Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jan 1972, p. 2

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Altering Broke Atborobiiirorrolo nthhut toroiotboom their Irrro liter Inherit out urethoimooioaiy toI onto LIhoSlororo betoeootho reomuooetrmyeueotbn ammonium hovoproporodreodvoyoteloh Mumslute We mu out to hrtLrDrIrtlla linudlro Wm mmhmmmumm ohm It lch poor without lirli Mildllto MIR nuehiooteoio report Iloro ior fDies Near Barrie Wad er rmuruneuuuoronunmon iuklliedinoo eorerthPltiehsquthomo oottlhuyiluonmhoiibootthdoxiduh hrnctimwithllidmynobotdl Policeuidtlsibillylu 514 pnmdoy olihdlimooodtilel Maestro III drtrioo hrnoii not which In involved II tho or Leost Die to Ontario Notional Toll This Your 194 ActrIIndImInwero killedweekhrotubttho obde lrdr loioliorlitootieortloe mad be chici siege EEKE EEEEEE on nylonth EF= is Alberto tire derih Ind iroitic to end hriitrlr Goiombis derrb Ind phoo erIsh The trollie deIths toteiher with it reported durtor the or ribbed her dmhter lire kiriler1i both oi Elle enranh 92in Ont Ind Wllilom NIy FE Window Iion It level marine rnileo north oi tioitby csrboo remodel hIIement moot Sudltury =iteeidontsBrocing Eor Cutboclrs Economic Blow EUDBUIW CPI lteoldento rrrirrlnl at this Northern Ontorio city or brocto tor the economic iIilorrt we lion industry Abottt 2000 lob will be elimi oIted Is Iiro company reduce to per rent move which oinciei to Toronto Iey we dictated by worldwide decline in demoed ior nickel The cut to or into etiect In hrtoreo throurl April we inco ting in It month end reduces or production by ion to Ibout to per lowlcopaciiy Toto pIyro roe inoltr ettret in eroiion th rulhocko In produclt tho tnternetloori Nlckcl do lilo IreII mIlo too to the econ may oi the Budbury dlrlriet own op oi rout tor workirl ior tile comply to ertiroo It mm IhIn million year on itordelt hlt will be tho iroro town hi try at Budbury ood Conioloo ltoyor lilke Soirki Iid Sotrrr teed rmetter titer will be or regomic blow to tho commun It the Coniolon smelter to be rent will he ctoocd only throtth tor oi employ cloned utlmeiod loruoi Colrheoter North Township Ihmlbeireoro collided heodoo Ibotlt ll miiu without oi Doom Lowell Mule 21 at liIrkhom in certain mu lino core tr oi root in Motion in tire It Port lol borne leonord litter lioeleod It Iloritobo oi DlIckotock Ooh in hood en crooh oo lllehwry it ltrr Wiltred hirkod Ind her roe Solon It oi iiomllton oi potsooInI in their home truth en in the til it Itlrh tomorrow is Collision on the torrent bound dry ilto plsoned rtoeuro oi About men or employed closed by April Workero It the neIrby stool Ind Crern llltt mine will 0o Irenrlerrrd to other operoiion Ind both mines Cooieien will be Itiected not ment but by lot oi to Irrele ment when the mciler to INDEEDHook loo Iihm mmmhboouud The tent protect ot the Ante ll Mandy mode the dummy opened Sotnrdoy whit dIyI lostlrilies centred mood on rinl Snownurrie Ind ounny riodo will continue in the heme Ire TIIrIdI Too Ion toolnht will be It to it Ibovo row the high liedoeo dry will be between to out degree lyoryoio rider oi htph prerruro over Onurio which mo moot oi the rovian eleIr Ikieo overoirht Iii mot cost into ebec todey Ind we dirtur neo movino out oi plotti iobI is expected to lyrerd cloud Ind lieht snow Irror tho enllro province tooikht Iildlt to error in tornperoturo will no coropoey the loud rd snow but rerdlou will rtlil rem below normal tor ihiI time or you iortlei cterrlnr to then cttd to rrow oronioc osliy ototny rrlornirtl with ioereIotny her ilrtr Iilornoon Period ei lirht onow thlr eveninp Tumor row runny period with flur rier iiiri todry to low tonilhl lrlndlor Modnit Lille St Clair loke ituron oouthem Georyim iiry Snownurrico till mornnr beeominy orercort will period oi now by tote Iti erooorl Tomorrow runny for tied with tew