Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jun 1971, p. 7

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oiGaomlowI wlib all the Itauntb eltlele em oi horaaelivu tetiay tbelr II to the corner wub thou wan arrny girl Two batten Killed Among 70 Deaths TOIUO tralaIIIVu UAW AMIIm they and ready to board piano yearlch Jump IAP Report Laotian HIIJIIIen no manna rang aewrpapera report that us Central latelllyeaco Ia acndlnt IIotIIa hlll Inca on Ipyiaa rnlasloaa that late camoauniat to obtain laiortnatloo on motonreaia Ind pollilcal tpnacnil aP deiphla BuHeUn and tle IIIaeI publish the thIJiIeIed CIA activi myrlahitd aIIIIII mm tlIao by Arnold Abram The dlapntchl II publlabod to The Bulletin IayI noellllad ea reported that U1 out In lava diacouatcd lay po INIIVEL or rate mum Sylltpllhy ta eIpresch to the Ruth iamlly In the death at hilt Harold Lain Betale Itulbl oer ltondaylunn It The Iuncret urvlea waI held June 11 It the It Lyon Funeral Home to llrnrale hlra Clarence Atkiaxon Ioaat Itade Inlorontoat the homeot erdauahtcr aadaarn In law an and tire Campbell argumuum rr Lam Raotrow Ilaltod onlhv rod with the IalterI Iliraad ldra LIhay were Ir no blewMalnonleaturdayatitnox Church OoaaIIad Coagllalulatlona to In Iad tdra array trail on tho blrth at daufbter on Saturday Jana II III er tor CIlhy HI and bin Cline Itawn and rally attended docorahoa day Sterner on BaadIy and were Iota oi thoLe aaa am New Raw Iho raurned Idth In lambda collate daya wtlh liltiivthlllll Eiavo Reva lth and Archie mulTIClUdlU and bin Ilarold IIIInloaa It man at Elbert Warm It at South Itlvrr ir and Tony Poland on and Mn IIay Hall and Raye tad hlra Ilallod oa Suada the ana Ina tlorIIy Harbour red llllrtdlnl the II on Bartholome oi GuUrIo Work My out or All hir and one In law hlr llrI Cllno IlIw Lloyd Bariholorna Brian yV ludy oillawtoalono were ll ovlrltora II the HIYID borne By AIRS CDCHRANI The Prubyterlan Ladica Ald rad WILB held thIIr monthly eetlay It the heme oi llrr II Wilton la Cootrtnwn on Iedneo day Iveolal Coarratulatlooaio Mr and ll Mandy tare sheIlI ener weekend wllb Iiamy on Buadey Juneau Bruce Bch Ii deitith teatlal threat the ooeratleaa to Ilowlyviraoraolay rola eon Elma Wtrhiatteo and PI batlerI tNa throat Ia mall Iceordiay lo rtlllbia Iaurrea because lha eoarI mooteera oraa otua cltolu and Anne do not participate In than no Bulletin IIyI TRAINI Dh CIA Native hIII tribernwn III ol the name olhaio Itoch Iouod Ia northern Chloe they have been MHIIM coulmd and Inland by CIA to lotiltrata Ctlaaoe Ind ohtaln tn IoraIatloa on troop momenta sIMdE COUNTY Llluu dhhold AMMONIA haateta an anode June Bruce ldyar nu charge at the tab vice In lieu Road and stroud mbylcrlan chuaehu Mr and lira Brace new lira lllida Illadoraao and Mr and tin WlllIrd atooney went to IIIeoato on May to leIt him at Monte who II In hon Itr end at NoeIII CoehrIaa Iccornpanted on their elaayhtan Idea Ronald Cookaoillvy Indie orrd to the out mat lit and hire tIIry Cochraaa accompanied by Itonaetb Edgar motored to Ororaocto boltdey vacation wllb kin Gordon laboIarin and iam Na and Idea Iacl Partition werrnlaalae event done It with Ito and lira Bruce It Contralulatloaa