ountunrje Control The Opposmon Iy Till A3800 IN Dara llciiIJIy ItIl linublelna hm lIttIo tn comman Ildially tree been pitchlna Icn lttltlrnora ulolea tar lo Ieaeona while Halon waent error In mater loam when Ibla one hem but they both had the llan In the patent oi tbeIrIIWI Thurdry II they looted loun hitlrn llellally atop Wanh Inpton Senator bl at and Staten carrth Milwaukee Btsutttt by rat CANADIAN rum American beater that MOIL llIltlmore Detroit lloIlon New Yuk Cleveland Warhlaxton gr cagazu Eigg Asia 3332 2233 sages OIIIInd KIntaa City blinherota Calllorala chlcatn it it not till lltliwnulea hill eon II Probable lltcbera IIdIy llIIwauIee tlnckwoad at hllnnerota Corbin III Waublnrloa tiirobrra It New York Kline ear Daltlrnarev Dobenn Hi It Iiorton lionth NI Clerellnd mum on at Detroit thin out Iilnlll City illblilllnd Hi It OnltIIttd iltllll IMI Oalilornla blinva at GIL earn Ilarlcn Hit 2322 Siberia Mirage II IM all II hm lilaneeote Noe wea rained in Itttblrlrrrnpholthe oh in at tour but hn amndranly to Oahiaade water Vlda Show In Which mourns it liliteul Learn lent to WWIWJAII III Pittahurth New York 2525 thlcaao Iiontreal Philadelphia San hanclrco Ina AnreIea llouaton GncInaall Atlanta San Dim Probable lltchera HIV New York Ryan and Sa deeti Hi It hlontraal Drillon or and Strohntayer ill or Ide tllnn Ml Ii Chicuolliandr ll SI 7322 ua=a=sisu23= mule lSInlarInl or Cincin aIIl lSIntpeon and cloninxcr 24 It Atluill tillehlo HI and Kelley Hi Sea Blue illarman Mt II Inc Abltlll 01lan III Pltilblnll Elul at Hall adolphla Bunnial til San mneer mm at Ilottalon ibiliinphant SII 9E E1 lt Serge Er 35 victory Iothla to name and kept them Il antea abrad oi Detroit In the edean team Earl Iha hrmra elated Slated to tirerun Iced In the lourtb Io nian and the tomb barter pro iretcd with two ller until the Anrela opened the elrrlh with pIIr oi Ilnricn but tom out and My Gouala double play grounder got him out at IrnIltd leper Dream nulhunl with thdr lint hit all No rrlrhi 71 walk and KotmI Ilnple broke the acorelrat duel and alter another walk Dare llay Itheclcd threwrun double their atorad on auteur InlIeId IlnIIe when catcher dell Tao horn dropped the throw to the plain Mickey loilch acaltered elphl hItaand ianued ll Cleveland batten the 11 IIlpped Idle Daelan In Ieeond place In the Eu lllvlaion Strudel by Dick IAIAuIillI Ind hllctey Stanley and Norm Caeha eattiller in produced Ilratlanlnl runI and Detroit Aurelio ltndrl daltn LamaalI Inylo lol Iauilleo and IieAultIIea Laver Newcombe Favored To Win Wimbledon Hdnors 1mm Dlllpllth Ico no In In this Iourne Iach lrom aunt tap Va haapne ditied that ther Ilad Lever or John Newcombe will win the AllEnrlaod mena tennis ellarn plornhp II the trieat tourna rnrnt ol thorn III burn the eur IIVII countdown today Arthur Ahhnhlmltli tneelrd nut ol contenan by letter American hluty Rinren Thurw day warnt rain out on any Ilrnb with hla plet oi the two AllItrIIIahr however Lever II the No Ieedwlilt AIIEnrlaod vietorlea In lint roar tau and tilt and attend Itcdod Newcombe la the deirnd lnr cliemplon lllr mo triumph war hln Ioeood Lntorand Nowme must he Iatorlloe to win raid iiltheordtd Aaho dumped dI or bi bi hy tron In the third round min to broom lilo tirat hla to up turn the Wimbledon cluric Dut Stan Smith rhl there behind them Aeha San nood thence tnlullllbl In holler then ha has ever done helorc thinlt lion lloeewallr chance Iota little IIIInmer oIch year At the brute lor nuarlcrllnII hcthI In both the ntena Ind womena IIn Ice got under way today be lire In tho