Hollzihctns Lettgiirns Brlgs First NoHittere II In Lint urta tor tree each Pac STP tho Fin this pro var night ion STP both the being IITP to il the STP in IIII Lake Orkn lul It hlluol It hilOw Anton Street New Anton Iden It It at Elli Juno am Milli baitiner side ly strenuous eases elated lbura Iy night basede action la the only other some aged lords Cardinals Pittsburgh Pirates Id and Atlanta IIrarra downed Ilium Aatros In the other National league action and line the Red be New York Yankees In the only Amerh ran league entrants Bid the night belonged he Iloltsrnan Ihe lubed the see endeobltteroi to career else renting some early athletes and retiring the tart tI Reds to order Ila rIrurk out six Includ lng Tbrnmy Reintl Ind In May tor the line two outs In the ninth inning The only Cinctd nstl miners cm on tour wIIIs REDS TRY EVERYTHING The Reds tried everything to get hit all IIolIunIn Ind even went in tho extreme pl having BASEBALL Ry ms CANADIAN PRESS AraerIeII blame EIII Psi OBI Iiorlon at Detroit New York Cleveland Washington Orklsrtd Kansas City Minnesota laillornla Milwaukee Chlcm 3528 53 52 232 nugzn Result Thursday Roeton New York Probable Pitchers Today Cleveland Poster Jii It Illn nesota ttilyleven HI baitlmoro OleIIIr at Milwaukee tItrausse 10 Detroit tIollch at Chicago Wood Ml Oakland tliohron so at Washington tisnetki 10 Katuu Ctiy terght tilt at New York tPeIerson MI Caiilorpla thterrersmlth Hi at Rotten tPetcrs tut Ilium ManykrlchlIydon WHI II It Iccndlsg to Noltnaanblarlcustcslt Athntlthount Beachhad 51 Ibo yurotd pltebsr there was no way twidbavsthraaabenthotrlll thobailremaiaedisir IIelisnsII suited all the RIM mess the Archival mired Inhelrl and towards the When got over there saw the boil was spinning and knew It would hit tout the pitcher said The ball spins err the artillrial Iurl Into loui leni torr Ind then Sena Illtd out That wss thI Redr but rhanoa Ier hit OONTROI PROBE Ilollrman with mini prob Ierrs in the early tanlnp got late his toughest yarn In the third when Buddy RrIdiord walked Ind moved up on wild pitch Ilo advanced to third on In Inlleld out and then In stranded as Oary Nolan tapped In boat at the piste and Rat ilcRsa tiled out In the top at the third IIoltx man scored the games only run Ila ruched lint an Tony RECORDS NIIIoIII beagle last Id GEL id II II III Si WII New York Pittsburgh Chicago IIoatrest Philadelphia limits Thursday mirage Cincinnati st touts Pttuburgh Atlsnta ttourtonr Irlbabls Pitchers Nay Philldoipbla tstsert 3D at San Francisco Perry Chicago Jenkins HI It At iIniI thiiekro Si IIoulton lillllugham it at Pillshurl Noose St touts Term lit at Cin rlnnali tGrImsiey loll llontresi Stoneman at San Diego Phoehus New York tSeaver at Los Angeles Oateen HI FiveTithe British Winner CAIINOUSTIE 501le IP AP Itasr Iirltons and tour United States pullers led all this morning In the Ibhule pusrlerltnsl tor the BritiIh am ateur goii mamplortshl without Ensllshntsn iIIItI Rona ck The itvoiime winner otthlr tournament Including the last three years was upset and In Thuraduy mornings round by Soult Alritatt Alike Sthwltl Schults lost In the afternoon and to Ruth Slunrt one oi twn Scots who advanced to the numicretinul Countryntnn Ilugh Campbell was among todays survivors lions with English mun Icler Moody Irishman Itwldy Carr and Amerlcuns Dr Itignr Updegruli Torn Kiln Jr dltn Simone rind Stuvo llrlnylt TItrs IIIhole semilinal was piuyed In tho alternoon with the ilhole Iinat tel tor Saturday The weather has held Inir Mike Bonailaclr Eliminated during the tournament tar cry trorn the cold grisly winds that are prone to sweeping the course during this time of year CIrnousiIa has beeareiallv kind In tar to this lleidsrhl originally numbered 150 Illelnyk Simon and Rita all sold though that they are lean oi oi what torrid happen espe cially rain and the tumus haara log oil the North Sou which comes In without no live Updegrssl Ipllstttt oi tall man pushing 00 years oI Ige lust grinned about all that and said let it blow lie but nothing to lose and was unquestionably the most sItIsIlod man In the totansrnont at this stage alter storing Indd decision over Irish Inter nIdonIIist Joe Carr twotime winner oi this tournament and tether oI boyearoid Roddy Miller Has it in Atlanta ATLANTA IAII two muttth siurnp nirnott convinced young Cnlllornlrtn Iohn htIlier tn bypass the 25000 Alluntn tinll Classic Ive been touring so badly lately Just wanted to gu home he said The only roa sun come here It because the this course The tycnruhl bloudu cn lidltttti his