my in It poll tin was the rated in would as and head it its able ro of Alo lie to bet Ad no mumniawmnnmxvnrxxounr Roldan PAIO Graol Adjuahneni IrSouphi By Essa Cormcil inn George Otrrgta hinting III Btu who lives at Wins In bean ashnt to baa council redaction of serum as ior national of defence attribution toward er homo beard further but hope fer word loop said Reeve Club Golfers Going To Orillia ANGUS lSiaIll Orrin Pin rollers hour Eur will be com peting tomorrow to the third of series of county till late at the Coorhirbiag coarse Or srtioirtr Horrors our AMISTON ant his chem it eu sit eeting lieutoxlri aria Hoot Cds swam town hall bell now on display beside Smith Slime Iltateuna rt Riverdale Park Aliirinn For years the bell was locat ed on old town hall bulldiuf which was replaced Iaat yehr and wu run at our it more and part enabling re aideoia in check on the tian tEsarniner Photo iCOnservativejs Active In DuiierinSimcoe ALLISTON Steffi With Duifertn Sirocco Merseilvca giving attention to the coming provincial election an early are amusement is anticipated eon cerolng the date and arrange ments for the riding nomination The riding which extends from Ooilingwood to Orangevite is now represented by Dow ner MPP of Duotronn htr Downer has been anaernbsr of the Ontario Lelialatura of near 1traditional in ll UP intended in let his ream riaod again there have been re rts of wadhie contest with or George Mom of Alliston among oiherr mentioned elauncb Conrervrtlvr the little ores mayor was Simcoe County warden in rate and In chairman of the board at got Georuan Colic been mention as possible federal candidate Arr early fed erai nomination also haa been discussed by party supporters AI deer or the vs at the Ontario legislature to years lot service and former Spotter at tbeilouse Mr Downer also is wall ham and respected throughout the oxiepaivl riding EIGIIT PREMIER First elecch in ml the S7 year old native of Tiny town ehl has sat In tho ilouse with of tpramierv The late Mitch ltspburn headed the Lib arai government when Mr New Lowell Park To Cathay Camp NEW WWII Sirfii Ilay amps and water safety pro grams will be held at the Not tawasegr Valley comervrtlon perk here during the rumor reason Under the rponsorebi oi the CreemoreiJons pleura ryeamp will open on Monday July and continue tbroueh until Fri July it Martin Bayer of Lowell is the contact mem her of the Moor committee which is working In cooperaiioo with 51mm county recreation ser yIce The first water safety program will elect at the same park on Monday July it with the Brent 00d New Lowell swimming committee Ioint rporuors with the county The second will be gin on Monday Aug to with titt same sponsors lira McCarthy of ill la the con tact member for those wishing to register SATURDAY lunar rmrcrrsr Coupler Only Por tabla rerervetiont Phone rtetors Downer Conservative first entered the Home Two eAher uberal premiers who followed Mr licpburn were Conant to fit and then Marry Nixon Afr Downer loin ed government raoha for the tint time when George Drew led the Conservativca to narrow victory in van with the format on to the Ererenl day New Democrats cor months close second The Conservatives elected It members and CCP it Since then Mr Downer has sat on the government side with Kennedy succeeding hir Decwlnllio and their Leslie it rst trons fair to test when John Roberta tool over on Nov ember The incumbent Will iam Daria lirarnpton lawyer succeeded Mr Roberts earlier this year Now eervin his third year as Alith mayiln Mr MxCegue ruccetded Darling QC now public utilities connoiss Ioner as head oi the town cotrneil its has been member of courclf for to yerrr airo serv od re boot trustee to the tart protdociel election on October 11 lttr air Down er carried the riding decisively for the macrveitves with doub le the vote of his nearest opn ent Mira Josephine Carey aral The NDP candidate Will iam Shannon no third well but at the defeated liberal Mayor McCaguewoa nonrinat ed at the ConaarvrtIv nominee tion meeting rior to ater ei action and or draw in favor of Mr Downer Orrranti MrMcCe Is pro aldentof ePaeiDuferlnSm eoe Federal Progrcralva conser vativa Association moving up from vice president This has tad to specu tloo that he may seek the federal real for the Comcrvatlves which is now hed by Bruce Deer MP Liberal of Brampton Defer the riding we extend ed by redistribution