Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 May 1971, p. 2

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oi the totiniry nor can we claim any Inuence over the Ioh martet Doem we do Irel deep scam oi rupoasrbiilty Ior tho will at education and training prov cdtntheeoilesatrrthil will be mark oi recognition at the graduates to mate them candidates Ior earner fitkourdcsirctoocsoaro eIcls gemstloa at students In writ as possible Ior their liias wait so they can br IIIC cunt not only In the career sense Its also as human be luga be said tir Crawlord also pointed out that the roiierss reputation would he deiersrslned by Its alumni congratulating the surcessiul rIndidaIes the Georgian prest dein presented thoudsta on twn GRADUATION Ire always landly strain with Sauudayl convocation at Georgian Coi tegr being no esceptioo Ilald Ing her diploma and accept Ing congratulations Irons tarn tly members Is hlrs Ruth blaric Bauldry pi Danie 0th rra pictured are Irom Ilia srcastor their mnaidotltiom Wary to shape the Iormoia also remarked on the success lint be errmhasiud that suc rat to tile Marts nun than Iissssscial accumulation and he urged each student to period IcaDy evaluate what he site wanted irran lite Its also urged each widens to eherldt the spirit at teiIaI aitlp that students devcbp at college as snrrreihing that calves at caiain rtnrcs oi it personal association In rmususl alpitlrursce In closing arr athord said the graduates or the class at hare to he EWM torl perseverance or ot tbs other qualities that are MR5 EDUARD STRAUSS Spirit Of ot this stroccss Poyelai Barrie students In rcrrcd diplomas In the double convocation ccrcsnony They were armor lbs grad Intt In tho colleges business applied arts and technology dI vision ulceration began with pro casino at Imlty and gradual iag studentt lottowcd hr the to rotation by Rev iltllsue pastor at St Margarets Catho lic curds Midland George II sIcCague chair man or the Board or Governors connattrlatod the paduaies and arowstson cannon Strauss Much In Evidence Dy llUItIIII LIZEIIIR Ottawas laurrntirsn Rand cap lured the Spirit at Strauss Sunday night at Central collo state so they played hierrrorles or Vienna under the know Irdgeable direction at Henry Donnenbers The studtnls irnm Lsurentinn collegiate cams to Dsrrle last night nIter iroetlns Darrios Oil Iaglsts iiand In Ottawa on their retina trip Irorn Charlottetown lira toduard Stratus was gncsl hi horror She travelird to Oitawa Irom Vienna and ran to Barrie with the young musicians The concert was tits litrauss lsrnliy and especial Is to Eduard Strauss mcmher oi the Strauss dynssty who travel sled through the world with his orchestra playing the works oi the tsmily 34 Vleorm uar rsurs mullahs and ltrs Strauss hsa taken on the work or am hlllldor ior Viennese music lTha youthiul enthusiasm at the capable young students coupled with the Inspccrsble musicianship oi the conductor Donneuhcrg added up to snlenditi concert II was iier hearted and chIintIol music and It times nrost expressive Johann Strauss Intrrmom irom soot Nights was given lill musical and beautiful In tnoretatlon lt wus hard to be slim too this was the wort oi dinn students the resuh was at such mnlurily und polish The program consisted nI works by Johann Strauss Inthrr Ind eon Iosei Strauss and Vlen nese composers Frans von Suppc Carl llsria vun Weber Frans char aiul lLrlnh llco llll lOlsOlhT GOOD Tba elarlncts In this hnnrl