II In use rxlmrrril rumour yrs ins IIIISTVIEW SCENE Barrie Schools Present Opera Our basketball seam Illeiy hIre been on the us Ind lip and III II beard our bode IId Iour ulns tour lines eompeth ly ALIII IAIEAIAN nd ROI All The rally big belt this not It at coxrrrr leiuI Christ Moersirrt In use you havent hIIrd thI high Ichoau II herri hrlny log IIII lIntIItlo pcrlormsnce to the sudltorlunr It Central Sel urday night The curtain still go up trim the tth time It ml WIT again It 034 Thy not to miss this It It should prove to be Very memorable ever In Also In tho entertainment the IIIt SIturdey Iith the use III large and In Ittrn dance enjoyed the music II III nose II II IrsnIlly do Dotti Iltndled Iain our on tosebool latest test Ihundaga Iilomooo daring our total Among the onions to Id one Its my and Icromplnled hlrrualt on the guitar lhtAdII TIII niers Iridlhe lodges mue his bed hard time drilling IL ther the CIIIdId GIng III mesh bit with the Andrew Bertva III III re mat It the ani communal tea IleI hm lIsI Friday nlrht by IlIvI Itoea Ind Greg Sorg eInt Dire III the mummy In the urn skin In Its donor held II FAII iiyw pf Rrrk Ills theory In that In spite oI III III trouble Ind un rest In our world iodIy society Iill nuke It Although Greg did not receive top prize he gore In excell Inl prepared rpcceh on the VI ues of Sandy Ills main theme valorms III the hillbilly In that he milder our sne mudsd Gang The members inynltodayptulle In compar Ir um bend cbecrtully wallet in Ilth post mines my with III cheque sad Congratnlltlcns to Dave Iar twine MM 191 being mnzupa lhdg Greg tor mm ttln toy to It The second gets sent to Swamp III GORDON le After more Irorn such root In trite Is hockey tourne od labor In my St do seths II prep Iopciully prosperour month The students It Illl II II inches In prepping tor that dcll tlirl Iuytui scum time Inr rohernrnt Ind Inthusles tII IanuIl hIrrlI iIl Althoth tlmeconruminl In it bu not been pIInlul tor II hm had the picture at ludgiag living beauties to repre Icnt oursrhool In the mom chn Queen Contest Alter Ion Ind strenuous curl rIderIllan hen Itoscarms sIblI ll Ills Ilro tori Grede Thermere other tips pulse will IIIII Ibooi ll this week Io letI herp Ill lhnrc Iludenl tam mint and maybe well nally get llut rslelerla Ilrm Iil ST IOSEPIIS Quens Chosen Representatives ly aiasr ISIAH In noted noun hudnat Inna North as scorIIIID mm Imam in WWII Iron in Ice th lulure WINK with tor III npeomlnl um II niIry sutmt To Iii III re mine III Rmmuwm II cttl dlrntrat Filmm Intrail no it MPH to via outa Is Set your tickets Irbllo theyre We him too Irons 613 III tulunl Ill It ulIiloar and the but ol other girls who mntulsd Im II tollnus mun WILwn SissIn Hm Heidi hlih Itch enemas IIIr Marley Arlene Om Itobln lam Iladdy lhyuen JannI Write and In Cerpealer WIMP ameIl limit it ihwa in Iilnng control no fog or putting In extreme tort tale It and In determlnad to come out Did top II II did We ll losers Ind WmuwnumW Iltl riui Iaurrnr my hm mm dillerenllr than the In and it mu my PM In can uIaInancI blgher tyrees IreluI eaIbtlnI peo II to outta dlrcctdtll eIltI to peplrts ermine Alrch 0mm the Midland boys $3sz my mm WM bulerIll terms IlIlled lerIl out to lhgfqlllllllllll ollen lithe Illcmpt to redeem lhenr een um ten