all mild Stops Rocket QUEBEC lCPi Justice wmwu prune shsdaleil cr cum WOUIZUI New Chancellor WINDSOR Ont CPI Cont inonI Specter Lucien more no wII lnIiIIled reunites II chrnceilor oi the University at Windsor III replIeee the isle Kelller it liechy iorrner lleotensntgov ll thirty iEittends Contract it renouro icri John White Ontario minister oi curl rrteerity eliIlrI Inld Friday lint meter SwsnnI conlrIct II idtreeter oi the lion OntIrto Ire tetra to recreates the ol rpcciIiorI illusetun will be extended sis lmenthe lit SwInn lied been sched tiled to lure the position June so beeIuse oi dItIgreement wlth trusteel Ibottt tho Idtriinie ltrtlon oi the museum ilr while lsid the extension would Iilow runs oi menso encntconsuitenietotrytoaetitr the dispute lir White IIld In In trier view ml the responribilttlu ot the director and bored ol trot clesr Iseres cy ge in ech othcrs wry once In while MobiIeCoininuniiy OTTAWA CPI one or two mobile hml communities will besctuptnAibertIthleyeIrII Irt oi thoo million tederIl log progrrm tor rm Cen trri Morthge Ind llouelng erd FrldIy Alberts is Ilene Imong the prerinceI in endorsing the treller communities Ides Iiob est Andres minister responsth tor housing told Commerce committee lhursdey other provinciri murstcipeiiv tics have objected to suggeI tions that such communities be set uphcsrid Can Be Sued TORONTO iCPt Toronto doctor sIId Pridry thrt OntIrie doctors and hoIplIIlI cIn he Ittcd it they treat petiente under tl yeIrs oi Igc without the con scntoIpIrrntI Dr Writer IlennIh chlcl el obstetrics Ind gynecology II Womens College IiorleIl sIId this psruels problem betIu tyincreerlng number oi tern ell require medchI ortmln lone ior venereal disuse rin trIecptiue devices or Ibertioru lie told conlercrice on the use at the mother Ind her bIb thIt doctors generally In cep the word ole pItlent it she is pIiIcntt sIvr rheI it the doctors dont sit Ior birth certiltcslrr he slid PlaygroundPIan TllUNiim till it rnohlle IIyuoond project to He Ittt generste ruinrncr re rertion prongms to sure com munittes tn the Thunder Bay Inn will begin oprrItlon July Insurance Facilities With experience to corn piste the Irlllltiloti Cell the trained Mir list PIrtl Quebecolr rosr Ooterio in Incepting iIsnotueus IIid be wss piersed thItli will brig hlrn closer toI div re rrprercrtlstite group of young people Their incense he IIId deserves to be heud by leaders at both gov erernent end unlrersltlcs All ol us either In govern ment or in unlvenlly must in Ill humility open our berrtI nd ernor ttie position its in may lnstInch Im to the chIrIbliuy cl change We Escaped EUDBUNY CPI Oiiiciele oi the Bomb industrlnt IIrm slid two ihyeerold prisoners trom Widen 0ot eIpred Thursday night not two dIyI Ilter their rrrtvI gggg gEE gg 5gi ring rsrercninete retiree throngtstheupscr npldsbclrrr phatiogmrrtirgmrsits lee Ines Ind bleed barrel er placed to the riser try the when crew itlming nocnrocoierr In the lilll iIinIIy oi NlepIrI hill The burel wII Irony but bundlinthepeetheve contrineditneirtberl oitbeirm in who hIrIwonIIineiotheir dIrederIietuniI rod rescue etv their to the riser Alter plummeting dorm the hits the heart ume hecb Into IIgtil deeply denied on the top end on Wit code MIior lliii the most iIrnouI living member oi the iIiriIIy wIiched the lllmiill Ind rigecdi Iutogrrphs tor some oi the too or so onlookers in no oi the innin to win tome res illiliirm itiedt illli who trIseIled through the Whirlpool iinIdI isi barrel on Orrtrtsnes Deg to Other mem rs oi the iIrnlly rde IIrriIiIr tests in euro in ii Ild oi two sheets tied together altering Ire ltIndolph Edwrrd items serving one you ior suto theil himplng bsil Ind pI roiI claim ihlliIIm Denis serving one yeIr In It teenpted tbeit Dies In Eire GONE BAY Ont CPI lielrn lee ti died eIrly irldsy when lire broke out