dis played some hcaulliul tcchnl ours arui tine musicianship nnd clarinet soloist Jim Wegg had no diItlcuIty with the Ilrst move ment oi the Concerto Ibr Clari Inet by Carl lrsrla von Weber The hnrid ravn splendid support to the brilliant passages at the soloist nsvcr obliterating his music but rovldlng all the col or and dept necessary Another highlight on the pro gram was the line Interpretation Em ror Waltz This nurslo at everyone loved and delighted In hcnrlng so can ably musically handled This conductor irom Euro has contributed greatly In in cultural growth oi our country III has rosdcncd the horizons and the musical tarts nI our Canadian students not has ds vel gin tIeBcdhnlca grill and on go ess cn thuslastlo Intuiclans Ottawa has showpiece In the laurcntlan hand and no douhlcdly they will develop with great strich under the nlroo tlon oi llr Dunnenberg and hIs assistant ironic Technology Richard BURINEE ADMINISTRATION oI the students In finding crn ployinent Involved In the prcscnlstion or diplomas were his Craw turd EIrce Cameron Dean Donald it McKIllican regio Irar at Wayne Ornnlndisnr ohairmsn Applied Ans Division John II Grim chairman Duo Iness Division llarvry Payne arslrtsnt chairman lln ohInIcsi thhnoinlr David lloeh assistant chairman tJer Vaidier assistant chairman Civil and Resources Technology benediction was given by Rev Ilsroid Allaby president DanIr and District Ministerial Association convocation tea was held In the college Common Room roilnwlng Lstill list or pad mics DUIINEBJ DIVISION Dean stlrs Iluntavllte Iamea tulle Iiegchcn lasts burg James Grant hrrltinnon Owen Sound Kent Coleman llsrtln llarric Lilian liou John Alexande Icati Iort hlchlcoii Itic rd Dcrtram Smith tildlaud Glcn Allan James Iurvcr rrlc Jsrnca Vin tor Thurlo Elmvair ACCOUNTING James William Darbcr Chats worth John Vinccnt Douglas Etora Gary Allcn Poislc Stayncr Donald Jack Scarrr Oriliia MARKETING ilonald Allan Dennison South River mnlslyn willred Down rr Wasaga Desrh Michael John Fisher Dorrie Itobert Douglas Grcenc Gravcnhurrt Michael liurton Johnston Grav enhurst llinlicr Klemens Kncv synsti oriiiis Drinn David lir lsdicn Iinrrio Kcith Raul nrrnhull Darrin Robert James Watson Dradiord LEGAL RECREIAIIIAL Catherine Dcttsduin Pcnetan gurshenc Louise Catherine lic lindcn Darrlc Ilnrgnrct Anne llechan llldland Janice lee Quanircll Huntsville Iienlea Patricia Roe Barrie MEDICAL IIRITIIIIARIAI IurIcI Adcls Dclanger Ilnr rrc Ilnry Lynno Iliilctl OrIIIia ricvcrtoy Ann Doll trusts lalls Norma Elaine iiilhy erric Donna lionnie Iaet lllncslng IIIa lnuilnr Into lock Slayn lstricil tuels Ritchin Ituth Mabcl Wigg 0r EIIAI DECRIITARIAL Iris lIiIdo Applcysrd Ilurits Ialis IIlisnlreih Iutrlcla Ath ron aikiwolcr Johanna Ther esa batter Midland IIth his rle nautdry narrie Elizabeth Diana Dell Ilradlord Joan IIav rie nourgoois Irnelang Irui Inn tiryan Barrie lircnilr AI rna Contain ltidisnd Iirends Arlene Coward Harris Anne Cumndng Midland Joanne Da Kleyn lismllion Kathleen Iilir abcth iirmey Iinrrle lcnnller Teresa Johnson Vchorla lIar hour lrcndn llarraret John ston hhrluurnc ltar Jana Jury Itiiilanrl IInds Ilth Kan Manhuntrindumprgyrnenuoresis Rm OPERATION Dondas Orville Ahtnlt Ooh tarmwmmmu Daanett Iiosonto anibnmdasc Barrie MI Thomas Grantham Tomio nouns mirth mm erlt John David Room pm Kathleen Ann nun Itirhaet new word Darrin David Brown lea Stillnngnui Glenn Cam easl GDILRAL AIIHCIENCE Paul Gnoch nmru Owen tell