arent compttltiort inrcd lhurnday Ind whole In rlare In tho Iaurth round lauer now and hi arri In Ioma oI III quII Iolt andrd IIbIIII Ilarted mortar Into hltb xear by handily dlapoelnl ol rnerlean ClIrh Clraehaer in atrallhl tell Id Lever pen arelnot Ilway touch Tom other ollha Nat erIanda Iaday Nowmmbe who rrlrcta Alex lletretuil olthe Soviet Union In MI round trounced Girald Ital II ol Britain bi bi SrnIIlt an American who II them need whl pod Andrew Patllaon OI bi II IllI next match will be Iou ayalntt veteran Aueele ltoy Emcraon Aurtrwiian ltoeowail the No need awopt to hit lottrtb round rnatcb alllntt country man mo Sialie hy overwhelm Int Jaime Titial ot mile or llIeIIen whom AIha didnt to elude Imonl hla Iipa tor the title oen Intrut tinny Parun ol New Zealand Iod Ashe had no It torture loliln counterpart but the do leltdlnp wonttnt Ilnllcr chem pion Ind No need IdIrnIret Court ot Atrptralia termed the but pick at this alert Ilrr Court who outelueerl Cecelia Artlm oi tilt Uh bit it Thureday was matehrd atIIart liarlltd Schatr oi the NotherIIndI today Ilrr rnaln rIralr tor the title are American Itlllie leIn Kin teeter mood and thirdranted Ethane Goola out at Australia hire IIpr touted Daniella liouteioua oi hence hi to to advance aralnat Christian in at lirltaln while Ill Goa namellmlnatrd Iulle lIeIdnr rt oi US and went up Iralnat ountryrromau heeley Itunt In the lourlh tornrd In womena doubler play lhurodny Jano oIIarI oi Io route and partner Ilariiyn Iryde at New Iceland delenlcd Ana hlarla EIIIIIIIIIIpd Carv men llandarlnn oi Spain Id 75 wIdIe Andra iiartln ol Quobcc City and Kerry Ilarrlr oi Australia lmt to American New Anne OIILII and Vaicria Zlcncn Ellen hi hi Clyde Gray Stops Ilorriclt In Second IIONCIOII NIX CPI Cl Gray Canadian welter clrht hoxlnn champion atopporl In autelataerl Geno Ilarricb ot Danton lhurnlny nluht by dceltlnr IIIItI three timer in the record round ltelrreo Yvon Durellc Iii nallod the end at the Ilaht at list at the wand an llerrIIIr took hla third at tcnunt In the round rainy awn undtr liurry ol punchee Gray tit ol Toronto iron the Ilrel round but bed It taken may by the retiree tor low blow llerrIeIr welphrd iii BringIhelttltoloIoanlyOutlHIIRSIIItYIst The Rates are fiction Parked or oututtvutt ttttWAts Orangerllie Ontario DAILY DOUBLE GUINELLA AND EXACTOR WAOIRINO Yoor attenda you lot the endot mron drew IoraIWI Cornell EXCITING HARNESS Io RACES Poet Time pm Jurt 40 Minutei lront Barrie Preferred Parking 50 33 he in ii Eie 13 55 dri E39 neg S522 Larry liee two welba Preedu bu eoioadod Italic up the middtc Pay Back Boyer Braves Ordered NEW YORK iAPI Baseball Oantrnlaeianer Bowie Kuhn aald lhrnnduy be has ordered At lanta braver to return titted cbeqret ticta Boyer ltonul area haaeball te lorrner third human Boyer now with IlawIll oi the Pacllle Ooart beam bad da mended hla rnleaae horn the Drama after dLrouta with braver ulceprealdent Paul Richard IaIa IaIl month ltteharda Irrced to tire Iloyer hi relcue prortdlnr Doyrr pald tluooo to cover the lnrlclturn at dayn termina tlon pay due him at the llrna nI hla release Kuhn rulrd the chemte he re turned to Doyer becaueo the more we rIaIItloa oi the layer contract Kuhn raid bl oak the action Iala lut week Oat darlnya tralaial Ilral Mall dl Mal Ilrulta the mm crew to Illa Iha llurlcy ammonium Ridleps Schoolbop Eight Bid Strong Impressive 5T CAIiIAiIINES Ont CPI neutron here ItidIcy powcred ii the mid tredltlanallnta borne III lenrthr upon St to what lore Iepba blpb acbnol nl Itullalo taken with yrara ltldley