MIDASIADOII ARRIVE Ild mbune reported Widow 035M lull Ill three emu an ewerseys Iortn Inlhemldgntrmygt it Poul lemon scored as who vitieilile oollnlrles weed to erlIblIsb Oureholr II now but re lug lnr tII Rituals Ilia that In Month The competition Ippem In be overwhelmingly till wllhbichl fable II III 11 student Ind Yvonne Boise Pm quay GrIdI Io IludcrI Irere PM hum my my mmy our donors on Feb It school Feb II II the Tree Queen LIIt llsndIy Lllrrce at North collcglIII IIIiun butclIIll teem bowed to deteIl nit Irorn one It the booth std hired as long Is he noted tor In the mid It centimes our lenibr lirls Dy BONGO is hotter Won the sitarnu Redsllns In whom III held on Innth run It Ihe girlIi hockey teens III gigs It borne In tho Ilrls Iran North Ibo lion with the gun in plsytd Illttuly mm his turn EE The pre oils Ir nirIl diplomatic rein Great Monufodlurers Clearances on Mens FcrmousMokeCIthIing sigd Egsg All first Imbasudoe to Penn as Ins residing at June PIII er lead slam Lsrtlu Klein mlhG will the harmony Ind Nina In tho ski nireIlIIl Thunder Wit on the pinso The our tum came third out ol gag did us raisin number III really Ia telnet twentyIts Items Ind III II teem laced lllh These kids how has be nuke use It loco by Rick Rose Ibo receirv Iinleyl Hurryin nowforoclosetIul ofvolrlesotthis Februarylow price trillions Illltll Snovir Postpones Gumes Sculpture by mistress AI II ruched Ills midpoint ol our second term school Ictlv Ities lere hempersd by stormy umber Snow Iodplures which were to be started last lloodsy were tponed to this week butet Ill games Iilh Penetsag Inc the ban Ind St Iheressl tor the girls Irra eIncellrd be rIusI ot had road conditions They ILii be plchd later By him rather improved noun tht our winter carnival eatlritles could be conducted at the dress the rst lrsture oI the day In In exciting game between jibe combinstion oi silvcr Ind red Ind blue Ind Irsen intrr murII plIyerI Tho coIch lot the bluerlrern squad was Peter rIIenrtcy whils the catch II III Vervred squad war hllko IA Tinae lllith esrellont goaltending by llrko Townes Ind gnsls by DIlI JImchon ill lllrh Arch and Doug JImleIrm with such Iiiv tlrtd tum look convincinr It will Pct hllnnlriu Icorcd the lone biuegrern goal Inlinwlng this wire tlis broom bIIl games lIrst game Ill be tween Grades Ind lb ending to tier next In GrIdeI II and II Excellent goaltending by John listings ms the guns III win over grade III by score II II The IcIlura garna was In tween the llariily Thirtrcns Ind Tricky leIchIrs Again errsl lent goaltending by llliko Tow It gave the Guide 131 to The Sid Club lsil II 1130 to Mount St Louis where ski test runs were rnIde available It was very Iucccrsiul trlp tor the club lhcn Itsrtlng It the Tricky lcachcrI took on the Ienlor girls Ind midgct hoyu bnsketbzll ieIrris Again the students me out on top with close sure are silhough the Iclrhcrr played In eIccllanl gnme Altar lhI gIme time In Iklllnd tram 230 In 330 To till the mini all dance lrnm too to 1m tcelur his hind trim Ohio hillIl Eric The demo Its very good tongralulatlniil to Rick Arrhv or or organltlrir very Iuccrss All day We Ilso thank the tcsrhcrl or bring lIltIl good IportI We lnoit lorward to tnan winter rarrilyIlI SCIYS Students Are Lost Cause HALIFAX CPl The