of boarder taa before the int federal vote in June 1968 it was known as Duiierlo Sirncoa and Ellwood hirle ofu Drlngculilonaa the firearms or member onsets the riding seat was held by the former Ontario lieutenant gev ernnr Earl Rows of Newton ibobtman Dr Dan Eliseo Drarnpton ve terinarian vice president of the Conservative riding associrr lion Allao Cole of liremalea treasurer and Dean llamiyo oi Orangevilie recruirry Directors include William Lat Imor vt Allirtan Fred Rose of Angus George Davie of ivy no Galirugber of Everett James McCr of an and John Murdoc o1 Adiala Possibility of federal election in the fall also has been discur red although it was considered this may he left until next year since the term of the Trudeau government baa another year to run Liberal candidate for buffer In Sirneoe in the comlnlfaprov inclal voting is Walter El Or aogvviite high school principal who wu chosen by party sup era at an enthusiastic meet at AiDslon unitn school and ttorium last April Derek Morley member of Orurgovilla town crunch In the ND atardardbearar Hill The turtle at will be held at hillngwood on Sunday July l5 and then the druid Plus riobwiiihosttbeiifibooMua day Aung The finals will be played at Crete Pine corner on Labor Day Besides the ma gotten play era are mmg from here Borden AIM and Orillia Colllngwood Esra taxes for PIIO home one as dissent the rem reported The reenter dress was that more of these banks wen vacant and excluded for calcre tattoo of grant Peopl pr texts on ly whetha vacant or not and II feel the gov should lorr elated Reeve Guergia The Essa budget for the yur was placed at Mimi Neat deutiai tax rails included ill for manly up gener al 11 roads soa public school Ital P7 ood Separate sch rates were 1126 and J1 for AM and rear and 37 for St Pauli Angus tillage levy minted to II mill residential Ind mil commercial abtla Thornton levy III 15 and Ill Members of Essa cottnc also Include Deputy Reeve the Donald god Corrociliors Anthony Gcrvatv lieurlca Miller and Rose Whiteside Lacrosse Champions Oi Past Shown In Orillia Display ORILIJAOlder Orillia sports men and others have shown can alderable Interest in display of Joynerold lacrosse program with photographs of Ortiliaa free Dominion lacrosse chem Dione at Champlain cieanerr at Mistimug and Boat streets ran across the gram when cleaning uptb said Trevor Clayton aloe wbo expirlncd he remembered the team well Recordr ebavred they won et out of It gamu on their march to the Titan cup Inclradr log three consecutive victories over Richmond Farmers In the national Duals at Vancouver Terriers also won the Mann cup In it downing New Vesimim ater Salmon Driller thr in the ilnria at the he cut and besides winning at Van tower to race they downed Van courer North Shore ladlans for the Canadian ehsmpiooehip three games out of tour to memor able lilann cup rerieg at Maple Lest Gardens Church Al Oro 133 Years Old SIIANTY RAY Silifl Onl of the oldest churches In the area St Tbornra glicrn church dates back it yenrr to tail it was shown by records In thir Ora townablp commun it Aha foundation of the plum err church was laid on to of that year after OBrien who act the vicinity in mo donated part of his government grant of land for military rervica to the church as was then requl red under the terms of the Clergy Reaertes Ari Clay was used for the orig Ioal building end it was stated the construction was done at intervals ailing rig yearn to camp George Melton at Penrtaug conducted the ttrat reruicer at the historic church rooarnan returner EVERY CHALLENGE oran unwrap LAND PRODUCTION presents WETV nonlinea STARTS TODAY JACK nouns nownnn oIIidiIrt wddtiiiinn vnnaMILE5atacn mauuonaannonnrcaruutnrartmwm worthy sauna rrrnaorton or colon NIOK rite ORPHAN ELEPHANT EVENINOS AT TERI AND PM IATUIDAYIIM PAL SUNDAY PM In Orillia followed en said Mr Clayton lie said was glad to see that minor lacacsxe was encouraged in the city with route 310 young atere playing Maybe waD bate tome Coordian championship learns again in few yem be commented Of the tall term shown only two of the players rilli in Orillia or vicinity Th Bill and Ernie Oirran Ibo play ed pro lacrosse lo the Pacific Coast league when it operated in new They were with Ruby wotxi Terriers as were detentw mso Fred Nation and Goaier Teddy IIIII Inow both residents of Torontai of the Terriers of it years ago liitl