Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Jun 1971, p. 18

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Ft El LLLLLLL2 SLLLL LLNQ use tee 1l LE9 to hot Marteni rIREALESTATE IltIIIhk5hvihhohhmhrh Youre Sure To Get ABite If YOu fDropfA Line In The thtlldo svtAitr torts cvmvlwsze READ THIS PAGEFOR views in relations OFFICE AttoioNTHe TARM biAl 7202414 tori THE anssrrteo DEPARTMENT PIOPETITYFORSALI item tempr 11 mm ltmnmuImummrImelln mammalian IMMEDIATE MION one room hr late M11101 WIN Moore Tull basement leno we men Torn Ind ile alley Pitnirturitu an IIOHE WTTII VIEW bedroom larnlty home In DOUBLE COTTAGE WATEIURONT mo beetndiil teeed mung KIDll area ornate Barrie Hernpentett Bay bedroom lute Into ruorn both Tully Intniitad Iinterirat illitan Roberto I100 DOWN Tull prire rim bedroom home on 3rd ol In em on No It Nightly south ol but rIe Good IeII ITII Ieptie gar Ire at rear Cali Dill Iurlll MOIST WDRINGTON STREET bedroom brlek bungalow new 1y deeeruilei glut dmre on bIth Intriy ieneed yIrd nir AIDS and deeper remain TM nurtprl Ivaiinbte interest only mm Dill Punll days 7257311 or nlrhie MOIIL STORE AND RESTAURANT Iuliy equipped open all year good living quIrlm bed rooms IlVIIll roorn stone for pine dininr room ktteheo ItJtI poreh LAME Cine to LIke 51m 5001 Dorothy Col Twat 061m II KEITH LTD REALTOR tiriiil tttttl 72mm Marguerite lioerl Home Ruby PleeLe mutt Ed Green 7mm Lille Roberts 711W Iiariei Ferrosoa mssn Gare Robinson 71 mite Ni priee timi Ml Newton eontin LOW DOWN PAYMENT bedroom Tome on Hirirny ll loinh oi Barrie lIrgl lot If 33 Net and relrIgerIior ha eiildrd other mm Muriel Terruwn MSW DORNSVIEW AVENUE Delule home bedroom den Lilli tnom tireptIre iIrga teeteation room fireplace hnihtuolril large Tillerod lITlb rnlng pool Tented Tar pritary beautilui borne OHM Mar guerite Iioora mm PART too acrer root productive lIrto ell IDTLIOII large Iterey htirIi twee Inns Implement shed lilo will oI Rattle Prltl reload Anne Spencer mil BRICK PLEA Twrrsbedroomandooezhed room apartments pIrIing rIs heated III IpIrtmentI tented buildlrtl in year old mow Bill TIIHII W51 AREA REPRESENTATIVES lletty Newton 1811101 Oolbooloe uoiirt DLH PIHII TITOUT AMI 599d TIMI Ton Pltliinunlsls IIImo Dorothy PImtnunlnl term EITI Hills mam WILLSTITT IILS RMLTOR TIT DUNLOP mill TORONTO lotout FOR PLEASANT LIVING and Tow tater lee thlt iott hem In liedoole lorriehip 90 met proder Ioil Ind 10 Ierel solar tutti liliul brick houu with rooms Good barn Implement Ihed and double game all let 321000 lull price Th7 mort rIre may be Ieeilrned Call Del Tunney MIT No All ill ACRE DAIRY FARM overlooking Orr Lake OemIorIIhIe home with added ware Illeny productive earn land him tor dairy war one with Iteel ltIndIlanl Ind liable leaner other tattle housing to It Ilia with unlolder ltrrtet tor rtsnoe the milk per year Priced very reasonably tor truiek lIie 5000 CIII Del Jenner motor No OAKLEY PARK AREA Brick bunng with attached gIrIge large bedroom ttnLIird roaeallott room and leneed yIrd Asking mm CIR Otuch Lambert meooi No Add 11 ACRES near Hintway em Siam Farrroom cebln OH dry randy tnish with stream Call Mil Mchote 7mm No The Hill at too ACRES CLAY IDATI Ielel productive lIrttt littul Good taming community itet modern lix room itI llerey brill home LATKC hank bIrn ltrel Itanehione