ltrs Bids Gordon sod Mr and Mrs David Gordon Ruth llaries parents IZsarrw rner Photo Elisabeth Anne KclIs Calling wood Sondra Ruth telgh Ilsuaclane Dronda Dorsen lily Recruiter Beverlee Anne llcuan Elmrale Carol Ann Ilesrs InrileoAnn llillmsn Owen Sound Ficus Lillian llurr Co ngwood Elisabeth Petravnelia NIH and llidiand Lorraine Ogden Iiidinnd Iuy Daugherty clt Shirley llenthcr Inirhrad Churchill Bernice Isnbri Fm cr Sim endy Anno Good hrsdDarri Sulvclg Goltsttieu Wallrrlo Isne Elisabeth Gorrldin Eur Islls Nancy Iarlcr llassc Owen Soon Durban Itoso llaycs Lions lIca ginla Kathrlns lIeitmsr Darr Anna lioull hnn Ielerlsoronch Susan June Iiumtrtei Dbrstl Linda Irene Payne Dril sney Elisabeth Pen Elmvsla sslecn Rid deli RIIIIII Sylvia Scandrrlt is Dianne hlsrgorln Sins clsir Duboro Annolulso Smith Orcsley htary Lynn onsgir Dorrie Karin Ethel wood Anna Thr anno Lynn Thulow rim to IsaAu nrlry Anne runs III hlnureen Elirnbftis VoIInns Orr iliia AIILIIID ART DESIGN Ill rderlrk Arthur llanes Dar rie Nlda Ida Frcyna lIome Goodwood Ronald Wayne trun tcr Aillslon LyndI Ienn Rib this Etrnvale tisrc Arthur Itohiilsrd Penctang Ctrsrhs Ird grunt Mesiord Isn north Siegrtsi Dunsrord brains rt hinrr Louisa Drcnnoman liar rIr Dennis Carl Cslor Grav cnhurat Drenda Joan Gouch Orangcvllic hlnrgarctrAnn IIII Dagnrsuit Dorrie Ronald AI Ircd Ddust Fort William Ican Ituhy Dymrnd Dhrrlet Ilcx James Icndlay Orange vllle Daniel Clarence Green IinrsI Diana Illnne lcrlr Aur or Patricia hlsrglel terse Chcal Alloyno Frances Now torrahl Elliot Irate Joseph DrIIn owen Ilsrria John Knight Partridge lion stills Allan Ross Skinner lluntsvillc Norma Eileen Smith Bethany ilrlcn Tcpera Dorrie Barbara Ann Tomarlnl Ottawa Linda Disnno Walilco Ramble Drsdiord Janus Young Alix CAR RENTALS INTRODUCES Iterts Itug Automalla sass day plus to mils CIR tire Experienced RrsrrrI At 72644 In Drndiotd Illr Dorris DENNIS TASCONA BA LLB Barrister Solicitor Trade hlnrlr Agent Member at the Ontario and Wlhltltl T0 ANNOUNCE III OFFICE FOR Tili IArao Code 70 British Columbia liars rrir nrrocsriou or money or this rm 43 DUNIOP ST PO box 45 BARRIE ONTARIO SI 726226I Sand Iarnt Arthes Steal Jarvis ADVDITIAINII PROCEDUIII Rachelle Anna AsuInI Oriltla sins llarniiiocs Downs lico worth William James Gills Danie Scott AlAn lichen Dorrie Stanley lnla Itao Dnnaid Nurriarhct Carol Dashara Murray turnta ville Derwyn AM Sutton Barrie Robert Vernon Wilton DariIs Beth Patricia Ruthie Odllngwood MEDIA PROCEDURE Paul Allan Milli Siayn Tony David mums Drsrls Thomas Karl Delbert lirlrna in miles William lthso nae Re Joseph lama Ioduc non den ltdin Doullu hound Barrie Ileaihcr Donna IIcIn tyrc Dante Carole Ann Piro Windsor Cathie Anth Pglarrie Gregory has it say Danie Bradley Stephen Wil cox lteaiord TEGLKOIOCIT DIVISION CIVIL TEINOIDOV Chrisrd Waliaeo Carter Bar rie Lawrence David Douglas Coldwaier Gordan Paul Ilarris Owen Sound Gear Alvin Ilui chlnm Meninrd Dlrwin AI esandee Reid owes Sotmd MECHANICAL TDGINOLOOV Leslie Dunes Everett nnsotmcu naruononv Dsrry Edwin Clemmersr Gra vcnhurst Unsco William llan Peterboroudt Torrance lenard llealy Drillisi John in nest Ross Barrio Forrest Bruno Sandbag Barrio lilth hlurray Sitcardwn Thornton Steven Ilnrcs Smith blotter Day ELWITIONIC TECHNICIAN Thomas Illdurci Dell Dar rlc Daniel Glories Ilnll Sund rld Stephen hilchrcl lIcDon ncl Iinwtutonr Finest Iirian Shciiswcll Coidwnler llrlan Lloyd htewsrt Crsemorn lIeina Eric Slice Darrin ELECTRICAL