44 union in wun Smith Vietnamese Virrrra Identitmrncaoliyiaplctur ed with his wile Intyet Ital It their tool woddjnepstndar TRAINING DISIIDILVT Wm tAit Uuntiara rhaaldenta are hetnrtuined aa guerrillae at camp near Ilia Inba at mile eoath oi the Uundan border in northwest Tanzania Pmirlent Idl Amin the yteepreaident continued he will oppose Pruldent itru yen VIn Ihku in the October prealdentlat election When charred Sunday Maintain rely in eastern Uunda Amln III the IrIinlnl is being car ried out by Adqu Netyon cousin ni Iormer president till ton Obote who we deposed by an my lip tour montha ago Iatcd who his runniny mate vrould be Ky rrlnninrly rrpited maybe my wile to Photo CAPITAL FOIL DAY inneaatee the hub oi Ieno rylvanla thatch country no the capital at the nation tor day when the Continental Gangrene took rclugu there during the Itcrniutlunary War nineties Iy rueenueoteu vim Weeltettdi 525 troorted and man Inliocalod alter the excavation he was arertlu on ererI in liIo triple iatatlliea were Inaon MLIIKKMII vhieh lideI In0nlario Three otiawnam chartered antountanlr retumln irom count In the tied at erea were titled when their ear out ilded with meet lust urot oi Iiavtuhury TWO Willi5 KILLED hrotttrn and lriend Irovn Sunbury OIL were titled in New cmh near King on Ontario aLto had one drowning andauredeathtohrlnnthe total count in it deatha the tame curb There were 11 traltic dcathr one drowning and one electrocution In Quebre The Atlantic provtneea rolt Ported It deathI Newtoondland tied two drown Inra one killed in traliie and raveln ruttoeallen New Bruno wick had one traltic Ialality and one drnvntnr while Nova Seotla reported live trallle deaths and elrl tilled III the Iail Prince Edward IalIrtd had two traiiic dIItha There were tire traine deatha In Alberta tour In Milan Ohi umbla Ind one in llanitnba British Columbia and hianitoha eIeh hnd drowninr Serial ehetven reported the lamina mlahap oi llawteebury The Weekend trniii deaths rmwhilttltttlllthtIITm tATMOSPHERE IINE FOO Juet For Fun Drop In Tonight Roy Belmonte trr Our Daily laurth Baitrt ll hiuday may BLIGHTV BIHOOS EVERY THURS AT PM BARRIE ARENA bpeaaerrd hy Danie Itiner Itertey Aaudatiol sternum nuo for Country Vorioty Mutt LAJIVLIGIITIJB liOilhl Fatty Ilemed Beebeumeae IIIrh lervrd um 10 Daklax hltbity till Im GARY ALBERTS DUO ihent Week Dawa Pairoll Men Ith Set WINDSOR HOUSE Vlciertl St Alllalul Here Is Your PREVIEW To This WEEKS ENTERTAINMENT ADVANCE man is Esgv 93 53 4g WlUiIrvt Myles at terne Immhln lreteirod when rat waI panen Ier eiruct tree to Ottawa Barbara Itnn Palermo oi Smith Fella when rtruea by earaaebewarwettlnyaion Either Ibotlt IWIBII lrorn er DIM Itiehard Itullinn II tiulL on ElwoodBeettthlIaIern II mun may nevi George timid am to liter helIr beaten to his lur bolla oi Ottawa trhen car WWI WP In Emu collided with tend out west Friday Police aid Ihev were atiii trylnl tn Identity his mail larnea hm tieiiarrntaeh 11 ante e5 MAN DEATIJI 01reeremotol lot clearing tree pruning Weed IId lrlah Itemeved call us first 72672 WELL MVB YOU DOLLARS FREE ESTIMATE NONI INEUILED MENSINGA FAIRBAIRN Fully licensed slinaled pleasant lbmlnnle drive tooth oi Barrie Iiwy it ienturinr dining Ind dnneinr In relaxed country eiub atmosphere Our excellent continental etdalno complemented by Tho Entrrtnlnmenl nidttiy In the loom anaIa ior In exceptional evening or relating uretend ITtli Banquet and eonvenllon inellliier are Ivellable Wedding our Specialty Sauna Dath iatatn Ilceled Pool Canoetnl THIS WEEK IN OUR LOUNGE THE HOUR GLASS Coniemce Itoema avetlahlo at aa ehavxv liionday Friday Icon pm 421an CIII Ior reverratlone Telephnaa rooaraaatt or IthtIiltt VJ IN OUR LOUNGE THIS WEEK THE CARSON BROTHERS BAYSHORE union DUNLOP at Stock Car Racing WED JUNE lit petal Iiail Date June Laie model proteaalnaet driven to ereota racing Dirtatenr tionna cylinder Ill Crew liaee Lalo Model Top il II An Irtian Pnreult here It bliiee It Barrie rI Illrhway It HOTEL TIMSTI IIIATUIIINII EXPERIENCE Tillt YANTAIITIO NEW SOUND OF THE CARNABY STREET Dine and Dance from to am ENJOY OUR LUNCHEON BUILD YOUR OWN SANDWICH We OOUJat IOWA Hrm ll Dlllep Wt Barrie t7 Tulill IIlli IIIIIIII Aypeartnl Nlrhl In Clarita ItrelII Coeltall Inhale Try Our Iloaet llcrI Pub lueehrol Ier It llllllII Melchers Golden Eogle