Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Feb 1972, p. 5

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at his or iii leader when Con Chris Ir be tits SorlIl at they that in it Iriyr Ids logrn the elected too tor into ri and lie lick parts at debit in years type Ont et ii to Incnua enthral away but nih in polls 10 years that there Is some Parlia to do any your well get under me Jan 11 claim was till so coming In on have mortgage who no bone lawyer laid oil children got on unavrlls the bud and at liars reports talking to er Si this Is you are publish truly re ed middle VESPRA BRIGADE GETS NEW PUMPER New pamper iriri added to Dilel Bob Syerr is shown Vrr rI Vupra tireiighilng equipment is shown in ironl at central tire ball at lilidhural Tire standing brddo veblela which bar already gone into service has three vehicles In its ebay the bell Exam lner Pbotoi Snowmobiles Stirring Wasaga Controversy liy prises oruasa warAnA anion run it snowmobile capital oi Ontario br tested to clamp curios on the our tor the use at the mach es II the up ol look III on hands Ill allowed to continue to operate it willaurely some in that That la the group who do side to go out in plIy alter initial ht Thur vicilrns Ilv it development or lnrrirat childhood seem to want to take out their frustrations on their machines driving them up Ind dorm till riverIce at top vpeod stepping up the molar every law bun pd yards or back and Iortb on the side at its reads scattering snoon all directions with as much noise possible No wonder many clilsens are com ialnlng noi luat the era who always Iliad rome tbing to chew about but every ntiaer person we talk to among them many ardent anowmobit erai Persons who must get up to go to work in the morning vnslly like to get to bed be tween it midnight and am latest and alien cannot get back in sleep It they are Iwak ried our retired rillxens too are much dlrirubod by the quite Irifhlenltll rounds iiithe the night in tact one Alvin Guiltord had quite leller lo the editor In the Top nnto Star oi Jan ti altering Bearcl Will Meet At Sunniclale Hall NEW LOWELL Stall Noi thIsaga Valley Conservation Authority boIrd II scheduled to hold ltr annual meelirifi giSun nilala township hall iii earning Saturday Feb Eugene Smith oi Utopia who was tormeny depui reeve erI la the nnan the beard Annual rrporil will be present ed aridtilt oilicers chosen the board has re rereniailver from it municipali er and also three provincial government rep meniatlvu The municipalities Include the city at limit the towns oi Col lingwood Allirion and Siaynrr and villages oi Wesnga liearlr Tbticnbam Shelburne Creemore Oookriown and Cotton liiwnihlpr in the area lneluda Adila Eras Flu West Gwll limbury lnnlslil liedonle Not tawasaga Ora Sunnldaie Tee unusih Toiorenilo and Vespra in Slrncoe County and Ilia Am rranib Colllngwood tielanethon ha new mobile horns for His due in the lnsvilrrable rtanr ancesol some snowrrob era The silent oi snowmobiling has brought lot oi bcoeillr to Warm Ilrianrlaily and other wise but would we have done without the quick and rideirnt action oi tbs annwmobUe club during the revere storm oI lent Juno The rnwemoblie bar brough the toys oi Canadian winter to many young and oi and whole tIndlles together tor invigorating tun the Inuit and herb IIr Are in ring to let Ieir lmIrt alec generllr poor pub Nelly tor our villagtt it you Ieel siroorlr about this matter let your voice be heard Write letter to your editor rpeak to one at your councillors or any director at the chamb er oi Cornmerce it enough ounpeak up till rIluIUon will he remedied It would only take law ailil Iian to make the amarilea decide to like their bui Iness alarvheret JAMEGIIEE RESULTS Here an the winners ol the various race which we did not have ready tor last week Top Lady tor the day was the Sitter Livingstone Io IlIu tor thI day was Lars ry Aline Ladies Mill llarlanne Riggs iiarbara llarvey LIdler ll 251400 Cathy Jewell Srilrr Livingstone Ladies specie lilm Joweii CIlhy Jowrit Ladies 1400 Sitter living alone tiartanne RIX barbar llarvey Junior 150 Steve Copland Junior it artaoo Rob Rouse Terry Johnson Nicky Livingstone Stock Atbo ce Raymond tiuie Jim DIJillt Gleen Sarrety biod Estate Planner To Explain Tnx ELilVALE iSliililDon Corie estate planner will dircuir the implications ol new tax legis let on on the Ceaintry Calendar progrlm tor Sunday Feb and sundry Feb 10 at 130 pm according to notice receiv ed at the Ontario department at agricuiiuse oIIIcI