Io tr ho AwoltANlnonAIdIvot eoro ooyothother tortolooot odnndtotherltototholor II eoorert plain IIIIId lanthanum TIV uncut Immune Itoly llrI Guerrero ho Lenin ol mole IIyrtlo Guor Iho don rooureh Into Ieoeh onoottonrlnonnetnroltooor troorweon NORMAN SHOES ram lee helium SYartJ thIto EIIIn Pumps or Pooudeoolo hump In med lum Ind medium low heelI Width AA to II SlIoI III Free dating tor momhm at tho hrtdol only 31098 Woman SAD 24 Dunlop St mount BRIDAL GDWNS GREENWOODS loalclton GREENWOODS In the only plato Ior out thing Brldn tom Itotherottho Brtdo Ind Iroom IVIddlng guests IIrIdeImol Oownn GOlnle IIerI GREENWOOD on win In tho waI at weddings youll not the very boot It holp Ind Idvloe Dont do IIy IlIn your weddinl NOW THI BRIDAL AISLB DEPARTMENT titrhhh wova lIobh PerlocIGllts for every 321W VQUALITY GIFTS PROM HOOVER Hoover Electric Knives lioovor VIcuum CleonorI Hoovnr BiondorI Hoover Electric Con Oponorn ltoolor WIIttor Spin DryerI Seo the eomploto Inlertlon ot Iloovor Hill It SIMCOE DISTRICT III mm or 1mm KNIGHTSUIYIDMI Jlm linlnhl tho Inn All noon wnuun run RNIJIII ion It Drum WNM mIrItI to In warn It not orloeo MI lDllSlW Ind Mn lob In MeKIy oI moulI wIIt July It It north CIIIDI Iuoo one In Yllhltx Jlil rm IanInIrI Elmo Plan Listeners rqonimmhnm mmumrmo um norm row pproach To Musrc IeelIthItthetrpIIentIMIdho loooddtoployrootmwrooh yinoooemnloethou muntowutt uIII involved In thou ante II Int ptIyodtIyIIrIoe hdeaefo opponoth Ithor nllwthotlhorhild Inna IhInIII romotndmdtho Wenontpooplototoeltho Iroetloloxot nodmoie Imm oesthetie hII rod to mule Iho IddI Itry ConodIIn mule Nolly Seiolor Ind Koy statue at tho RoyII Itory at Toronto thI diroet eulono In tho put In Guerrero Ion rnutle IonoinIrI hm been no Iho wrnoI wool doomed Itooo Iho Io ItI orie Ito entI Ther need to let Involved rm mm IhIrotnIo lInt restricted to route teIch In No wont to orpooo people to MRS lORNE ADAMS tnoo Connlo Brown Ihoto hy mm ENOAGEMENTS RECENTLY ANNOUNCED Ito IIIlI to or mum July WIN emm Ivonlol nunow All Du In when Iotwtoy lmoll III to oonold it on AM JIMI III III wooeln Itu II In July N4 II In thurrhllt It Iwrh It IItotl IOIINIDN wtltln ARlIW lytllro III Juli Ind rm Imt Thunder on 0mm Innou InI monl III DEtlon only Ion It or ttt Iotnnlo that out too out kln tlotty Unltol TN Mddln In ml IYIWAIT IIIMI toll IthIrl It MInIIlnn moo II II Innouneo tho onpoM oo too or AA IN lllo Ino no Inmto lthlt tutor AM lIIIo looII Mln loo tolII IIII more on IIMII July ml It Inn In Chink MIMIIII Ontlllo JUIIO Mlnor III who or lholr mentor Mormon ot Mir ntot It MI HI WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHS Photoo Ind Studlo Portal You con dnpono upon us to upturn tho Itory ot your wedding Ind hold Its mornon tomor wtth boautttul tolor photoprIpho Planning your woddlnpt See In IOOII IUYCNINION MII oltn Nulthlhlo with onnmotu totlreoml lholr lluihlor tuoon mould Dllths WI PM AVI mid booth at IIIIII will IIII him on Milly DORISM Ind Mn tor IIIndI ton to Mr Ito mooowI Ion osw II MI it III tooo IIIII In qu Mrh mu wm my III toturdIy July Im II PAITIISON lLIllCNMAN mum of lotlheomln mvlmwnhm II II In Ill mInn to turn Itolunmnn AND Jololh PMIILMIMI on two with Dht DAIZII AMI III II mm My lIInI iohnl Unill oeloel In it Jill II to DIM LAWIDN honor to It IIIon Mllll ID mm tho III and Mn Itloit In pleuuronlhelnl lnIol Guerrero Ibo teelItIotehildreI ammomot Dildreo mom mode on only tho IIrIouI more My loodIeIpII lob Illilll It fl Normal Moro MI moon II In horn on mo lln IIIII IIIwoeI BIIllI III MIDI on OrIlIII follow old IIrIlI In in ID lln Iml loo Ili uloo IIIOLML In Mll no menu INII you with Mont Mo on ML one ton mm wtll worm luly Im II Ahollcon men NIA om tor mm to Mr min In Illthonn Inn ot WI lIInInh Ind IM rho InmIIoI to lot to Int It IIIIn Chm Monidlll orn tun lDWlIIINEI PM Inl Pm Low AllowI no no room tho totIMoIntn ll Irv will then nmnlor ldlln mo Mumy Moon In no Ml IM MII III to irt Illl July ll lll II pm III ll JIMI AnntlrIn hmh mun MtAITlIIlIIAIDIIIOI wootonotVEY Julvmlhhllll It Jtllh lullly NIP Mn Mom Meosthw II are III bllllod Io Innoum IN lln on II In In notnno unllod chosen aw no DItlIIiI JIll MIrLInn moronm Ind We on lt oi Me DonIo loot IMWNI ItoII mom wunm John IIttounn only one horn no JUIR Io IIIEDI ho meIIoI ot July II IIIn It MI olth much too InItIII wItt IIII wloy iuly Illl Il Mo In noon to of MINI III Anne to Iletlol Yh onto do on T0 CAPTURE THE HAPPINESS SO Moplo Avo OF YOUR DAY OF DAYS Jaww WWW mom it new medium Iho om lho noulrernentnhutohotd4 WIIk In Ind ItIrt Union In ouoltty homo by MARLETTE III more IIII Arm to IIII LIII Boo Thou At Big Cedar Estates Country auto Living With tho Community Itmoophere ll mill no Iomnu on menu NINTH IV In outstrnnn lIIImo elm run In mom for no on non Inn tool In dimIL Boo no men BRASS 8o GLENN Dunlop 7135015 RECEPTIONS HOLIDAY INN Wedding Plans Give us ring for great reception Nolidoy Inn IperIIIlru In not reeepuonr Ind well Inoko your reeeptronu memotohlo your Iouldtnl let Holldoy lnn ut tho tinIl tourher ont It opecIIl dsy ontl It youre travelling on your honeymoon Ilolidny Inn will mom or iron Holidex meronlionn It Iny Inn ItonI your route for more inlormItion II tiny TIMI In lItL It Hoy400 Donia ENTERTAINMENT ANT DANCING NlGlllLY groangameth 52 Dunlo St Dom Prom Ron mom