illtiII at the hilly outward Atlnnlu Oruntry Club louvre Thursday when he tlrrd elrzllng sevetturwlerpnr ms 05 with round that Included In eagle and seven birdies II have hint twotltot lead over quartet deudlockcd at or dark llrkiaul Orville Noodl Itny Floyd and Dave Etchelbcr gct Itch tullon ut Montreal itd tho Cnnndlnrt entries with 70 live strokes roll the poet while SENIOR MEET TORONTO ICI national senior worrtens all champion ship will be intlnr rd by the Ca nudinn Iadlts loll Association it nor announced Thursday lrovlourly the championship had been run by separan sen Iora association with member ship by invitation only THE MUFFLER SHOP liarrles Owl Multin Spnidllll ill INNISEIL PRONI TIMI IIAIS Tilt VesprI Council irr cut the laser darisg INI ru Winnipegs IIIII Ilontcnulk csnicd 71 Toronto tourirtI proszcnit to with TI and Grurgo itnu on with It corn plctrd the contingent Seven were deadlocked It or Lee Trevino Rob LIIRII Gard nor Dickinson Jim Colbert Jim 0an ltod Curl and Dob Darba turn LACROSSE Iiy THE CANADIAN PRESS Onterte luster Oshawa t1 Eloblerke IJ llSt Catharina It Mississauga Ontario Senior Ietcrborvugh tt Rramplon It Ileldollimtlnlhaoertnthnp Wild Houston as Ill Jarvis kIItad normal taoreasen ttgtrnales gstresk AARON qu Jarvis worked sis scoreless tuning in railed anti old beanie oi an ailing knee errd his chrteh pinch hit In the Iourth inning as the limes bat tied from behind him Carlton became the NA tlonIi teagtsos IIrrI togthe winner piiobtag St Innis past Pittiowph III also contributed tsom double II the Oardl uILI attack and lldlllia Ilatty Alon doped his tint homer and pair at strides to drive In three runs tor the cards lie Boilers ended Its ltvegantev losing street and timed bod Into lint place In the American league But by edging New York Pitcher Ray Orha ninth nine single drove In tho deeld ing nrn tor the Red Sea and reliever Rob Boiln stamped that ninth inning YIukes rally Reia Smith bothered ior Roe ten and 1burmIn Muruon ren nccted tor New York Pretendx Ball Paul Richards WEST PALM BEACH Ill IAPI outolwork third baseman Clrie Boyer llesed hlo mustln and slammed thrreweod down the lush iIlr way Im pretending the bait Is Paul Richards ind Boyer Ive been In the water three times everytime no water want to dusk hint Beyer became tres agent TIturada when an Natlensl lesgua hexhlil club took him on waivers lrorn AtlantI braves Iioyer was reletsrd by tho braves alter he engaged In pubile rrbat exchange with Richards IIratea repres dent lioyer started it by telling writer lor the New York Post tltat there would be no place In baseball tor man like Richards and sharply crItl cited the manltement oi the club Richards responded by call Ing Boyer lousy payer who Is sctred every time he soes to tire etc Im beg nnlng to shop around tell their making Ilorae calls to other big league In EARN I0 ttv OChIrlcr Irllt OAlserIil Rental ight Serial Flights Iilbdrrs teIsII AerrIIl lNTIlODUIOlII ILIGIIT riot tor your tirrt item You take controll under the supervision oi gotemmentapp De oi Thanspori rolled courses in it in Insinretlon income tailpdeductibiel For all the tools either phone or come out to the airport tor pcrsonsl vtsli Barrie Air Service tn KEN IIOLTLIIAN Alter Nollltter Retirement IIOhIIIfJL III Ma hem Montreal Canadians rugaed Ielt winger ratlred Thuradagylortheseeondtimela yur trash the Natlaaai Ibekeytoague Bot thII time the nrrIroId says It will be permanent and he told news routersaee hs has stated his voluntary retire ntent papers player Ih signs such pa pers cannot return to the IIIII lee one year without the consent at all It clubs Fergusm cited burlqu inter eIII when be measured his re tirement IIII Oct but rune bark later to Thin headless In the drive to their exciting StIa ley orp championship started thinking at retire ment two weeks alter coming back he told Thraarlsys news eohterenec It wss tough mentally Sty mind always wandered back In business and wasnt 100 per cent III hockey runners told reporters at the Montreal Pomm that his clo thln bottom dermrsled too not at his time In be wss giving up an estimated 055000 hockey contract or the their sessen MldacNeiis Future Still Unresolved IIONTREAL CPI Ouch AI liacNells luture with blunt real Cansdiens ot the National Give Anythino To Have Family Back Together TORONTO lWI tliunny Ahearoepreddenl oi the latemtlonat Ice hockey Federation and the roan blamed tor Canadas current lonely po sltlon in the game says id give anything to have my ltllla hockey llIIIlly back together Cinde withdrew tront inter