Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Feb 1972, p. 1

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homeownersBronson MedicalRfogrt Rveats Nttdtnttttoroly Portygtoudershtp it LA vnrtmuvsn toot hslteo mm on the companys ltnra In Indout otVsneottvrr monument DeedIda Jill and mmnm Anonmm TORONTO Demon rtntorIItIrIll topMestSo Idet Prerrder ttotyltne rtdt to Toronto tattered only hrllses when pottrohraw stopped on than modal etI dents Iholod Thunder Mu record were tntre dtteed durtn In Into not It the Gunman Otattn vet to Ihen mooted No In ttlouto potteenoen were rotuht In Itter butts was wahed no poltre um he tom the demooatntnrs and the eentn where Premier Kory ytnwudlotaxuuuntntthe ConadtIn atInutIeturers Ann etnlm XrIyI olVera Ludlnl Ibo ntd III was trIrnped three horsemedd her huahs Ibo sold ho was herttn when he hlod to meet her rereohd Io broken san Item Aeuhul lho odd burn Itepped on her leg Iu hrutsat ltJUltIu Illhol tdodleIl Ivtdenee Ihowod only By THE IANADIAN PIES IANIUTA Toronto Thur on by toehatetaaa Involved In wuoeontrlet dloputI Itth the Onadlan Brosdcuttny Corp eIuaed some other problem In the puhttelyowned network In the latest et series oI eroooeouotry roIIeInn rtrtkes about at Toronto members ot the NIttouItAIIo toohnldItl vtttoo redwood to work with Item mutt rtdlax eroo It Iornstl matched hole mm The lencher IIIrhIol VII Ittyn sold the mole seemed gt mane the Non At one he Iald rnsn mood to women who had lotion II no trout th rnounted Metro pollee Ibsehed the urea tolroe ttmes and Teehnlelan tNABEtt teIt Ibotr otrrIt noon Ind set up ptrhet this In Innt ot the cucu downtown head The wathout III dtoeId Inter tn the day by wolhouts In $1117 OtthI and Vrlndsor Announcers on rIdlo and tote monument personnel brotrht honed mlonally potteo IndI chaqu dtrsettea mll moved throueh the erold and Dre Itnytod out lereat tndtrtduatr tonne that II they MirrorDlstuptidhstartsod vByjTechnilcians Walleout elation ot Broade lnrptoyou to to rnalntaln urvteo CBC Tour Candidates Are Seeking ronlo Ind ta Ottaws srsIr INDY Ta Ottawr teehnletan It csorruuvtrtoo outlet went toned stud melon euro not err to when out wttt ehooen In Him 57 timer CA on Expected Seek Iniunctton IrtbersloutytoI Itstt we expected to reek In In Iuoctton today III the wake pt wIltout by to looornottea Inel neerr Thurodsy whteh vtrIuItty The stop so by nremherl ot the to tan Brotherhood ot locomotlve Endltoen torood eInertlatlon or Thursday nbets outbound passenger run Ind hrou tretsht movement to yts till westbound outco Ker trIln orrlved tterI Ibotlt In hour on Thursdly otght At lsuo ts tho onto st In eou dormant wlth It yeIrs eerka who was wtthdrnwo trom tert tee to January because he rould day not moot the nrlulrnunr eyetl Ilttr toot eIudtdItu Entho More than L000 lmu to Ittend tnettrdtny about no rotten deloyltes The eIndtdIter Ire Bdwsrd ht RobertI 3t health mlnteter In the former leotsl govern ntuut Tom tturyeee to who Iotned tho pnrty tut Ilondsy Vlneent Spencer It Wlndnor Ntlrl hunlnresrnata Ind Bod bloom moodyear IIII dent It blemorlet Unlveratty hlr Smallwood II who hnd been on ttarItlon tn cleorwster ETA rlneI restrntnn the Ubersl overnment III II atter Itmoet on your to otttee In seheduted to step down In party leader blonday bottle overwhelhrr the My ohoutd Ieeet lttr hur lm returned no ew taahrndor PIIty tender In the Oct to pro vtuttlt etectlon Ind tludh Sher Promlve Consemttvo who Iloo Iotned tho Llheratn ltlon could develop II torrnrr eshtnet mtnhter Clyde well