Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jun 1971, p. 4

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by CAAAdIln Newapapeea Limited is anyone Street Barrie Ontiria Kerry Lamhl Ptbllahsrrllanaral seenger Walla Editor Emeritus ntnrrvvauuurmt Savings In Sohool Helped Cut Some Substantial reduction in sdrooi tax levies in relation to easements has helped some Simone Corinty mu tiles to reduce their tori property tax bills Others spent the tax saving on schools cheatere but it mould not be overlooked that If it had not been for the school assistance the rate increases would have been hlpier Despite reduction of 223112 in county school levy roost Orillia rate payers were called upon to pry slight tax Increases due to Increased tax spend ing for local purposes Separate school supporters however paid loss due to the sizable reduction effected by the County 5931 NH hm run will es property in be lower than last year view of tax rates In other county municipalities shows some were able to cart hills materially with the help of the school boards Adlai Towns in for example reduced the rate for home and farm properties about 12 mills In file donie Toyvnship the residentiel and farm rate was reduced from 9542 to Milli battle with the commercial rate lowered by 115 ante attend The resort parsed along NYC School tree key factor helping other tax tine DOWN MEMORY LANE blast at flab pm end called police 45 YEARS AGO iN TOWN Barrie Examiner June mo Town Council appointed Chief of Police Alex ander Stewart collector of tax arrears iterate Tennis Club easily beat Mid land in rst match of Western Ontario Margie local layers were lack It Dr little or All Beverley thur Walker Barrie Collegiate Cadet Corps praised by Capt James of Toronto at annual inspection in Agricul tural Park Eugene was com mending officer No lrtoon herded Arthur Fox woo Meier Rodgers Stretcher bearers were special ompltmeated also riynaIlcrs Jim banana lTny liouadrion and Joe Rayon commanded iatoons Sergeants were Prank Craig lie Clerk Leslie Hedger Bill iribbie Torn Cw hlin war in charge of first aid John Wei onrergeantmator gt Repairs were Sundry morn for official mler Howard eant Herold RID Charlie Beelbyr lirarte rink of Hunter Konoed Joe Sea ram and Joe Milne won ellington otei Thophy to lawn bowling tourney beating Allrndale rink of Shin Charlie Poudrer Bnice Thomp aon Vic Knight Steve Garside Pianist Reglnald Godden and Violinist Lorne Arnold were featured soloists at Miss wiilaud Ciantona annual recital in Collier St United Gruroh Minate Point danccavtilon featured ell ir1 orphan Ira iiegiate Syncnpators from To rorrto Barrie beat Fenolanir or In Nolilt Simone baseball Arnold More dtth pitched wall for locals with Charlie tyre and Dr iiollyDyer leading batters Fielding star at ahorteiop war Jack Alerts from Oshawa new manager of Capitol Theatre St Marys Church damaged when dynamite bomb exploded basement Father Brennan heard that Barrie Chief Stewart charges were of Margaret Margaret litre Goddeo lran Knight Vere MWMuM Nottawasaga gtdrbunmxreld to sin of agar or source maier three mill for prIIl adtool raiepaym and over seven mills for any four mills to and over six In County Council Ied Davis Reeve of lists ravelledtoO opening Narrows at Ather ey by Ontario Pro meats came quirky fallout of Si Ma moron Young lrlahmrn named Willem Skelly arrested In To ronto member of Ru Klux Klan who let 31in andhnpiilefatfdbtilrrcor othfr er men an act it orono denied charge Chief Stewart stunted Wiirrti by Provincial Police lodged accused man tn Simona Cardigan at Barrie pending mu ham mung in Vietnamese and Ver 2233 chsIfmxzdnafngglggy be rbimln to thawptmcation other Communists who felI that made at convention in Quebec City Tro WJLW Life drum maimHIIpgiulLtmoISu mm Tunes Halos was not able and Tiedonte so we re of Wasaga Reade saving of slightly over aqrsraie school rate in some munidpeilties where consider able new development made expansion of services essential Inntsftt for example councils found rilmt tax increases dli cult to avoid In Oro Township an extender of fire oiection which chang ed this levy to entire area resulted in sliqu increase son property are still high 1a mohair some of the rrnrnldpal tax savings possible and to municipalities to hold the effected tn time to hold service Slower Warden Geor Fer son Develop bombing amloer awarded Mae dbu Star to tiaam nor exander MrcLaren and William Valla Board of Trade held special meetind to cortrider tirarper made by Ontario bfotor League in radio broadcast over Toronto elation CifNC war ueln earned trap denied aiming that laid only for excessive speeding aloud provincial highway con peeling linlta through town Ovenden Ceilrvo leased Lawson property on State St to expand school facilities Barrie Collegiate girls won softball championship Georgian Bay district Mocking capt Betty Rob Inson Dda