usnw emyc33 lt khaki toet lnsneetnssnyhande halltodnwdednetlrssethel permetbirnto assesses Egagggf ii Es 53 tiittiVISlou vacuums VlUAlDIDAIIIZIIUnAwlIDIONTO IMHONEON ll lAht1Ll0N Til ll 10th HIM LM ill Evy Woe cm liOmy and Got It letews Him Iaattwtrte WWI IM Him but WOW IHuill TM Game permutation HMO IMY EVENING me ante aUeem were bttl we Hut PYhtl Year Lita Ioterve Camoutt ttIeeeetey billthtlllel III Hasty Vllllgiu Hutu Imooaetnta eon ltaerem Well Ileil ift It IMVH mm Im trite else lMoele ilev em rma tons ltnnlmnotls son Illonsnre It lath Nlm terrede IeII Hmle milmirth one iIfMiumere eenm Laotian Ilia MilMind Imus boilMilli MM Hm ante eater ttNate lime LI om Morenaelm Uterine WIIIM my IMovie Germ at Dasterei eMm the Ometh Home Movie MIN Willi HM mi Int II It WI The Third DI WI Pr Htswa Haiti tlomia Prim Charlie dUNDAY MAY liiOItNlNO AND AFTERNOON It lII Nutrith HIM aoaea itihi we Herinoel IIorat loosen me 5inch and Jerry 74am haughty 40 min Havel MM Hilton lCIItIIo teeth Iul hile ill teed ego lIoeaetahtn tiItslten lemma Manner IHmloe saneII lien sout Inherit Hemers me HMth Seika IiIbllldl nae um um eeatm amt Ewen tum tiAudubon Theatre etm tatrrm 74M Ci Item Melt Iunmatr Mileage liIiIm tartan Ill bFllaour aIeverta etooett homer bibitem OIIMIII lizuollivlt IlFiyirtp Nun fa id at emie IIVlny mm lime bMNlrr WlltMy itWortd oi hleney tee Loomutter IMaVarrm ILIIIII IIOIlNINlI VILWINDt MONDAY tilt MilOla IITCeeteln ttanparae tiMoec loom nibIN Orleans ltll delian Owrrnel nee iEleventh MM ecoetetl Hope titaneta tam Heoosr Mili We It lFwn News um 1year west or mu the intents etesern roe tomorrow Marta Inert FF intttorns It MY Ollliilh eLuunm one list leiiews ltII built Met mug Mite mm tiltinllllel that teem Iitll IVhil liil atten iliilM It Dim idmriheheo IItN transom AN leel mated Altar Math ihI leult oi Martin Cellial Hihvm IIWIIIIM NM IlthiI living world Itill haunt in MI ANewemller Illtl ltvenbsed ll Lka WNW III at 1mm LIN Own eweHelm nu awm Ioole HM it tremte Goal To he later Hmiop Heme am iiTeneeie It It ii MTV Inuit ldili It IMeei he eMU ant ItiD SUNDAY iii to EVENINO Has are IUnleted World 11 lb Iwovld Dllmy LlIliil Cosby lMDEMI MINI 10 will LN Mlle ttMovie lDlivnvtI Amticen we Ilttl Itill your atete tones stat Ilill may ill Hm Iirds vs me Rigel let om bah temnbdtl 104 id Itartvolt twt ill tttll IME elite iii Tom III IIntd cm tIWoeltlrid eanventor iIhI PMIYM Jilin MD mil tel IMEIA It Hews Iltll In Ill IDineh LUKIIII tMen mp tarts lNewa latte ionesntrslion itltFeienoiy 01M Itnn thNDAV lilAV It AIIIZILNOON ratt My httnm or HM rnu name at Anny ltoellte lIIt llMovia tire rare Alibi Iili HCI It lioa heteiloiss WMW lml Hit the World them Let North Mute ms Hist asset itll lDeys at our lives 51an Wt For lldltl Here Is Marty Islander hi evmet on arid Heeth om Till icociws IEII Allen Molding tight viii IFsmovt Jvr Way cot lHIIVIIg Clilg thawein reteoiean Mark try iii anti on Selma Iluiini Dtunl IMovie For The by llImerl On made It utheteidoanrt Fnrn theta YNIIII Ineeltl ilIiltiltvi entreeM The Plan APiMiltl taro WM teoace hambth TWlWi Teeth lNew Meluily telrn ot Jeannie liLov It American tutorialera liNti hm MITNetti IiiIitietI lyie TMevta lastpet Mnlil titumnretooel bMIIV Oriitln ttru Physician hAtavie the Don OMcvie sentth Wore llieeteel IbUemr Allstl 1A treats et Wow evnvla rthisiie it Eetort Haiti eter lttltbiiltep My Line hFlvilvi rieee Hher italane 1Hoti Flmrmd inverse oi Lite out to nation streat Om TIIIiI Tell hill tlrrdlr It HInoiher Woetl II II il III eleteet Iiovm lGmrel liplpitll ma en Night Home tr Tom Mewate wtan Irlev levtts ae titanium III Itt dollop oiiwa be es en hittHIies ltle liOulr Medeae or munec 92 emoional stream sierra as tneen damage truth the brain item iiiai Do you It That can occur to people without any It at it to other membere oi tIenity tree Do you mean leeblerninded pearl it so whet Iindl long in breeding in roots tettaitiea has resulted in virtually all oi the oliepring being leehlemtnded In think it it ropes to say it ie inherited lat tcsee there are other typee oi mental rub normality which are related to detects in the ehrerroeomes httl doubt is could be celled inhcr Congenitsl perhaps but then nte do at have the same condition Therettegooddealyettobe teamed shoot great may type oi emotional problems it is possible thet In may use some tendencies may be inhera tied but still my not develop into serious