Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Feb 1972, p. 11

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in CAIIILLAC CORPORATION Rodouelopment PlansWill Change Citys Foce toeoua Jiafw microns LIIher Inohtbelocstallntbonnrib smudasouldtbelbotolths out Writer mt maes ol the property and teaser would be muster IK the led ydagamt II the mlhIesl eoc by at mm ledlocoirodl PIrIiog IIciTiliaa Imld he mmtrdtothemlntulldiu magnumum loOnI tier II the north mer her It collie rail hlulcuter muonutwn rumor III Itr batter said the kleI behind iIItnlthIIhlnPIWIIlih wanmmmemmw khan Mum Ming Irnngemhlor city mlntmmtolberPsdcsulns II lortbs olilces Ind MW eoro Inuit enter the budding once will IIIlentil Ind alike bridgetrnrntbeplmlotoetvo 333 IIdliUeL thirty iobbylblehvouhdcoauln um my buth The proposals rIngod to also III the public urlee depart km from modest sls tlcreys II II meal ol the eity thecity mic ml entirely The biannual ram mmE and motel in me twm sousrs IeeI trading perhlnr unmet roerobers questioned lowdhroltlmwlum lotusoorm Iaetomeaare homeowneradh nowmmigmum IocItimoIthocIlrtertlInlIdr la Ill end the land would IRL nailed from the city Ind Ill pm Cadillac eilcrrd to true the mkeootnlnodprnrlslvnlnrthe lnnd his 50 yun II limb no to revert to the yrlrly the III would lure the city liter oi time oIItce Ind pail Seller Hill the plan still tics IblI Ind dillerent ores at the space torrid be trierIt Darnell members seemed hr mm lerestchrrlbmemdhlgh Bath Inn In siren In hull IrerIge coat of mo par loot MEI diningor nhaemtlm mom In outline to tdeIs and mm my letter Idturtlng tor the slut the via and met in comrnlttrI otthnbols to my ml In the mm lttntt pie to Ibo city contra militia the will Ind prevent city would be responsiblo the The ID propose would pm Inth Irena borrowing Ideas my ride the city Iith sls Itocn ot horn eIch other tor the preset attics rum It root at It lItlon In my em yeIr IltI the city Foilollnl the co Ils modI to council to lb they IppeIred lest iile the building would be completed CIdillIe Developmentmayor In II to It months Irons III Ition altered the city cm IIIadtItbeIIrrnlor Cridillse Derrlupment eIIImIt ed the value It the building It III to I11 nlllllnns Ind Isld mu om my Wm memo ege reveauI yarn Th es in coaxlde WNW city Iona Ilsa be tree to Itlhltt hinttlnsul cue Intro such ottbelrrcelttberld 1mm Whit IIEbIP III unsnwrums shian IIIIbblo usioieeiin norm Incluth elm 0th Architect hlilletSIIItl outlinnd all cosine ad pmm put tarIIrd by man ends her Kgmp my Developments This late II lec III Mnyoyuulbeeoareprals Ion bktoryolwork In tblstrno dry inn Ind propotes cons lhuso III Mn lthD sold It no main this propuul now beam at good mutgsga rIII they have mun Id In Toronto but they dont WML hlnsilooollncslgovemrnenlrnd in long theyll be In II Ind construction stall and eio malt Ilia peeled put nibble ortdiuiindrfwiu re mit Pm buildml WM lalorcnd concrete and procut Ing testnre III stole IIIIII mm my on um mutiny toyIr setback from Co er 5L Very Ilmllnl to tho cIolllIc with iIhdspred plan to hunt Dorelo meat propoul Ilagletlorey council chemhtr no Illuslh plan It wnmwmv to In oller three Ilgures KID Iould be responsible for nulntcetsnce at the building Ind In my ronI Io er our es III III the other propoIIle be developrd In III luture IvaIdbsprortthltnmntthI lbIcltyIInts rpm Iorltbe naIrhet operation Ith didnt hm endly Ihat doesnt lhlnk II If halo MdingMblelqublghlrt three andacwnd parking III cm mm 61 In the Intends III in the park one urty In last tor the lead mm Inng IouH horned Irerluurlesse hlchcoukl muondsyanmy then would be rm to bermeledlcltsrnhrrtbcrzbmmmmm rear terms the rental tor the anwd WWWWWHIouawunmm led the need tor IpIrInieIt and city other The nly would she comment space III relented hIII roses on the Etrd oor soot in uld is um secs gfmmfig Floors tourth