jCETY NEWS Addition To Guthrie School Would Relieve Overtrowding batman proposal tor In ad station to the Gothrin elementary Ichooi ll approved IIat ninht by the Simon Ccunty Boned oi mention The rwnul must now he demanded to the Department at xation ten approval no the an room with chants rooms re nourre centre pidam ottrre health toll and quilinry Irena hominidth at the protect is been The central location at the school too munr tar ttennl nouns Tonrd Wants To be Aware Oi hanges In Zoning Bylaws hhncoo County Bond oi lid ucntiorr tntsieer voted lIIt nipht to nopport mutation Item the lient Cornty hoard ol Educ trion cooremlnn moraine The Kent bonrdl resolution late the Minister oi titanic Altair to mend the Pl Iirtnothotnotieesotnootanby inn chateau will he iorwIndcd to the board th Kent hoard told it not reamed about channel which ltbnipromlmtahe one at the ychI mochexdiint inmily snowmobile events will take place Feb 11 when the Brad ord Lions chxb rpmsor inn nttln rally on late Simeon Oiikials oi Snornrama too said that mltty Individuals and clubs have sinned up lot the event but that drivial condlo lions on the hip IIII leave Iomeihlnn to be dealrnd Veteran tnIe wnichers nny Stmcoe Is not rain to drive on In yet and what is needed in some cold weather over nus inland period to ranks it late tor mowanobtllnn and Ice ilshinn Hons club drunk are pro ceeding rithi nut and more red this week that three tele vision sets will he Iwnrded as as telncb tv not will no to the rider who raises the meet span nnr my mother not will no to the entrnnt who ItirIcta the most rponsora The third IIi will he ylrrrr loiiowllnn drpl nuntunnel nu the Lions Snowman tr sponsorship rally In which pan iiculpsnlavehtntn rash piedyes per onto the club In asking that each puttcipant pny ll to enter and chitin minimum at tie in Iponsornhipe The entry ice cavern two meals durinp the day chance Illect the school population and alter their llvoynnr onion Ioeocesi Under present renditions txr ty property owner withtn we itetoinnncrnoilaadnhicb may he returned an notitted at the plans to rerun the Iron The board was concerned that Itodelt areas ndpht he re noned lI rcaidencn areas without it inn Ivan at possible increase in population Viiradiord Lions Club Sponsors Snowmobile Rally February 13 to rain lelrrlalon net on drnw Ircu AIlip II the hallway point and iren crest on com pletion nl thI run Proiltx from the tarnity nonw rnohlle rIIly will In toward boyn Ind Irin nnrh oi the hrndlord Unns club the rnii ninrts It lit the trail will cIeIer matted and pItrolIed helicopter will be operntinn alone the route as In ettrn nniciy meIsure Bradinrd llaynr lnc blatant has challenged nny bend oi murt iclpality or his representattvn to take part The mayor already has than new worth ol Iponanrs Meeting Today To Form Policy For Palroilers Principals oi Ihnlsill Twp MI endlluoy Mm poticy concernlnn sending school Inicty pniroltcrn to Iniety pat rol Jamborecs Inc Simcoe County Board of Education Init nirhi receiird uent lrorn tliIIIm Bro el oi thI Innlsltl police department tor iinnnc support ior sendiar winner to yam boree in Ottawa in the apron voun INCOME TAX On my income tax return hnvo always claimed my inthv er Is dependent last llIrch he was killed in In Into Iccldtai Ilow much may claim ior him it snylhlnr in my tax return ll your lIthern income tor the year up to the date at his deal was less thnn $950 you may claim any Imouni you npeot the his wpgorl durln the yeIr at his dent up to tho mania ITIIIM Sly mother lives with to Ind while her income It more than 1950 dont charyI her anything tor her tcep linen this mean lhIt may cinlnt her Is dcpeadnntt No You may only claim dependant who has In income less than $930 The incl that you receive nothing irotn your moth or does not entitle ouioclvim her as depcndan in this in stance llhcn my parents died went to live in In nunl wax not legally adopted by my aunt but the paid let my education she to now quite elderly andrl give her smell allowance Am allowed in claim her en mi income tax lorm as depend Ihlt it your aunt has no to come oi esn than Wit you may clIlm her no dependant In It the were your mother Iiy lather nunlIiIer In de pendant and each year on in term the to tilt in III