In her oneslorey buninow In thII Benitoul iIIInd community Iill trees body iourvd In theltvtng room by volunteer Semen who extinguished the III Tax Holiday QUEBEC CPI The so Irhe Quebec government In the lens leiure PrldIy the nesting no yeer tIs hoitiley to In Ontrrle mining comprny which pins to ship copper Ind nickel concert lrstes out It the tingrvs district oi northern Quebec licsourcer it It us Gilles Blilil LAWRENCE litterCare Probe OilAWA CPI ontIrIe lteIIlh illnlelrr Bert inurean sold rrtds he may set up public inqu Into IltercIrI ot reiIrded persone reiessed Irom OMIrIoh Ilo IIld decision on whether In lnvestlgstlon Ihouisi be held will or reIched within two wceltI ltlr Lewrence wu speritng to meeting It the Ohm die lrict council oi the Ontrrie lion pltal AIIoclIIJoo The Onterio beside minister told he II concerned Ibout the record desth ei retsrded in dlen boy and IniurIeI sullered hyI retardcd men while both were working It dilicrent IIrmI nesr the OtthIIres common lty oi Richmond Ont Dollars shrink IIouses increase in real value Compare the price of any house today with its value twenty years ago Its upwey up Hedge against creeping ination by buying home right now AVicierie and Grey mortgdge could be the smartest deal you ever mode Got it today at Victoria end Grey VG 7hr senior Trust Company sieveId IniIIIIy to testing the peeyie Ontario COMPANV SINCE 1869 SterenAnderson oilhI the wiserst ii eoteoouiIIgoothis teecuereohrs oer HIM Iiildtle ymw Irdeerrelteepeheileelesetr Conunlonllre uNiioivuoti LoSobre II the lowestpriced fullIlse llniclc you eon huy lint youll never crime by its Ieolts its the wny It drivel Fulle styling end curved liorl rides Itnte Buickr luxurious styling tlsornc Itloldcr form come in Kcewielr cloth vinyl The business crime Iriety being ieid to Iulo reier new II gnoil thief more It will result in better rlrIv for ererne An tnnlriy tier driving or everyone rneuts liclier IsiinneII ior or My Buick II something in hellero in llui why were trying in snslte it my to be ine hipulllnk in inrty retirees thrt worlr tIiensselveI You dont here to do Inytlring to on awcr steering litil power from rIlIo llllltLI ore Itendnrrl Antl liulnier Ananrlvn ll front gives you the smoeihcshoror Buick ride ruuin weer very or mmunnhnrsu twoweeholdlly Meltedorrhle heed ieedieg oi worn it be Photo lectures or end vinyl or III pension llrrru world Lille Sith Irrl licImI And the 73 is rig iii rs 53 it El is $5 use them llut lhItI tint III you an die Neceueo oiiBuiekiorlsiXiisylosurs Centurion relics once Where When leaves off with resin futures like dSSculrIeInclsihtnSport Coupe with vinyleovcreii fennel reeilisic and notclilseclc front ecet As on nil big Unlcitshutnmnilo transmis slots ll Itonclnrsl Arril ilisroI tr dotihlcupnntl rosri Ilini runth drivingyenr Ilulclrn quiet pIcIIuro 80 drop In to your Iluiclc dealers lloil give you iueru good ren IonI to buy Buick llui two may ieItureI two oi the Iorncthln Ilse must eiiictlve Irier ieIIurn rriIIl rinr Ire Irlilerl to our cm or lnylsody II ThIt return is you Aurl the wry you drive lisich Ihuulcl he deieisrirsly Arirl reetiil Ariil Inlser Were Ill IIs thl together And together we cen solve the Into IIirty problem once Inii iur Ill Ariil the tires Is new one yahror In steerin coluninAnil therNIrgo rrlbetwecnllsa trunk Illll heels seei cy stIIt working even bciore you get In the Mr Inoet sltel areworthleee unless you do Is lIrIt In Ihuulilrr lielll Unistencil they do nothing And youve seen enough ItItiItch tn ltnow whet sliiieroore they ceo Inrlte So BuickViilne Sometiilngtoholiosuln this nurywin up to You cert enter Gills hiONlJYMILES SWEEPSTAKES if youre 16 or over 930000 Aslr for full dctIlII It your rlicileing ute deslcrI Illil here vslltl driverI licence You dont hsve to buy thing Enlrice must be In by Itlry 31 1971