and sis was the need Iar ditto up tor mum of my be oltlce rpm topped by two Inuit lmmLs In the IoaldlllllIItaeed lIIIoIerIinlIeIsolimmumm doors at Ipsrtrnentx Should there Irbllratlon The attics rpseo Iould he smuduu lings Ind would bo sentced by mm and ms sailed Ith trunils pa Iloor high speed elerslm Alter so The tints proposes soon per emitvouldrererttathsrlty yeir tohm not an the Ind in mid mmlhi bllh the city area Inaer ren tl my he mam but it minim Ind utilities going III rate Ind right at first rclusIl centre ll mud Id Wimi Mlllolueeuitbrcomes mil Ihet north er Salter III described by Ibo llrln till this in the buikllnr The hm hm hm IoiIsrs Ieet par oor Ioltld Iiso otter space Ian trauma1 murders hm Eler among six Ipertmrnt boek III Inn to do beenmurlodtodnmloltha my or MIA 3313 In ICC work no the building Ind nrentIrIIherlIIn M3054 old lira bIII LI demolished hmwuwm hm lhe link th is MN All Alter to years tbs land Ind Ibo proled done In year dentlIl buildings butcnnlsee building would be given to the sir Salter aid this building tIaeily cupparttns Kowloon my log IL could be LIndosIrk Ind thl trot nI allch Ipace mm mm Wm it All nanariiuon DEWWFIIEIT downtown Along Illb sub mm mm mm minean buildmu and the MDTme Darrloprnents pr WW pnacsl bui ding It million bulb Ior III IhIremI lnIcornmo dillihlilbulldlhfhoisem um my yours which he IurruLs could plotintlorlhecllya smim lbmlloanlorthecouncilebsm NB Ilanld this inuktn Inith clam WM be similar nds llrrn wou lease anrirarr Isriausuirnrcrs IIs Innd Ina pry loses They mgmi IIIyrIeI BuIIlsbments Lid would IrInithIeiy III prime The city would rent 41500 Toronto proposed ll store tenant II they Icon to pmcd mm my mm mm twer Irontlng on Collier St Ii with the protect tunderels DI Wormrd put or trig They suggest Inul may on MURRAY bLSSthN ground liner II it desired sad to 50 years would Ina bvcr III hutldinl 1hr lint Itwr would tlurrsy Summon Ilsrrie be Iully gland wiLh the Ix wk blulncssrnrn bald hes hoping terior walls recessed to provide in TWPIPI IarIsprciaItype olderriopmcnl In exlrrlor promenade 11th in Mid Vm In this Ircs Ind hes Isaoctst Ilndowlcsa Ireas in trant nl Ind ed detil Iiih Slsnley Scbcnh behind in second and Ihlnl In did but htihxll Irish Ind subtitles orchltecls oors Iould provide space Ior drIerngI Ind IrcblieeI lloygen sold they thought II noulu pour Vin Ind developers to prepare pro much chambers The lirm proposed redevelop have been plesurnplqu lint my man Is nisn lur meat It the cam Im III tower with or without me city to civic ccntre whero the city hall Tl trnlnt Ilr Schenhmlrl said hh group interrupt ol the non alsnds and possible rrdr bury sits THIS IS AN lrtiltl concept ol thr bemp Ilsy Ikw ctoprnents proposal building tor the southwest cornrr llI Iiulcaalcr Ind Ilsiller Iirsels Four other promote IIrI Iran by council suggesting Iicnllar bullish hilhulllllbtbttlidlnlmlilx hlIyor Les Cools arid the It lug II Iombintd otlicu apart ment building they built in llont rant Ind be suggmts building the the Ialtrr Iur Itsrrle AgIln there would be micr would not lnlerlcre It all with lhcir plans tor the pruscnt IltI llaney llarbridga said he sets tho building becoming III on clem ol III city and Iltrscuug CITY NEWS IIILIISD 1331th II In doIntoIn Windsor Incl log brory is one III ot history the turn attire lowers Ind Scuwsy city will probably want In heep EB llolcl Ila liso brought dun and tho delulopcrs said this rua 1m eieciiltva at the tag chnesda at which barrio dumber oI commerce bhrrldsn IJIILAXIL genersl men It the III sonnet dinner Incel sger ol the CInIdlsn Chamber Canmt walk Separate Pathsiriirirrriliiiiri Sheridan Isalstsnt en day night II the Innual dinnsc IrIl mInIger ol the tuna In meetlns at the BIrele Chamber Chamber at Commerce stress at Commerce Id hill importaan ol communb In complex society Illch Is ottommercr Iu