tiurrlet it oh lodIy near to tow tonight 10 to it their tomorrow 20 In tr llImllton Nlornre Loire Erie werterrr intro Dniertor Mortly runny tht nrorniny ln crerrno cioudiocrs ihl eiterr poor with period at onuw lilo evening Tomorrow runny re node with cut iturricr lirh todoy nerr 20 low lontrlri It to no lilyh Theodoy to to ll Yollrrn Loire nniorio IlhlI burton rcrlonr lloinly luntiy totiey t1nurly with periods oi now tonight Tomorrow runny period with tow flurrlro lileh lodoy our to Low torrith broom opeono tutlrilieo oi tho mothInJIDIOIIII Anr ten lililr rink Solurdol Till The ice ourloce ooby Ito loft olotloilml recreotieo commit to The rink opened Brturdo hII ow boord with root boo It to older berorrro the urociotioo we constructed entirety eIi volunteers ood to re community protect lorno Tiiloon thhl occordioy to route oi the low tlurrleo tomorrow llllil lodoy to to low tonllill lit lo 15 below Ionlh to to AD below north liiyh tomorrow oeIr zero Windsor this Sorrel SI Thorns lander Kitchener liounl lnreIt Wlolhom Owen Sound Iltukoko Itomitton St Coiholineo CochrIoe Tcrouoml weer em Jolrlel Boy sunny moraine lncreulzf cioudloero with lltltl snow otternoon PIriiII cieIrirrr toolcht Tomorv row runny rlod with too iiunler ill todIy non zero it too tonight 10 to to below oth 20 to it below north lllyil Io morrow our core liontreIi DttowI Todoy rum their is to to except our to ureotion region tonirhl rieer becomin cloudy by morn in to toe ionl teem tolobovo elrcpt our to below over Lour ention Ind eortem twnrhipo re ocrertonoi OBLTUiliiY CllAiiLOTiE ANN CAllll Funerei rcntce wcr held iron the CrIwiord Funorol liomo Crcemoro tor Chortolte Ann Corr who died in Slmcoo itInor tieclon on Dec re lirr Corr woo born to Oxtord England in roll rod moved to Cloud in 1001 with he ilrri hurhond liolh hit ttoit Ind her second hurhand Corr both predeceorod her tier only litter riled tut iuoo Survivin up one ttoit oi Doncroil ood douyhier ltro P7 Iliey ltoxweil oi ltorrto Irri tho ilvy Pickett oi Toronto Airo urvlvlno on live step children it Indchltdren end it rootIron children PIilbruero were six end on itcv Gill eo ueted the eervieo Buriol we in tree Toronto oi PeterborourhutdEJ Cor newlytermed community eiolioe drilled well Ind put th 20 TO 20 TO TO TO 10 TO 2D TD Trenton Ittriyoioo Peterborourh itlltoioo North liry Sudhury Eerith ilmmlps itopuotesioy TO 29 10 IS little it Ctrrpiceu White ttlter Gcrotdion lioooooeo it TO to sunny Flurries Moderate In Barrie Area Tomorrow ooow cTeIrin by ereoinr 5b torrtorrow to 20 Illil low Illlll Today Tolllht Tue ls re to to to 10 to ID ll re 15 in it 40 Jill JO rrp oodlitth tor the rink IE1 Imioer Photo Many Helped To Build Rink Itd tho normIi hockey booed would bo Ir eyesore loch rum mer Ve rI Itvp Deputyrecto At on ten oiliciIiiy opened the rink Ind told be on ind to no community rplrlr lo mwlnl with the one community The rink on porcei oi lIod deeded to tho toworhip by rub divider Scott or port ol lilo reorrlremeoto tor hi rub division the loud to behind the school Ind tho Issoclelton hope to convert the choothouso Into community centre when the lilnerino reboot is expended to hour Anieo little pupils THEY HELPED tool IIot oi people too limited by Mr Wilton tor the upport they core to the protect tio oold tocIt ptumberr electric iIh rod the ioeni weiidritilo rirm denoted ervicc end It tund tor the rink were collect ed by rain doortodoor ood Irk iny tor contributions llr Wilton welcomed here crowd oi both children Arid Iduito to tho oiiiclrl opening which Included In Iilornoon oi note on the rink Ind doneo Itiorvrordo it mid there is iiil plenty bi work to do dono WAIyou Ill know Iorne robtem with now yeor noel tirno there My nowtrli wed be hi to re oome oi you men out onto bchulo there is nine to more removoi prob em St uauuuszsssuuas