mummumnimmnimu REAL ESTATE INSURANCE iiovutos Dont hurt to mute you lNSURAhCE And II Ieed utrl eoieripe oi Airy kind it STEVENSONS III DLNIDP hIr i1 13 MORTGAOES IMMEDIATE lst Ind 2nd Iiortgrge loans An hen ON ALL one RARMS AND CDMIEBCIAL PROPERTIES LTC to UP VALUATION II You Need Mm in eoimtidstn debt oi lulu mtmu ODr Tmrtnro min on Home immoral Arr worthwhile non Virito or Phone Mort rge Funding 123 St mbrEOnusTiomMoringe at Brains Association REAL BTATI ORIENT FOR SAL ESRLImi lelEAL ESTATE ENTERTYFOIWI GRIESBACH In IIIn rm Wit It ills It IL when It may era ll ACRE DAIRY FARM over my mm rm IkaI use REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE prorem row me vrorem roe nu pm we PRIVATE SALE commit EUNEAwiv It ll twin is Ereg mu rise new II VI hI Tzoivts WW We waTArEhinsm Orr hie WRONG home with Ittschod rings SIRIITl bedroom brunt with suiehed inge breaewu toot shed lurid yard and pupil driveway NI price only 31mm FOIL Till ILANDYIIANlti storey rider home with bedrooms NWEMNIILSIHIMOOLITIIILIHIIWDI kidney frontage Owner will hold lint mortger PHIL DEUCE FOR QUICK SALEInested lust minutes trorriBIrrio is this bedroom biminoIr with lull basement and curtains Included in thI price largo ginge wtthwn totltoxltalmdmwrneollodm will hold Ilrst mgr Elliot SibliDuTPeiturtng bedrooms brnrdiaom er living mo piece bath ind electric hit This are yerr nid hone lsmlyllbortdrlnirunillnilsndprindhtuhlmm HOV Vol maino1 ems VIII cl Inst iii II III mom schr Ill rd ill be In is have mill are units UK IVAVI uil emoi my winm 1m am new In mus IIIM A31 emu bum gum viiem Internist bedroom storey Ind IhsiiPIsAtlodlImllyrooiotn grrgmwgwa nie Hemmer gIrIge Drii llIry Dean tundra mum ins wont Aul It MA MI Pthrl II US$10 llotlr mm and run is miles mils cut at arrrie Ueenied or EMMA are 23 Wm endocrine oi iiiii LT LOT TIPS see remitted grenade Cali tin Griesbuh un eouevuewutn mewvw no StlAhlY RAY in rm we um mm II iieiutiiisl uteriroiit home lifr Mm rsiioruiil Im wmm duh rm lsnltilig rut ind mom en with hreELIIst NT wt amid It in Ito dining room Trith without mine Inc you Est us Extrema Remix TOM iii iiiitflrutuiiir ru Flmdy room It ground Ierel has handsome stone ttreptsre Iuil As and many extra Priced tom CItt liri semi Osiris mm mm MVIV transit or Invite no we em Orterbsrh ior Ippolntritent it corona haml tm teem Iinl rm titled llriilr room air M30 NMW LII Iiitt wirn nary mow rues lull MIMI Mll IIWIM Icl MAIN lrtl Ml SI BROCIIS DHCII SPECIAL lovely yeir round tottsge with In minutes to Reach or bal rnoms Spsrlous living room with oor length window Drau tLtully lreed tat Road open Iii min 01 ltlghwry 31 north tum writs Irrr lime Armin AttANDAtE HEIGHTS nous nurarmi morsymemtsrmrrer ilotidsy in Lillie Amos Milieutedioan Avenue oilch NH MIMI MD Willi iiorinm 870 25 YEARS TO PAY elesner other Ioou housing in lilo with uriIoader Market ior It milk per mr Prib Id very nosorrsbly lot quiet in moon Bil Del Jenoey was No All MINELiG Country living with low taxes Nice bedroom home with broadtooiri IiIi Ittiebed gsnge noon down payment Ind errty possession CIII Mrl Atkinson rims NO 01 THE PERFECT NIT HOME bedroom brick bungalow Eu end toelion tth bedroom or den rcr room Iith bar Cong welltried lot this your appointment now Mn Drown Tram MIS GIIIDREN GROW HOUSE DONT So heres pisre lhstr ltleei lor growing isniilvt bedrooms li baths iinisheri rer room Ird Iltirhtd garage All schools In within withing dis lnnre oi this home loeslest In the Fast end This sttes built estatev home it listed It um Colt George ttorrnti mm I263 Nu Lil MYIS CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN bedroom home 3rd bedrortrn or heated tuna orTlL Separite liv ing room Ind dininr room Fire piarc Cult Miss Litlrner no not No it need AtIIruon teeil lirrthrt rites Drown Cart Dorm Del Jerrricy UIIKL tnrrrhert Juan Lari Mary lee Lnllnrer Everett luugheed hlsrLarrn II AIrIFIlO Maureen Miter Doulm itru George WOIIIII It WLIIsoli iIne Young It irniritsiistl Isis It was Cell Mrs Oricrbuh THIS NEEDS IAIT 0F WORMI room lrIrnI insulated build ing which entrtd he made lrrtoeotlrgv Sitth on hire lot to no with some true trees located in linistit Ibtrnshla tooooo DOWN2O lots to chow Irom on town water excellent roiling IAnd Netr Ares III extremely titre tats too it Iront 1m MANN lull prlee rivsoooo lUtL PRICIrVery well built tric heIi your cototu boices hroadtoom ind rttshiori floors besutihrt Oneida titoheas bisement hilly divided Iltlebed gar Excellent ltnInetng maybe your down payment will do Leon SQUARE FEETlitoek htRlding on lots on Grove Street IM lsl IIreIdy divided tIIs Rirnue Needs Interior lin tihing completion SUMMER millComplete tenccd yard lirttst cedar deck barbecue delight plus very large yird gsrige ilreptsee nnbrd recreation room dhiing room Ind living room with view at the boy site bcdrooms with tourth Iiailrbte Priced to ietl It only 02930000 Give us nit PEEL STREETOnly riisoooo iutt irurr rke ior this storey duplex with double garage within or distance to downtown Cell us todiy MinoanWin Wollwmhltorpw rrrr mum an em Ml MORTGAGES WANTED mil mtnlw mm tr Moos smr saymi Times Ian tremor bedroom homes titro APARTMENTS TO RENT Ll THORNCRDT RD BEDROOMS $22995 UP BEDROOMS$26900 UP GOLD MEDALLION ELECTRIC HEATING IIROADLOOM IN LIVING ROOII AREA FIREPLACE IN FAMILY ROOM ROUGIIED IN HELP STAINLESS STEEL SINKS MamIR CRAFIMANSIHP THROUGHOUT CALL non GRANTTzasaoo COUNTRY IIOIIE WOODEI IIIDEAWAYS SilltglNOS mung perms III Icr mag near Severn Fsiis limo iutt large lot iotrm my ior it roiling acres with river ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT Milli tar ware Immdh Milton mm mm MM PUlNIIlilD mrtwr win tiring iron liktlh Ir bedroom and new is MIMI nit semisii uric will leiro rovrie NM ArIiiIeiI Mr Vermon mm new OHM 737205 Trends MI mml 7357 muss TMIJO mun TMIT TilBM 7mm mind mint Mil WOODED lAKEIRONT wlSOeopgin Day located miles west oi Cottingwnod Iusi oti ltighwiy past Cesiuellh Provin risi PIrk thue lots Ire print to sell Ind wont lsil LAKEFRONI PROPERTYORODrautitut tis storey bedroom home IIrrI bring room Hteplm iarms Ilslh sic Lot mt Ito no This home must be seen to be rpprcdltrd BROADIIOORllrlet bictsptit torturing it bedrooms Ismrty room electric hut Ind doubts glrsge located in excellent rertdeotist ores on true lot 60 it til Excellent terriu auIIJIlIO STOREY STUCGI HOMEPlus exits lot central location in Rirrte bedroom up plus bath rooms down New Rocco and root Fencedin yard with print Euy trrrns Irritable OOUNTRY HOME1 Icres niinuies to Barrie Ora Stilety older iIriii horn in good repair New root new tumsce new IIuTiiInuiIi storm Ind screens plus Interior renovations Pleis Int Ioclllon excellent grrden soil gangs Ind other buildings Dont be disappointed inspect this weetcntt LLI IIMERCIAH ear oliI ilert Butler buiidrng To WAILFII loot overherdyhelghi tulty trurrtiled Situated on so lot on titlin Orittis strret this excellent location is priced to sell HOUSE AND SMALL DARNVletr hi this slmcoc SIMON thti itore eir round harm by the late Erect mum yidich Ind hedges ind nulls Drrrdy lent girder rhrrie trees rmItl brrn Iar intrnot lovers lfe mortgage with my terms in Vespri