national eompetilion eIrIy In 1060 when her litb partners In the exclusive pool oi the IIIII world championship renegtd on their agreement to let her send learn augmented by nine pro icsrlonals Earl Dawson II that time head oi the Canadlan Amateur II Annotation blnmcd Ahearnc lor allowing the situa tion to develop Ahetrno Is In Cnnvda Ior talks with CAIIA and llochty said Itockey league will be resolved within the nest IT days CIIII dlens gcncrIIvrnInagte Sam Pollock said Thursday Pollock made the statement alter news conterence called to announce the retirement oi John Ferguson Well hold another malor press conlrrrnve shortly the clubs president David Notion Not bcluro Monday morning It the earliest but not later than June Itth Pollock added leave tor the AIIL meet Inu in the Bahamas June Itth and want everything taken care at belore then This isnt the kind oi thing you like to keep hangtng IIIcNeIi rookie coach at the Stanley Chip winners was the target at criticism In the press and Item some oi his pleycrs during the postseason playalta MONTREAL CANADIENS icil winger lohn Ferguson hangs up hit sweater and rkalcs lnr lbo last time Thunv dIy IRrr announcing his rc liremrnt trorn the Stanley hp championship NIlloeai Iluc key IeIuo team Irrgle says his Rtlrerrtcnt bausa oi extensive business interests in Tlnntreal is good this time Canadiens lergusort stored It gods and had 15 assists llc added 20 goals and II as lists in playvtl action lie was member ol live SlInity Otp learnt Itl hotel in eight lull seams with the 1971 Grey Cup Winners To Get $2000 Per Mon MONTREAL Cll This years Grey Cup winners will Ltl 31000 uman tor action In the Crrrttdinn Football leagues thnnlpiurtshlp game0500 more than hlontrvnl Alourtlrsplny ers mind or the lttu win the CFL rulul at Its armban nuai meeting Thursday The sheeting continues today CPL curttntlssloncr Jake Gau daur said the lugur has raised total Grey Cup awards to 11000 Irottt 000000 thus giv Irtg each player on the winning tram 02000 anti PJtiI member on tile losing snuud 500 The previous rates were H500 and 01000 Inapttlivcly Tits raise icil short hi re quest by the CPI iisyrrs Asso riaiion whlrh asked Itn $1000 and 01000 The tongue also atloplnl uni crsal dull itvr Canadian luol bnll players attending unismi ties In the 05 and Cunadn STARTS AEIER rm Gaudaur said the new college drIlt will brwome citccttlu altsr the no reason but nu player In either country will be eligible until his class graduates Under the current sclup cnrh ol the nine CPI clubs holds tor rttoritl riner stti trlhycrs in vited to atlrtul rrhuol In the 05 have their playing rights automatically returned to thI club unintllin their territory when they tlrsislt school Undre the now plan each rhrb could protect only two players turn its area turning irom the 05 The remainder would rrtrrt into rununon pool for drult purposes The commissioner said le plan would be put Into cited overcome an economic dispars lty tell by wcrsl icngue members who do not have largo poywtintiun centres within thou territorial limits and ihcrrluro loner young toothed pisan than ulhtt lcstns Canada olllclnis Ilockry CIR nda Is the governmentharkrd body at butlnehs and hockey cx eouilvrs ohsrgrd with ensuring Canada has representative learn ii and when rho returns to the International game Ahcarno sts he does not want to not the Olympic Games and the NF world champion shins become optrt competi lions No my Canada Is the only rouner producing prolosslottnis and that those prulrrrionnls play only lnCanada and the Ilnlled States Angelosiinto delsve rs more ANGELO RICCI runs pizzeria tn Montreal Quuhsc Angelo traded all his Import car lot Iirvto He tells why Pinto is the not built Inr hlnv tnti his business have two drivers who are tough on car but Ithink the Pinto to Anna St North bl Sunnldaia Road 1200591 toughenihe carstarts working at It oclock in the morning till three ALLAN cool llhillED General Contractors ASPHALT PAVING DRIVEWAYS comm FREE ESTIMATES PARKING LOTS GUARANTEE CALL WIB HARRIS 1266410 your Ford Dealer Pintolasrtomobile diresistenza Pinto is one tough little car oclock the nextlmorningits not expensive on gas and to running if etioctrtsantcemodernIookm car eaIWayshadthebestpizza an now Ihave the best carno trouble ever Put tough little lowpriced Pinto in your tile The Pinto 2door sedan Small on the outside Roomy and comtortablo on the Inside Soo anulaeturors suurslsd ntall price Ior hIsI Idannotlneledlngdesttnstloneharso IIsI Provincialbelssiar PINTO if Nowuoteomemmvonrmneneoeaeaung