TOP lrdAllIndIieBroInlu held Ind It the eonrlurion oi the ltInlln prorated levelled preeldenlr guard to outgoinx Iboullhelllhioci wupoliuckdhuwellhehom mood domeih it II Guide Ind Bronnle Coolie iey to Iho Iold too borne llrxn Gerry HiNlIInI Vine Emmi Mm tinder Sir John InnoilinudlimoJBJl oIIirr sown rr red Barbell oi Applied dome in Grit Erin It the Sprint Contour Unlrcnily Ii WIterino BahrdIy my III 5L Mn ha Iceeptld In einlnv eerie pncltim Iith the CI Dohch And We dandy ler oi lit Ind lire John their Vine mt mour led iron ttynnon Polytechnh eIl lnItinrle Friday Her hit cm IpedIlItod In EJr ly Grildltood Minder dine Stlnderdl AIxotlallh Rudxle Ontario John Rooter mi BA eetrrd Bachelor oi LII dr nee born the unnm oi ltertern OniIrio durl Wind attraction Friday my id ur mi lI recently moo iIled wide ltoden Murdock WIlton Finley Ind Minoan in rm Lo Toronto ithelo hy Erik Singlet SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES coon mum mi birth and DIOO re henoud in er John lenne 01ml lllil lnanId Bleed xer Ion IIIrded lo the rim Iho Iold the mod mile durc DI Tnp teller III Wendy lint nm up were lillhy mount on born Beverly Rm II borne Cindy Gubbelx borer Ind UndI Corded ll boIrI MORE MEET Xi GIrrrmI Xi ExemplIr rhap let oi Bet Siqu Phi held their rmllnt It the home at Site Member oi the rhIpter each OW yuerl to the nieeilnl mtutte oi the part yeIrI Iciltitiee III read by hire dome Dutiieid imitation ol the neIiyeiee ledoiilrerl lor Wit tool place buxloen mention bin NonII norm lire licrb monom Iollwtlnl the Wine meet hit limit Steele Ibowed tiltti Ibout will end pm lIlk lhellnelrneolnxoithyeIr mi minim mitt MUN report III gun by lire tut srrrns srr MEDINA MIrdI II II Aplll 10 Ada Give in to our Idventuroul or eultlnl will mull April II to hin It Talm Etceiieot lor mlhliil minor cirInieI or Idlurlrnenlx in work metlrodI III It to June it ilientlnlt DiIeuIIInnI withexpertI produce uIeiul IdvicI Ind guid Ince done it le July it EIneen trip iatrn inr one purpoee oould unexpectedly Irrch in dillereet Ily July it in Au lkntA 00d clients to conIoildnte lino InriIi IIItI Iround noon Any tr in Bepl tumorAn underthrower lip will be lnmety uulul lepi II to Del Li IlJbeIlA good period ior reechlnr Intro mrnt over new dutch or corn rnllmenu on It to Nov 21 remor Nol good dIy ior lIltin iinIn ill rinks Ioilme mmrrvniive procrdum Nor to Dre ll miller IIIIIlllotl opportunliltl ehInre to earn extra term or eloee dent Ded 11 to in it IClpilldlI JA huIIMII Iuoclnle may lllW rrnmnlle lulcrert in you iIn ii In Felt ll lAanrinIl Your morIlo triI booIt hex urine IuperlorI Iirnw their Ip preciallon liolInd Doimo Ibout the pro mollhepllnniorihe DID eIII hreIhlIIl Iebtduied lor Jun Ii lml to 10 Irrt It IleDrxul bin Dullield reported that city tvtnxil bod decided to do nle lolhe Smeltered Work Ihop item the proreede rIlIed Irqu the Gialiiy Ball rawinx the brulneII meet in llrr NormIn input are Ihnrl promm errlIied Exer eiIeI in mum The blpitildrt oi the event III the empire oi the Ween lor Xi GImrm RI IIrI GIry Storrrr Rte received In eoyIrnd llltu creIrn Ind lill Ir rel CIIOIRS WIND UP ACTIVITIES The Junior Ind hrmnedlIle Mn oi ConllIl Urilied Gourd invited their motth in pot luck Iupper It the church re cenll lovindupInrltyrIrol atli lee IO0000 The dinner In roamed by him tulle WIticr Mllni on not leader bullied the atolr lloihorr Auxilinry exocrn lire him liIrrie Johnntone pro Iidcnt retired the outline molding tailoring the dimer lire Eileen Footer mrelary lrururer reported on the Lul dimer meetlnx Ind urn the hurt bIlInte lire BU BIrry Ind hirl tiny IdillKBI lawn Mtnnm prerenled new col let dening by him Barry to with the new Ihiie aunt lbe pIItern III Irreptcd the slim will he IrIn by committee oi motborI Ind rudy ior use in the hit the boyI Ind irlo prorated Mn WIller with eoreere oi tiny pint toner llrr ioiroItone Ind the Rev Don lIy minlxler oi Will both ertcotue ed the choitI on purrutny lhnlr nleml like niney heald About the operltion Ind unit in Am it done Ill denremei Don ll Iorhl Ii much do Il cnell it you IIy oh III in her the operItlon lot birthday preeenL PlrIIe Idrixe Mid DrIr Ilicheyr Ne operIllon II completely rirholroe GenerIll rpeIILdL however the brunt impiurt mention not danlet out it doeI work Ind it eoeie mthemlmmMupdew pendlnl