Wilson who now lives at Rochester NY was scoring ace of the team while Tomm Scott Neal Munro and Ed owney were other defensive atars Cor don ttoettger Len Wither and Hugh Kelly Ierw also forwards orsmtcr can CAMERA CLUE ACTIVE STAYNER Stall interest ed new members are being sought by the Sterner Camera club which meets regularly at the town library GARDEN PARTY AmmoA strawberry sup per and garden party to plead ed by Avening United Church at the community centre on Wednesday oveniuf June so JULY PROGRAM CREESIORE Slafii ChIld rena races horseshoe pitching pony rider and gymnastics are fanned at Cresmore Park on Ibtrrsdey July in observean of Dominion Day fireworks display will be started at true pm STATNEIT IIIEEIING STAYNIJR lSIalf An open meeting of tho Siayuer Iinrti iurrl Society will be held the Anglican church on Monday enlng June as ANGUS Salli attirIaIng delays in twenty action Deere George Guerra said thAt plane to build safety walh baits the Centre incl bridge over the Noitawaaaga River would be eweled out as community cf tort the natty bar pren or per mauaa tobuihi Ibawrlh what LI Ideally needed it den bridge said Reese Curls la The present one lane rinse ture was termed Intimate to turret is of Increased trafc The salety walk was urgentlyrpeodad to provide pro iection for pedestrians BATS NEED UIGLsT Scboot children ball to cross that bridge all the time and we have to act now raid the head of the Ease mmcil haunting there had been too much delay already Esra township ofbciaia have NEWS OF By CAMPBELL WONT SHOWER hiends and aeiglrbora of heryi llubbert daughter of Mr and hire Rosa llubbert llth line rst lnniafil gathered to recreation room James Ln lted miracle to tender their best wiabca to the June bride to be in tangible way and enjoy an conning of fellowship it re Don Rice and Mrs Sydney liiii were cohoatcsees and hits Wire war Ilartiao for short pro gram when lira Diuacao Camp bell accompanied on the piano by Mrs Elmer Prett contribut ed two solos few untuing con tests with Mrs Jack Hughes and Airs Pratt as winners while Cheryl received surprise pariaxe which when operand proved to be white corsrge Buried in the front by lira like well laden and decor ated nheehrerm overflowinr with gifts was presented and Mines Silan hither and Nancy Reive assisted In opening the beautiful parcels Lynda Wire hereo McNahb and Nears John rton designed ribbon and been hot and resin for the bride to model Cheryl expressed her appreciation to all for the good wishes and happy evening cup of tea and friendly chat fol lowed Air and lies Dwight Nelson spent few days visiting Mr and hire Gintno McGee and en onrd the beautiful scenery as they toured Thornhury Ciarhr burg Kimberley Valley Craig Ieitb and Ilcalhroie with miles of nrsnrrcc To Build sot Beside Angusi rat he said narrating it was fortunaia this has not happened The Nettrwasaga underlain is located on the far side of the bridge otrisida of Angus village borders before he was elected reeve 106mm pressed ior safety action as protectim for pairs trians and it was dismissed by the Angus district chamber of comnserce STROIID err Ibal he on the executive rtee of Gray Coach Unrt pointing neat to them the news sity of having all blues now scheduled ltighwry It Dar rle to Toronto on regular runai Other local puces rho there frr Inierviesas Ill Creernora acd MInafield OFFICER ATTEND Mr Iezrrd Mrsruialdoward Consta eof any spent Tours day June 17 with Noulrdt parents Mr and tin Russell Constable and other rcstivca They attended lnrtlsttl thapter regular meeting In the evening when Axrocrte lirlroua and Primers were being ho ed lloward and Doradey hold these offices in Parry Sound Chapter TRY EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE Milli MM Ashe explained iendedtaheepginlhy basard it is too arm MilitMAii ADVENTURE army of Clinton Mia T25 bitil llmsrvet herrm MIRAMIIII GARDENS atcaocadvm ilewwrStWBamr NOW PLAYING PM my body will die You will not change My memory will be oddcd eh yours tWNolnmInlihnhul proteins Ir background nus SERVICE Norman Sabin and Dwight Nelson spent dry in Toronto last week interviewing the po srarrs TOMORROW rdwrnt lat Showinn of This Wild Blockbuster behind hard prison bars Theyd do anything for man or to him iii intent9 Added Attractionlip Mahmud Tonight At shanty Bay Coilingwood Tonight At Irrrle Gone With The Winds Lovers Ir Stronpurh