LT 59 ROBERT WELT it its hilnider oi Education didnt iorgrt to do little politici sy dutIn his tour Monday at the Ont TooIoucIl Park In Wants Beach hlr Wald pre sided It the ottictat oponins oi the new our living World Centre It the part Escorted by park director Proleuor Can It VIniinIngI with sungissses Itr Weich greets stunitverdorlnsthereo Es Imina Photo 2nd Ice Surface Contract Could Be Let By Midfdune Tenders tor the eitya propos ed lecelauriscouytdllln he open one it poo Iihle eouneil could let the run irart tor the tee turtles It its render meeting June it lender call on the its run iIee went out week Ila Ten den are returnahtI until June it It mAspscialmeetlnx oteouncUhasheenpropoeedtor tlnetiatopan wmwuum odd mommceastlontolet can tractmldlototoonctlusm II the tender htds have been checked by the rliya mhitrcis on thelproiect halter Ind Ah on Me said It Is liter tIII bids could he checked in time tor the turn it meeting or council Tenders are hclnx called tor the toe surinea btsIIdInK equip both pith heating cables and ulniion that world allow year round use and without lor reI msl use at the swim Esti rnnlcdvoai oi the lee surisee ItasIt or Theirs Continues In City The city polke Ire still being plagued by rash ot theIts Dennis Carter oi liuronla ltd reported to police that his tape deck and seven law were miss In lrorn his car The Items are valuedlat ttro lloovere Essa suliered loss to thieves yesterday alteroooo ilcz Pendrtton told police hst irry wIs stolen from car part eri outside the station hire Woodward at No Donald had tour steels worth is stolen irons her hsch ynrti oihcs line Titties alto stole tunlper hush hum the trout lawn ol the llilda Ellis iomiiy oi St Vln cent SI No Relund Made For Double Change in story on page at Turr dnys Barrio Btumlner rcicrr in to recommended change In the tee ochodulo oi rezoningeo pllcntlons to the city It was er roneously stated that In cases where change In hoih the son in hylaw and ottlcini plan were required the $250 deposit would he relunlrd without the 0th and under ground Insultiion ts moon The eIhlcs Ind lnsulItion In all rnsled to cart between ttooo Ind 10010 Aid hllelnscn said UP TO COUNCIL Depending on the hide rrcctv ed council could opt tor the eath and Instl which Il Im taster Minor and putting in ol the Ice The city hla WMIIIII rm eapttaihudset tor the tea stniace However ollldais are hoping that Is mods Is WOOD could rune lrom itindrlisin protects tn which IoprosirnIlrly 315000 has been collected solar spokesman tor the Barrie Buildero moanre It Fred Giant Street IIId about elm mat conirseiors have es pressed In Inteml In bidding on the mine The plans are on displIy It the Toronto Construction Associ Illon Ind the Kitchenebwatar loo holldere Bahama Is well Is the local enchants PRIIYERS IOR SCHOOL IIID COMMON IN MRSSES HERE PrIyInl Iot the utenll oi pmlorlnl aid to IdIrIto schools Is IIIrly eonsmsI prnriles In Roman catholic churches In hlrncoe trusty Ieeordiny to In ollItIIl ot the county separate school hoard The DomPeel Mt ltotnnn CIIhIlle Separate School Board approved the wotdlnl at prayer it has noted III prIeIlI In the two coulitrs to include In Sunday masses The Perl County hoard ha Ils headynsrters in Brampton whlch also hins to he the heme ot Tiliilans DIsLs Prime sinister oenru Ind loo mer education nslIlster Bill Dolper IsItrtIIt IIPCI tntendrnt at the lnm sep IrIIs hold said he Blows oi no plans to ths the coins ty hollll male similar quest The prIyrr soprorrd hy the Peel DuilrrIn howrd IIIt wrcl Ishs that during this union or the legIIlItIIe reissues ot educational oppor tunities win he re IllIed thronrh serIoII considera tion at the CIthoile people at Ontario tor the completion oi the separate school system to Grade ll the province grants tor Ieoarstr schoolI only Is in as iiiIda to tile liolper ssld prIyrrI ILntIlnr to ihni It included lIlrIy repulIer In the mum II the county Iow pus Assessment Report Expected III Separate Board Meeting report on assessment In areas ol the colour remd hy eepltlln schools will he heard by the county IepIrIte school hoard tonight The rrnrlar soaslon ot the hoard starts at pm in the ed ucslion centre on Ferris IIhd Ind is open to the public trtntee Vincent Esxan Is to present the