plenty WIIIT on preleure implement riled tehool Inner It gate allooied on Minty Hand to CIR Eteieii Ixnlgheed 7284130 Ne TIT WHY lAY RENT TIIII older bedroom Iemldtinehul home ernlraily located And has IliK brim rooml Mannie alr rice or Ill monthly Ailing LIAN Call lilo Wendi are ml No All JUI TltlillX Tor only Intel 15 yearn old And IiIt Ireen completely redecorated ritualid on but ttop title to Atom ehurrhes For more tniurnlllion call Sammy Oetdiarn at Illidol ILAOI DOWN itrr ihll brand my Zl bedroom hrtek bungalow IUII ITIIIlet train the city tilurted on large lot Iliraihs iiruad Iivrtri Uitttuitittriit lirquw elottrle heat all hit Itrr rtnly TZIJOU Nle it today Telephone John Cole 71oth th lttt on thrr Noiiawmaxa River em nitlt new hilrn OT bedroom IIrItIt home completer remodelled LIoae tn Harrie llwrtnii well on pnptrty IIlud to tell Cuntatt Torn Oaimr menu FOR THE IiAItDENEII large lot in The eiiy ITIIITIT MilII undtl ground valor to the truck ol the lot with all lindr OI lrutl ireen grapo vines anti thatie trees could be an aura lot bedroom alder hatnu IlItltI Itt tell It only ITEM Cali IlltT tIuTrIIeII mans PETS GOMELS PERCY TOAD IAMMY RETIRAIA ROSS BUIWLLL Jotttt OLE t2 CLARKE wottttotil AL ITOIE tritite onln IPEtttlI tissue KIoostetman 2112 PHOTO llLS REALTOR Gil HAYiHZLD Sl Itlllil titIm TIIIIII ITHTAI mth iiwt tout CAInttl IIARVH rtl ILA BOB tuwmttin ttovu WILTDA MIKE tleIiID tor OIvIAe RAIIV OILIFIPIT IAIW TAXES Lorne private nicer trend Art with nntati hidrutrm bunitinw It Is liIio living In the country hat you are right In the lily Ca Noney lieitensie 711mm IOU Goedemondi CLEARANCEI CLEARANCE CLEARANCE Iuts oi extras immediate pollution IllTm PM Alhva NI lott Rheum 3172 thly DhWItilI ITIT no AM In Commendt leeri IIIAAVIJITI Ittn Hammond It DIvtI mdlil iiIlItI Ittl ttI tm Tbbdll John Roe tII ttta 720IIIIO III III HAIUIIIIIIT MODEL IIOIITSONI Icitl low down Itayttiltllg mew mlw Dennla TlldlltiatllIl mun eo evoueeooeeyer REAL ESTATE CHOLKANW 7284401 AITOITE POR VINO RIGHT Vwmrlodiuehyandhudoublollodltepedlotnlk unmarked nntlhedroainlabue manLDoeItrmIeelatId luluJohann Iithtbllfaeielenhuuoippamm SUNNERROITE Thedmnlhnevmmmponbntumlolnnltomumd mVrryokelnbeepedMTrymwdmolA Omielmm PHIL PRICE um item with rape bedrooms mapletdy tarnished IitbpoelIIhle andnentellutloxiihitbbedgl lor applets privacy Only toilet tron DlltIo Jerry litle 1015 Blood loom ill let urea louth oi Barrie oeIr wheels Ind mopping Prieod lrom build your year round or runner Joell lulled mm LEVEL EXECOTTVE HOME 0n beautiful lIodeeaped lat excellent mortgage arrange meats Haria Sirnek amt BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Time don tor mtaumt Ind vIrlety In IrnIit tom mt ol Barrie droning good return For more pittieldIII eIIl Herr at Brian HaheReld ew THO HOMES bedroom lull buutlenl Ind bedroom Total rent we mouth Tenaotl pay all middle on add that La Allleton moot Dob we lesson NU DIRT JKL JAM WIII Ell WWII ERMA OWE TTI lTII name no wt traitor Hm truest mu WW AMPBELL 137 rutw III Diton TWIN Rel name Oldringlon Street neIt schools Ind Irmporllllon bedroom bungeiow nicely panelled rec room laundry room tuttrace room with viork Ihop attached eIrpotI with ItorIgr ltoiie patio thnlbs Ind tented lot thou exceptionally well Can Don MInhAH It um triiiu horn Barrie and