Iuest rank er the Ire Filo Lllns Jerry lIaslield Irururer lm In uld There must convention Ind goodwill bo lween III III III sIld there will be times grim parking Ind there would companch lntIrIstId In mistlly repuralo entrams Inc the ollice ANN otlica Ind Iparlmeat Ircas All llo prodiclcd the building would the IpIrIrnents would be single be lull within ycar altcr IVIII bedroom or bachelor units till tng IhIt III group sea as need tor mmrnollstlnri tor sin glI persons or young couples to the citys tore Ibe reason Iur martmzrils and In IreI nl comnIrclat enterpr es Is that the dralmrr Good plciiun The city would rcpt their IiIrre Iloors at this rate It It pcr out or oliices nudist cean por loot tor putting spoon and storm City council relerred the pro posnis to city development com mlllne tor lurtbrr IiiIly Season Ito lltson rtcopresldrut Jock WIllwln vlc resldcnti TIon Lynch rcsldca Ilgnltirnnt Incrcsso In III tcndance It perlornsunepa by the tiryphon lIeItre Company Is County This test came to light to rs but rapport with tho goucrn port Iuhmlttcdb Ilrlan leoul merit It the grass roots or coma Gryphous Irtlslic director stl until hill is neststr audit night at the tint Innual nicct Ls up to the ChImber uI Cnm tug oi lhs Georgian Foundation ration bstwcenbiulncsssndgov ours business and the govern when business and government inch to csthtLrI III At Immrnt In his spoech IItdncl merit cannot walk IIpIrIII will have diLercrlccs or opinion ttr Imnlng low middliphrg highlide Ihb smembcrs Wmmmx=mwmscm ZITLCWMVSLYXIXLJ NitICE La Nation is Immcridot by grunt II the lmindution that Illcnduhce such II the chamber working II the pcrlormnricca doubled In It lhI community trial In the mu it was tuna and In Wll latcrests ot the clilrcns totalled nlld lie curled this ich Iurthrr Memberships In tho qurulalion and hid there should It coop also Incrvuscd urcr Lint ycsr ernllon and goodwill betwccn lira Juno Walsh said that rt Il liIa dlvcrse elements In Cari cclpls train Individual incinhco hill ll the Cnnndlan people rccog nlre tbs virtue ol working to Ielber end thobuslnessmeri Ind govemmenl work togcthcr Ia I97I CARNIVAL QUEEN LINDA LOUCKS AND CHAIMANRON LYNCH SellOut Antioipated bars nowhere to go but up Following hlI srccch cvriu tlva olllccrs Ind ireclora or the barrio member not Cummrrcs lsr Itll were announced they are non Lynch presidcnt laclt llallwln lrlcopresldcnt llob htason vlcsprcsldrnt ry Stonslteld treasurcr Iud Nor are Itcaumont lien Cadniun ships uinounlcrl to 35m The Im thcatru scniun will extnndcd and tho company will pcrluriri ItIu plays they are Barrie Resident Liturlcys Auni Wait Until Dork Tho Only Guano in turn Youre good lllan Churlcy Drown and on oi Anti Inc Dr Paul Wubb Ihantwl tha till directors Iur their coopern tion during this year and Pelcr blills chairman ol the mating cslcnilcd thunk to Ceiling 5L Unllcd Church tor the use of its hall or tho pcriormauccs tor the last two yours new state oi oliiccrr Ior was appolnlcd ltiey Ire Wuynu lllurganl Archie hruwu Donald Comoros John Cock hurn licorgu mtg llobcrt Celluloid hill Gillicull lilo ruhor llority blrs lury thru random hdaplui duo Mrs tiliidys Juriscriv Ilnlr rrt Jurnlau Dr Auction be bid hir llills Duuglus Pearson AI Surluunt Innis Illullicr lira Jino Valsh Ind Charles Iltsun Gels Your Possession OI Stolen Goods hlelilll illitlurk J2 ul tlnr lit up scntannrvl to and your In Jail when his uppcurul Ill IIu liuriol Court oducsduy III John llendtlnon Krrv Iohnstuii lIeg Lsrhsnce Ilill Linton Ralph my Wmmn will mihm Ed Rmy im Irrn leluvioiiin sets which had cd Wm dimm Mon stulrn during Iirculrlu It llnrrio TV Salas and Eunice Ltd on Oct It were luurtd In lioltlocks homo Spcalilug bii Vhitlocks bchnlt Ilubcrt liacKllirion stencu rnuuscl said It was important It to protect susirty trim wrong door but the rcldlilc gravrly ol the nllcucu should