Ivwnshtp iNVtLSTMENT OPPORTUNITYit oercs beautiiut puceI oi had only miles outsldo etly limits Rarrne stream And lots at trees triert tor recreation isummrr Ind winter Priced It only 01390000 l4 MARSHALL STREETi bedroom Medallion home with it inched gIrIgc lovely unobstructed view this home is less thin year old Ind may be purchased with low down payment Our Vendors have purchased another property Ind are opslvous to sell Asking price msoooo mm mm To day the Tune Is worth riot Goedemondt lor ls worth ten nrlm hut Arbour Nn Trti Elmvsie cents Tue gig is getting too close morn tin newts virtue LWVOW soot to the tails to be tunny tiny mtiuemh thzlotl ariLIiI mtm Nor seem yr iv LN WILLM wire we Tu run in us uric ham to OIIIIIL Ii urn In re em In and Item currssn ItiI sirrrmr new rt Ill roe rm rim EPde Io pmM INN mum to me DI use nnIwwA micpi nw wlti IDTS OF LOTS IIII hm mores motlqu It rim tum um minoi runs it our Anna cru morn Widlri rm em uncommon rr 03 nth oi lnnisitl tisoo rib or Oro writ dug Arliiahtl now Nil wru Tril new mom rim to AmtLL nibnl MVII ltliltilllllL I4me roe rro Iiitt nrrrsrm in sit on ttinhwlr Ire trig the struts we at Eur Ellmltll OWNERS HELMET Edi Harteon norm at me Just all truth highwly PRIVATE 329900 Please cIII Ilrry Dean Ir Hg Dim room mm new room Iraxoovt two mu one how IRWIN Illw mil II Conlstwtl tmt tltghway North MYtO ltllttll os rm swim to III II Ma OWN IIAI IIEIIIIIIL Iulwtswlo on bedroom summit Ier ml rleae to downtown rm vnr IIWIDIII trieon liter In Dreams rad Lniiiin Crer Dwight Norma Nelson Garrett Mary Dean rlo Witter Id90H TMitl Hm name ll LOTS FOR SALE Ir Aclll meter Misti Lani it uriiei min or link err ghwly it ind muster raid Iiteahorw in CLIFFORD Goodhead 7295092 Ills Realtor 00 COLLIER ST Ir Leon hunt no Lid until At semi VII II II II Tho IIDIOOIA Apartments tor rem In dvatlir nwir decorint Mrr Itd wiier runse earran irerltsri writ IIIIII Enmrmr low in JUII Two lemon Ioirtrrwrrt Immdiltsm Ilvrtdlv ttdllrltml II om rl arm We mug It to if 33 as rrpn we Ins hour it Artll in II ihlln monk tires are storm mrrmrrr rev tripsrhttr ms Itere hut ms hydra included III mlhlr lmrritdiste gcsshsl nit TIIIDMN IIIIIW Ml rrr ru iris coo whirl Pull Wirirld Mil DUFF EMORY MILLER LIMITED MLS REALTOR r1 DUNLOP noun cwotel Vinplowtedl st irrevo wring btnihltl Ind iIrgI hush limo full ior rs scenic sores rim lull ior it rem ll Adsniion mitt Moonstone or Ruth IA Third to to run vr rlrvi Ind weir II his mil rim vA lilllti lvuro It memo Troomn HIM rile price This bungalow hos bright kitchen Luge llv his room bedrooms III tute IiiIly decorlied Diikitd bele nteiit roe room intlt ecIlIr sit tresth piloted Lot is berutliut iy landscaped Ari humieutIte home Excellent buy Don Rumr hie mm NO MthOLPIWd TEENMint roll Owner now um tngJ Capote 1100300 SIMNE LAKEFRONI 2005 LARGE LIVING ROOM HIM hill blrgiiri price ior or Rent tiireiivnt toting it one oi Lott SImeoeI moot poputsr beeches lieouttiui IIer Ind trees conveniently rim to stores ind small village Could be winterized Dori Iletilriiion ACRES stow MWN NEAR BARRIE ON RWY 11 bedroom bungalow trrge Ipr limit iuil hIrgain price CIle clout rooms newly pineied title to trout ii Iero lot so that throughout lot oti titre next private park lots oi trees min on em build your dream Ironic IMNIIIIIY Ir SWITCH 710v iticslroiiidownlown DIrrIetlob Grant msooo isirsri Trinon FARMS FOR SALE HOW IS LYFLATION AFFECTING REAL ESTATE VALUES Theuyinrgors that grandpa saved the lirst dollar he ever earned In lerr CUSTOM DUILT HOMES UNDER CONSTRUCTION Just minutes Irom Harrie bedrooms IImIIy room