omit ol EIAIAI It iinrentI Ilu Int carpet nys rtuvlenls Ire no longer nrral rruuderr ed Lte WM In its hit but ewe Itrr II II liIflIs IMyans in wt In Lie Ill dreads students have ta Imwl minds hi It Iysllm Irlt rrl ostw ilyrrintlon they tir rmrnl In Ihmr years no hiring in tin menus yumm intuit All During said Itiulrrits demanded thnga hut dd nib IlwaI know It rhsnge was tor the hotter bha qurIllrlnorl Ihrthcr IIll itrnis were really cultured to loot cruiulcs IlIro lie not Illl rim to iorrlplurnt about ml Wluil that the begun to IImr that leisure II III Itrrlrnu II dillermll In and Ilwlvnls should lul emly rrirrlum their ability to limit grist mirIl questions because lb were not rduratrd wash to this rauousMAkrccrsihsouniirv ionarnouortarrsivousavcu 98 MIirs SALE timid To tell you lllr Krolrod Ilorssol this low price couldnt breathe mnloyi none but weve tell the lohsllnYou llrecognizeiturioonoiosyouraall Permanently pinilod lo Isep their liaih Ioolrl lion Rol woiilhallerslillyoueonwooiamysariourvdJnDoha gels Manuals and mellow ioolil Tailored with Iron lop pocloli some patch pockets buttons or ripin Ireuls lri plolniohd pollarris to plants the most porlltulor in blues brewer greens greys goldloner arid burgun diay5ireiib36 WARMUP TO THIS POLO SHIRT BARGAIN GUYSENJOY THE SAVINGSI Our great polo shirt purchase has brought the price woy clown for this Sale only Youll never loigiuo your rellllyoudonthuyonenowiinbdndsdocelolelo wear right riow and right through to summerlong sleavedwiihpopularVilnierlondhlmocic ml neck Hood washable Ecru lilac antique poldrichbiuoSMLXL MiirIrepi 1400 sivsssuow ournuousuaus MENSALIWOOIDRESSPANTS ii lmoglhol Top Ioihion I933 casualdress poulr soiling lor allow at 498 Besides the savings youro gutting bolhcontortondslylaliurbonltol woiitbnnoond permnnsnl rranio Boll loops and limit my lupsldanucleiExcitingchoieaolcol ourrondpollomi$izos30vt Mills reg 1998 TIMELY CLEARANCE SAVINGS ON FAMOUS NAME Terrific Clooronco Sovlngsi Mens Accessories TURTIENECK SWEATERS Iuriy you to be able to buyo hondionio newiur toiiocl lull when you wonl loodd loyour ward lohel At this low price tool From to inhibit hiotar ill lilllln Arman Pull out let eomlorl and style GinolcolnurcholeIiiyonovy 5in Ruby toil birdie bluo while brown ondpiuiiiSMlltl MirI rep 195 VNGIIARD DISCOUNT PERSCRIPTION Sowch Ltd THINK OF OUR NAME WHEN YOU NEED PRESCRIPTION 68C MAPLE AVE BARRIE Fm Parking TOP MAIII DRESS hlITS Mlulmg tarno stir lluit oiililondun Irhruuy lolinp IliVINYICA5UAIbEtls Illrn 250 IrrmIIrlour voliel Cons ill roriy ior lnr lhemlus out till reistlloiit III III III Ililtidtlli ll liloil him let Ltdlhlt both will laailmiai Ilylioy uphold many more IIWIAI ldmld hm niioued lltell birlier lino Iain iliih loyuul Ioiouius noun Su owulor nnrylnpioap aunt tutti ole Illilitltluilili pinup bucllaWnlll ursitiIli SoIII ItIIl telllnp Polhlen llotln IOW PoinslIr AI llir low price why not buy lot My one you uriwt uIl tor CitIIIMII lit with My Illle null lt pod illirtl sir Il EAOMIIIU rind loosinoloue polirrrii It only while blbpwtl wimpuipepoldblueprsrdlilscondnarel IIMIIAII Mens IAII BuyTha Clothes You Need Right Now with your Hondy Chorgox Coral 1264452 nanny III IIMH Ill Sayirtte nullrims illtliya orruoiiiv uyihiidiliiiitli ulttthlbltlhtll