MeCleliand Jean Sutherland kslock Cora Brown Grace Murphy Mildred hic ODali liertiiie Nail Historio British Shipyard MayBeForcedT Shut Down anrttl By CAROL KENNEDY MNDON John Drownr shipyard may soon be maulderlng In the grave an result of the falcal crisis In the ltritisb rhlpbulldlng Indus try That at any rate is the fear along the Clyde where men are desperately racking merger of hrilaina two lead ing transatlantic aiclrvrahlp companies Cunard and White star liut llrovor the turns has been crippled by fixed price contracts in than of mounting inflation The original John Drown born to life was arifmada lastditch miracle to keep it marching on Shipping experts pftdirt that when the accountants beia lhrlahed reconatructing tire aheil of the rtearbanhrupt Upper Clyde shlptmilderr the historic but now ouldrttvi end that none rent forth ranratlantlc speed mecenr la likely to be lapped from the ailing consortium Whatever its ultimate tale Drown once thegreatest the Clans bar been lorpedoed by modern ecn norrric rgrsurer as surely or worse of Its most famous prod Itthl Cunard liner Luri tanl rent to the bottom by German Ueboal in the lit First World War The ftyerrold Ciydohrhh yard which also hull Cun rrda Aquila uren Mary the two Queen it rabetha Iihe ml Canadian Pacific Em press of Britain has tacevi economic dlrarier before but managed Iorurvlve come nwaonvnn During the depression ears of the early mos lack rap tlrl left the unfinished Queen Mary mating on the stocks inr three years ant Ihourende were thrown out of wor That particular criair was resolved by government and the cortravlas lad from Sheffield who be feme pioneering atoelmu er lie built large chunk of ie fortune supplying armor plate to the implode then the pride of the Delilah nevy to tilt the John Drown company seeking new out let or Ilr ateci torgioga tec quired rhlpbulidlng repair at tTydcbanlr Iuat downrlver from Glargow which had been lnrliding ocean liners for heurrd slam the labor PAIITILTI LINER in those days CTydehanit had reputation for always maintaining ita delivery dates romctlmes Improving upon em tiy lion in furious burst of activity the new combine had completed the Ctmrrd llnor saronia Japanese bat tleship and five destroyers for the Royal Navy chrn yeara later there slipped out of lirownr east yertl the largest and iaatcrt ocean liner the world had yet aeenthe intuition lusltarir painting of which still hangs to Brown hoardroom tier revolutionary turbine enginca made her the most advanced vessel on the North Atlantic Torpedocd olI lreland in left her deathroll of Itva in cluded buodreda of Canadian and American civilians and rented as hlrtnrye second worst merchant ship disaster alter the Titanic Browns yard tamed out many famous warahlpa in eluding the battle cnriscra lrv exible and lie hire and the first flood whlc became one of ltrllaloa maior navel cla ualtlas of the Second World War between the were browne men built several Canadian Pacific Duoberr liners and lo ml the yard launched the second Empress of Britain ittiolon threeaiaclter she was bombed and aunt in 19th The trunnion Queen Mary undoubtedly brought lirowns finest hour Alter sit the ago files of her building the crma triumphant symbol of firiiaioa recovery from the depression with the postwar decline in passenger shipping litowns fortunes faded and the ant was left with lot of old aah loned capital equipment The Queen Elisabeth whore debut was shadowed by de lryr unilnleilrd workmanship end fault lurhiner was the last grce asarnger liner to he built Ii ydehenk Cunard subsequently or dered two smaller linrra from ftottardrm yard and atappevi to million lawsuit for delays to the OfIt an tipper Ciylle hhlpbuildere Into which tlrown was merged in lbid Today Browns yard am ployr about auto cnen lurnlnf out vest markedly dliierent llantic starts of the it terrier email cargo ships and olidrliiiar rise pgblic school mourners er than they were before the adroiofetea live chanxe wIs mede to county boards at the beginning of ltidb lint it should not be overlooked that substantial reduc tion in 1911 sdrooi levies over 1970 was INTERPRETTNC Till1 vans Disclosures About Peniden NEW YORK It It was not lentil the middle of ll some future historian may write that theIorid started erlcan tnvolveromt in Some of the Weatern world which had been angulahlog over mu the role in vteuram of its chiel an lnveeti aura of the whole forum than decade ahackwavee from the dlrclo it was another painful period and soother untrue deval oprneat to the conflict that had one an effect on the hiatorypf tbe midoentury the New York notes of por ous of defence departuon pl before their mous tin of vnhln resolution of list which resulted in the bombing of North Vietnam and the eventual landing of Ameri era troops in the South TAKEN TO COURT The historlrn no doubt will be intrigued by lira rrmlilca tiona oi the