here Alan Scolt North Slmeoe rg rieuliure representative said he was advired topics to be covered will Include estate tax curlial gains tax ellrrdnaiion oi boils gilt tax and the new rates as The lederai government with drew irorn estate tax tieid alter applying the capital gains tax utl ha ms The Ontario gov hlono bluimer end Osprey to neighboring Ireas ernmtnl then applied estate tax es Ind gilt taxes Allan Night tiled Mitre LIrry blind Al SlaneII Amy Pridhrm Stock Ii til205m Sing Jovelt Dave Desrmbu AIch Johnson Stock neon liIorIey Brown Stan Niaman Granl Potter Stock 341400 Allen Vancise Girac George iiiingitone ilodiiled Sittilt Rb Rouse lioss Sterile Slorl libido Allan Vanetse Cigar George Iivlngitdntt bioditicd Ring Jewell Ross Smith Stock is error Roar iiorlse John Ball lance Rob crlion liodiilrd Lorry lilloo Stameil Rois Srrdlh WATER Iile Toe structure which her been noiived on the beach near the Riverbank and short distance ing lot is not as as been run oi oreiIlileguardriatlnnaaI al tor ytrbla wishing to it Wairgl Beach nor the start at another romloit station lion no ODcll oi the Department oi bend and Foreria Isiurrs us that it is only one at the name mus drills which the Ontario Water Resources Commission has been drilling in the am in their search lpr rulllcicni sup ly oi water to arrvlre the vi age when the sewer ryitem he comes reality DISTRICT BRIEFS lllAYOR ll YEARS STAYNER IStaIi hiayor Bmtr DorIty lormer memb or at Simcoo County council Ii serving his llih year as head vi Siaynrr council during this trn teruilal year tor the municipal ity MUNICIPAL SERVICE IIOONSTONC Stall Rerr Ingram Amos is currently rerv ing his itlh year Is member oi bledoote council his Iourth rs reeve lie was deputy recve tor tour years and councillor tor tour MlNIiTS POINT Extensive improvements have been mada by lireand hire Clarence Canning to their pro mlsea on Park Road Additional store space and living recom modailon huie been provided It would be appreciated anyone having news items would leave covering note at tat Pairview Ave IMPORT PRODUCT One out at are tour cani oi tomalora market in Ontario is Imported ST PAULS ANGIICAN CHURCH lllOliWAY 11 AT TIIE tIlII LINE INNISIlb PRESENTS or Apprnrln THE HAKAMU Hakemu The above group of teenagers dedicated Christians who use their ability and skill with voice drum and guitar to worship the Lord We are very tortunnto to have the opportunity of them worshipping with us next Sunday srninrn SlIill bras tor the senior girls bulalhIiI iournasntoi to be held It the Sinner Collegiate gymnasium Fall To Recover Oro School Ball GUTIIRIE Stall Rernoved tram brick Iiaad to taunt oi Guthrie public school nearly year are an old school it which called children to classes toe to years hasnt been more cred We had hoped it would turn up but it hasnt yet raid spoiesrnan in ions reecting disappointment The bell was originally used It theonI timI lllllavicw school in Ora It was unveiled at ila Guthrie place on Del tell al dedication ceremony in which the late Drury Orr tario render drum ltll to up was emainspeakcr llIlIivlow school dated back to litiandtbebciiwaaareiieoi th pioneer era Sponsored by the Association oi CommunlUri and Regions in Ontario workshop tor discus Ilon oi guidelines tor tutvre municipal government is uhrd rated to be held tomorrow at the Royal Canadian legion ball on St Vincent rtreet in Barrie Registration is to begin at according to notice Irni DISTRICT NEWS TiiE IAIN HAWK THURSDAY in Stayner To Host Girls Basketball ibis coming Saturday Feb has been matured by tlason convened Siayner Itii play Sue Borden inihetintgamIItlImJ the elarnlnailua series SJghi trams hra been entered to the second game billed tor to aim Pmctanguisbeoa engar Allistcn OrliiiI Collegil meets Barrie Central at it and PIrk Street Collegiate tllla opposes Graveabirst at Nil Aiieraeoon and erasing games are planned attb thI tlnal al pan there also will be one rotation rerirr ier laser with the ihal starting at tIyocr Collegiate also will be the scene at lunlor boys inviv tationsl basketball temnrment on Saturday Feb ll suiting at up Senior boys invitational tours namrni has been arranged tor Saturday Pro to at Sterner Do this same date lunlor Ind senior girls will play In the icon glan hay Secondary Schooa dia gay at St Theresa High boot in Midland Civic Guidelines To Be Discussed bootirl known as Guidelines tor Action copies at which were ldistributed to councillors rari CI in addition in general discus alnni there