Iirr Diare gmgr many estrus still time to choose your own ioiour srhemes Call Dave or Dolly Muriel mom GUNN AND PEEL STREET AREA bedroom brick bungalow with nltnrbed garage close to down town lirtiliig 820000 Call Shir Iry Stelnitoli 717623 NEMIENFELT DRIVE bede hrlcti bungalow with Iireplire in living room on large lot with betrutttut view oi the bay Call Clili Gooiihtrid ITS Slit 1m ACRES with lovely vliw Itso large estsbltshed garden Frirrd to sell tlorg titela moral ACREAGE 100 acres at prime investment property in Mldhurei Cali Dive or Dolly MorttIlTlWI MY LUNURIOUS bedroom rurirwrr In oriitio building nit Lm Town at gimt letwhom mom our two Mm bedroom Illtirrrnm rut hydro Ins unis rv Irkluosd trotdry iron and burning pool Initiate Aoniy Wellington srmt Pilrs or telephone nitric ll hi Isrd lmiirrerem riiirs tsr sisr mate on fret good 33 Iii tmnd ritotr rue lelttot Nir ENh liTEILMOIIIIII rm slam PROPERTY WANTED cAltt punts Irom out so stliiu TAIWAN ill hurt to wit your pro ooieliy nil minor United lull WM houu wanted winter Very lowdown in say no tol min is yum each Hort rr tlie Write In lit lIrriI Esnrrilrier MYLI TRAVEL TRAILERS OPEN HOUSE Discoier the liondertirt Wolld ot Outdoor Livinlor ml the KNOTI PINE SPORTSARAMA WAY TENT TRAILERS IIARDTOI TRAILERS AND TRAVEL TRAILERS 17 MODELS All new tor mt From the little irovinro LISLLT TRAVEL rnrsmsmnrr 013700 FULL PRICE LOW DOWN included not WOOL no net inn Ilzliillltr toe to riiisn to ram or ieimr ltI oriiy lilo monthly mun Dill Ole lolttmenl Iulttbln Iol Idirris only to Iirtinpi letttr uritw Ins IIOYI induced III Ind tier witsr swoiwd retention ram Two Ilnlootit Int stove and Th tripsritor svpoiiwd territory urn acri li tiritliisi rirestm Ind or or nits only ties mottlhiy IVIIIIbI JVM TI Iahrrw thII bill BROOM Eminent II II rimw st Itio merit Avril ioe Immedltltr ruling ieiitriur tsiirrrrrre norm MY TOWN DUhOALOW news ruu PRICE Dirte site Inunaetitito condo tton thraiuhout lliilt be seen too Iutced IoI pried drive tsrrre range good well tptocs hath Close to shopping on his route Sturgeon 1100000 more Real rsiste property is one oi tho bcst protections arrival in flation As moneys vsiue goes down the market prior oi the real estate rises to cited the decline In some Irons in tho past your prices have shot up as much as seven percent or more house priced at moon that year would out more iolriy itrwcrr Inimlrirr mniood swi tii tom itir Itlllld Olvh nrr Iollovrint BUILDER MEMBERS 10 ROOM EXECUTIVE so BLAKE STVIEW 0F BAY Grielaits solid brick prerttn home on large to tool but ttluity treed lot with exception Ilty tgtr tInd votue thousands at dollars In vntusble extras Iri ctutilng isLmI room with Thaw er No baths double garage room on irom Wrist litbwltirl with mi km terrorism Hollie Ir nw Mrs 0905 tedtoorn mums In No rpri ted streams 014095 tall birrr ii price Terms rvrtt Ible Lugs msturo IDIOIO bush 20 acres wortrhlc minded yet closrtoiot lttrhway Fins horn ei bntrrg built nearby Itcg Dot ger moon VIA RUNGAIAIW In ACRES LURURIOUSLV DROADLOOIIED tints down Spacious bedroom bungnlnw Separate dining room Scerrtcsily rilusted on high dry around FIeILI stone gale posts Dullqu gorocc and breezowrr workshop In basement Property Irontr on two roads Iiitt Ilortley micro to ROOM HUNGHOW LIVING noon 20in em down Good ltnonring TIII plno tress provide gracious sclllng Ior IIIESO spacious tux urlous rooms Itona itreptres Ind without iomtty room heave tiIuI tot ittxm Prestige Iron Dori Mctilnrion motor iTti Vl PONDS POOL iO RIG ROOMS t0 MILE VIEW mono Elderly owner will but tIrgn mortgage