to and tire It laden me Name Iayceekl who were married to tho thytorian Church on lat lard JIaaI II well wither to to am Idle and titre kltldrad who are In luroate Gnu IIIea tel Dtollall Ed II II mom orbital blr and lira Douylaa Welkona and Ianttly Toronto at the alkorn IeIIIataehIr aoitltoaeeylcon and Iterator Idllla Pmbytnrian cbltrchu aurnbae train thII commun in attended the Detention Day nice hit at Auua on Sun rather Day viriteen with It wood ttIIt ywere Idrnaad hire Mald Cameron and Iarnlly Richmond Hill Mr Mm Bob Cameron and Iamliy Bar rte and an Ind lira Gantry UIhIwa IMPROVIAIINTI On Bunday morainl Sacrament waa obaervod in the heabrtar Ian church by liar laon HDiil Oooknown aaa rool hat been put on tho Ibureb recently the mo piano bar been but ed Sunday IebooL BRENTWOOD Iy mu agent eing Used As can Spies pollileal dtvcleamcnla and other data The Bulletln llyl the near tall III warm claim Iuch tateluacm Intaaloaa have ion been ham to minnow autho tin and that anneal team have been no lured to mot yun Coonrollaatiyy Ibo Bulle tta coaehrdu AInerlruI olII eIaIa rlaaon tbat Pehlay will continue to tolerate there trrrl loriIl taeurIlonI as loan Ia they are conducted Ioltiy to utter latellltaaerf Olltclala Ii CIA headouertara In Itrhaa Vt declined any tomcat on the Itory an did III embasa aittelala In YIaoU Inn The Bu Itle ID News Yoda More Mr and not home willowdala were vteltore am the weekend at arm to with bin and hire ihomu Boyle air and Rh Albert Allen Toronto Hr and hire ltoy Pcnlotd Bar III were with blr Ind thin II Allen Hotnor Itteadad the New or reunion Iut weekend Mr and bin Funk Iledaarok Jr and David went the week and In Throttle with hir and tire Herbert hla anon Mr and am Jukhic arthy Ire on Inolor trlp to the wularn proviacaa AIIIND PARTY htrr Stacey lira It Van Bar arm Ina hlra Iot Dumped attended th lire Lao blccaoo at Burto Int week Mr Memo to new tha midrat oi the 1hr ooto ocoaan Council at lba catholic Womane Mam VIM RIOIIIIIAI attuPIbbie atrCarthy to to churn ot lernrnlal ruiatrI tloo Nut aotrtaa were uaada BIturday Idea to Flam eali Um no on on tan nUewae IWMMIAAO In hla Itar It Queena UDlYIh ally ltlantoa Ito In tho rand aea oi utr and Mn Ilarry All In and Mr and IIII liaqu Inna haca tdany trorn thla ma heady Iatamtod ta raoea on NotIIquI Iv from Aaron to WBIIII Beach Malia ItrIIch Ihla to rain lay to popularity and aoouornd the NollIwaIaya Coaaarvat on Autbarlty The top award thla year went to Ottawa Lake iletd Hadley bllnaaial IrIu MU TRIP lbe Yoaturerr and lot Scouto from may earn at Ontario held their canoe race IIUI thla year over aoucarnoad Aalua no Ilka alabt Iad canoed II III II anvala Saturday mornlna moved their comp trim to Edcavale and II on to the anoint oi river It Wuaaa Baach on Sunday thapatula done to ole bra In Dar Itruya and tiltha Wanboit ot Breat Wood tlbo came ninth in their clear iaeae two hell have ro St 5333 E5 53 gig is Ontarioa deId Ioclodcd trailIc three to Ilrea and one by dmwnlnx lot told oi IS Quebec tollowod with It dead Id In trIHIc III drownlan and Thane Itrack by motor DIE IN PLANE mm Brillab Opiomhla bed III trai Ile dam and tour dud Ia plana eruhea In