memmmmm unmadesaw din Norrie Examiner Mlahad by CansdIersJiowspepsra Lknltsd 1d Dayllsid Street Danie Ontario Kerry terrible Miisbsranerel Manager Walls Editor Ernestine II McPherson Moneging Editor IATLIDAT seas cs sen raors Sale Of firecrackers Should Be Banned In City eitin baiors belo re leased from lai This Is not an isolated cue Every yeer some youngster receives Injuries sometimes at serious nature There havembeoln hsiesta whereuehlldhen hate or ogornsye rougeesre Iesety tossed iisecracker Generally Nr Kean said recrackers are nuisence to the tire and poles depertoients Compleinis are nude Irb nuently oi youngsterslbroasng tire crackers through car windows or lose Ing them at other children and adult Ummiil bylaw liould provide tor hi sale and use oi treerotten within the his sour sis ci ssu es patio arc enniai Park this weekend Chic Keasi is not optimised liis Is sensible plan which should hire been implemented sears ago One does not base to explode itrmckers to let call it balanced Iorce reduction Mr Kosygin you call cII your boy and 11 call oil mine QUEENS PARK mmmnmm as City council should support proposal by Fire Chiel Dan lieut to ban the sale oi recrackers in Barrie sir Iieast is draidog bylaw which will be submitted to council al In early date Fireworks displays date back to the jubilee ot the late Queen Victoria The Queen died In IDOI but the tradition of celebrating her birthday on or near Nay 24 has continued Al er so years the signliiceoce oi the event In lost in to dais children in tact It had little meaning to their parents eodeven to their grandpereots apart Film the tact that celebrations were linked to Canada as nation However we have Domin ion Day July and reworks are not explodedon that occasion except at special events The chlei believes the risk oi tire crsckers transcends the tun ior children The risks are obvious Thereis always the danger oi tire eodnsorc nn ortant there Is the danger oi Injury to dren This month liryeanold Barrie bo autiered thtrddegree burns lie in WWva Good Grooming Gets Jobs mm WORLD There mas be something to be said tor both sides Long hair and weird beards are no way to judge the abilty oi todays young people Sense of the smartest boys hare scraggly locks and strange beards But what the youth apparently over looked was the tact that what these particular rms required was desires and orthodoxy When they turnedshlm down it had nothing to do with what he knew They didnt take him because Ann Lenders who goes through Iie smoothing the athvrays tor the true iraled and dered bad new rue tamer recently In her column which runs in The Observer ZOyearold youth took his troubles to her It seems he had Russians been looking tor job ior seven weeks In that be was not alone lililions oi boys around that age have been looking Ior jobs longer than that But to his credit it must be said he was persistent Things were looking up The last three places he tried looked promising but be weeni hired despite his crueltilca tlons So he decided to check back to find out why All the personnel heads told him his qualications were eIceI President Nixon now says that hams shim mi arts at or assume bdrm art arts dslenslve missiles but economists it at his looks did not iii In with their Idea up mum mm of adornment and decorum Another thing the lad iorgoi wss that matrix mil $f intelligence and ability were no more us and Russian Iroan Irora conned to those with long heir than More In HIM matte both alleviale and deieaalve their brothers who chose neatnsss its 0rd Russian tumMu to weapons discumd In particu en the choice oi two boys with equal Wmnwmi hr hunts stated the medium diurnrsn on peri teal but his appeersnce was against personnel men gelect gm Wm missiles to Europe dis him thdrawn and most at these pg meMnnnnlo in mm mm misusinlilal Illonlttlhe was the long haiiqriduehorfibeeidui we tisven eeonmiwhieh sentry midrib are bmmroiapmmiilzl which he was particularly tend esaiti cannot allord enough tops would some are mounted on mobile mu mum mnfu he Ilnalty asked the last guy II he seem best tor this longsheired boy to huntbmtndInthcrviorrdii would hire me it cut my hair and either take his abIlIlIea where his looks IIIiiIIiiiWiWW By Pilll DEAN rarch Astairs Assisss than there has as non outliers rurper protection legislation on lllssna timetnlaksan assessment iii Premier Devis in mum and his Iovarnsnant The soalri Iault oi the tuitb LIME has been ill W7 merit in last would seem to pp months and publlelelnl or mutual hAI been alttbig tor tire mm curious srosr Importing Caniels PdorMove Org cursory reection shori rornrngr rod troubles coins to mind much more quietly than achievements for tlvrl Lithographer one remem made In the Throne speech over the supposedly new housing pro gram llorrwwotk hasnt been done im piiim Homework Not Done km mmmd mun mm mnmym Biitlthaeooibeenregiaicrial strongly the poslive action shaved my beard lie sal That was enough straight In the eye and nid you and walked out mhs looked him Nuis to INTERPRETING THE NEWS There Is Talk Of Panthers Reaching ForBespectabilily Iii BiEPllLN econ NEW YORK CPi The