ItIndIrdI ot the Cans In goes rhend wltlt plane to ssh elentrr to reject both nod Irrtred In or Merriam LEW ventlooopens It today mufhmtm Toronto IBIEAIIL Canndian Office Emptlod By Threat wNDON CPI The Girlie dlen hlrh eomroteoton on mm or Sorters In the heart ot Lon don tun evntunted today Itter oltlelal rerelrod wrrntn that bornh had been ptIoted the IA hutldtny AItIrnploonI IA CInIdI ltoune well In In tho IdIoIn Inn Gun LIII Antureuro Co at mm and RoyIt ttInk ot Coo sdn buttrth not the morning ott pollee Iurrhtd hut Iound no bomb WI Iurt rouldrrt tell the ehInee thIt romethlny was there Iald Deputy ttlgh Oom rnloolouer In Ruler who concluded that tho telephone esll must tho been Irom crank MOB snowstorm that hasdnrnped up to 11 taebee on In mum to th out It Provincee By THE CANADIAN PRESS An overntrht httasIrd pllod ntorathauatoototsoowonot thI Ind slowed the nItIoan eInltat to walk today wlnddrtren mew ylnmd toad belted buses Ind rtntlod lntonelly trrnsportntlon tyr tenu to not trout tho eopttnl An ertlmnted ld Inches to snow lett In storm thIt started Thursday Ind tapered ott early today but more now Ind strong wlnd threatened tor Inter tho day hlott Iehools were elosed tor the dry beoluoo teneherr were ruowrd tn In many other Arena or an tnrtn sntt Quebec htratnrdltto eondltion Ind henvy drItLtnn today elorpod hlnhwnys and caused power Ialluree One person we tilted In trollle oeettlrnt In Toronto The wtdssproId power eutoItI collard tumors to shut oIt trt ternsltteutl durtnn the nlpht In wet tree snow shorted out eloetrte lines Inrw Thursday nloht and early ed rnId Ind school etot In on than won by Inownrohlle hIrrlI Ind IreI bday On only wry to yet to work till today months Photot hourssnnrted trottlesndesoa Reelin Ptous opened up vthe maln streets at central OIth hut hus rentres tor revertteo urhr and between ottsws Ind nelrh hortny Holt were put out It IetIon Atrtlnet told there would he no Itlyhta In or out at Ottawa unttt roldtnornlnn It the earth est Rallyeye expected trstns to be late In tho Atlnntlo provtuees Itorrn ewe In lrorn the Allen tie hrlnp heavy rntrl In the tow wu Ibqu wtndowr ot Thu Inpwdrtlt was opposlto tnvlted In tor cotter III sated end It were out pt order In the nteontlme OPP head phone Ind ehe told he on tnwmohlle Ind htro DIvtd UdthbltL oIIlee wtthout heat or hydro too or Planned March BELFAST CPI All oltleer ot the Irtsh rte uhllesn Ar Inld today thIt IuttEttt InertIlla wlll ateer clear or tool Brltlsh troops ordered to 415 nIth one drttttax Ind mIdI mow port Netl EIrrle ptrhtle tenth tzromouoeznmmeto Celia II letrounder or II maneom unmatchan erewa hope heat to the other to InnerInk them to mum oI reopentol rpIda closed result In storm Thunday ntnht The storm Iwept Into Bu rtnvtthwiraiattptobdmtlrs per hour ruoertntenlent ordered tth mn em ott rude It Int alter It had worhod through the mob wind eIused mtdeh ItrttoIt Immihts Mr Po the em who mantles truth plows tour IaodIrI two mdm Irs ratlny nutlt the Mod dtea down moors ctoem Solute tn rueIl Irons throottr out out or Stnteoe Carnot were cloud but new to Bar He remained booms most ehttdrsnsnvthtnvrtkln dlo trace OntIeto Hydro rItd thIt tour dolor the debt Ind eratltn tout htlhdoi ponolhle In tlarrte pour Ialluru Ieeted IhI north end ot the etty Ind toreed tho rtnalny ol Tow mrnt Item htInszera at the rtoree Iald Um merI handlut Al employ ees shoeest up tor wool Power to the three rtorst Idttr ed durtul the ntght Int III or entzd tat rrneryeney IthUny The Ontarlo Motor IIIguI r9 eslta