troobice unless the individual is subieeted to severe See why say you are argu lng an impossible overtionl Dru Iir Thoieeon tthat would the reeulte he health wiee lrom drinking rusty well water over period oi years dietimarydeilmiiu gotteneoundntladwhtch MoatntoItInytblnpr oi the mini Thats not 0r degeneration ot JULIET JONES Arm are rich woe oi riteenln However the hire is highiI in citric acid When later an teeth iienoe id aunt Ida toateed then hneeh your teeth or eat some load Dee Dr Meat should diabetes blood test he teheo he loreameslorslterlcanyou use hroen sugar lawn or white when you have disheteet OblaD Your doctor may want iIel in let rrteInlng helare you have eaten linlthda yd or er race on the tolortnetion he mm no be will tell you what time at day to have the teat isles and whether to eat belore it You see the ellicary at either insulin or diabetes pillt le quged how well the sugar level in blood iIIrtItntIined throughout the is For exem pie patient taling Iinde am at ineultn in the rooming may have low super level in the elterooon but high level by the loiiowing morning Tats would ienply the need tor more ituuiin late in the day or possi bly different type at insulin darladiustmcat in the psttcnie Strand oucttion No you cant substitute brown su Ir tor DL MONDAY lith tm putOrnate lOIMY Mull Itemt allele rill tIt Dream ot ieeetetie arram ll MW at IIip VIildV mm acier Vs Byte Iaen ceuv Ieeum labile man IMite Couples Hie will the elder ttMtstton tmaoattate lhl hrseen Di Jeannie iIiiig Family oom ilmdkll It HITFront dill Allin Italians mltml IA tMv than here Good VI lTe Tlil TM Iltdh IIIwiIrM ililo Ioerte With Love Halliitem ribNH WIIIMI llPsety dentMI with me aokt Van over sounamte elvth o1 manners INewstWIIiner tooet IUIJ it snemiar Hillbillies LIIWoody Woodpecter It lMevte bCoe IMO iiMI FMWIO ACMEI leeettiul bleettlyrttl mother liiplnnrr otysnta Mom notimh liltnttan river 1IiVarditt gnIIds taligrrenhla response Idhltirreturing mend llllinsllsgen IaJAthend litlivs mleapoini TLTerstelent nltetcit nttuliix tlNsvy orcger annotate um giii 240lrtInnmI aacttnty oonllned 2604am 21etp texettedi MThlnsottrr 2ithpirI ornament libFtIheggI IiIAtirtenoit 3tilitliime Inteoovrr tlwda Jailede allempt hhAlsrge lunar iHiInI nickname ODIrtIlt orserhel DOWN Llltttalitl sword Mutatant lHctrer movis menece lawns llttstortsns nthieet tittixdtd Midlian city Tutu1 hingnii quue thltorror movla setting idea AXNDL lI LONOI VZX NCIILVITKX wannaants nv uvounlv Yeetardeys Centennial IT IlFill Wilton ladohneey Ith Me Mom and Mertlrte peltretirian 1etIIIy one name CR IVIrietr laertet titer In the try the no Delliaedi tt ride Alter It ll DIV hPil lt Whillil 21 Prepare ration DAILY CNYIIOQUIYIEIleiol how to work tit one letter simply stands tor another In this sample is used tor the three Ls tor the two 0s etc alngte leilerI Ipostmphen the length and emotion oi the words are all hints Each day the rods ieiierI Ire dIllerent Ceygrtngrutn quotation white Sugar is sugarsn di Ihettr moat avoid it It EVENINO Itrorulde ttttertn were sure rye SECREI AGENT DONALD DUC BLONDIE Mum omitted eMvetc Itanwt Mitt rem bViewpotni mm Irina rm Oliiiin twmwii iIPierea lerion Bn 4onon the iotseti llltl iMovie Fame re rm ill Centre Pepe Icy er out CFO Iittel in true Ham Mine mo tree Moan Isa eerevte torn lettie ot Mil iDIIK CRIN Alive Playroom DiiiLY CROSSWORD idloeeum olthe cornice sunny days 21mm also lesvea or pnhtt heirlhll Allwel er ratio than amnptnntton Well known Ilsaia id Once 21 dlohn it Smith Airtth DAAXB HLLOIV rtrtt nuttv ttatzr EU VZX UUIV Vlin ltNI VON attit iNOAUIIIIIINHK ll ALMOST DhiiINlllOli or nrurntttttrr are tilt an out were home erraticrs lAiN CAltthAL matter to tilt Kiu lIewu thdhib law university It the Air BUZZ SAWYER BARNEY GOOGLE rated this ran danufetha mon rtevanertinrtmore um return as our ro ocI avers enter the Lima QRINO eras one to match your mood and your budget Turnstile errouts AI Ill dtCK AND lith or TAKiN rant were are DAYIIIILD 51 PHONE more arms ethane iNG CALLON ti ANY MINUTE LUCKY HAD oust 55gt PHONE PUT iN MY can FOR PHONE UWERSTAND Wi HEILN AND tilt illlt PM WITH Wit 10 AW Phi AWN Kiiilii rate iEEtLE StP cairnnnrrttmr HOW ve itilETli tnsr BATCHI voters cotom etts cave OUT TO LOVE LW AND wiltiiiiii Civil UP over THE RIVER LIKE WE ervnsilvttousro 01th to rovers tear CNN TEIL iiS BEEN WAYERED DOWN THATS FER SHES USING THEGARAGE