on the doctor lnir pro erdore done by nlIIlic rur onnI Iimoel errryrrbere word ol uutlon in mi eheeird piriI Iho beiiera biourI lull oi noodle Iiii Ind denly chlnle your lives it wont Any Ito Iould tool It you with renewed inlemt be we at iront porch isnt north bothering IltlL Do not write to me tor the lumen oi riutic eurpeonr Ask your lam iy doctor LEI DON BIT IN JAIL neIr Ann Lnden Am In my Americnn Ihn title in Iledrld mo your column in Stan Ind Stripes Since people write to you about Iinevrr lx holherini them decided to do the IItne Rercnlly rend where thI United SlIlu Supreme burl hId ruled tht tun not In in lIIIIlL III inlamred that my nyrIrotd Ion Ibo III that urn in too Aurelie III to tilt tor some mirror It leneee Ihihh included it unpaid ruin licheiI When he III lied lorlarnrin II Ii be but no RUIIEIIIDBWIIK NI paced the oor in uvml hem trying to decide Ihnl lo doruiltediildtdnlronreup with the hall Iny Ion Iould me in In ior dIyI which would in hit eollepe ee nmler knew too it oh hell him out he tnirht nIrer learn to raped the in hId to decide Ibcb In more importInt Fi nnlly phoned my Iantlly in LT Ind told them to let him III in 1th it III the meet dilllculi thing vae everhId to do But lm Iuro thIt decirlon chInred hie tile My Ion II new run enriul uprlnndlnl rillren Ind wonderiul rrorr When people know they III to my lor their rulrtIler ibey Ire inclined to bebIrI in nrore mponrible annner MIdelenI DrIe IlIdetrne Irree but thlI it not Iinthe Su preme Court rullnp Ii Iii Ibout be imprint11rd bccnuII he too poor to pay line think ihiI ntilny Ll bed end will tell you in mrutc end in tolurninx lor try choir work in the int my 68 tumor SAIEroy CONTINUES Thirteen yrIrI Ito when ST BARRIE NAME BRAND the rultnl wnr dulntod to pro teet the lImliy men from elitinl in hit IwIiiinl triIl lot minor oilerrre becIuIe be cInt Iliord ball The lid Ilih record oi id at LENAS LINGERIE INVENTORY OF LADIES WEAR LINGERIE SPORTSWEAR Iin And Fotuhee oi Verdun CalllorniI the pruident oi the Vermin Chit oi the America rhinrioo Soroptemlet KILIM oi the America Iddrmod the group Ciube we would from Onlario Ind Quebec TRY TILE TRIO REGINA ViolriI will inst heel when cut it they IrI retrirrreted lot about to min ute titer they no broudht tn tronr the ended IdriIeI Vi ilIcDonIld mentor ol the ludne iiortleuitrnrl society IIOW with tweet onion Ind molrltn titrTlUtrNEDINA momminim monundnmn edolliluhettytmh IWin mniau Iiime Set dIll dInrhleroi lit Ind bin urday July in St IIIryI Pelee WindIitBIrrieloItnlb Rom catholic aunrh Bus onymmolliraodhin $thth Mom IIIE BARRIE EXAMINER TYEDNUDAY JUNE Iilb ntIyonnIiII lot hearty rIrIiIIch mud on Ilieu oi breed BEARTY BPREAD bilr ground cheddIr cheese LINGERIE SPECTACULAR 3313 to 40 0y Famous Maker Sleepwear Eeh EB MIHI IO iILINIl xood dIy lnr lollnwlttl ult rrrssrs slurs SiACKS run SUITS sertns tINGEiiIlS SHOES EVENINGNEAR runsi COATS JACKETS ttousrs PORCHOS rursrs tlATttEit oooos GIFTWARE GlASSWAItE rrwrurrr lEATHlR rursrs orovrs PANTlHOSE snorns SWIMNEAR Honour nrorc COSMETICS rvrrvrrru nun stroll muff SALE column at Thur to to 530 DANUURY SALES iIOUlDATOR Aucrrorrttts only 359m Wovn Illueimiod only lwosiyloe trotn selection luxurious lingerie It budgetpleasing pricosl Choose ltom oseoriod cosycare nylon styles in vnrinly oi pretty pastels SML in the group Nylon ovorlny waltz gown with contrasting embroidered ribbon trim BN Ion ovatln bah until dmdbby oaurng multicoloured ombrol Nylon Negligoe Set MARINMINNIEMASON 99 SET Special Snvlnpeon Fancy Briolsi Ordinarily 150 Pr and lace trim Sonionm pink and lropic Suva avon moreBuy pair Ior 79 VIluIlinrrI rcnllzni nI Importnni lite lerlerdny lllphiy lilian rile lcellnir will rlomlnniu the evenlui how it ehedee SML NOW ONLY Farmers Rare Heii Lays Green Eggs PURLEIGII Enllrlnd IAPt CtlcltIn lIrrner ltoy smith hot we bird untied ClIrI Site lIyI Ireen em SelrntlrtI IIy the truck Ipeekitd hcn could be yeoelie throwbeck to In In clent breed oi chicken united the Autumn which do Icended lrorn prehiIlorle henI Bevernl are reported to hIrrI ruched Ihorr itom Bpenilh irmIdI Leileonr Iunk in the Erri CitInnei in In Illempled lnvIrInn oi mm in the early iolh ten FIXTURES In excellent period In which to FOR Fri ID to mm the revision endor redr Set to 530 SALE PHONE 726OZ2I so ouNtor ST