otartlhl It In Every Irritable tow truck was In BELL SWAMP One harried awttehboard op IrItor sold It woe etttnytnthI tthottow true were rmono mother out no All InIIor htthsya south It Emll no open Imrdtlatd to the Ontarto Prottnrlat too but theyenerIt stluttlon wII noooovott IlneI were Itleeted desertbtd It hIrardoIn Pot Ioe Idthed reeldentr to em thttr eIr It homo and wIlh 11 one oI thou tlnel runulu Igor Imlndeln this But ttho or to or ttAd thithtl Itchwwhkh take tt Ottllll um wtnd and honey drttttnn Vhthtty to most Ireu wu downtoremulresultolthI All OPP petrol ears were man all on road Ittt Only CortntIhto en KrnIrt IudSayurttI Deon ed IIntasttc number ohntton war on duty Ind Themtotttnhoulhtoter Itsweter both hot motor he had snowmobtle tron In to tttchrlltr have been out store In tom Ind thla II cantor poorer tItlure northernno VI numb hrsdtord Ind New rttIrtet gt rosin plhotv have but Ill nun Irer nt toes toterrupttons poo MISSING Orr orEIcEA rotten IN sr VNENTST ItonE Cortntahle Gordon renon or onrdoueuctlmcot oI IIItt Illdhuret onInrony tho tntaslny IlItsmonalng when his ear plowed Into Inowdrltt nhIII he use en routs to work drtrln Eton 5t Vlneent Street Whenhe eIntI to atop the Intntty were up btr Perron hunched on when he dldnt Ihoto II Ior woe Itta the wIs Id not out me than Iyo tho mto be normally took to work Ind rent out scored port They found the on hurled ttnder snotdrill and later the polleemen who but Iottnd shelter In the worm homo ot htr VerprI Twnahtp snow plow em to the retoue pulled the ear out ot the drtlt and altered route Iot hlm to tho OPP Tho odlehowe who played luod srnIrIlans not only were wltbout thelr phone but Intertn tho mornlny tornd they were IRA Steers ECItear southern Nov SeotlI htInIrdI In northern Ireu Iod wlnde Up to It tnehes nI snow was toreeut tor northern New hrunnwteh tlont prortnetnl Eighteen In Ind Iround bIontreIt were cloned Ind other toms ot turn rtslton name to but nr rut eredtenrthydellyl Iltpr lleree Inoostorrn dumped Loehes on the etty wttb Itro moro expected helore the storm moves on thin tlletooon tho vehtcte restdeneo where member ot the door not to on the telephone hut dlerov uartero hed heeorns concerned otlee hm sttuItIon Illte thla whorowe would run the rtahdt IlmSOT ehoottny by tho Ioldlors tlp tn noooo dotuooetrntore nro ex otrdto Iota tho march enmtotobtnhwlndnnd hm you thI hetteoptIrI VIIth unttIlty tly Iver thus to drtermtne horn net It trouble were unable lrouhrn hurt to ho ypotttd by erows on toot or to enownrohtloe Ted Johnson at the harrte brooch ot Ontsrlo Itydro Inrd that every IvailIhlo mm In the Uourntnn reylon has been met working atrltb the ttorrn started In they wtlt here the Ballard Acquires Gatdono Shares runohm tcPt Ilarolrt thorn ot btsplo Lent Garden held by the Stnltord Emydho to tote It won Itutounmt todny nodtn hr the elect we do lLyed the Toruno Stock nrhrnne to shareholders The Itoeh did not trudo Thurs dIy tt closed Wednendsy It lard outehew at $10 time The purchuo to subject to court Ippnrtrnt WaoSTx ot tho denturers Internottortot Asked ToForbid nshod the Ontario government on Surrdnya The Art ltoc Oo tut you by the Ontario low re durlny the storm The hollsrd hIs Iooutred Ior Ibout ITa mtltton Illoutotandtnp Ln It tho or entry oI pendtny releuo ot tnImnnllon The mhnnye sald mm In Ihsreewerolntottedlntheltnt North ol Borrte roads or unwanted wtthbea drttttnt ttlrhwsy fl trout ht Ad to Etrnvsls Ill dosed Itt Ian lttnllttnl II no hero eueetIId It In In sum IIII rm the truth were