oi the unemployed on non wnrr in on Corner General Roland tee to was toured by Stan public aquarium taturday wn holds to let al the tiller whale at Vancouver CI Photo One Picket Raps Legion Provincial Meet Opens ATEIIIDO tm The It Canadian lepton received irvm Ontarlea lleulrn Hovernor and rrltlelam trem lone plctetcr It the ol prorlncIIt eonrrn on Sun Tha plehelrr who identitied man John blcltubl armada hitpromo an about two vateraru paraded throttle the city Ont aid hit Ilgn charred that to Toronto dlatrict oi the lotion ova more Interested In real relate and tnut Iurala booze and bhayo proilta than in tetareha The other aide aeted what the anelll deal had been made be en Leader Ior BC Democrats nderlire From wattleGroup women or toon tiam todnl worter in Bar tt war unanimously IeeIIim lender oI thIDrlilah Dolm New timberan Party Set hut the partys radical to win airo rlttetred IIIII member rom tints nhetnier author ot the rplywortled motion which std earn void the yroupr laton Fttdsy not to run Idenhlp eandtdnlo against Barrett didnt mean It iuliy pported hie polities The motion approved at rep rato mrotlnz at tho Wotlto IMP alnrird out litr Barrrtiv Ittncte on the till Federation nI labor Ihd renruardlila Lzlrhtwlny entltobor noel In Mr Barrett told more than it deienten in hit acceptance apreeh Saturday alternoon the NDI has leer internal Irlrtion titan any other party in the province The next provincial election will probably be in September 1m he eaid but ran male no deal predictions on the outcome In rrrlrs pl motion on taxed lion trance and aeeoadary in doom deielatra op red lor eirn control oi ary litde try in DC Saturday and voted In turn oi the NDP lighting to open the boots hi all Iorelyn Itrma to the Ioternment unions end other ronternod noun They aiao voted to eotab committees to inveatlrrte cin rent pollutiontree procesein and manulocturlnr procraaee BACK IIIOIITD IIILL Deleletea aupported motion eellln tor bill It ripbta to be entrenched the Canadian eon Ititutlon but not until Ieetlon caillno tor the right to own penonal property we deleted motion that the NDP ertab ah etandinp health commit tee to otudy an outline oi mater new health Irrvlre pro WouIdYouBellav We rett all our Ilearior Aid liItItrlea et Dealer Coat ACOUSTin HEARING AIDS The Worldl First ELLIS irtenmoitrn ernvtcn tDpontiI Woolwoithi rr htYllxtD er maul ltrbllra all metre herrinr nmm tmir him llti Item iorvieavnlatlonet the mainc neat cotavwntIrIa pron vy auppoet trout deteuter The premier which would and payment oI Irea Ivr eervice to moat ill doetnrv calls tor nit Iorma oi health rare lnrhrd inrdertal wort Ior peopleon the age vi to he brourht under the rovernmrnt medlrnl Imuranee rchema The prupotll drawn up by Dr It Fruits ueculive director oi New Westminstera ltoynt Coiumblan ltoepitrt eailr Ior doctor to he paid an annual Iee turd on the number oI pa tlente under their rare The convention voted on aevv erat youth retolutions approv in motion that the NDP me Ill three levels oi Iovrrnment to support nanowlda ayrtem oI yeanround hoatela and that the party wort toward the em Ieblhbmrnt oi perrrinnent hour In and tree medical ellnlca tor tween the Untrenliy at Toronto end the department at veteran atlaira tdr tlcllne enld In an inter view the financial deal war the treneier ot Tbrnnioa Sunny hrooh lloapital lrorn tha veto erana atlaira department to the univenlty TOXIN UIIIJIAAII The unlirraity toot over the velernru hoooltol trom the de partment Ila I966 Iur one dollar to intro oi rurchnae but aatd teteraru would continue to pet priority treatment hir lleltre anlttl thevlrpion made him hie lumber for his eervtco as treasurer oi three To rotdo hranrhea llnsa Iiiuewlmnid lirulm antrovernnr oI Ontario olii rially opened the 77th biennial convention oi the Mode On tario Command He called Canndna Velerrna thnrior one oi the inert in the world today and prnlred the mrmhera oi the nylon or In Iplrlnp and rreomrvttndinn many oi the Items at legislation In the rltarter lie also laid You are to be admired tor leerint etrr green in tho rrtlnda oi oil Cnnoilinna the anrriiteea mndo on their beholl by their ielinw rtlltens in the wars in which Caundn his been tirt liacdonaid raid the lezton II dentonetrated In outstand in interest In youth eetiviliea Ineliidtnl aporle boy ecouts ciaha end eIdetn notional Egg ii e5 ea gueia gi $3 eeaaetlooIliam la ea trernety uniIrorabie to the rrea lion ot portal avareneaa III raid he 11 thammedia aa meaaengrre public to the problems at crime Ite prevention and the rahahtlita than oi thou who have your an Goon Oiinot OTTAWA it Ia Droit oi Ottawa otiietatlr openele new oiiart preea Saturday Aureie Gration Idrnlnlatra lira vteopraeidrre and menu tnr director raid OntIrioa oolr daily IrrnehIanguaro new paper would rennin true to It ionirdlnl pripeiplee oI driendinl thrnrh rtehta In tho province The new pm coat nearly ll million The nevaaper waa Iounded In Illl