latit itani Black Panthers may end up the losers because ot two landmark victories In United Sister courts this month It Is Ironic but the radlcal Negro group which many say preacher violence sway ado into obscurity partly because It was Impossible to convict some at Its members on charges at vlolr core The group has won worldwide plrumlnence because at Its tough lk Itr coritlnulng dispute with police throughout the U5 and an atmosphere ol martyrdom considerably enhanced by two long trials that now have come to an end Early this month IT Panthers most at whom had been in jail tor more than year were sc get listeners that it was Impos stole lnr them to get air treats rrwnt In the Ull Over the last year the got miles at new paper puiilcily out ol the lrlala alone They could charge police hrur laIlty ollcn with justice and their remarks were well re ceived In some quarters be cause Arnoslcar police have re ism an uniortunole Image II to result oi demonstrations around the country Scale Is case In point III was not null known when be Ill arrested In Calllornla III months sun on the New Haven charges STOPPED IN CHICAGO llu came cost by way at Chl eogo where he was clsorgcvl wills others with Inciting in slot during the lots Democratic quilted iri Nsw Iiork on chargesin ttuitution lie became oi conspiring to bomb depart rneni stores and police stations and to murder policemen Even members oi the jury were surprised at the speed with which they reached decl IIon alter an civilmonth trial and legal proceedings that are estimated to here cost more than it million And then this week In New Never Will Black Panther chairman tlob heels and Er icka llupginr won dismissal oi charges aid In the death at In other Panther IoIIowlng another long and costly trlel N0 AGREEMENT The jury In theheaic lrlali could not reach agreement and the judge dismissed charges against the pair Itlrr saying It would be Impossible to get an unbiased jury In retrial These legal proceedings plug the trial at this Chicago whlc at one time Included Beale gcvi eroiod considerable dlsrornlort In the iinllrd states The Panthers had been looked on with aueplrltiti end hostility by man whites and blacks out aeouire an Iura ol respectabil lly as many respected persona charged that tier were being unjustly deelt will by police and that the court cases against them were unwarranted The Panthers could lay an downright Iarrwus there tor his actions in the lrlsl and lhc Incl ihot ho was bound and gagged by the ludgc at one stage lie was sentenced to qur years In prison Ior contempt oi court there matter that Is up tor appeal The thcago trial soured some liberellypilnded people on the US judicial system Now alter the two Panther trials In the Hall dlllerent kind at rcrnark Ia being board An example was the state ment by Jack Greenbesg rosin acl dlreclor ol the National As saclatlun tor the Advancement ol Colored People lollnwsrsg lhu New York trial The verdict reeliy runs con trary to all popular nslsroncep lloiu he its an lssdlee ilon that the jury system Is con sidering the tarts and the law New Vurk atllclrl oi the it NAACI sold that this will show those on all sides that It is possible to gel is air shake within the system Tirol that ol publicity the rude col groups can do without At the seine time New York newspapers covering the shoot lo at our policemen two ta ta are wading slaloman ol praise sym athy tor the police department rpm the pre domlncntiy black llsllem dlss trlct on weekends Ilie Sarnla Observer EZEZLLIMTMWTHEUJWWWIWEI Tam certainly an era to he harklaro develop agslnsl radicalism that threatens police oillcerae change tor the pigs who have been the else jest oi wrath to meat years In the past blsek rsdleal antlers have risen and then rub aid to the US Not many do not mstler or get haircut and BMW shave and buy wig to express himsaii rummammmms In the etenings and The itsrte Examiner Id Baylleld Sirect Barrie Ontario Telephone Second Clue ltali licebtrano Nunibel MM lieturn postage guaranleed Dally husdapsrnd statutory llo ldays esccptod Subscription rates daily by center we weekly also year Single copies loc hy mall arrIe Lid yearly himcoe County idiot yearly Balance at Canada more yearly All other eountrice moo yearly Motor throw oil Nailonsl Advertising out its University Avenue Toronto ltd Cetiieart st iionluel Member at the Canadian Press and Audit Bureru cl circula yeera ago wellreported eup was the Students NonVolent Coordinating Committee That group has changed Its name and Isdcd into obscurity it is time to wonder whether the Panthers also will lode or disappear Into respectability as they lose ubllclly continue the Internal bettering that has III Panther ranks end as another radical group strokes the screw Usually there Is talk within the ranks at dropping violence and working through the churcheswithin the system IMPERIAL IHEAIRE Illbara hour you been The Canadian Press Ir rsclus lvely entitled to the use too re publication al all news dispatch es tn this paper credited to It or The Alaoc aied Press oi Iteutcr and also the local nawr puhilab cd therein The Ildrrte Examiner