will be speakers to eluding Donald King oI Steven Oro Council Approves 0R0 STATION Stain road hint at trusts III penrad or On mail it reb man meetlag It Ihieb Deputy Reeve utilises Key ed due to the streets Reeve Ai lan litters dot to muss the budget Includes rum tor MW ltd till or malaieaaace it will be rent to the approval and subsidy ni liar Jod Ia anticipated Cuttelling thrice Sandman and muscular marten Sim moved the bud et motion lrb var canted ll dissent Tbs membera also diierxsied sup lemeniary badng Ibich lill bI orwarded later ASK ASCII BRIDGE would certainly Uh in see something done about bridge tor the Second Concession raid Councillor Sanderson dir cusslng road in the Shanty Bay gilt course lie termed the reicni bridge over Willow eek as too narrow in are oi the enormous increase in volume at lraltie mllle hundred times greater than true years ago he raid irrrning the bridge an urgent need Councillor lloward Cam brllronilrnird rurh pro lrrt ad been listed on tire year plan and Igrecxi it real need Counrillor Sanderson told coun cil then was barely room or two rm to piss tom the win trr lhey need tow edit or tario government tor CHARLES SANDme the rubrldy sought In we Ora road budget as it now stood was lower than last ear lirnry Newieid cer raid in down about $3000 The propoard but get did include 81000 more or gravel reauriacing 01000 more tor gruelling and grading and 000 more tor rrsurtariaig Prices are rising and things are costing more observed De puiy Reeve Rey Ila raked about new machinery and was advise ed the rum oi iconoo had been allowed lor new vehicle Skim TURNS replace the bridge be said This would be lo the en gineera suggest put Reeve Rey During the disrusilen about subsidy assistance it ncillnr Campbell remarked the rovin cial government an Ned to spend more to bolster regional administrations where than have been set up Deputy Reeve Key mentioned that Niukoka traded niher areas beiore regional government with the suggestion that addition at test tor development might period there soar and Kellogg Lirnled Top retro pointed out ile the beginnin otihr park here at Simcoe dunty council municipal councillors and plilrrr The workapr lisetl ll lititd to beds It 01th am with an ailernoon session also plasmid lilirharl Johnson la president at the sponsoring usoc atlon which was headed to itll by lines Ralph llunier ot AllLiinn lilr Hunter was member at special study committee which make recommendations ONCE rlSITED RIDING VICTORIA llnrbour iSIaIti birthday at Louis St Laurent who war to on Tuesday at Que bee city was noltd by lnrrricr supporters hero who recalled when he visited the riding when in cities Sir St Laurent war Canadian prime minister from Nov 15 told In June 11 till SIveSIvaSIvIon WlniIr IIsIreIa Heavy snim Boeir Coair PInir 259 lNNISFIL 5T lbSioryolaCirlilove IonrCourageanda Rogueslidesi Daring mniiiii uuiin tin iuuivnvr veunwurtnnrriwisinwroovswmunm WWO WKMMWOWIEEuhhihumwuhhmtt 0AWI1IOIIWEIICILUMWMIUIIEUA lliltmmllllmu swimmen vary so punter sow reins our ADDED TEATUIIETTE CONQUISTA EYES MI SAT lilAT lt0 Pull PIIIarnI Place To Deal PLENTY OF FREE STORESIDE PARKING ln disrusrkn road xIIely Councilor San trson relerred to the rateiy lane tor lrIllurna oIi llighway it at liawkeitnne We should have more at there lanes on ihal highway to ruggrst rd mentioning the turn to the HEtD over Elilill ills $189535 Road Budget Edgar Dennednai Cabs road as example it raid rt the haunt considerably Under iha road budxrt white ted ihawgmmnl would pay tutor ldy toward no can my and Samantha averse apendhg it an arm The members drddod lo dlr our rural matters at turther lenrtb with Ross tunic road auptrialrndrxl helorr girl linai Iprrnui to liltiitrdn iaiy Midget RELUORE MEETINGS CREEIIORE iSlIlli dir eciors meeting at Creemorv Iior iieuiiural Society will be held at the home pi Mrs nninra on Thursday Feb 10 This and be iclloued by an open meet ing at the Anglican church ball on Monday evening Feb It EMBASSY HALL Hulk 51 IARRIE ONT ReniIIIer Dances Movies 10 man oqulpmrnll Bingo Meetings Weddings 1260961 Bogart Permit Available bugs or Small Groups 2ND WEEK SHOWN NlCHTLY AT PM Fill PM Alllltllil Iliiilliilli telliIlIlI SMIIIMI strap agame Bond 007 niiiiillliililii Diamonds tire Forever TINEE SATURDAY AT Ill PM FREE LIST SUSPENDED in in Entire Sleek at Winter Clothing and Footwear Save5IveSIvaonv Snowmoblla Sulir Snowmobile Helmets Snowmoblle Mlltr Soelr 72665

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