report tonttht lrarn the bands assessment commie re The commiltre was establish cItholics as public school supp ortrrs The primIry ohiect oi the committee was to llnd out how many sludth Ire Ilresdy tn cotnsly srpIrIIe schools whose InmIIIeI are not useued as rep Irate school attoporters other reports expected to nlght Include aumrnnry oi the summer maintenance progrssnol the board and report on stell Inti oi schools The hoard Is also expected to approve summer mutiny schedule Ind consider the lore TOIONIO girls II are most younuters are is ctnated by animals The Ont IrIn Zooloiiral Park In Wm gs Bench Ls held sued In educllluull resource hy the Elite Barrie Examiner murmur It in l1 Building Booms Record Set Now annroetinntsboomiasinthe dlylhllyut Aseptnton braiding permits Lumdlnaltmntllhythldbl planningiand development de perueeotshmthslthssslneot permits tuned lnthalim irvI mthsotlmilrunnloallm undllnn Iheadoiiherecord pareottm Perqu valued at 3717 hsvoheen tuned to tartn rm total that IireIdy exceeds pro ylous record sslue oi permits ls Iurd in the entire year at rate in that record year permits Department of More ilIny schools iIhI iteld trips to it lEnmInIr Photo Nature Centre Opened At Wasaga Zoo Park Itohcrl Weleh itinisier oi Eil ueatim ladny oIlchIlIy open ed the Our Uang World NI lure Interpretation units It the mono Zoological Park to Warm Bench Donated by Canada Dry Ltd Is part oi the companys snuitL phase ecology prongm the cen trI will he used you round Is IneIlIly to tuch methods oi solving environmental detrrlon rlon prohirno ihroush the shady oi Inlmnln We are extremely pleased when puhlle organizations such as the U99 Canada lootosiui Society and the private sector co operate to hurld end to de velop sterility and prosrsm such as the one we are rnon Lnl lodll hlr Welrh said Today It Is minus that pie must understand the pent Itsd InlrnIl tile with which we IhIro our environment it nslure is to he treasured and preserved this centre end this port In Iddiny to tha laymans un derstanding nature and how we my itsI in tummy with II he slid man NEED Preivssor Can It lInEyrInun creative director at the Zoolog icIl Part notified the concern or the environment We have eerinlniy lacked teaching lat IU oi this nature In the put are most recIIiIVI that it is now Ivslldo tor these pur During the ceremony Boaworth protldent oi Cans da Dry Ltd presented the try to the hullditrl to Protester VInEysingr Presentations at hand hound copies oi the hook Our living World were made to hlr Weich ltreve Ed Lantevin oi Waters Bench Dr Prid ham president oi the Upper Canada Toninger Society nnd hlr Boaworth The hoot written by Protesv Ies have here distributed and Ire heinl turd In classrooms The hoot emphsslrrs national runscrvstlon and how chooses In the environment produce changes in animal hethIourIl patterns whlrh In turn upset the balance at nature Ind eventusls ly may lead to the extinction oi species Yeatrrdsy presentation In scr VIntiyrtngs is part oi teschers ecology hit which hnl been oiierett to every teacher in Canada More than tome cop the term oi haunse figure Iym hollalng wiailile preservation hy Csnadisn Irtist ii Cox was made to the village at Wusgs Beach tor Its outstanding tinnn clal support to the part Tlecve Etngevrn yclerdny presented the society with new on he hail oi his IiUIge The Ontario hologlrsl Part cslnhIIshed to Lt maintain ed Ind sdsnlnlrlrred by the lip prr Canada Zoolocal Society puhlic institution chartered by the province POLITICS NOT THE SIIME CHEETIIEI ICNOIIES WELCII orndu toutiona such or yesterdays 0min oi the that Livia World eeetse It the Ontario Eooloptcsl Psrh LI them touch trod to have Ilrlr hatter nIUmIniI Danns toes It thwilritlle strum conducted hs park director CII It Intnslntl the lion lichen Tirteh AlInLt lrr It Education In person Illv Introdlrcd to the hind ty cheetah Denis The hlinisier Ind Protrssor Vanlyinn stepped Inalde thI chestehl pen In spite oi the IIri the irentlly Inimsl hsdnt heels lrd that Iitersoon The cheetah apparently not LnIereIted In his coming nsrsl was reluctant to Innis the ministera Iconslniance Id hEpt hII distance hlr errh came Iwa with the denstte iranl that the In InaII III dllterrst poti tkIl prrsIIslon is the nilictnl ceremony