Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 May 1971, p. 7

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IMHQN Vows Exchanged In Spring Nupiials Induda aI Iblto cInIInIbo nIual Ind pink outed tho Iilor at mmhIII Wed more tor double ceremony Inning which III Diono IdeQIIorrII voel vitb ebIrIeo 0min And erson Ibo hide to the tidal dondlter ol klr Ind 115com 11 RR Dolley btl iboronal Iddkanahn Andorloo VincentStrect luv liIrrle or Craft oilialtied II the to moon Bloch will ag Ito other Toreror Ind Iilo lorde Plover occonlponlod by run bloke constable mm on corn court Given In InIrrIIgo by her thergtbo bride MI nnni Good Deed Pays PoliceIlyTo IIS IONDON IAPI Concu bIeI Jim Popo Ind Alon IiIn voy purbod ItIIted on an deserted street It Hit my In Cordill WIIeI liondIy tth Iierr out loodonl liIIlbroe Airport Ior New Yorl AhoId ol them no IiIdI ireo bolldIy Iadeoilu or The rnIn who tied liner two events together lll Aiox Nation Idmlnlolrllor oi NW Rochelle borleIi II New York III nu the mm In the Itolled cor We govt him push IIII IIIrvoy at tho cor IlIrted Ind then vro IlId chIL role wanted New York police mInI hedge Ilr Norton nid why didnt we both It over to gel III Norton told an tickelI next on The South wnu Oonolobu IIry III uI vae broad new helmet to give to the New York peUco Collapse 01 Tim the plum Result 01 Error MELBOURNE AusIrIIlI AP mltIIke it Uri Ielex operrlor who ordered S000 IhIrII III the nickel tony pIny Pueldnn insloId ol 10 III blIrnId todIy tor the col IIpoc 01 Sydney brnkcrogo ilrIn vIhe llrrn NIIcolm IiIlnI Steel Ind Illii III suspended by the Sydney Stock Dr chInge lodIy lor InIhIIIIy to meet III mmltmcnlr OlllciIiI told the mlllIko ll htonthn Ign cost tho Ilnvl 0310000 Autirollnn 0070000 dgltlldlil belore II was recti 1ny Iddad that the 111 lost her lob Would You BoIiIvo W0 III III our IIIlM Ald Italierice It Denier test dCOUSIICON IIICARINO AIDS The RnrldI First ELLIS IIBARINO AID SERVICE townie Woolworth BIIYFIBLD 0T 1101501 heroin II III nlIkeI Brrrlag elmroo County line It cIrnItionr doe gown tru Ieeeoled with Ippll Into on the bodice It the lots Ind tho bemiino Ibo mot rhlng cIIbzdIi troln III Iran largo ban II the book noble lino tier bouiIInt shoulderlength tell at nylon Illurlcn It ought cluster oi white Itoeerr corded linlohlped beL Inst ni pink not old rrhIIo dairies The Bride II Itth by her older IIIII IIIet ltqlilnle Io mold DI honor Nils Ytendy bic Ouorria sister Ind Ills IIIr Inn NeQuIrrio at on RIngI eonlola were brIdIslnoIdI Tho Illendontr IIrI denoted Ilikn In gowns II bluo Vcnleo IIeI over uileto ttyled with pull Iieoveo Ind but hours They cIrrI booketo oi while dolsieo Int pink cIrnotionI goo Motor broth ItInIId IdeOuIrric OIk Illd the bridoo enuln Ind WI Ira Aadcrton tho brldegronmo bro liter ushered guesto RECEIVE1 001181 For reception It Qurchlii community IIIII the brides mo ther cbaoe trropleco enrrmhlo In longcrlne Ind green with white Icceuorlcr She um rorsIgI ai while meet Assisting the mother at tho groom were dren ensemble In green Ind blue She were can son 01 police roses TthtmoItrr Ind Illsler oi Ceremonies Ior the wedding doneI tblt Iolioved vrIs Norrie Newbie Scbonlberg uncle It the bride For honeymoon In nonhern Ontario tho bride donned Iblto Ind brown pont cult with brown converter The newlyweds viii redde It 00 Nelson Street Butte Ouloitevn gueoto were not from Toronto WIIrion IIad IIverlon Grind Bend Ind IImlII rnld Pope Is unsvlnssnv