner mama to get renovatinna thry war In there day at Iuppoaed economiaing it will be lrtarut lrllg to are what happchr lithe itrrt two Ihlpa Alberta and abarta were built In Scotland in rock waytbat thy could cut in hall In creating the lantlc Till hailalipr were abia to get through the canal to Owen Sound lny were put locclher again Oibrr It errata tillChalice de St Etienne hecImI gevaraor oi Acadia ranmorn and Indian WP tacked Orand Pro NS IllIIutih berimcnt Dnlnrwicklblglb march at imiiniiinla intDurham report war miltrd to Parliament in liravatrlck bhtlyn hanged publicly in will murder at DArrly than war the lulvpub hanging Canada lawParliament buildng were damarod by iiro trotAlberta crlablirhcd remr court intDiarovery ol inrvlin announced In Toronto liloGautier lard muIr died in Iirnireat IllTllltlS rornrcniror THANKS lAilllll PEOIL Dear Sir On behali at all the who win atranded becalue the anowatrrm iart weetcnd would iikI to thank lba barria tor enlng the their home ur and place to tread the have given me very imorrnlon oi Canadian tailly plea to come wit barrio again think this it wonderlul cw oi which you pro Sincerely KATIIIE brighlon SMALL ISLAND Prince Edward about no mile lane irom tour to it mile W133 H21 JJMWI IT HAPPENED ill thou AbAiiA hi MP CANAD wt wuw wontac MiniWWI worryvirer Mimictritium WMMIUWI wawummm IWilbutlIiiltllottlhil tvuultaurnwdauurrcros Wmtilkiittmlililltiliid GAMING MET iNDNihhiibiiid SNOOP ilitiili liltkiyititi riiIIlA likitt 0F iiillCiiEt biFIAlO WONG till ACOdttbilileitTl wwao WW6 WWW WWSObeI NIMIAVIMIMWNNMM

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