Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 May 1971, p. 3

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said that eta inspector servos northern Ontario coveng so glass that extends hosn North nsyto Oochrsne In tidal ot the manpower sit natirns the bits Is requesting moon Irorn the Attorney Gen erals dqtartrnent to Improve rervtcu The grant wotdd be substantial Incressa star the moon the society currently re ceives to government revue bother It million duliars Is beins unwed Itom Iha De partment oi hiunlclpal Ai iairs Ior capital cxpcodilurs Grind Si Resident In This Condition lwocsr collision early Sat urday morning sent three Dan ria men to Royal Victoria Ilos pltsl with irriurics One Daniel Sheridan was In Ialr condition this motor The accident occurred It hit am at tho lntcrscction ot Anne and min Streets Shortdsn oi Gunn St stiller 1rd hrohcn ribs punctured lung and other Internal Iniurtel Police Identllind the drivers at the cars as Glen Martin ot StVIocenl and George Wendall Graham 01 Tlitin St In when car bIr Diarldan was riding Mr Martin sullarcd latcrs tluns to his ictt arm and lit Graham recelvcd hsnd Injuries anmagI to the cars was esti mated at $3500 Milli ROSI CENTRE lieutl the English dcpnrt Larger Than But Not Another iorm Itcionai government should betsrgocnoudr tododrsiob ml enouns to mascot the mini lily delegates to the ithdwmnusi cooler eoee oI the Association or liar on and Reeves meettss In North Bay today were told tlernbers oi panel diaan sion on reslnul government ex pressed concern that regional governments Is now constituted am too lsrgc Panel members were the chairan or the In nglonal Power Break To illilil Homes Tiouble wbsrc It was least expected toot Public Utilich Commission searching tor ncar ly two hours yesterday alter powcr treat cut electricity to abota soon homes in the north east section at the city The break came shortly before pm when ground wire on and ot two main Ieeder lines trout Ontario llydrna Darcie Thsnstoriner station on Tiltln strcet came loose train the transmission line and Rippcd over the Itooo volt lines cans my what was called mas alva short circuit About on per cent at the cus tomers allectod had their pow er restored in about to minutes when they were switched to tho second transmission line meruartwistresior lath mu am EEE in Municipal gnrcrnmengll In tho lowing Atlantic oilictropo start do Cowbell ot th Region oi Niagara Wright oltbe Region at lorl llbbrri oi the Region oi tlustota that loan or the Region or otlowt Carleton tIsyor tea Cools oI Darrin said that he spices with the position taken by the regional chsirmcn regional govern ment should be larger nrw ntclpsl premmcnt not another lornt or gnvcsnlsteni he said St North area where the prob iorn had been Isolated Ponce to all rudiomcrs was restoml shortly helm pm PtiC secretary treasurer Dill Tim said the cause or the break was an unexpected treat that toot time In to rate bccnilsa crews had to rave their tnscls arid tramp through the bush to Rod It Altar It was found It took about no ndnutss to corrcet It llr Elton said Residents adapted to the tail urn by planning hnrherues ln stood or cooking in their hit elian hlr Elsuu who was manning telephones in the WC ottlce along with other atoll members said most callers wrro very understnruling uhcn The remainder were In the Sun nsdiilo Road Letitia and Anne nirnl at North collegiate ro than this year slice so years Special Operetta In Honor 0i Retiring English Teacher limit high school Icurlrcr to yours uI lunch hnurcd Sunday by rliu rornposrsl Ior Archie gliilr Int iulIogiuIr nns hunvrod by Irlends ouilrsturr nnd iormrr students Inc upontin torturing solo ists Dori luirrron rind inui Chnns non hrs on upnruprinto grs loss has boost us And Ill formic all whoever you my hot you want to to close to your dcslr Ind your do rcmiibo good church eldcr and good Tory More lormnl congratulations wtru extended to blr Rosa by Angus hlchny assistant dircclor oI education and Mrs Thelma Curtburn trustee oi the Sim coo County Iionrd oi Education and Iurmer student oi Ilr llnss Principal Han Drydscs pre