IIY lor the Canadian charmh Gallon echnolbcy tint they antblp election nlnllnx tta lor LbI hillbtnclra rtIIIIncc Toe Itldley elm beak drew to delerud III Mllenl thwld he em more tnuoreartd In Ill Ouch Nell Carmbell will be Illl Saturday Prim Ellrabelh title with only tour at Int yeara crew In boat liraduatlaa It the I1 oul1 which returning to the lienley nort itcuttu with hitter aim wr latter em than the one helb Challenra hep tor ethnol boy elpbu craw arrr to appear It Henley du lrIted Ita rm IllbIIttl Stein and Canadl open elrhtoared echoolhoy tIlleI The US crown waa won Ior Ihey the third Itttcculre ear when Rldlcy clothed brill wind art Lela Onondar drewa School at hllddleton Del by deck at open water In their rrtIIa text week later on the Ilenlry 0R0 MOBILE IIOhIES bawtrrwnr thTOltlIOitl larrta Strainer Saturday at ht Iris Diamond clan and hool can no In Thursday July Open In vltelioaal tor Diamond earl Sanerl Borrower Wodnuday Late ilodcl Notied III cylinder raelnr July Giant wreck errt race 50 earn loc IllW purae Also Ipeclal at Iradion Darcie Fiyera boete oy team membera late at top traclr driven In wreck ern reea HARNESS RACING 0ran eevllle Ilacoway Sunday lott time pm Ien races GOLF IIIrrIo tbunlry Club Sunday lluronia Junior Girl lhurnanitnl Ire oil it am Ilterda ltli InnI Ledicn ith CLO DASEIIALI Sunday Fair Iroltndr doubleheade lcnotenp II Darrin Allan ale Lumberjacks lmrnrdl Ier lol lowln rrle Nea ay 0rlll pm ilarrte at Orll lunlor Wod ncndayJalryroundnip bee Inn at llorrle IIINOII SOCCER Peeweei Ihorrdey IrIS pm Prince oi WaIca lahntan It FIIrzroundrt Oro Codrlnptn ll Ora St ilaryt Iiapa tlrova at Steo In St liurdtn ll varnlea at 115 pm lluronia Irlnce at IIIcI at Palnywlelt burden ilInpero St Ilonic den Oro Codrlnrloo at our tiarach lohnIon at laln roundat Bordon ltIItIerI AI andeII It Borden the to Grave ltnrrle little It It Gror Menu Nerdny It lionlcaIIiuronl lSt lIIrrIo theta llaple rm at lleple Ira rince at Walt Strolo St at llalrprounda Ora Codrinpton at are loulrtr Thuraday one pm ilaple Gra lo Codrlnrloa It Maple Grove hlanlcaa lluronia at Stoo bor INTERMEDIATE FAITIIALL Sunday 1pm Queena larh nw II berrie 0o 11Iplrn Ileatlnp at Duo Dorden rm pm at nmrale ClIrIaon llalel at Ern role llemhantt ttonday 1pm Due Borden Ya Querna Yareh Path pm Illereh celled SENIOR EAIIIIALL Sun day pm orillla oval Lato rIew Dalr Orltlla Combines Monday pm Cueena Part church itohlie llomea at Imperial Eutrnant Wedner day trti pm Queene Perl Imperial It Letnrlow It I130 pm hlehlrroolr at Gtureh ILIIIVALII TOURNAMENT lhurndey July It Elmralo Starts at noon lIrnt round llreohln at Church lAIetIew It AItl Yanch at lluronia 000D at Elmvale BARNE BEAVER titer dIy Queena PI llarrlo heaven VEbllIA FASTIIAIII heir Ion blanday Anlen IitIiI It lerndale Ila hierchanta al New loweii hdentalo II Mid hunt Ilednuday lerndala It illnreln New Inwcil at Eden ltdhurat It Itatrle ller Steele Street pm Jul 1bepday hilnealnr Il eatol It hlld llurat Prewrcr TnhlihtIIlrlp Ilon at hlldhurnl Aaten iliII It Edentalo EIMCOII RURAL EAmALII llenday Illiiedaie at Port llchcoll Wyebrlrlae at Wya rate mvae It airy 0R0 LADIES SOFTBALL Monday llawtontoae It Ora ItteIdIy Mitchel Square at In Rugby WedneIdIy Shanty Bay at Dalatan Here More Thla Summer with SUNS qurrrnn trtrttn Ollleetrla brath IIccm OTellri raoana nettle Kit GarElectric ROCKET TRAILER ONLY ilaa Uta Inewcr Ilote Ilclrlxrrator il mice Cord Ileadaaartcra tort Iohlto Iltrn pcr Ualta Irarrl aal Ca TraIIrrI 0R0 MOBIlE IIOMES at the rwept aIldI all oppaeltlon