the tnlormntlon recording his Inc income etc Is It not hot pthe tar me to lust put see last years return no that do not have to tilt in the name de tatln each yenri it you omit nny oi this in iormnilorr on your tax torm you Ire probany clay to delay the yroccsainn oi your return There orc you should enter all thI irrtorrnalloa nrhcd tor each year have been claiminl my children as exemptluna on my tax return Can my wile clIim the medical expenses paid on their heltalt on her in return Ordinarily the answer In no Iledlcal expense can be II lowed only to thepersoa who cleimn the dependant lor the yearwbcn the expense was In ttttrcd Qty husband and both work and have to employ housekeeper to loot alter the children When liiin rny Income tax lorm can claim the house keeper deduction No The the yelr ml the borrseiree rI salary is not de ducilhle or income tax or es either by you or youqhui and ly the died year Ito and have had to retain house keeper to core tor the children and do domestic chorex Can clnirn In income tax dethtc lien or exemption inr hert You may not claim any deduction or exemption lnr your housekeeper In such However because you Ire widower and unptoy housekeeper to care tor your children you In entit led to claim the troop equivat cnt mtrried exemption or one at your children and also claim the usual two or 5530 exemption ior that tune child am salaried employee and have to purchase special relerence habits tor my II can claim those as deduc tion tor income in purposes Itdthe cost oi reierencI boots not an allowable deduc tion from salary received as no employee How to Therein alwoynliay mating or your nearby ItOCit el lien Trainnd tux nun late We data and bolell up Iositoyouhm yIryiax dndurildnyouy ottom inp Main My new at II ILOCK III nearlan mill Donald St Barrie All Five Poinin Abevn 24Hour Renlnurnni Opon Mon to Fri social Planning Council Elects 12 Directors For 72 Election ni ih 1m hoard ol director and chain nhnut hir ht fulltime prviusinnnl to hep the little Social Pitnnlnn Council were htphllphts at its that annual meetxnn Inst nInht IhIrclay at the Ontario Wellnre Council discuss the need at stronth contdon oi plnnnlny councils ibrwtoaut Ontario lln tnid that the it planning eottncita tn the province have torrential plteh aperinbsta should hn hrounht in Tab statement In view at the tart that the Inanlny council in Barrie is In rt ttttancinlly in secure ran revernl member to thnllntle the education Ilnyor Lu Cootn untried the desirability oi erpertixe but made the point that there Is an replacement or motivation ho conclusion was reached In ihedebnle and Paul IIerrnisinn lotII oi proleuiopal ItIll members Iod the number It protesdonals repmentv consid erable inuence it used in tin lullest extent SPRth commented It ith wont we need to keep ihlon point where do we not the money Prior to the election the men henldp heard reports ltnm rpm rnltter heads on several oi the eounclln prolertr In the part HIT Ileporlx dealt with the Barrie hortri tho Barrie youth centre and the Youth Opportunities the III told the to members at the Barrie Social Planninn ConrcIL and latent erin that there rent in order in mm Waterloo lutheran Gels Okay Tortourses At Orillin DCVI Waterloo Lutheran University Ito its hchay IctInz director was granted penntissloalnnt aI ucation Ind rupeelnlerrdcnt night by tho Simeon County at academic pernoonel said the Board nl Fdllclltim to conduct Fromm hop always been nup winter Ind summer extension period bernusa many oi the courses It the brittle blrrrirt people who benefit irom the entity my vqu mu courscsareleltberson Lhenlail uriny 1mm oi the board na university Ill ed more then irth pnsrne en charge PAE Sewage loan For Aliiston OTTAWA Speciall Cutti rII iiorlnane Ind Houston Corp oration loan tor sewage treet ment protect In Aiilslan has been enhanced here by lion Robert Andras Minister ctStIto tor Urban Ailnirs The loan oi $510120 will as aist in proth to expand the townn netverIre system and provide more extensivn treat ment iscliltles by building new sewapo treatment pinnt The loan does not exceed two thlrds oi the cost oi the project For wort completed on or he ION Mitch SI i975 CRITIC may iorplie repayment oi one oi tha loan EMERGENCY runners