ho consider iri said up to ollcncc was at liltlo rrlcnclary valua Ind huggcslcd short period st in curocrutlult end period or pro Will Be Religion liIligiuus education courscs will he clinics to tcachcrs truth the biruroe County Ilorriun Catholic Separate Dourd this surruncr llio courses will last trip wcclis hccinning tho that wick In July Ind probably will be conduct It 5t hlunicas school About thrce years no lhu 0n iarto English Camille Teachers Association and the Ontario Ecru arnta School mum Associa tion dicidul lcorhcrs we not being adoquutcly prcpnrrd to touch rolliiioiir cuunca Imusr ul tho short Iliiio thcy room In this Ircu uhrn in tcuchrr train hr The course It Irrrcditul Ilitt Dcpurlnirnt ol Education cuursrs Offered Course Courses nrs bcing conducted In Barrie Itiundcr liuy Toronto and Windsor this car Thi boards curtiuitanl who taught coursc In thunder bay inst summer will be principal ol III surlth Ichool lie Dir ently lining up his stall We can anticipate to to It pcoplo lrom our our schools will tie lmalitsl said Bill Ilolgcr auictunt Iupcriutcndcoti III III lhcy hope to hIIu discussion lcsdcr who rpcnts Irnncb In trothan Irvin Iha nurthcrrr part or the county The wursn uilt also he open the othtrs who might want to sit in llowurcr thcy will not re cvliu ccrlilicatcs at tho end ol the slum New Burris District Manager ls Appointed By Bell Canada Vayiiu II Chunillcr ll lalics pm this neck or Iicll Canadas commorclai manager tor the Eli ric district Ito sucicids llucmllien Ilurrio nlllcrruaii who has gone to work Iul llurrln Plumbing Ind kilcctricol supply trout Ltd hir Lhundicr combs lrum St CathariritI whore ho was Instal lotion and rrpalr manager or Illlla Niagara district lle tIkcs nice one at llulls Iurgcrt dis triclc ilrctchinc lrorii Ornngn Iiilc north to South River Ind outward lrnm 0ch Sound to Urtllllti Illr thonllcr lulnurt Ilclls huoilquarturs cngiuccrlnc group In llonlrcul iii lull Ittrr grad uoluiu With it dcgrcc in k2lrclt trical Bniiinccrinc rpm the Unl rurain ot Toronto Refusing Test Costs Him $50 Itobtrt Atkinson oi Darrin was Ilucd $50 when tin piradtd guilty In Provincial Wt Wed ncsdiycto charge ol lIlIog to roll Iarnpls ol his Ircslh or analysis The lcncs occurred on June It whcn Atkinson was Inund ultep LII the trout east II III car on Lnkcehors ltd Paul Weslengcr dalencs coun Iel told Judge Guest that his client had nlrnady bIen through trial on related charc es Incl no judgment had bccrl brought down Wuscnger IstId lnr ndnl mum line In light It tho tail that his client had been romlda stably tricouieulenced and had Iiru sets wcrc hittiLll at tho button tlrriu luw nlhcrs ucru sold in blr Alctuivdcr still that lhil Burria rciidrnt by lhllluclt lock hull been given simple up John Atrxorvlcr Lruurl ui10r portunlly to mend his wuys brill nay told this court that lllltlnck that ha hitti not rrnpouilcd Iu had is number convictiqu lur the linicncy shown him Ilrnllar oilencrs dating hack to Judyo titlrst agrch list with Mr Alexander saying ho In three cnnyicllons illiitlnrll has obviously made up his mind hall scrch utmost IltD yours In to pursuu longlby curicr ol lull crime Huronio Slriders Time Trials The Iluruulu Strider wilt WII metros long lump high luiiip duct Itms trials tor thrco dlvir Ions tonight It tho clubs IrIiri Ing centre It Easiriew Ircond Iry Ichool The trials will decide who to presents the club at the meet It the Canadian National Exhibition For Rotary Carnival Boll no prerloltl record lrlplo lump Ind shut out Agra lor luvcnilca ura lb or II hclurc Jail 1972 Juniors must be lit turd It The Stridcrs invltn nnyrms LII tercsted in computing In thesis in orlcs to try out or plan Ilob lluntcr and his band will he prorldiny Ilia entertainment It tho carnrnl ball again this ycar end csmlvel cominlllco members are prcdicling It will be another Iellout the