In Catharina prep och 1min win tba Prim Ella beran rowing only tour yearn are bu taken In tall Yet roach Campbell who Some Britinh rowing eaprrtI atroted Canadaa litd Olympic went to lar tart year an to run Ilpbl In lleaim oty rutxltldiey the tint Canadlrn bigger and inter crew than cmta win Ilealey elnta lart yrara undeleatcd outtlt title wu the lineal uholartie they averaerIr leel Inhelrht pounds from how to stroke Solar Ihla Ieaoon Illdlcy bar and layman at age Warren Aria at London Out or away with the United is hart at stroke with Bruce Ilaitiday nl Quebecctly lIr hla aeeond reason as cauwaln annl with llbl Icrlly oi llrantlorrL Out In No and till Dirk Eldney Anraelcr Ont yr In No are the Irttarera trom aetue NY bertlnr An but bolted no Bowman llrn Dnnhy oi Larch ntounl NY mm tiartiay ot billion OntI In No line IlaethllIln oi Trinidad Paul Slenuctnthl oi SI Catharina In No and torture love at Toronto In No an the new An early an April heavier thinned their potential In the wuler but It warnl until the Syracuaa win that return the Itldlcy to Ilealey IhIa aurnrner waa really couldered Despite corruultrncnt to uni ltocboatcr In 11th tor the ch CanIdaa entry at next toot rmlru CONVERTIBLE POOLS rrroalhe IISA outh champion Ihlpatn Yuloalarla coach Campbell agreed to the trip the draw tor the ml Keeley to he rowed June Muir baa not cl hren RIEIMII but there la no doubt Itldley will lnoti head with more tde compett tIon no the mm Ona bolt III SwaaIrIn late eourrr inland oil on another aumrner dltlc tcaa tour the tlrltlrb Colum bianr will run at Ilealey then In on to neutral her Delilah rrnttar They are alae new talrd to join coach Campbell at Died TubularII to ram up at Canadae entry In the ou Cornell Rowers In US Finals SYRACUSE NI iAPI Three member at council Unl rcraltya nannal eollrrIIIe chunplon crew oualllled mnw day nlmt tor Saturdaya limit In the United Statce rnwtnt triatr lac the lanlArnerIcan bntrwn II at Var arncI KetIn Hanlpan lllla SIIInca and rouwatn leII Cornell won their ouIIIinru but In the pIIrarallbcduwaln llnIahInp tour lrnltha ahead ol the Irre Clllh abcil vaan Inlmttea and SEEIT ON DISPLAY bARRII ondplare ltocberler NY Boat crow can drop one The carnell boat waa Ilnwd In to recouda totlrtttutt tr err the 2125 ii er IIIIt rm normal In ahlcb they haunbl an at Canadian Yacht club clnibil theyre road hoya aid their lather wholeuammhha Ilcll epartm dlaray Albacore AaaotlI llarry la ooly ll rem old damn pod Itlpper III brother Gary it doubt need to he told wbIlta do lle deceit automatically Ibclr boat weighed tan they harm it he Idiad ey dried It not earrded her down aplashed an corrpia oi allooa at paint Ind curtain with winner Dartd triallentrln oi Rubia Ioo DC prcaldrnt ol the United States Alhacarw Anath IIon loot tint gun in the armed race Thureday to putt him In third place In the mull atend Inn ailcr tour raeu IIowerrr the younger mew lion appear to he rtrlaxthe ridcrn run lor lhelr wind with the Poynlrn old trout and the Illdda Irom hrantlord Onll running Iccorrd Iarrtle Kidd ll tool bl I5 yrarold brother IIth II crew to tintplace Ilniab In Vieer we record um and reared well on the otherr Under Olympic ruIea each and room the rernelnlal IIL TRY preterm nunr ubl yuoun mm IIIIIIXI The I8 Swingerhy0ceanit Find out Ituw easy It is to outinpool In your backyard this summer now to tile time to pot In the swim AISO BEING FEATURED ARE I8 TO 27 TROPICANA POOLS BY OCEANIC Conttrtrellon In their tIraanh Drire out thII wookand and tea Ray Canlphell at POOLS RR IARRII PHONITHMSO