Move North SUDIIUIIY CF ItolIntI Clinttlrr artinr resident oi Laurenlian linlve ty here told mantle attadenLa Saturday the alt rtart mnvlny north atop movinr aouth tor chitin hire Cloulirr loldrthe an alt data that on per rent oi cana titan lantvrralty yreduateaJrI unahla to lined the type oi work they want thin yrnr limver he added Thanh heaven that In not the airualion in thir part at the country Iieeelviu Jamey done It the convocation exercises were Dr Glories Ital undia eovernr oI Inatdln and Ioniee do Itlrtllne author and nnturat It Iover Scare SAULI bTE MARIE Illch MP1 Liberian tanltrr has been quarantined rat the Sault on Illarle harbor beeIuse oi the pouibllliy oi typhoid lever aboard us Coast Guard authorities arid the pile oi the ehipa chlel eortnrer tire Basso Dreise pouioa uaa taken nil Ute ahip Saturday In Chicano Alter tho meetthe Berti Michaelhad leil uncut doctor contirmed tire lirItaopouloa had typhoid tevrr the eoaat guard said The tattoo tanltrr anchored in Salt Ste Ilarle Sunday alt ernoon and vs Public Health Service otiletaia were to conduct group ionned Ioilr it III to More lit Piece TORONTO CPI Ontario via tIra tiled through the made no the armor weekend The lam diaeeaemed movie theatre railed Gnuphere wan Iobmypepplehadtothiauptor Ia tour II minutes Iinarpa alao termed at other Ilhhliu Inhibit Ireta Ind Ior plddlehoaia to tour the some ot lama pond and ranala which withlwe manmade Iv Ianda term the team tile Trial attendance up to Sunday Ilirrnoon one thud ineludina Mu dinltariea neuamen and Ihout 1M arhnolchlidren admitted the during weekdaya 31 Tires Burning TORONTO CE Thirtyone iorat Urea were mine in On tario Dmday the land and tor reta department reported All In Imder control except imam Iaiaar In licConn Townahip in Northern Ontario Other Ilrra hy diatrida lien ota Ila Sudbury Ilvr Sioux textual and Coehrana tour oath Kawahalny three Ger Ildton Prmhrote North Bay and Tweed two each and White itivrr one lilyh to entrenu lire dInrer war iorceIat throughout the province Ilvoid Canada TORONTO CIt Toronto ltd United State dreitdodgera la advlalnl potential dodtrra io atay away Irorn Canada beennso oi unemployment Ind hurt lath oi rationalism Imony Cu nadlan Imployen The ttoronto InttDrait Pro rrlrn rpelLa out It new policy in revised edition pt manual tor drantare Imrniyranla iron the United Stain What we have encountered In an tumult unvllilnynese amen ernptoyera to hire Amer Icana oi dralt are reeardieea ot chart will hot written Ioh elierIeIallthehwhletaarI Eive Detected UANDEK titirt t0 In MD the Ieeied from when tall the la week It waa learned hindr VI Wu oleer In oi the immluatiaa centre here arid Polina hilt the woman planned to apply ier political Iarluna In Canada Eind Bones NORTH BAY tCPl hotte rial police are eendln the bones oi an adult man rrrd Friday Intder tourloot tree atump near Thorno Ont to the Ontario Centre oi Foren Iic Science tor examinatlnn Yvon hyote railed police when he Iound the bones on hla mmmvaavnnue VRehctbilitqtion Must Be Goyer tarna leer Thorn ta nailI WIMIIyJwLIeI motman aald then III II db III MI Milly whether hat play III hrvnlved 31 Till CANADIAN moo OunJoaeptt liurleyI It Canadian Im Itr rerun den and Iormaa entnntander oi Canadian bornbrr twp In Endand denier the Seward World War In heroin TorontoIIth It hint 11 one OI thd that ptlota In the Heat World War in hoapttat Ier heart attach earlier thia moth Madridhum Carndro MW elite t1 Iionran Catholic Arrh biahop oi liadrid oi ranrer at tho eplne hfr help in coma ior tour dare tendonlard Itayorr God ard It Iormer lord rhlet to tire oi inland and monumen tat time In lirttiah law at hla home Dies In Trinidad POIIT OF SPAM tlteuter lulu Toronto theilndrrat noun ot Canadiaa travel aunt and ntrtlurrwueetatlvoa InTtinh Mdhdrttdayataeltnle MI new aheatb Idler hiatrtrlllllhamlaiuadal Map with the rupee ltay It lla waa president or the Oak tral owe more at the tmertcanmioeblebty ei hlhltl new war with unmet lat linant and Delilah That to dim litmh ilr Beech eat as hoaeaalra Conservative member of the on latte lrrIalaturI tor Yuk Sadie trout lint to in and pt Parliament lor tort Wh trem left until II when he Drrnorratle Party Dill OI IIIIADOEI TOIIOhID iCPt FEM human 11 ot liorooto dlod Sunday alter eoliapain at rock concert and beltil treat inranovrrdmotdruuhh pttIl epoherman laid Ia Caprara had apparently bee generally then the lot it We offer you savings account that pays interest Canada Trust 91 Dunlop at Memorial Square 7264843 whether they are Jandrd nrul C0 Ki does on Being on time really otter Tomorrows the day you help to make Canadas future better one for us all Dont delay The answers you give us will inuence planning and decisions in practically every area of Canadian progress lilttyo NON MAO 0f STATISTICS IIDEIAL IASTATISTIQJI So sharpen your pencil Tomorrow is Census Day et yur pencil ready wu deteeted by David Levis then deputy leader oi the New