scntcd tho retiring Icncbcr with two hrunsc boots cast by the schools technical department iliii and North tvlirsiiltrs In Sundays prnilurtiun hlr Russ was cd by rutIr Inics hlr Russ and his wiIo llury huru spont the last so years In Rnrrlc 2nd 8r 3rd nameless 24 noun APPROVALS 10W COST 000 I0 HORN ARRANDED lit TlE CONVENIENCE OF VOUR HOME gt CALL coItEGT co so am TODAY FOR HELPFUL COURTEOUS SERVICE HAIR 3084688 EVENINGS 1410 2318145 snoumuvrsrwcurconrrro Lilo ltAY storrr rononm our they tclcphuncd to report the tnilure survito In tho closirourn lr truss is shown discussing rs tirvmcrrt Inns with principal i2nrltlry gas and hits Thri nrn Orctdrurn lrtuice at tho Simeon County Ronni oi Education and Iormer stu dent ot hlr truss tExorrrinrr Gone to too ywmgntrrs coni pctnd In the second annual Gentrian htusic Festival held at the Orntinental Iran this weekend Pictured are three Bottle youth was in serious condition In Toronto General llnsplisi this mnrrrlng alter nearly drowning In the waters sit Johnson Street heochyestcr ay Rohcrt Dobsoa to oi Owen was tales with policc The sponsoring Judo club pinc od third In the world nnnuai Peter Gorvad slmrorlsl luna tor Judo lhumameut Ssturdar at Canadian Forces Dose Dar dcn More than too competitors representing to clubs perIcI poled In the oneday etrnL The top team was the mo otan Club at Toronto rallowcd by North York In second place and burden third Competition was held In scr co divisions Winning with tho undcr to pounds class lIantr Iiorrnsn or the Dorris Judo Club won the impound andundcr division Sunny dry nir Is moving across Ontario today and will lower maximum readings In Simcoo County by to drrtein Generally sunny weather Is Iorecust tor Iodsy and Tuesday Cooler Tuesdn low tonight to as Iliglr Tucsdsy mid to high on Toronto hloslly sunny todnv nnd Tuesday Cooler Iiish today nsnr oi Low tonight nrur as Iiigh Tuesday in the high Windsor tendon llnnriitun Lnlrn St Clair Lntu Eric Lnto Iluron Niagara Lqu tntnrlu Mostly sunny today and Tiler day Coolcr lligh today low to New PUC Rains III Port McNicoIl lOllT licNiCOLL StIII Now lint wnler heating rates will be shown on all villngu bills is sucd on and alter July us annuunrrd by the public itslitics commission IIrcso will stun at Itll pcr month tor tho toownit rirmrnt and rnnge lrorn 51 tor no unit to Mt Ior Loco watt unit All eicnrent slscs nucr Loos units will hecrorgidut the solo lhoto ol tit mists pcr ion watts per nronth eroncriur rrsnvru wwurns trophy Ilnoan r10 LEFT Susan Puts It oI Aunts the hslursiadlalc accordion chairs pron Colleen Young It at Creemore who won the open Youth In Serious Condition Folloviring NearDrowning osrorl lrorrr Royal Victoria IIos pitrri to Toronto General Hospital at llitl this morning Dublin and lriend tam at the beach yostcrdsy with Sen Flea boat The other boy was In the boat out In the water when the entire stopped Dob James Kendrick OI CFB Borden Receives Peter Gorvad Trophy Ionics Kendrick or the Burden club placed second in it under no pound division and David hhilc ol the Barrie riots placed third In the under Itopouod competition The Peter Gurvasl Irosehy tor the outstanding Junior oI the you In the Dordcn club was awarded to anrcs Kondrlcti to son at Sui Norm Kendrick hlrmbcrs oi the Itonlen club competing wcro Ionian hIcAn drew James Kcndrlrl Dill Powers Slsro Igopsowirs and Robert Dariington Iiitrcn mention oi the Duh rie ludo club tonurcttd SunnyWdotherTofConllnueT Temperalures Will Be low high 60s cant 7n nrzrr tind sur tAiw lonigis to to mount so near Windsor High Tucsdny mid to high hos Ssult Ste llnric Sndbury North Day Algumn tieorglnn Ray Ilallbonon Sunny today and Tuesday tbnlcr Jungian Day and llnlihurton ruglunt lIIgh tndoy low but low tonight ll In to High Tuesday 60 to Isl IIighlov Iligh Tuduy Tuniulri Thins tindsor in Surniu htl It St Thomas Tit London us is Kitchcncr or on Mount Forest 62 tinshom is Hush Sound ui hluskclra Ilnmillots til SI Culhnrlncs oi Torotiu or Ircnlan til Kingston n3 lclsrhuruuglr Killnloe or North tiny uJ Stirltrtiry lintilun 55 Timmlns hi nouslsnslng as llaric itl Lhnplenir or White itlvir