33 as 33 25 E5 Err ltKs 55 ii CITY NEWS nanurnnatanulmmarmrnrmI Says Storage Yard Must Go Barrie Residents Tm Glam ammo IP33 lthtthlhi mm mm mm In In Into ItalII yard morn area dome tremmnt un WWMP Cornell In lnntrnmd In vanity renown on too mi Ilutulnrvnrnn Imhednudm weekend he request III Infused be mobile Irena thI runner Ilth 5533 35 POII THIS TIE TEIIOIEIIS DESERVE TIIIIIII OVRTION lroehm II Nana tdlztlalo were uen In ndlclily diam eat IolrI recently in In Ill lathe numb Anldlnl III Rodney omm ram and rIuIIIhaIrrIIadulInnIldnitv norm any nation thIl rallied in on minute needing evntlnn partmrnlJaedInelnr rain lAI RIGIITI II Illa EIIII minimum The bellies MT LET helm to Don Serena and lion iIalrndt ol the admin teehnltli doL Sunny By Thursday Allemoon Chance Oi Thunderstorm Today loud and tower ltan nInv into aim county arterial the chance at lhitndalim sunny periodi sharia miorn IaItI lhmlIy afternoon with temperatures in the hint lot in Ionirht to 01 lilllt en Mada near 70 Toronto ledIy cloudy with In perioda at rIIn thence ad thunderstorm late in the day Sunny periods LIMIT Illxh IodIy In the hlxh 0N lam to nirht neIr Io illxlt 1huredry near 10 windaar london lake 5L Clair LIII Bit routhem Lula lluron ten period oi rain only mm It thtmdrn Iterrn alliniy Iunny lhunddy rtlurcdnyestnrnimtn ntht hi to do In on mm day In the lot toe Hamilton than Lalo Nuronn Ilern rm Ontario ttIyIrI odIyIloeoy ulth ow are near lake 0n tIrio sunny pariah mnday Itlxh todaylnthe Nth Love Innlyhl to 50 Hill on lhunday near to Southern Gootrlln Bay eut rrn LIII Ontario llaliourton lacrrulnr elotidines title morn lnr tev period or rein this Iltrrnoon Ind erenlnL Thun dq runny period hy Illernoon NoClasseslriday III SI loseplts Students and teachers It 5L loeapha high heel will late day oil tmrn mum duo roonu Iclivltlea hiday to pay their annual visit to Orluvr The entire Itudrat body 165 dihemwlilllkepartlnathm rthool trItI meet It OINIII QEWIM studenia trout Dennis DOoanor hitli Khooi II Whitby vrlll Ibo he tornl petinl Ido lrItr meet in the trimmer lutrlirneni at trIdItlonIl Ith runn todI In to hid Inn rm Ioni ea in an Hillt Ihureday around at North Bur Sim MM Grorrlm Bay Atlanta Could rrIblI clouding today IhtIrIA day may lllrho today and Thunder neur 7e Len tnnirht In the IN to hint dds Ientultni White River Cochran Today and ihurxday runny lllrh today and Thurs an in are In to no lam lonlrht to mu In Elli Mu Iulrhl hit Windsor In to Small St theme Ionian Kitchener new Owen Smd Muhh nation KillIioo aaaaaassgasa=asss as Chapluu white River Grrnidton Moonmee at33333333833832868533 Vassessasazazslassagzgzssaa TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS CALI mane lined eontntrrclal teacher tEIImiaer Phelot Deal Nlmlt oi Barrio mtvnoithrioorhtdenulhn received drum natured by him will II Ni other area youth mrlr ed dam It the waverdon 1th Ir Robert Joseph liar loin oi Bud Borden and Wil lm Roger minll at III CITY For WIDE Ietle rlyIIry between the three Irhooh lite OIhm Ind lhhlt by ItedenLt trIvrl to IiIrrlI earl winter to Ilh out In hochy tnrrnImenL Barrielludoists In Two Toumeys mg nieaberr oi the Barrie YMCA Hair Remover tournnmrnt over the weekend that Boernran it compot JUNE 28 June Dristan Sunshine ms Sale coming June 1725 modIIIadvunmmotodtored inn nnununnt lggirewgmdlmzm STRETCHCATS Get In step with the long leggy look in exciting new Hot Pants ensembles by Phantom complete lore little n1150 Ihiatrh up satin Spring yellow navy or white hires 95125 lbs Ind 5455 lbs Panther body mil with Vnaclr shanrleeve and snap closing hriel 600 tax In the raider too period clue won lint place trophy In thr liue Borden Judo Clttbiournh rnent held Saturday and captur ed Ilrst place medIIIn the IIItesltllI Judo Club twrnImrnt In Mate Sunday In the Bun Borden Intima meni David White 15 placed third in the under on mod 40 divinion lie won tlnt place km 35 intone 880 Ultra on l99 lino 39 Reg $i49 AIIANDAIE USDENS HAPPENS ilexull Drugs Rm Plum Rexnll Pharmacy LIurI Secord EllrIiteiit Arden Port OIIIII ERIN Aaden III In or Port Oiilee Iridium Plper III Penn In Ribbedstratoh nylon Hot Pants 500 Ribbed sleeveless tank eult 000 Lanqaleovedribbonpolyesterlurtlenek700 BusinessGirloneiaebiklnlpantyhose inboine node and navy pr 150 noted mare bell It Manta Seoond elm ribbons Inn to IPhantom opaque Ineehi hose in white navy or main stretch Ilre in 911 pr 100 Niven creme I5 Reg $395 Randy Cowdrn David Annlmwn Ind Sierra Crono lene Tare dy van ribbon lor one teen alone The three mIdI their plIeInyI at Toronto IIIPII Ilnnual lit Porn Ilesort Annual mtednz at the Barrie Division and Simone iluatotu Section the lnduslrlIl Arcid ent Prevention Auoclnllon will IIII plate this week It hitter Icy neIr Orillln The dinner meeting will III nn am lhnrrday Dr Eleennr JIcoha clinical ythoioriot lromptdialo wall out IeeIIer leiyn Robert PowerI 71M Id Celll 1206434 TitMOT vmtmm awn vmtno etmr Iiolnn navy whmw