streams Ionle high dry rrotmd Ideal building site Thulldltlg lots on SIIInty Ray Road elooe tn the city Call Mimi lor Ittlllter lulonllotlan terea In Ore veil tented good pasture Vendor agrees to tune riy lots can poulhle be served It plan proton Ven dor rrIitw out rst mortgage It In CIR itiii lIIIeanlul ill lttndlord Street Iarre brick home bedrooms Ideal locIiIon tor rooming or boarding house lull price 1000 with upon down will carry tor IiIotIo per month an excellent mortgage Catt Fred Taylor Prime commonIII location on BIytieid Street comer lot It Ierl Asking 15nov Terml can be lrrlnred CIR Don Campbell JUI rlItlti Den Ilmlblll TTSMAT THANWM mrtel non MIIIMII neon erreth ltd mutt ow ernooltt will PHONE 7051 TITTHO 23 ANNE smear SOUTH IIARNIE ONTARIO are IIIIII AMI we new tour DUSTNIZsS $1M DOWN FOR HUMAN COUNTRY lleIultIul beder bungalow PHOPERTIESIOOK AT THESE with In living room and kit aunnitiets Tawnrbip on paved cm 01mmwa road so Ierer room brlek boardI laver lot with birch trees and double car tar MIN AI my WW Ile Vendor II utlnr mum Rn Stdynet lze amended and will hold motltl CI room hotue loud barn utilns prleo loam Darryl Onion motor no out Coin Ora 112 let room house lIrre barn teapot Con Tosorontla to term room house barn and ehlclirn POT 090 down For InloririIIion rail Jim Bell mind in TM YOUR DOWN PAYMENT bedroom bungalow Cer and are Wilt carry or lilo month Jurt newly renovated To View enii Darryl Clarion TIM510 NELLES REAL ESTATE LIMITED Trank Neiiea Broker Robert tllobt SIItndm Dtoker IT DAYPIELD FT Photo MLS Realtor ITOMS OLDER DUPLEX downtown In excellent condition thawing nirl return on Investment Newly iiceoraitd Ilrgo bright rooms only TILOW APARTMENT lurnlllitd dwelling III rented tttwing good walking dirtIriel dmiwtn Priced tlry untenable lateelirnt LITIIMITIE JUT ntiii toren tiltm Nvtv mom TTMTII Llo LIVIRIM Meta REALTOR 7253293 162 DUNLOP STREET EAST 726410 tDleYI Deer DOST 7mm Roger ShoIIteli let37w Norman Stleitweii lotsash lllldred IVI 1115 Item 7282642 Res 72845187 Tu DUNLOP ST OPPOSITE ARENA IlthtI ltoorl Hilton AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY BEDROOM BUNGALOW GARAGE ON LOT 64 340 at 344 Codrington Street PREMISES TIAY IJE INSPECTED HY APPOINTMENT JUNE FROM TO TI IIIONE TltLllliT Written Corh Diiera oi Ittrehasii will be melted until Juno ll Ml ltlr Faeeutor UT Eatlia ol NELSON HENRY IIHASIAI by RAID 20 HIR 51 MIDLAND Sailellar oi Jtate VI lllher III TI OI Ind DII 1M1 lTIt Iluying Selling Renting CORBY IV envoureew PROPERTY FOR SALE CLIFFORD Goodhead 7285092 1M Rutter OB COLLJDLSI DUPLEXIllm Trhedtwrn Ipartnmla en tIrrl lot needed Invesinaenl Call bull or Dotty orIIIIIITJmTI BURTON AVE Older etorey hrid bottle em pietely renovated Adios III lno Cell Dave at Dolly Hol Iell WI KEMPENTELT DRIVE Three bedroom belch tilingaloa WEIR butath lot oven loathe the her Ill amide meet all Hm Klein will umber garegslti within dilunce eidortntotrn CI Shirley SIeJnhoIT more Jul Motel er itiein MW CIR Mid PHONE 7268366 Dir ZR Dewsnap LIITTIrTP GRAND OPENING pRtIi Adjacent to $3000 and MW home In Atlantillo Heighll Overlooklnl Deouttlid Hempeiiieit Day YLT OUR PRICES START AT ONLY $24900 DETACHEDI WITII ATTACHED GARAGE $I249 Dawn III1 NRA MORTGAGE 0s bedrooms oilmelted lntnliy room 01 and car rnrngos OI RhtIiI oAII do It