to Gornldlon so SSS$Bt$ S3322 lloosoncc so Get interest when you open savings account with us Canada Trust 91 Dunlop at Memorial Square 7261348 Barrie Youth ABarrlsyouihwaslranstcr rcdlolhrootchocrslllnspihi insertous condition Saunday ni withbcsdintarlcshare rodlnnalngterar student early Saturday mm accordion championship and collected tour lintt sod Latt ra lIercCole Comp Borden who won trio tints In guitar immuner Photo ND made on altersth to III to the boot When no saw another boat holding out to old his Irismd he started to swim hack to shore lie was approximately in yards trons shorc when he went down Almost Immediately three men who were at the bench went into the water alter bins 0n third stlcmpt All llaugh Ion pl Darrio come up with Dob son As soon as they soothed shore Doirsun was attended to by two doctors and none III was given nsygrn and taken to hmultsl People at Johnsons teach us tinrsto that Dohson was under the water Ior about seven or eight minutes Toronto Man Hurt In 3Car Accident It Toronto titan ruiiorwl niinur InIirrIcs iii Ihrgceur siilislitrl yestgrtlny on lllghwny II no twcen Ihc bib and tilr ounces sluns at tho Township Ontario Provincial Pirlirm oils Isrrs ldcntilltd tho drivcrs ol the cars as lvnn Corny Iaonold Tut vistr nrui Ilclsln Vnnl all at Toronto AwnthHmlwrtsr llrc Cerny rnr suIIsrtd is IlIIIltrr till tho heart The Corny cur netlust blot darnngo and the Inivislc nod Ward enrs rrscivnl it and $10 darnngu respectively The nruirlcni urnurns at tII luhnliarion it at Grove St sirllmcd textured shuR when the car he was riding to strut rm no Sinnldala Rd Kenneth Shaw as the visit er oi tha ear and Dart lIor an so at Worsley at another passenger In the car are both In lingus Resident Hurt in Mishap An Angus rnno Romlil lsrrv chase suIlernI rrdnoe Inlury Ioilowing an accident at at this morning The accident mien on Ornccssinn oi Essa Township near the run sldernad Iurrhnsc stillerch rut on his loll hand The car he was drivv lng had to in damage Iwocar collision on High wiry II south oI Corr at tirn Township Saturday rnnrn tng sent man to hospital Admitted to Royal Virtona Hospital with numerous racial laceration has Uourilcis Crow lord oi Con the driver oI cnr rt the vehicles Also trcstni al hospitni iur minor Inlurles and scleosesl was the tilIitY oi the second vehicle irrva ltrynrldn oi km West Gwiilimbury Township 1hrs pnurdrcrs in the my nolds vehicle also siulnincd ml nor inlurles Orsndvlaw Ford Grsm Superiasl Kmart Stores scoclr Fins Servica pm 0ro Township Man To Hospital if Following Accident Saturday Sent To Toronto utislsrtuyconditioathismora tug In Royal Victoria Hospital rncorcrtns Rom lithla they malrcdintiiaaeddnt Suwmtainladaimtsnd bmdonsandtiacamahrob enridrtieglnshacn DarnIgI was esinattad at moo Huronia Festival Launching The first annual Ihrrnnla Iivnl oi IheArts wlilhd olitciaiU launched tonight at the wtcllr meeting or the Kiwanis Dub Darrin at the Continental Inn The Icstival on the August Civic llalidny weehend is rposs sored by the Kiwanis Tub and the Dorrie Art tub Attendinl tonight will be elite dignitaries and representatives oi local 05 raniratlons oi second accident Sunday morning on Illghwsy It at lists tth Concussion oI InulsiII res sulltsl in damage Drivers Ihn ichirles Involv ed were David Enter it at It ARsrri St Alliston Ind Mich ael Ilsissni it oi Mississauga There wern no Inhuirs DISTINCTION Queen Victoria at England Imrmi has the distinction at having her hand appear on more coins than anyone to his Damage was estimattsl at ssoo tory IHE UNIllES COMMUNITY CENTRE would Rich to thank the following firms tor their help in making their Cord Night success illisldtiFWasR Towm Dept Store McDonalds Hamburg Masonry Supplies Coolie Carissa Sin tilIIIIII IIIIII remember that old expression out the coatlo suit the cloth Thats exactlywhai Blue Cross does for group health protec tion needs Health Care Plans with many variations to suit your requirements and budget Doesnt that tell you something conracr Blue Cross lrhlnibirthintri Ontario Blue Cross Don Mills Ontario

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