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shove when the trend Is no longer um Your ttre vettl he re ted the Ittttln the fleet 20 01 lead ttle It de eel In workmlnnhtp or metertelt meme thel the tire must he lIIten all your cu Audie ot weer you oey one quarter ol the replete rnent pelee And soon And remember thln 60000 Fteeetone Stores Ind Deeteee Ill over North Amerth ttend hehlnd your uelIrItee No mettel erhele you buy your Ftrulorle red lhte outstendtng gueeerltee Is good reuon to more ttreetone 1he teet that youll plobthty never need It to In even better leeson 95 llII Mull 353 12 lepleytnetetmleleew Int tn3outellrotesl gBlltlllNlIrHl IIIMXIIIIII BMUI ll allele Pl 011 III on you Ilnogtne ltltn Ilurltng us betel houndnewtmuwneem SUNSET SPEEDWAY l2 mllee of lorrle Whylla ttlpht note It the rtght ttme to replece lhole lent on line aeceute elght noel youll eeelty etert plltng on the mtlu Onhothtrhweye Bury htnheeye Deserted elderoede It tire teltt It can be eh Inconvenient or you my not be thIt hertz So be your ur tntodey to tlreetnne tor tree re eelety nepeetlon tteree enother reeson why ngttt note Ie the right ttrn at your err on role new tlm the dull ere reel SunSetlonet It Flleetene Eepeeletly on our Double Belted Stretostreett Buteteve Int Ill tttnde ot deele on Itl klanI el tlree tor eIl hind ed are Itlghtnoe as lllllllll cHRYSLERs35INmttED lNSTAllEI mm WHITEWALLS only $3 more WHITEWALLS only $3 more WHITEWAILSonIyttmore AT FIRESTONI STORE LISTED BELOW OR PARTICIPATING DEAEERS ea ounrortr 7266585 OponaFirestone BudgetAooount oruroyetu Flrestone knowhow help AL UNSER wIn at Indlanapolls For the 48th yonr Hroelono tree none on the wlnnlng oer bl Indlennpotle IIlnte Id out ot buxttlhlch proves the lot Ibotlt our ttro nuktn knewhowl UNSKIIS wtnnlng to we lfllltt mph In OOLI NRD Ftreetone oohnotogy helped put Ate UNSEtt blg money nlload Firestone that put entry tnolorlsl mllesyand dollars ahead EILRW LOHClOIt Dry Attentnctteorolvogln ee