luily tervltrd IoLt wilderground ttrect lighting OPulIy Iervleed Iota Ollullt and guaranteed by Marathon Hornet TO lNSIECT Drive north or loath on Daytlcw Drtve to Springhoime ltanrl east on Springhohne Rd to Woodmet north one block to reonIIeld rind Model Hamel tlmk lor the Marathon Homtt Annwat STEIN REAL ESTATE LTD REALTOR ttarrie norm Toronto Ill7W IUT Realtor Appraise Dunlap St TZHIII We arrange niut boy III and and MDTIEIKH llabei Iiirrhall OrelI ZIetIra Norm Sioddarl COUTTS AND co sweet 51 mitts iioiirttlot MONEY AVAILAIILI Photo MIS lieaIIar Gordon TA Covttl WIIIII ovitl Tlllln mqu dlhdt CWIII TATTOO 7llrllIT TATANT nIIIII PI IVATI bedroom Doubll ltttl not In elvntry Mil homer Ith Tire rm oarlltn Ina Ilrpe let on Ital bet etn Tot eatik late It Illml Unntn vl or ire In both no Turn ear All or re yew iovu To PM IIII Itmml ADAM ITIIIITTTIIAL nonain Tel no wtt om lbedroomhrlchbtmaloltvlth TIMI mint TINTTI It Print am Thirtyelem one otorI WNW ST tutti min lretttl still pme in tttntrr mm IWMI INT TlUlWTIr AIIO IIUMH TIWIOG St THAN Phone TTHTTIF iovrtv on my high emu III VITA IlllIIIVI WW KOMMN III Plot on IM AIM Ml TV Mott lAUttNI Ittd Ihwrlllr lull ran it met our oertrre It lotto no rnrrr take lolt Ind plans Arlithbil Tlllti up waOMMG n41 PROPERTY FOR SALE INESO DETACHED HOMES $300 AND $500 when you more In FINISHED MODELS Herr and bedroom anally room DIANEth rang hioadloom living room lilting room Priced lrorn $23995 ARNOLD HOMES 7262801 To Inepeei drlrl north an ill Vincent Street to Ron St Hell on Rate 8L to Roetyn Road Modelt open daily JUI FOR QUICK SALE ltt lave II lint llutt when you View thtl Attractive borne An added torture II the 12 acres at excellent lead that goes with IL IleIutIJully Reed pond Ilte 1so told lrontIgel Choice tation or permanent home inn rated in small village Rest oi Barrie It Glenealrn JEAN BLACKBURN Hater III BONES AND COCKS LTD ReIltorl 155 rst St OOIJJNOWOOD Juli PIIVA but Mr mm none ntu Ioutten or lurin HUMAN RM DAWN to IIIU tam tInII liter whom an rittmthuot=t All at Heller Private TF LOTS FOR SALE IAIIII Am tram lots Iem MI ttver and Italy IT em on Rlvlltl Ttaente ovation TDlI GI Illa loll Too III In Ihl PAIMIrItI ltII IT TlIlr thdl Ire wt EIIII WIN Mm Telephone TIM 1P PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT THIII IIOIOOTA Mule III IITV new New Lmii tor rent or out IAII TIIIW TTTMM IRII PROPERTY WANTED ALL CAIN WWI Itdm ow WTIIII rrI ohotitttu ul netlyt Te utt your ore wkhly III TTIW Unllld ttJIt TRAVEL TRAILERS HAPPY HOLIDAY CENTRE Featuring ICITATION Travel Trailers ISALES AND SERVICE TRHtl north ol Blrrle on High wa II II the Crown Hotel 7288530 llltITO7 MOBILE HOMES RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT Parts and Service Northilnder lravaiiir General Glendale th or Terml up to to Teen itllwy Burton new tapIII tltlIAl ryrrrnid windlnt Detour now bedroom TYI lertaty putt lol TI An ill Mobile Home rrrt Tataohm Iyner INSURANCE MOVINGT Dont target to lllnslor your or TRSURANCE and It you need elite edierago at any kind lee SIEVENSONS TZOlblll TT BUS OPPORTUNITIES TO TALI FIovtIlhIhd long It had Tlmtlv IROT Ilota IN MAN nontltt Elly airline to nun yrrier mlth In lltrIIIIIT Jus MORTGAGES IIRST MORTGAGES RESIDENTIAL COTTAGES llUY MORTGAGES IIIONE COLLECT Iioltivdiid THOMAS tilINN Stiller