Finn Dept unlit City Police Amhlllalce SIM TIMI oer outer COME IN TODAY Irrrutcd protram run It the Ben rIe YiLYhCA CAIILE COMMUNICATION Air llermirton Iyoita abort the availability at Cnh TV iactlyties to mate communication between the council and the community more lnxitlui Chairman Arthur storey dis cussed the winnings oi the council year ago and name oi as problem encountered IIncI El lie said that shortly Iiter thI council was termed concern began to come into the council lrom individuals ornnnlrntlons and city pnvrmmrnl The come In such rolumr he sat attire Ibllity pt limited vounirce directorspr to delal with them was soon Iwamp The councils directors will at the Cbiidrenn ty oiitren Irt the County Admintstrnltnn hulldin to elect its rsrcuiitI lor the min irnr The executive will be elected mm the tnllowlnp directors Rev Arthur Starry past chnlr rn Jim Perri hlnynrn re re rcnlntl lira Ethel Cit ton hlrxhv Emma nulrreuenner Tum Owens Ired Itnumper David Thomson Tina Titlloch lira Elaine Finch blrs Joan Itinrria Paul Hermlnton vrc TANLNYS Theres nothing like It in this world To And Save On VIC TANNYS anp warrant Luxurtm urinal Ct Elm Bnnlactl Ind Individual Tim UP tenummhmtnnnrm um tndnxtnpdiaieriolituhetttttttrutrtuntnrtn no Immune nnenstnv Nowl LTD Phone 1165521 lo9prn SII9 loS Low Economical Phone HARTER RATES Dont SI For LnxnllrIn Canadas MoriCem IIin Ind Luxurioun Health In Fl nInI Club Fnel ltlea Ollnnlnllronlrtltwlmmlllleoln Iut want too Item no tnonn IIlhI intentional mar Dont BI luppelbled Low Pritnn END sooNt For Details CALL 72634 or come Into our Intermittent Centre liAYFiEtD MALL BARRIE Custodial Supplies Tenders Accepted By School Board Tender tolalitnr simmer hats been accepted Ion custod ial Iupdren tor the Simon Corny Board at latxntim lnnreportlothebonrdtast nlrbt the Idminiatrnttax said it had accepted the tender at National Grocers tor untodixl WW Bodt ll BULL Barrie Ilumhlhp and Electric Supply was thI lbw tender ior npintemmt lamp II matron Detrn lenders were accepted under penernl animal supplies They were Indsutriat Supply Hanna at ntsett It used Co Ltd at marten Tremor htnnttinctunnn Co at 17151 and Gordon tlncDrhern It Milli Also IIIecied Irro 019nm It ttitnttt Iynnt Co Ltd at 33 II Pertxnrd Co ltd at mean LInnditn Gemtirtdn Ltd at All halter Brush It M111 Ind Hey Indiatrtal Sales ltd It TI too l6 in III htrtanru the board It lected the tonal larder ta drr ntstodlll nuppbee tern nuex bordered ten to Iterna ndee goods throm panies ten cred on tour ttems am in replacement tempo aer companion tendered In it tterns GLASSES MALI DAY SERVICE CONTACT LENSES BARRIE OPTICAL DISPENSING ovrttm Cor MW old Collier THE FIRST Inaunl meeting at the Barrie Planninn Council held last debt It Collier Si United Lhurrh pmvtded mrm hen with thI opportunity to speak with Barclay representative oi thn Ontario Wellnre CnunrtL Tito LEFT lira IJIInI Finch necretnry Ilr Barclay and Iiev Arthur Storey itll chairman at the council Exnnunnr thtnl HEALTH SERVICES FOR THE COMMUNITY mmrynide study on ambulatory henith care procxarrn health centres outpot and other health service dlaien II hating made tor the Comma oi Health moisten oi Can th personal tees and experience ol citizens associations Ind rrnu either as users oi moire or as stall members oi tuch centre or proprnrn Irn betel nought It you think you can be belpiul please write at once tor timber Ininrmotron in Imrnulty Ilenltl leatre Pnirct Po hex Station Toronto Ontarin MAM Maury mitesAahead at STORES The huge laminating power of titanium raver yummy rh rtnitdnnsrotn unduoniroolyoddhmoohnitho again pptrnnce Steven ny tnri Sewn pndtu lnhupn tinn thich mannsz huyiorlers Mdthnt munsynubtsy iorteul The euperstzo tub takes hip 18 pound loads in youll have fewer loads All the teaiureayouwnntTwospeeds Five ryeios to match all fabrics Including parmanont press Variable water level control to suit your wash and do water Three cycles Permanent press tumblesnut wrinkles Seinetnnytrmo tip to 140 minutes Gentle tlultinp action Manyoiherieetures Largo lint trap Salary switch Ibuts all dryerwhen the door opened The parisct mate torthnblnvetuowasherabeve See Our Other Appliance Specials Too OPEN THIIRS FRIDAY TILL 900 Pill WASHER 88 DUNlOPS Barrie Ont