oeouoimec lrl prooeototioo oi lite on in the Ontario on mono Sorton will be mode to Ksihieen Ind TIME oi reorrIo the iocll breath or st Geno Alanine tioii Th It ILSO po will ho wIIded tho mem beroho It the meoiirr sold her out for their rels loo etiorio ol the pool two yetro Dori Sehnmocher ti on Tm IROIIEN All Kenneth Colbero oi oi Dor rie lettered broken rib when he er involved in toocor coIlltlber Soiurdoy oeIr tho ierrertlon oi itoro ood st Yin reoIIIroolI the driver oi the other vehicle Edword tchrthur oi Dorrie eserped Inlrry Toioi dIme on eotlmoled It otiphlly over 000 OliOVIi DAVIDSON Demon woo eotlmoted ot trio in iuorIr roiiioion our the intersection oi Grove Ind Dove idler Itreets Srturdry Tho driver oi the Vehicles were ltrrlori 1qu It led itoosld White it both oi Dorrie liDTAttY liulttlit Itoberi Dov port prerl dent oi the Toronto itotory Club Heinz Sporr Is President licinr Spcrr wII eieelod pre dent oi the lirrrt tiermInCon Idion Club II it Innuoi meeting Sundry Vleo president Schwerr ceretnry ith ire ireorurer Virior lurch end the two Iudlloro or red lieytr Ind tred ttIuder Til ciubo out door litrdl ire eottumo boil Lilo Membership Presentations At Numooc society Annuol Moe wIilbo otrpcolorood mo tirooihilhuiiolor berrd oidtroo Election It tor ior me within Dion dos In the houneos portion or no motion The oreeutivo will bo ioiIIoIionottA The Itteod uI ticket tor the bore meet most bo reserved by con toetioo ltro ltsdiero oi to Perry 5L room one concert Ind poll dirtrtctroveroor will oddrers lilo weekly lunch eon motto oi the hereto to my Club Thurodoy Ilternoon It in liiromIr Golden Iho meetior berths oi Itti pm ItiTI BGIOOL itoooici It ItrnnIh Io oi hor rte eIeIped oertous inlury but reused or utlmeted 200 dun lie to lilo vehicle be we drivio when he lost control oi it the corner oi lirodtord Ind Ittro Iirch trio ioturdoy nipht The vehicle Iiruck perm tree went through cholnlenT tenco Ind bounced oil nine creto WIII demotirhiox tho rlrht ride at the nor Property dom It to porth the Trio Voter School wes ertimotcdo 100 NAMED itEOEIIVE hRUSShts iCPvAPl Si teen counlrleo were entered 5o trme in tho tleid hockey corn etiion to tilt yeor Olympic me in Munich Wort Gert mon Cooodo woo rented the mood rorerr entry behind fwitrcrioodood Iheodoi Aus IIr IIPLCALL PLAYER IAPI ot liiue oi the Netlnooi llochey leoruo hove rcclllcd detrorer men Dick Procevlot irom lion City ilturs ortd Iturl Bennett irom Denver 5er with Feb II It the new Lotion tiIil on st Vincent hi the Gavernments Arbour ooouoccd Sundry own rules to save SiteI welcome to YOUR INCO tiy wit work pert lime in my rmoti pill hop CIn eioim woyeo tor her in my turret it your bottom to solo yroprletorrhlp you no oi cIIirn were poll to your wito II In erpeero lorted new hurtnere in tort Con you tell roe will depreciIiion con ciolm ior in com Ielr ourporert Cepltot eorr Itloornre Iometlmc reierrod to tie preeIItioo to Itlowed tie ductioo 1T1 rIleo very with the ol Irret For erompte us to curs tnrckl etc to er cent Ciro irom ed IllllcO bulldirr to per cent 41m Itcc brick Ind one ereto buildlnro percent note for other ollel my be othinod by reierenco to the in cumo Tex Tirttuloilonr nr irom your local Diotrlot Terelion 0t rlco Bperlol rote moy Ipply to wet oi tumor or tlrhermen For tilcro no the Parmert Ind Pirhermono Guide to the cue ot new burincr tort or not to mention tor the toil toxolion you the dopreclrlion Iloutd be worried on the at the number oi dIyI the hue nor we to operotion here heord tilII eon not the lee my to conoulb Int cherrer lot motion out my lncomo tolr return to title or rertt Titer no provlrion In the income Torr Act which permits deduction at there rhlryer how ever it you normriiy require Iccmurtino novice In connection with your hurloeso the ion coo uttrot cherye my be dedur bio huriner