claims Copyright In all original edverv tls rig and editorial material cre sted by Its employees Ind rc produccd in this Murpsper Copyright lteglatruilon Num ber with register It their own but by then the US had changed be View and was IcUiely worried about the new gIanI ollcrislvo rockets Russia was building It would be vain to speculate whether the current agreement represents victory tor ltusslan rlplomacy or Ior Yunkco rhrewdocss the Important tiilvig lI lhet the two alder have agreed on lilo inevitable which is to discuss both ollcrirlvr and defensive weapons slmuItane ousiy It Is already obvious that the Russians In discussing mutual troop withdrawals In thumps will not he sstlslisd with what Bcnalor lllkc llansileld had In mind He wanted to reduca tho number oi noncombatant roops which have clustered round US lighting men In Eu rope snd reduce also the space such troops occuW reducing thereby the land laser the us pays to European governmcrr on which It keeps Its troops The total bill Ior the U3 loses In Europe la ill billion Ir tl halt cuidd be rut the lorelgn exchange dcilcit would disappear iturrlI could not care less oi courses about this rIda Issues at troop with drawolay The ilusslans will wont US sssbslla units to lcavo Europe and the basic decision Ior lid and lot the Europeans will be on how best European do lento can be guaranteed anti II It rteoda to be guaranteed by the mm us It all NOW PLAYING PM PM Brathariahttartd what are you doing hare nauir restrain survivors Lusts upturnuuuu nil Iiiiliuul risotto larasnrneaded It Mi mm ComtngLSeen liOTI GOULD In LITTLI MURDER NOW PLAYING TILL MONDAY ENIIIIIIIIII iiii SE8 The government apparently didnt know what Isl new pros Irn wsr sup used to be Arid thsveryw eI criticised Then to the dget speech there was the suuted ilva per cent torgct on civil service In crcrisoa This was pcrhnpg good longterm step But It was poorly Isplslaod And It up peered as very bad politics is an election year Again there Is tin controversy over the Niager Escarpment tend purchaser This oi course really had nothing to do with the Davis rovemmenl but it still Ia reecting agelan It NOT llililaiclllNO The mind really hrs to delve tor the achievements But when you do so delve there Are some One would be the progress thai has been made In dealing wlila thsdoctora on medical in surence liealib Minister Bert Lew rerses has detlnllely moved the relationship between the medl cai pmteuloo Ind government step ahead there havent been any eon cute volulia as yet but there Is no climate and one tliet was needed Then there have been other advances One has been the new policy ot leasing oi recreational lands and giving Ontario residents priority Still anrttier has been the new pro rarn nl venture capltsl Ior am Industrr and Incentives ior Canadian ndustry By BOB BOWMAN Alberta and Saskatchewan eon alwsya he tnislod to come up with the mutual so perbeps It Is not surprising to record that Alberto had dlnoeeurs end British Columbia had camels The dinosaurs were legitimate but the camels were not Ii Iyrvell great Carin dlan explorer Iound tha ltrst dI nosaur skeletons In lied Deer Valley In tool It was title at the most Imporlsnl Iclcnlllc dla covcrler oI Its time The Idea that carnels would lhrlia In British Coinrnbis woe the brainchild oi Prank Lau meiiler tcamster who carried supplier to the Cariboo country train the coast during the loot gold rush The usual rsielbo was to trsnsport the supplier In tralnr composed oi to mules each carrying sou pounds Leumoleler decided that cam els would be better Ihsn mules They could carry hesvler loads and fa long distances without drink or water which was problem In the arid Cariboo country So he brought it cam els in ltrltlsh Columbia and began iislng them on the trail BIBLE THOUGHT lur led hath not called us unto useleaaaess hui Iris hol Iaese Thelseioalaar tit Clean living goes long way toward clears conscience dill monorail IAAvtli Filllrrtl BUM liltile mild biiiiiihbli Biiiii iiiiiii Firsts nurses ODOIOD KENNEDY lie overlooked one dillteuib thetrcamela emailed awful tent ied the routes they met the trail The resides would into the woods or tell down ons and be killed laumelrter iaced so many lawsuits that had to abandon the eanielsll The curate also terrified ple Victoria newspaper ported on May it that smell had run home great lri and told his that he had seen two hassle with bumps on haste corssln along the The tether not believe story but took hsevy slick went to Investigate The paper re continued soon II he eyes tattered the monsters his own departed and vvlth blanched cheek and trembling steps hastily regrlned the shatter his own hornst The monsters were and scoop camel which cspe ater being train the ship which them to British Columbia Other Evenili tell Cartlcr relied France with colonists son Father Allouee brated liars It Nlplgon ibesl west to that time ltuludgellocpu ht ot Canadians set Indisnr as slaves till Joseph iioucher journey up Soth Bsataichswrn River to build Fort quicre supposedly near gary uow riaviuo ADULT rurcarniuuaiir VIRUSOF DOOM ENVELOPS THE No Bidder or Grass