ProlrIIor TInEyIInsI mills timed sornrthins ahoot clehh Ian It OnreII Psrt only to All IIICINWIA Iy idr Ulrich who Issumtl him that the thick IEIIIId psrhydrrsns It Queens Park In called dillesrnt Ismrs Then ll yeIr old llri from the LUUIn pIhUe school In North York presented the park director with cheque to so towsrd new rirohInt honor Alter making her speech Ind shaking hands she onlclly re turned to her school this Ilih the ehtuue SnlinhLy Impressed the Illin Isitr aid the Iovrrnment could stInd to he Is rental with Its time Pet Hobby Show Saturday llarric children will hate chance to show all their pets Saturday and show samples at their other hohhies too The lls Mens Club Itlmlttl pct show tar elementary and pro school children In hrlng combined this year with hoh by show lot young ersttsnsco Entries tor both shows wlU he suhmilltd It the Barrie thrrUnr Club It the Iair srounds between and pm Saturday Iudxing will start and the event will he jrvv open to the public at 1pm Entries in the hobby show may he made in it ratrsories Inclu ing woodwork Ieethermit ceramics plastics model heals motlrl planes space vehicles buildings devices made irom building sets and mlscellanc our eisss Pct show classes Include lilo lordoy rongins trorn Inrte dot to puppy Cots kittens ra hhits Itampstrrs yuinrn pigs dish turtles hirvls had any other pit may he entered There will he class tor the most unusual pct Pets will he lodged on appear ance and health All entrants will melted samples at pet tood and hottch on pet care Equal mor lt will he river to pcdigrotd and non pedigreed animals Application iorms or the shows Ire evnilahlc at the put lie schools In the city and at tho VIIYWCA Admission to the shew is 15 cents or adults and to renla tor children valued at arms were issued Permits Ior it new single tsmily dwellings aeeotmled tor TINT hi the IoIlI value Ii his in Ill typu oi per rnita tallied last month In srry 1m permits ot stl types urd At $53456 were Issued in cludtas ll tor sinrte tssruly dwellings sslurd Ii 01100 NONNBIDDTEAL ilaior non residrniist ren alruetion protects tor which per mil were Lssnrd tsst math to cluda Irniee Italian on La niltl In oUIce holid Ioz on Owen new Industrial building on Morrow lid an Industrial addition on at rm compared cent It the total salon In Ih same period at mt repairs attentions additions and seceuory halidinn pemttll vslocd at IITIM tor new corrunrrelal Wm MI valued at snare Inr column LII repairs and siterIiiooI one yslued at more In new tothlo trial two valued It more it Indrnlrisi wilitions Ioor valued It $17 tor mlmllnm tax Ihle protects and tour Inland at $1550 tor non tthtI prol rein ANTIE Veterans Here This Week Anny navy and atrium vet erans hum more than to Orurle cities will hegin arriving in Dit rie ionioit lot lemony pro vtneisl contention oi the Army Navy and Air Nee Veterans in Canada The Barrie unit is sponsoring the hlmadnl Wherlnl which will Ieatun hudness meetings soc lat events and parade Salon day to the metaph II ileum tat Square Stu Elohim resident oi the Barrie unit will welch the dei eyatee tonmow morning It the ANAF eluh soon on Mop ht Tire vincisl em it oi eview will addreny the mm helore dellt notrrroocrr or run cpstes hello round oi hue nu um wins the canth two bus trips have Been planned it sits at deionia They will its Bose Borden lhtsrldny it linemen and Priday will Ib tt commend and Tissue Mada Election ol new elilcrn oi the pMLmIII eonnrwnd Ind Installe tioo oi the new uectvlro II scheduled lot Sunday rnerniu as the oldni sessions close III Wit It the club room will wind um ensmdon Sender gdrlem have Been invited to tote snernhes oi the Barrte unit in the snout Isms panda lo the ANA manorinl aI centennial Park Something About Bellies Ilppealed To By JOIIN him Teachers at North collegiate recently shattered the stereo type ot teachers as serious sea demiea The molar hrentthruurh was accomplished in twohour stall production that was not nhlc iur Its histrionics snd pro ducrd near hysteria among the student hotly tthen It was over the sin dents apparently imprcsstd hy the willingness oi Utcir Iradrm to mentor to let down their hair gave the pertormrrs live minute standing mutton tlost ol the stile rellectrd the humorous side at the high