TITATI Curlew Dr Don Mills MWI TF JUI outtatngi III ltt on Itlunely no In Itvie rtmti In hurt oi tttr TITNII Wtill Ial TIT Ilttll Yum at tnnrtslolt WI hot muldwlltlrl leenyou room on MORTGAGE tut THIS IS down payment with terms lo lRTALESTATI erRINTAILs roounun noun DlltEDtAld let Ind 2nd Holigtgolnans All here ON Au um um AND wmctAL meetnix trio or VAwArioN You Need lanky MINI dlbtl Iv ITIJH Ta ACCOMM WANTED unit nutterIn rm tu new mime lanean more MIGM to RENT lilORLEASE Hort Ptindln my rr nettle Ont DFFI SPACE Retailer Ontario Imam Broken mu mL to new smettttr MORTGAGES WANTED It lIETDUSTRkIALSPACE mttftrtrlttiaa lento uth ANGELA DHO INVESTMENT nam erremr Ill IAITII UTOTED hr TlSIPI IthFJlil IN DA PI II Mike mu minute at maul Parting Tel II an tnorrth Telephoto IIIA JVII OFFICE SPACE we rotre tall Aronlo lenmdim in mm hit Alarm III were NIL OFFICES FOR RENT Ilvitel o1 lea are Ir mtIIoIeoIerurtrrrentrtorreot grime mam werenan In water nutty decorated hell Ind mam IF utter Items urirei Teutlll wrire IIttle Iiimiter In In Jun Noelle ellln Ittloe rm lowed In dmioen IIrtIe IIIR mwnhtt IO IIDIOOAI apartment IvItlIMt tt IIeIIIIIIT mlllho lone sot IliII TIM ltd lltlltu It iii no rra rm TITIIITCII RENTALS APARTMENTS TO RENT PUIIIIRID AMM with IMM rm IIKTIII III bedroom AM Nth ll TIMI III Tmrt Imm llln weed MIAMI atIll nillrld AvliIlMI JUI Tlllhfm Na DOWNTOWN IlttIl state or otter II rInI beettotur ldl Ovtltnl All IN IIttlIt AM IIAA Outliers III IV MATT OIth Ito IF ZB SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES FOR RENT Illnqu Little Ieir IIth one roorrr IIAIttottl mill Iriyrtr irnet helm and 69d treee conew not lTId rote IItIr AvAllIbIo 1m IT to tilt It and Amt It hatlmber Awly Millet II Pelt meritI JU COTTAGES FOR SALE lnloth wmmer rotapt It all Pena Belulilul nttetirirt tot Ml ItIeIr tinutrel Itt thlvrlr MIT motel Tulle winded TIttttI ml terror unrelentqu amt loll IIIIII AM IIIgAtI Ittd AIM mITOS IF uKI AMI Walt MIIT mTtIm Momulhtm Int room Iton Tlllntlra airline Im hiiryn rein doubll anti eIeurIe arm and out immunology alarm who out and motor out Otalnhatp mtlII JUT SUMMER CAMPS CIIILDRENS CAMP RILLY All It WI Mitt citers unatalonre tatter Inn earne Ittg IIDITIIMI T1 IAIN Swinmt Irutrvrlton noting mt at two rte Write it eonntaetl Illl IIIrrte or Tailntwtl Ronni Isl or to tell ITOSO W1 TAT Odlltl ST Ihdl Id TRIM Ill TITIII lav metn Ht Ayntyru Apply at Myt LUXUIUOUS arm roennrenl ir genital STORES FOR RENT wtteinp one not learn Pall Itrrrt triotom mom to aanurio moo had llti hil mrl and both IrvI TARP mitt mt null tllpnore PIIANITIlID one bedroom MAT Ind teeter tveeited TV Ievrlerv mtri Mill TINA JUI Ttoee bedroom lalvlmnta yore are able TV lneltmd um and animatiqu pool te Aoon wirinotm lime or lrteptm mtitr II FURNISHED On him IIVIRO room ltd AUSTIN odeln Anillml Marl ll OMTM IM mom wldm TF um elem mom with little room hlltonv tItiIealllnt mhlaurryulaleitltm Ind Anthitw Crl MANNY VIIIADIO Jvty tiIIotI 1F PUUN Tilttldhed bedroom lull IMIIL IIWMbI It bath lute KIM It Iy men are Auto Ih melt wt until June It 1Tb Wm OS All HOTNO FLOOR III bedroom mol NAT In tit uthIItld It too mznt bedroom Altrtht earn Central toutien Farting phone ITSIll JUI CI IAL One bedroom uthtttIlhld Ipettrrienr wound lieu otratng me let beehrard RelrlgrrAIpo ltoee hv All Ivnnitsrl