by MA MIMI mhApllArIII bnsinIII orIIyuuon rolred unnulogcttoknolyeubel In III II to It WILDl1 YIIII he pullmll Iboul cocoon you dont peel doilgbled IDII you III II Tel 00 Ion lPLleuI An old Inuneo done yul tinoath nou ABIRDBPBCTD Yootordoyo meiiIIg rnond oi Icriolsnoos Ind nonunqu ol titndu title In Ird moot InnI IIII be highly or oeIleonlidenl Ind kIIng with InlielpotlaaIad rr tb ren onn Aspects nor IndIeIto gmt hIppIncoI on mInr roots but In lly In raroonrc lrIreI Indoor Intercou Ill Ictlvllles which eoptm the Imagination SUNDAY Much II to April It Ariel Janet buslneol Blon the dry with rtlmuloting compon ans April 21 to Idly Tl ITIIIIIIII letter rent live elro Irlend is on tho uy mull 31 ll Gam vo now to ex rr your linoneiel Inlerrlin due 11 to 111 In Concert Doat Ignnr Inslde InlortnI tlaa but III July it to lg ItalA Icet dIy ne pulling your due beloro lriend IbaeI co aperItinn you be Ang II to Sept in IVIrgaIA C350 cbInro meeting lndIy torrid led to looting iriendrhi Sept 10 II Oct It broi Buccesl IndicIted Inr nerr pro tect rm urnier alumina Dct 00 New mlplot ttnorpeeted round lrIIn III to nunlntonee you onto helped Dec to III II tCoprlcnrni Secret hlpinul mike you one II It IIIrIuIi dlrh tendenclen Iowoqrd ex Ircrnu tllgbllnrsn Dont be misled by tho reckless Feb no to limb to tPIIaesI llcvlevr past Ieekr ellortI Some cbIngeI In IIctILI me ho rcaulrtd LIV LOBSTERS ArIIlIbIe Non It DARRIE SEAFOOD RESTAURANT Air CoadlIIIch Open 11 lo Build to hill 11 to 010 CWBED MON 100 BrIdiord BL cAnrnnI Three my to the run rea Ind IInd complete Iro pIcIi holiday Including lot nctornmadntlon Pick tb him up vorly or Iupelvirod ploy FREBIORI $170 Week MIhyl bloody Planet kviii11m Ind the very best bring the Mill Children have Id IIIvIng you Ireo to Rob swim roll gull shop our III II In the bout nAItnADOS tlsatsgki el holldly you uni JAMAICA $295 uw Irud me Iull deIoIiI on Corlbbeia ourluuo Rofan LEAGUE 7261803 State Oi Ofcers Chosen AlSirncoe if all 25 it in ll En IE 15 Eli go IE minimItem Inner III the rehlndcdbylho AUDITORS Soillh WI Annual SephlI Oonrdn Reum Ind Dnnold Burnett Pom enhanced MI helm RoVCJDWluIISLJohn VIInney comb TbI bride II the dougbler II III Ind Mn Reunen SM Ind IhI brtdrrroomlolbnnlolili IndNILllllPalotM IeIIyIrdI Cooblovrn IPbotn by In mmml Corner 519de vlvovr OF THE SIIIICOE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION WI havo examined tho RIIvnue Fund and Copitol IBuIIdingI tton ooetDacember311970ondtho Stotomonto o1 Rovonuo of Capital Funds tor the year then ondod Our examination Iuch tort of accounting records and orhorlupporting Ivldo In our opinion tIlIII Financial Siatornento prooont Ioirly tho the main at Itooporatlans and the cum and application with accounting pllltlclplll generally accepted for Ontario preceding your Toronto Ontario Mnch 10 1911 THE SIMCOE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET AS AT DECEMBER II 1970 ASSETS 233075 004407 1020207 721000 301007 30000 420203 3102200 Accounts Rcccivable Municipalities Including under requisitions Government at Ontorlo other Due Irom Other Funds Other Assets DclIcIt Predeccssor Boards Is II III 1000 Total LIABILITIES Accounts PIbeIc and Accrued liabilities grglkipnlitics including over requisitions er Surplus Prcdaccssar Boards Is It Jon MB Totnl THE SIMCOE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION CAPITAL BUILDING FUND BALANCE SHEET AS AT DECEMBER 31 1970 in 35570 10050 57172301 $57223720 Cosh Accounts