school scene visit to an English class by an Inspector tcttuild that the class was totally deiIcIent in every way from inability to dene myth in oiieolor verse II hits Prudence to unruly he hnviour Titan commercial teacher loe Kelly was caught In the union tunaie it position at having to late in Grade l3 student as IIIcona Time The Intellect hoasder Tits Ilnderi just happened to he an nttrsctiva young miss and Kellys will was out ol town Fortunately In spartrnent neighbor came to his rescue much to Kellys disarray other ItitI centred Round the stall roam which will have to be renamed North Peys ton Place In light at the noon one going on One poor unlor tunato soul eoulrlnt marry his beloved heceose me Its rally on iuItl hut thats mother story On more intellectual plane the markets were asked to iden tity three painted bellies ulti mnIer revealed as heionrlns to EOE Scores lion lioicrott htr rcrIous sociological study on the drinking hIhIls oi tesch er was also eondueted Ippsmt ly concentrated on depIrtmrnt heads The teachers Ilsa showed their versatility as they displayed their musical Ind square dsno Inirtaiotgs ter serum Iv hrluri Ii Earl Brydges said the IIYIET had outdone tired and their ei iorts could only improve student teacher rapport They undoubtedly pave salami spirit real lili Ill an Stall coordinator lor the high Iy aumcsrlul event was litre Nancy Porter Photographer on Puget Wins Contract mstlon oi committee to review board poUcy Ind study now pol Icy motions ed to ind out how much assess ment the board to missing throuth classication oi Roman lt should have rend the cntire tutu deposit would be retained hy the city Water Safety Program Although most water onler progrsmrsre order the direct loo ot recreation groups privIte proprarm Ire oileted Mrs Evelyn hipster ehIir man at the in selst conunt tee emphulzea the meortsnce oi water solely to prevent In Ie eideothelore thappens Bylrlntin leLIsllirlIITlIIn on or around water you will have the Inowiedto toasse youn sclt theltloolalatnl month er or tricnd when need Irires hlrl ureter said she recommends Inanme in lonislit Canned has accepted the tender at Alcons Builders lo onetruct new gale house tor Innan Part The hid suhlecl to the appro III at the Department at Erich gymund Resources was tor lite ti Ippruted department grants will cover to per cent oi moment agar ousecxpetiediohe gully DidiDODILIhNIQ nlkiuly will on per entrance Iud that par ltipch tnirndenis oitlcc store and washrooms dents will use Lions pool to practise the lite satin techniqu es covered in the lectures hoisting stations will he set up with litidehts spending it The wnlcr salrty committee oi Lho llsrrio Branch at the ltod Cross ls currently conducting its wnter satety prorrsm iorliirade Ind students in Barrie and distrch schools minulaedelm Wet slot to rants Invo ln erp en vtns IerctIrresIIrIIi Nines by lied drill and canoe Ielet will be those Instructors were conduet carried out The Ihs and will he used lar reaching Is rd in tnnisrrl nrwmhlp echoes during the past week ILtl drownorooling and mill Inl resplrsilon ttsrrie srhooLs will he eover this week with Angus and in that win saisty ls inpor Nrw Loivcll schools covered ncst tant to everyone interested week persons are invited to view the Thosessions Ilia rich proceedings It the pooL rr III In coast on with skin Last summer Loco peopt win rarely to everyone aim the dIVLn Ind csnoeint were involved in registered tea more or well as and In From June it to June 25 III Ions given by tha lied cross us IACISOY Sill cInIdI Viliayeand Old Port Ceilinin NItherI hon tell Glut No Mr Easiest while to Tint cmuu omens hats murmurs hilUlch lililltit Moh Mich 15 to so hot III ChiI Elm rr Ind Suzsnno WIIIInton Md dmenint In 10 hull Credo Ind students It Prince oi Wales school are selling candy to help raise $560 tor hus tIre tor held trip to Montreal The nhlldren have sold dauphntds and held cerwuit other prolecls In clude eudtm Wil dance draw and hate Islet hoel draw and hate sale to help rIise the money The tripin tart tour days starting tuna is To cut costs the children and their teodzers will come out It Iiorrishurg and will cook their own meals Bide We IIIIKIut the lmtr days in elude visits in Expo Upper EXIme Photo orrrnltht was