disclosures Includ or irony of Republican rdrninlelrrtioo feeling ntoee rary to aliern to prevent hir lhsr publlcr on of material hi ly embarrassing to mom berr oi the former Democratic Term coached by Miss Robbinaconsisfed ovsnmenl new secured hr of outright lying Nixon rdntlnirtrrtlon so determined to stop further you llcriioo that It went to court leaving ltrelf yen to charges of interfering oi the freedom of the press at time when It al ready had acquired an Image of atlempiin to inuence news rntinr too over BIBLE THOUGHT And it came to pus the lame Ilrht that the Lord arid unto him Arlee get thee down onto the host for have delivered it late thine hand Judges ns ltisetnpelsinghow little we actually have in do with many at our victories lily halp romalir from the lord ENVELT 5s llhr Torrie Examiner Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone nearer Second Clue llfaii Registration Numbch Return portage guaranteed Daily dude and Silulory Iio days excepted Subscription rates daily by crrrier our weekly tom year ly Single copies lilo liy mnll Barrie sstao yearly Slmcoe Courrty yearly mirror of Canada moo yearly All other countries ateoo yearly Motor throw all tteoo yearly National Advertising Otiiccr Iii Urrivcraity Avenue Toronto Ito Catherrt 51 Montreal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Circula tiona The Canadian IIcal is ercluw ively entitled to the use for re publication of all news dispatch er in this paper credited in It or The Allocated Preaa or lteuter and also the local ntwa publish ed therein The barrio Examiner eialma Cbyfight In all original adver tle and editorial malarial ere riod by ilr employees and re produred to title newrprper Copyright Registration Num ber mill register of Washlat1oo Port diacloruroe dealing win tilt former mob llcan administration of Eisenhower coming as The My bring oyer gratin otrt the full story behind Timer care was still before the Vietnam that began in tree oourta Debatee in Ottawa read Can berrr resulting from the disclo In the latter case causing oration who inle Aur iraifa into the war the us or South Vietnam The tintins oi the disclo gee antiwar Tinutnas wen on nae was yo on Aad the deiigh North Con and the disclosures were vindication of all they had been nylon and tltithMltbr hells vraealtnr In IANsamurai pertellat error For th call into mention the alficirl American reason etting into the war to mac rrcyInSoulh Vie NIXON MIIltMA Ever since he was elected Kresldent in tree Richard Nixon as been attempting to per suade the Communirta oi the Johnson diarioeurer clearly in Painful For The AmeriCcrns credibly of the lion be has enunciated on tnarn For instance he invaded Cambodia alter voicing clear warninga about American ac tion it the US considered than wasathreattoltetroopahorn retina Vteiname frontiers Now he tr withdrawing Amer lean troops and earthy he seeks peace in Southeast Ar The Communion are In thd poeitinn of rating how the Americana can be trvaslsd after the dircioaurra iron the years of the Eisenhower and Lyndon adndniateaiiona dealt with all the ottheiaticrbrilo the Irr eluding the turnip into dove oi Nmuhdbdw lb lid the war the riots and the deelba to thrill held the fact at the war colored every motor International do be te alibi conclude this chapter AI one reads of this period Sr one wonders what other agonies rerearvh will uncover about this war that poisoned the intern tional stratosphere and into at the very fabric of American ro clety CANADAS STORY British Oiiicers Led Canadians Dy DOB BOWMAN Until loot It was the practice to have senior officer of the lirttlsh army command Cana dian troops ever In Canada General Middleton led the Court dlao force which put down the Norlhweet rebellion in this One at his officers Colonel Otinr commanded the Canadian force that went to light in the Boer War to woo The arrangement came to sudden endwhau lord Dundonr rid convenndin officer of the Ch Cr tan outta made eeeh on Juna root charging rt there was political Irtierlcr care In the appointment of army ofcers llir remarka were made at private military dinner in Montreal and efforts were made to tiy to prevent uewspr era from pu fishing them owrver they were pub lished and resulted in sharp politicalmilitary row Dundoneid charged that be had appointed Dr Plchoii Mayor of Sweetshurr Que as an army officer but his name had been chicken front the list by Sydney Fisher minister of ngrfctailitrh Then he went on to say feel certain that if Mr Flrhere llia had led him to col dirrlng instead of agriculture he would feel annoyed On pcnonui grounds gentlemen dont in least mind The lock of eli ourita affects little have been In Ottawa for two years Fisher defended himself In the floors of Commons lie said that he had been ratios as mic trier of mllllin In therbscnce of Sir Frederick Rurdanand that it waa Dundoneid who made ap pointments no polich