Till rntniniy trtItlrl new wood inrmnwt IIItIIt oemiitn Ju Imrtt untvr TM fil AvIIthIl Miterr tit JUI mtea one bedroom tno room Attirilri nun rrn Have utter oltn =g AUTOMOTIVE TRUCKS FOR SALE tttr our Ian THAI tor rate with IlItt eyltndlr lumd Ind mobile um In noon mttdillan telephone new at mutt tut henna AItl tori truer tor uh cylinder ltthtlv Iim IIIMItd trenmtiltott Iataliant condition let lett tolerate Hunt Jill MOTORCYCLES tltrt rIt DATA n7 wltl Adult only SIIO month ly Avalllhll Immdiltlt TIIlnRorle mam TF APARTMENTS WANTED TO RENT OM hdhrlmlnl out by vutrnii nitrrten our Irreurrrrn with one thitd Pteletebty vttlwttIlhoO with nltl rItnt Ittd Itavl wlti or IIII In it monthly TlIlt WM TINT Ill Tot Combos ttu ITA Ale motor reede tlplirI II It HT HOUSES T0 RENT MIW but ML YTlI Molltl bedroom uanI nut rmwlIlIerOIMAIIORV$QL11I tor Ind Itovt Ivnatted rri mm lrntlrryrxrum ever TItldhene truest lot II liter JUI COUNTRY IMHO AA minute In Metro tl rntAvtei Tn nettle proiimtiy tit tlIe aIrIttent Inowrrroatttno on potently Att eomnllml Telephone unset IT 0551 TF ATTRACT thtIIRld home To Jvly Ind Av entret Inuliott revItl 0M1 To phone IllToll 1301 CM be loan at TOT New Street It 1thth 711 CARS WANTED TO BUY COLI OS Ton Wk ill letA we end ttveIiI Ft Ileana tuitlt TOP CAST pIId Tot need Inn Itll onlltt Orv Itetoy at Attlrrserr Pow Itrc autth Its Irrttvd lt ITSTIES SNOWMOBILE 11110 Sill WIZZ II An Brand now won At It evtttt not or out oltet lrtaptonl TTIVTTIF ARGUT bedroom Paula TITO molt Thly with ql TIIIphW TITOM Ittrr prn JUI IlIW three bldtoom Mule ltlletld IIrIpe Irn teIe Ddlmltdtt IIt between spnrtTIAiit JUJO VA home lelh ntnem hroldtootn KIIIhIn room wttn ittaoteer In IIII Ind Avllebtl AUTO REPAIRS lilSiElt Transmission Ltd Automatic Specialists 36 liary St 12142 HART CARS FOR SALE Inniiltt CIT7W Too I7 DTIOIMO ST to downtown Irritn ltlohone mom JU Ivnttttiiro bed IIIIInd room in MRI KIT TO OOMIDWR Itll IIMII IVD oiled telephone mom mr lto MAIUII gtrtl in more toominp helm slnetr room TU hunt roerril ITT Downtown Telephone ITAIIIO iutt FURNISHED HOOIII Kilthen pttvtlepet antral tun YIITDMRI IILAJIJ JUI LAIOI tIIln IiitltIIhrd Oedloortl to RI to WI It Monk LIMA luv vIItAr ithett PATAIHI AleI PROM TTSTTTI JUT IRO room with IR or baltriell OItIT or enti Close to MIT and pure downtown mini oeyl mitts Itttt In JUT ECOMMOOATIOTF TO SHARE roan rottvttlihle lot we Id condition Tetronone Astoriat eetlerri ANIIQUE CAR ttII Chev or tannin At one orIIIilrr we our littior ilil vw detvIeMmodlt rlldte Ill MW Vt tewlllr AIM leer errr AIIIR rlu phone 71 anytime My tta WIIRLY Ha money down hot tell model ur hit em eetlilted 1M rem elmtn is so monthl cru TMTTR 1965 MORRIS OXFORD Iuttnitt rottdition Ilttphtm II In rovrro omtmll men In Int AM tarnime trim with other bottled ritualuniontvltrreo ltu Into OIIII onvettlh lundlth Avlltloie tune TIIepRaM dowel Iteatlng hell IUINM nettle tor PM aw itr etul teIr window note FROM PTATI III PITT am toot OLDSIIOBILE DvnItnt never Iteltitt yam IIAate man llrpe enmtosllbe Itth In Iltlll Thlll Ittltt DIM twin room Tully aloof AIIthliideyVIIe DIO TWI til WW SIT at mull Jul ROOM R6 Inetd Tot nIIItMlt Ulrich Ichd IIIMt Ugo Clhtl melt Cell Nort VWIMI AMI art ttIM TV tiet tannin TI out TF Iridium

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