ball will be It the Barrie Armoury on Feb lt trons Mil pm until Int The Rotary Club sponsoring tho dance as community service has AI rented or liquor license and bullet lobssenrd about nild cnmmiltra chairman and Jim hi hi Currigatl honorary chairmen carnival quecn and her are Imonr iha guests expected two lsdleIlanltlng htIynr Les that running able tram the brute chanibcr ot Commerce ulllco Jacksons Grill at lrtci Grant mcmorlal square and the Carrdvnl lnlormotlon trailer st hlcmorlal Square llIroid hllckl oi the IlotIry Club warned that Ilctrl tales hairs been tlmltrd to no couples Ind these tha IlwayI sold quick ly In previous years Iioh Iluiitcrs band is this best In the north hlr hiltks sold nrld his reeled style at music appeals to III Iga groups Hound Entered Coins Stolen IlIrrle police Ire lnlcsltgstlng break enter Ind their which occurred at the home at lialph Webb It Centre Si Mn Webb told polls that he Irrlicd home shortly nyIar gm yesterday to llnd hat his niiso had been rutcltd via the backdoor and that his bcdroom Ind been remarked Indoor track In Toronto on Fob on steam Quolliicrs will have to loin II lhu dlvlilnus which will he the Control Ontario Truck rind reprosrntcd will be Iuvellilo Illrn Field Association or boys Ind lunlor girls The trials writ bcgirl It thu llia events Ivr elicit dlllslon clubs rcgulnr workout stunting will be the same It metros at his pm truth In Action Committee Annlhcr ncctiug oi the Ilarriu meeting lsatwcrk largo group loath In Action rimmillcs iNlhlthiltlllllanuikar my PM my log lccnagcra turned out to varrues tonight It 1230 This barrio Jchccs who Ire Ihn in Iinnimt Ilc work rd on both data and satellite WAYNE II IIANDLEII new boss tronu cup sis wall no cable do In ls ri nicnlblr oi the AWKtuIlun ul Iiolcsaional line girler at UtiiIIILtL hlr handlcr will iiioio his Ida and tour chlldrcn In burrit ily Sells Parcel OI Loud For Warehousing Storage Use Iily council at Its spccliii mcctlng lust night opproicd Iiltanco conrmlltic rccummcndaa thin that land lacing purchased train the province between Bloch nml Tilllu Ilmis be sold to Iiuwrr and lllntoit tor truuoo plus legal costs Iric province is apparently willing to scll this Mild Irrcs III that liriipuntI and the city would retain about hnll In Icra Iur luluro liiduslriel tlciclopmcnl Tho committh dccldcd to an pruic sailing the land drsplll orcrlurcs lroni two other Inter tsild parties It still Industrial land has ncucr bolero bccn sold by tender and In this case the city ugrcrd to purchase the land nltir llcssrs Itawn Ind Illnlon ollvrcd in buy It This gcnticnirn met with the linoncrs committee rind said tilt lulcnd to instill warehouse and Itnragu Incilltlrs or an unnam cd client and little trnlllc would gcncruttsl LOClil AND GENERAL LAND PURCHASED lha SlmcoeCounIy llnrnau Cothollc Separate School board has completed purchase It Iivoacrc sits on Clitltllbs ltd lur Illturo school cxporulori Price at purchase was not Illlclusml stllllol acchurrn Roman Catholic Scperlls SchooL The board ls holding back tom until work on the nish and mill work Is completcd to Its III lulnctlon IT IiIDNIIAb Feb 11 Is the date achtdltio cd tor the otllclal openinrt II III Ecule SIanroLX In Inlonteloa sddltlontn St Monicas school has bcrn acccplod by the board In llarrle Compiots details ol th Dress or libel will ecu com wmm 5mm my Wm mm Wm In my my Aqulntltrolcolns tromIeoln So In there has bccn road helping to organize the council Ioilvwirl that lnapcctlnn at tho program tor the optalas will your collection wIs taken but thrlr response to the Men at youth hope on even Inrgcr group will reluahssyctinbe driermlncd murrcltln Ilnrrle It the sword be prcscnt tonight tho addition by the architect and he nuliullncod It the next re iytlclnh ol the Shannon County lar board meeting

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