Albertn III perIoaa dled lira In trallIc Inlaltlva and an by davwniIIt Neva Scotla had tour dead In tram amt drowalnr la euaklehewan tour perv Ionadied three In trallle and one by drowalar Thorn were two delthr In Nanlomadlaad one In trallle Ind Alma Reid Itre oi Bl Falta died Saturday II to an 34 aallea out at IIwa My Albert Stanley EIctdh at Bey Riders when hla ear rolled over an embankment on the hiacdaaalri unler tacowa at TIhItby Iao Throne arc vernal Latroolo Ladle It and late wtte Candida to when lhIlr ear col lided with CPR millet train at level croaIln BrI nallu north at Barrie htary laroaa at alanin berry mile aauib at Otinwa All WIN WUIJIGI ItnrIIWI Robert Golden Scott mt tell to Ilnnovebleln man the Allen Layette to to lndley lotomoo atao oi llllocburtb when hit by car while rIdlnI his bicycle at WlaybInt to nelch north at WIIM Ddaar Rich el Proton III tloa when rtruct by car while Australian Govt In Touch With WeehingionOn Repeat QANBERRA tReutrr Ann treliao Ioreln aIiIlrI Iotarceo eonllrrmd tadIy that the gov unmeat baa been to touch with the U5 overarneat over the publication at the recent Fanta oo paper on Iter oi the ianm war But the oourcei refused to momentum lymI WoehInd at tone IIIItorI with Ida and hla hwlwt were kiln Bbaa Min Connell and tire am oi Ettbkch Mr and Mel MO Graham ot Toranl ttr Iad hIrI Harrlaoa Barrlo Mala Ill be at nan day in It hula march hit Louis until turthcr notion hlIIrca Carol and Berblra Barnett oi Toronto trialled their Pinata Air lad kin Bat oett on the weekend hit and hire Gaorra Oouott and lamlty at Ihorahill vlaltod bur Ither hi IIawlay on the tracked with their paranll Mr ard tin Clark wont Mr and hire Don dark and IarnUl Orlllla and In tire doom tIIrk Port Credit mm irorntila comm lly attended the concert at Bled oata laat Central new Noon Ilene Thunder NON caln on lie and em on lam at lee dorlar the weak III Idea Jun rail Iildluoi ll Jobnatan Barrie Air and hire Cltllord Miller and air and Idrl learner lIonIed otrnrd ate and em WU mo rename when Mr and hire thorn thaon recant Vlrilia urnlhcoohlla Kin on the vToIkard were Itir lira Michael Itlof and non Ind Mr and Nil Paaranl Ind aon Woodltnd Beach It Chm olst Catherinaa ytalted tar Ind hire OeraId stoohtana evar tho woetend Mr and Mn bldnay Clark have returad Iron trip to the tart Oo coolly ttoooad up Irena Bowie to Yeaturcra Iaddy ltvertdtia loot port in the Boy oceIIt race Per oalI who tool an ultra part In tbla type at work tor our youth are lobe commended but It mid be alert on more pan anII behind the be and tell to thla type ol anti iy at Van Der Arm and Theron and wtihelemtna VIn Der myaworkad with the Scout Inot era It the rotroabneat Head In Aorta rrlday nlyht and at WIIIII beach modal comment on You report that Aurtralla bu odyed auto rotaat over the dlIclotIIrI documents Precisely what bu Iona be tween Ceaberra and Wuhlantoo lo conildentlll the aotucca Id In wIIbII on the AllatrIllan embassy den ed that any oltlelal protcet hat been lodyad The New York Itrrtu Irtlclol on tho PeatIIon paperI led to mgrth It Aaatralian OW were not to Itotnarn without Iba South VIotaIraaaa amount tlally Iantlnl them One ol the