TECHNICIAN Wayne oborl Drown Slroud CIIANICAL DRA NO TECHNICIAN Rodney ormnn Clash 0rd Ililm itwlllrtrOwen Sound Sle bcn Robert hllcts bilnealng When members were Drmdy Oral mere lottio Woodloch Ina airbtmsenlissthrlstenscny and Alirod distances Runnersup to the Barrie Broadcasters were the Ilarrta Saturns Ilascl tirr oi Dania captured the high womens single with 151 and hid Ulth ot AIIlsItas no the mens high stnglawhh Prirct Ior low scores mt to Art Dumalt and Mrs Dclirna Carmella oi PenetIng The trophy Ior teams cornpos cd or members over To earn oi III went to Orlilia as cans members were Therm Oarhc Dill Gordon Arthur hispe Anna Manning IIoreneo starts and Jean Ilaar The Victoria lIarbonr lotion won the novice section with comhlncdscoro oi anon edg Ing out the Barrie Busy Rear ers Alhert Ilunt oi Victoria IIar hour produced the mens high triple with 651 and Isabella Williams oi Barrie the ladies high triple with lot ltlgh single honors went to Ed Whllmoro oI Victoria Ilsn hour and Kay Kennett oI 0n Ulla with lot and 157 mocc tivehyn res tor low gsmcs went to Eben Sawyer ot Slroud sod lasan Crisps ni Oriilla Other spot prizes were donat cd by Krmpvlcw Bowl The Ladies AnsIIIIsy oi tho Canadian Legion donated sand wlnhns Ir the howlurs and also provided the scorclcepcrs tor tho teams ciron slop out In your summer outiit Iurwnr malts sure complimentary remarks III you drsw those Soon In the avert III gave away rlrn yeast to the oldest lady busier Itrn Deilrna Queinslla glimetangulshcne Examiner RODERT ORR oi Barrie at to wit the oldest male com mot In the senior ritlsena In tournament held bah urdsy barrio tar Orr wu one oi bowlers tallna Wt mmmmr Itotc than not lnnlrill town Wlino Launches First girl to ship rrsidcntswers tired and ilnhh was llrldi llarucn and sunbumtd Saturdaystirr com the first adult was Ilcn Carr pletlng smile wailrsthon to The yosogcst writer to tlnisb raba Iirnds tobuy an Iceclean was ilveyesrold licn Nixon lng machine tor the township in won more sndlse prises Rm donated by township businesses Alibutaboutltoilhem starters finished the tret trait 24 Hour Approvals organisers estimated today bout has been raised to 1nd out Mortnsues tow you no call In to start the tund tor the machine which could cost bctween upon and 5003 Tho Innisrll Opdnttrt Club tdthich spurtsorad ihn tacit wIII onno trnn sIor rn oto Ilv yourold Itlrty Dohson oi no id urv erwnilr drills Slroud who had the most at pledges tor the walk tricky will Mum In collect train tor his ellorts Yenmuywm crprlseltwiiurtrs were thl Eva ilnis rrs Paul Gohccn and IOIZIGCIIJL eaIdga How will YOUIooII in this summers lesbians bcsi chaps glances and to shod those rs pounds to gct slim and trim healthy and it by enrolling In your own planned personal Ingram at the Paradise Health Spa In no time It all under ther experienced supervision you can be well on your way to now healthier you this summorl Youll Be Able To Inlay tally equipped hrosdloonred gymnasium Ior men and women litiehaalcst hody reproporttonlag ras rhinrs Dcautliul tempesstrne controer tropical swimming pool ltyglenlostty sure hot mineral whirl pool hath tauna and htesrn Bath ltsssags tisIIIurnla dns Roam Open hIr root garden soil decl Modern shower area Individual Changing Doolba FOR INFORMA OR VISIT OUR DISPL AT COL Olnloruiatien DIIIN it Ovrhss Opts lilsn its Finance Cantos turdsy Ml oeptrd CROSS ONTARIO

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