stowtny to Iton were roam rd nlephortlnytoI vtre enron err that they wouldnt no In Ihle tor work The Ilood st eIIls overlosdsd elreuit to the extent thIt Belt woe expertenotnn doth ot up to two Inlnutes tn pror ydln tones ttr Any Iald the lueut tsdlo stntlon wIs Inked to request people to reslrtet rolls to emer nenrles It had little that In tho volume he entrl Thors urro no report Errand llne down hlr Any told when there are overhead llnuI Grey Conch reported Utat hunt on to Penotanrt Owen Sound and Wesson Doneh were eonretted hut husea on the North Bay to Toronto route were runntni nI tenet bolt In hour hehlnd so at tlyrne mono at the Bnrrtoterrnlnatnld edopIrt Inert It trIIasportIlIon Ind cone rrrunleIttpn would not dtvul eondlllons oI highways lendtn out at Bnrrle tlo sold they wont etvo no tndIeItton ot when the road would be open MWcm Court Order Is Suspended nlolrrmth UPICourt ottAppeAt torrrutlly Iuspended Euro day Stperlor 0th order whleh lostrwonlh barred leopard tIudlthIetnurhltn trout tulItlltnz hlt Iumtlons ss presldcntetert Unlon SUnday Openings TOltONTO ICPtA mp repriselltln 22 myontanttono hxm to lorhtd ehnln Itoresto operntI rnmlttoe onSundoy Itmil Settle lorrnrommtsslon 520 Hurt Inouabec Hotel Fire ST JOHNS Que lCPtuhIore than to people were Injured It In nomo ot the rurel IreIs there were Itpurbol loon do CAPSULENEWS noted In tho hrlet tor ImplementIIlon otretumntenlnttonr mndI rorty today one erltiently when Ilrs destroyed the Hotel St $32153 Iriuu orrnnlrlo It It trtbutelto the teerI Indra odtaoent hutldtny tn the downtown area otthla town Inotlloerot other hlttttlht ndmhlgPWW WWW WWW ProvtrtoAItwln told tout 133 armor tnwno bondh $5313 my EireDestroys Kirkland takeMi mm All public menthol KIIIKIAND urns tCPIrtre destroyed the Kultotow Lumber htutnrd In Northern helm ltIDt ptoe mlles north ot horn earlytodny enuetno 3150M tomato to the touryenrold rntttlnnd moehlno shop mm mu mm the vrl Itlxhts Ataortntlou to at Blrlhtlslr Arnll hworged that to er wu In Adult HAW Sook Commonwealth Mamborship re 3a DAECAJAPtPrtmo unordered htutlhue run an Inn pounced todnythnthtnrtndeshwlltrtek memberahlpln ecum rnonAIIlth The shelle tn IrlrtAIecht towed otter hrttnln recon nlredht newqountranldhls uyernmsnttandoptlnydtptomr tle htenEuree tobeeorrlo mt ot the Commonwealth whteh Trudeau Docltneo To lntorcodo VANCOUVER CPI Prlme bltntoter Irudeots Istd Thurodsy ntrht he does not expect to In tereede tn Inn my to rrurdI Roman CaIlIu or to rot ott lur FlyrsOhtyd ther Illegal marches In Northern Ireland ttr mdnnu In VIntouvor tor prIIItI dlnner we cant To Go Ahead At noon todIy ltrn short rnnn Irer ot the harm Plytrr told tonlybto Ontart tIoettey Assort multlnetal mortntlon oI nntlons mvrrlu nlt tho rontlnenkh canadian Gtrt Sth In SkiEvent hAPPORO lopon lcPttnurle ltrelnrr one otthI younoert rompetitdra me to In tho Canndlnn open donoth tltle pulled meadow rs Thurrdr root on ttho brltls eeblnet would welcome Inter Irentlon by world leaders to help ease tenetons tn the ItrtIetorn eountry Itton benlor content wttb the Bellerttle Not at the beetle mm Wm by MW IrenI would yo Ahead to tehedol WW Wm ed The game bednr at Mt not tltth tn the nonstop run the nhlltIItI rue At the thter TEEN QUEEN CONTESTANTS eornlunt toque to IIIIIrtdoys Itorro These lovely no la gt dleo Ire Eutvtew secondary Teen Queen routeet to to hold othoolr eontesttnt Ior tho Ieh It It North Coloytste Debhle Wt As It helps lteIther llIrpei 1t don her an mvnm

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