Receivable Fixed Assets lhlal LIABILITIES 1010000 301407 555000 loans or Funds Ind Other Current Liabilities Tempura Due to Accounts PI nbla Long term chi Investment in Fixed Ascot IoiII 112711010 0072237211 THE SIMCOE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION ELEMENTARY REVENUE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUB AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 1970 REVENUE local Trxntion ulslllon Ind Supplementary Taxes ctc Ull or or Over Requisition to he Idiuslad In 1071 Government Ontario Government It CIde other School Boards ItInsier from Reserve Ior Working Funds Other Total Revenue 0243447 411470 7010057 55100 40101 105000 51001 13000770 lXPENDiIURI Business Administration and Computer Services Instruction Educational Services Altencllnco Health and Food Servlccs Plant OperIIIon and Maintenance DIusportnllon Dlltlonlcos gr 110101310110301111 NEIKIEANDCIDIN or re ng pelt ure Debt Chlr to Mom ng Expenditure Totol Expenditure 200241 0301401 03722 0333 1004745 010000 200400 0370 10400 40401 10008770 21045012 Fund Bnieneo Shoeto at tho Simcao County Boord It Educa Fund RIvonuI Ind Expenditure and Soureo and Application nciudod gonorol rIvIovI of tho accounting proceduroo on no or III eanIIdmd noeonary In tho circulnotnneor Inancial position at the Board no It Docombor 31 1070 and of III capitol Iundr Ior tho year thIn ondod In accordance School Board applied on basis consistent with that at th GLENDINNINO JARRETT GOULD CO THE SIMCOE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION SECONDARY REVENUE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 01 1070 mu REVENUE II on Renaulsltlon Ind Supplementary TIxcs etc 0470420 In or or 50an Requisition lobe Idluvtcdln 1011 aircraf Government Ontario 004113 Govemment 01 Condo mher Sdlool Boards lnnsler troll Reserve tor Waring Fundr Other Total Revenue EXPENDITURE Elisltlm Administration Ind Computer Services Instruction Educational Services Attendance llcnlth and Food Services PInnl Opernlion and Minimum mnsportnilon Dlilion Fees Cogilnl upendltures NonAilocnhie Do Chorgfs NonOpcrn ong Ihpendltures Total mendlluro 10 70 021 THE SIMCOE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION ELEMENTARY STATEMENT OF COURSE AND APPLICATION OF CAPITAL FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 01 1970 URC 1000000 303031 82103 so PIr Value oi Debentures tsnlcd Capitol Etpendltllms lrorn the Revenue Fund Other Tolll APPLICATION 1011005 50551 37042 270005 Fixed ASSOC Buildings Furniture Ind ulprncnt School 51th and mproverncnts therto other Total Not Change In Capitol runes Uncx ndcd Funds or IAmoonts Not Permanently Financed nnco It Beginning at the Year Bolnncc It the End at th 0054 TtiE SIMCOE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION SECONDARY STATEMENT 01 SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF CAPITAL FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 1970 SOURCE For WM 01 Debentures Issue Contributions from Governments Ontario capitol cndltures hum the Revenue nd 00M Total 2000270 601170 001001 025000 1050471 432050 01020 colonic APPLICATION 2253000 050554 100740 305020 Fixed Assets Buildings Furniturc Ind IngIpmcnt School Sites and nlprovcment tbcroto Other Totol Net Change In upticlntnds 1207014 Unemded Binds or Amounts Not Permanently Floanccdlv nee It Beginning oi the Year 06073 Balance It the Dad 01 the Your

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