grottnds Dundoneid was already in trouble with the government be cause he otlvoenled an ar of little mcn land thadrontaoi rnnnga ergo so at tor Ilia appointment wrr eaneetch at cabinet Mirtl on June it and since the Canadian irra contended the army at home The last Delilah garrironr in Canada at ifrlliaa rod Ergui mrit were withdrawn two years later Other June Eventet tiltMarlin Froblsher made 11 first voyage to Baffin Land infLa Duranievn claimed Lake at Clairlaks Huron area for more tiltsteamer Surprise went Fruor lilver iiC as far as ope liraFirst general assembly ofd Presbyterian Church in Can teatElven Alexandre Tear ereru war roads that Cana dian eardirrri litTMrnlioba legislature protested CPR monopoly toolPrim Furh mi of Japan arrived for visit until June It fleeliberals were defeated In Saskatchewan for first time since two 65 Fiyers Enter Race For $170000 rovnou CPI More than on users from nine countries will chase $170000 in priae money next week in b00omlla ILr race from lirttain across the resident John up gt Educational TV Action Iy DON OIEADN When the recurrent rtsrted lImumdfib hi if son are torn so was that the medium would read for political pumice Obvlouviy it was danger that would have to be constantly ardcd against for no matter no strong the ideals or Md the intentions the temptation of ueiog goveromeolcnnirolied brordtartlog system would at vrrya be high The government dismissed these tours with the assurance that tbs tent would be under the conlro of an independent authorliy This body the Ore tario ducelionsl Communica tions Authority was established year The first hrordcrating facility to come under the control of title ruihvrlty was Channel in here to Tomato it went on the air in September And now we have the first suspect action from OECA and The visitor extended Ila dcrst time for an hover on three nights to broadcart pro ceodlnn of the Mario Conten eocaoo Econfftolc and Qiiilll Nationalism tr twodollrr name for United states ownerabfpi SEVERAL UNEAEY for one dont feel it should have done it And apparently from press comment others feel the ram wry LETTERS TO CONTENT ON FORUM Dear Sir tlurrrh for the vicespoint and compassion expressed by David outrun in Tae Examiner For um entitled Manpower Coon eelior Favors Youth florist lioo for the viewpoint and loci of compassion recently express ed in your editorial on the same topic Sincerely JOHN ODSSOREN YOUTH HOSTEL Dear air it was Indicated recently to local newrps ra Ielosiaioo and radio that Darrin Social Planning Council supports and educational televi Inot to wake than arrows rare er be dressed up and ruleliltd cu eaDod prirnamy for lcal urposata shelvedo mantra and opposition criticism on the nitration of ownership Aud broadcasting lie proceed ings bar to be viewed as prope grade for the government To be fair there probably no veortlty on the part of government it is doobtnrl whether Premier Davie for the coverage And the tentlone of the authority be of the beat would look on this oh for public service we Into water over its witha mitrooi to the tmpiicruoos but It should be And for own sake and that of the hopefully in nature it will bout rulla for it lilwuaultltlbe are or plication at ADthIo authority should forget it TUDLTIEEII Dill ROME AP James Henry Couvy publisher of the itonotuhr starBulletin died Tuesday hurt either at Piumlcino port while en route home war to its had been attending an international Press forliiula meeting In Helsinki Finland THE EDITOR hopes to operate through committee ouih Hostel Barrie ihla rummer This creates the relates that the whole Social tanning Council was in favor of this iry when in fact it was never voted upon or even direuarodkt general mealin of council For this reason am hereby resigning born the council The Darcie and Dlatrlci visory heard of the Canadian Nallonel lnetliute for the Dllrd of which am chairman is lrngcr represented on the Barrie Socili Pirnning Council Yours truly LAWRENCE COOP mm 1T HAPPENED iN CANADA North Atlantic and Canada to Victoria DC The race sponsored by the Canadian and liritish Columbia govemmentr to ml the conto nrry oi the provincar entr into Confederation will be eIertcd next Thursday by Prime Minis ier Trudeau and DC Premier no gtIi Denneit using trans atlantie telephone link from Vic toria Crnrdirn and American pilota including solo women liver irorn Pennsylvaniadominate the list of entrants Aircraft also have been entered from lirllaln Sweden Australia lrelrnd Flo land Wart Germany and France RDlLT 1N ilElJlNilt Mort oi the worlds ivebrerk gimme are built in Return AIIVIIIyH Nliiiiltdiiol vomvnvuw uterus suitor raucous 5ia foesori iwovu nrvluuuvnri wwvorwrrtturrtaroue NEITOJIIlaf NEWIOIJNDIAII AWDIAVELRIOOO Wit itliliiiitiililiisiOlPoFliiiiI WiIAllACKIOBlttifltto liiiililiiiidllfili LDHIO tilt WHEATll Itt Ml

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