orpenro em commlrrion moo oporoiiny out or my item room ct up on oi tloe Coo etoim my expense ior Ililo Itiilco when tirurlny my income test it tho room to need with to tho purporo ol oornln your income you my or soil led In rl dcducI portlorr oi the tort oi burineI expense Unloriuneieiy quired beioro you could be Id Imount ol your deduction Your District IInolion other would be pitIIed to help you more UnionCcmttery connector to their tomorrow neIr North llIy Hudbury Atromo northern tteorrlen tloy low iturrle hecorniey overeeel with period or Iouw tedoy Tomor roe runny period with tore fiurrleo Itch todry root to Low lonlobt zero liigh iomor row l0 ID is While ilivor Ineroroinr elotniirrrsr with period at nnow todIy Fortlrt ricnrlnn tonichr MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT EFFECTIVE SUPERVISION lN PRODUCTION SUPERVISION HAS CHANGED HASNT it But lhlr not told moon tor discordiry Iii oi the nu erviro Theiazoiceo new mttitorioptor IdpyrdIcAnIWrtAIIolnhIId mm mum prov mony comblnoltono thnl the individuol oupervilor nelyiihitow tho rupcrvieor how he con get rrruitr with otylo oi rupeitllloil CONTENTI The Itoto oi Seroerviror Principle oi Elledloo Suprrvieton Trkin Proper Action Moilvolkrn oi the Worker hetlin Ohlective Irwt ioeio tirmnino srheduitnt merit Ind Plvrluotlon umiihiiih irom wereticulartirit itEtlloTltATtONr harlgerphylmanxithe etloehed lorrrt with your toe to nomwwunlrourt PMDULTION ME TAX rnelntoinlnr your home are tntormoilon would be to red on how to criruieie the ATATITTNII DATLI ACIILDULEI Andree TELEPHONE NUDINLB ltliBlDierPi IlliLOYLii Heree perfectly iepIi my to use the Government own rule to rrvo on income lex TheGovcrnmcnthrsolewthet cry in effect it you save now or your retirement well let you my or much or $2500 into repiltcrcd retirement evlnyo plop Ind well let you knock it off your income So you merely tower texobi locomorby putting up to $2500 in our registered retirement rev ian pleo end dont pay the test on it Soy youre merried have two children and corned tincen thou sand in 1971 Depending on the province you live in your tort roving could mount to $880 which is bundle in my men iInruore Totopiteiioiithomoncy you love our mete more money Erecniioiiy there or tour Why you err do title You can bite or Invert It in stocks You colt here invert it for ourrroteed role of interest You run have invert it in income producing bond rod mortgeyer Or you cnn divide your money up using ino tax any comhlootlon at there three oiieroetivcr The bceuiy oi it irYou can rctueliy control the combination or your need change over the years For ineirnce you could invest in works for several years for longterm growth And then you got closer to retirement you might wont to With to guaranteed intercrt role Youcnochuoycyeurcombine lion uyuln nod Igolo Thir metro your plot to exible or all times And you one get your money out when you wont it Canada Trust When you cvcnlurtiy cheer to withdrew it you hrvo to pry toxesonitnl thntiimeoicouroe Butthisiswhotemortimporlunt You pay tax on your money when you decide to pry it This meant later when youre liter in lower tux brockct This he led some to roll this plan ten ehettcr Ono feiiowwe knowptooo to pry Into it for ecverni ycarr wntch it grow then like it out In rcploco normnl income while he lures in hinjorco But lets tree it the rent benet comer irom leoving it in tii you retire Its especially voiuohto bcoauro we dont have lot oi selermen out melting cells therefore you dont have to pry mics commie eions Jurt call us to set untied But dont put it ell You cnot deduct nny dcposits from your 1in income nitcr iursdoy Februnry 29m So tipht tire with tire Moire the rules work for you Sure bundle on income ior Phone or nowi 91 Duoiop at Memorial Sop7264848

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