rnarnoranda pub tlIhed by The 11am III able learn the us Imhurador to Salton Gen Maxwell Taylor to the Halo department in April quaItlnl that the us yet In touch with none eIarnonla Inrlladtnl Atta trall ard let that they Nib lrIbaio troop to the war It ahouId then be quattod that South Vlelaam Ihould IIk tor Iucb troops AuIIrIIIIa prlrna mlalater II In three Sir Robert hIenaIIa har Ilroalgdanied Ina runn tlaa that loath Vlalnarnaaa did not mate we meant he tore AuatraIIan pawmaaat to the war ON IHI MIND WNOON tltautari tendon tor lyaooold Btohowakl at who wan admlttad to our Ital hare Wedoud altar nor heart attached abortly to con vaIIm Ior waaka Ia Ito roan trlaoda aald today The worldrenowned conductor oIlIi aally ground III urlaa oi cancer and an Iranian bare and on the Conllnent IIItliS roan MARKET Win atroamllntoo our operation to provlde baitor aarvlra Meanwhile BUSINESS AS USUAII Weekend inri 355 when their went out at eon Irol an elty atrart and arnIIhcd Into an apartment bulld Ia Altky Carter at Wladate whaa he ran onto alroet to Wlndaorialo thaealhoiIrIa MWOOUJ It and Johan Burner II II tlre which met thraum threealare building In downtown Wde aim ARCHERS Lyon Dieter It oi BulIIIa Wye III bend on the tan yet no Ulla Poddy It MARE ton Ill wIItI In turn durin wheelequ Ircbcr contest Sat IIrdIy at lllllolde III Iub Irrb ei weal Chirayo It war one oi the reunion arrota on tho palm SPRING SUMMER FOOTWEAR All SPRING SUMMER FOOTWEAR Inclu all II III at heobdllil VIIIer rod blum tow Mach II browm any 1399to to Summer Clearance Special 999 WHEELS remen It mutiny oi lha lla nnal Faraplalta Foundation iAP Phnlot TREE KIDE Rhinoemn beetles hlll been ttlllaa tree In ttalayela Casual Comfortable SANDAlS Ihla selection includ ea broken sizes In most colorscxccpitvhito Reg 199 to 999 Summer Claeranca Special HANDBAGS rood Irlectlaa oi ILych rotoro in autdea vlnvb and leatbcra Ital Value to Ill lnmmer Charare Ioeeial Plcaac All Bella Haai lean who were mlrrlcd roccnt IEntraneIirom IIdO iy Little Bryan Cochrane Ianol Mr and Mn oIry Cochraaal II very rich wllh meatlcr ulltMORRII ContrIIulatlonI Ia Ilr and Ilia Smith Patricia hiorrlal who were married In ChrIIt church It ity oa satur day June 11 CHURCH NOTE The Prerbylarlaa church arr vira war had at that Ian llltu Linda madman waa ren elvod Into membcrablp on prol culon at Mill ThaSunday reboot picnit IlLII Betty Brennan Toronto Ioeat too daya thla week vllh liar nondrnolhar Ilrr il Buddy Mr and bin Ivan Elder III and hire Bob Brennan Toron to Mr Ind lIIrI tIIrry Elder weekend viIItorI wltb btrl IHIIBBBN YORK Congatuiaiioaa to Barbara Yorke and Artihleaaaa who were rnarrlod In Toronto tart weal Mr and lira Itoautaeay Iplent the weekend In one ItlnI the lam parenta atr Ind lira Cahlll III and hire tarry Derby 2nd era MORTGAGES 24 HOUR APPROVALS LOW COAT MONO HOMO ARRANGED iN Tlll OONVINIINCI OF YOUR HOME CALL COLLECT TO 10 PM TODAY FOR HELPFUL OERVIOIIIHTG naeam EVENINOO 141 litI1 PROM INVESTMINT GORP LTD 330 MY ITRIIT TORONTO ONT parking anal Isa Celtlor sr mam BIKEIAND llueload SaIea Repair tradelna OOURTEOUD aaunoorsrw manureeon

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