it sires wi now benutiltri wMto brick tux ury rsnrhcr with swooping view Errors quiet euunlryridet iiuzi roiwrctn swimming poo torrid witioui recreiilrm room Sixth living room with picturo wirriow Fireplace Themwpsnr windows throughout ltot water heattnl thIr IttIehod garage it Schlrnrnet now SIMOOE LAKHFRONT LUXURY COTTAGE AND WINTER CABIN litre trpod iermsvl bedroom ratings Ind winterized guest ubin stove trig baattiouso hoteotd running irrIter plumb Inl owner tilnsietred re III aumpbouie Ipd thawer Intu tic rindy beach to printer in Metro unlimited pure witer irom win well beiutltut screen ed Iunporch otertootitrig trio iilerrtitaltt Exclusive tiriing Pint Thomp son mam YEARROUND DEACIIER DROADIDOMED FIREPLACE 821095 Full sale price icrrris arrltible trrunsculatr prestig ious baitedon white Iturnioum siding bungsiow Iocntod one short block irom prints corn muntty hesrh on Like Stmroo south or Barrie Largo attruce ttvs lot on paved yenrround road Only or minutes irom Net to Forced Air all heating Dob Grant moon REDROOMSDWN lIARROUR SIMCOE YEAR ROUND Ohm Full rite price Terms For thtsbesottlut Lite Sirricoo lIireiront hone Electrically heated tar rearround luxury tivr trig Siorin ltreptico in spacious living room car gIrIge largo boithouics too it tot tier Datgcr 7200300 VIA IIOIMIY FARM All It ROOMS DHICK ACRES term ItilI bargain price good ur terms scenic Acres trictudu him 50 50 Lir chicken two new drive sh garage drilled well supplies house and him all hell modern decor cx trIs Include trecrcr dupes Ind cupet thornpson motto ROOMS 017000 LARGE LOT QUIET VILLAGE 190 out brrgrln price lerms Ivailsble Private ride drive and garage Spsclour homo excellent kitchen overlooking gnrrirn It Mctirrth Traitor MODERN DRICK RUNIIALOW NEW RESALE MM PRESTIOE Barrio IreI low down psyment Owner his Iett town lust be sold Hundreds oi victim in sxtru tree Modern pro bath lllgls basement gIeI mirig titrhrn Preilry 12L Oi The BARRIE BUILDERS ASSOCIATION Far iniormillon on their rrhw homes in Dorris and district mm mIm merit limit 1150M mild HUI Illmt Hm mun norm 1mm Th Oii ALIXAIIDIA CONSTRUCTION LID COOK KONIVIIICTICII LTD OlOr DEVI CONSTRUCTION LID NOMIIr EUILDIIIO CONTIACTDRi ISIRAIIOV IUILIINO CONTIAETOI LOVII KOVACS IUILDIIIO CONTRACT II LINVIIUL IIIILDIIIO CONTRACTOR PA CONSTRUCTION LTD Or PRATT DISTINCTION LTD OORDDN IIIIO CONSTRUCTION IVOLLAR CONITIUCTION by VIM Dr SIMer IVILDINO CONTRACTOR KIoosterman PHOTO iris REALTOR on DAYFIELD 51 AH lrrntr Nellcs urutcr Robert trash sIunderi Broker It HATFIELD 51 Photo MLS Realtor 130ml Die Duper IINIII ll Midi Frlnh will mom iscllu lob Vsriey IllI3 Illl MIEINII IIWII 728lOlO Ii nnk EORBY Realtor Appraisers O1 Dunlap St IIHIIS Vie strings rod buy tit ind tad mortgages JA corms AND tit iii OWEN ET MILES MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo MLI Realtor Men terms winter rwts iibet hlirrhIlt 1min mm VIISITI illNil lretI Delir ruin Norm bteddirt mm TIMI IIan with NM Curtis and 310620 next year In three years it would rtsn Suzi 1hr mslor causes or rising real estate msis bcrin with land labor and lumber Ills inl population will not let land prices decline tho opposite Is rilrrvsst certainly Arid no gov crnrnent In right Is Iikrty to tickle rolling usga levels book As Ior lumber like everything else tt reects the rising cost at isbor it more ination Is to route which seems certslnty then movie not Into home or In rest In prooeriy is irratiry well spent indeed Sen you next urrlr Mm mans TIE7030 mun risrrri limit sewi TIHIII Ill 1er PETE CVIIELS Illcv rnlo SAMMY IENNAM loss IUIWELL JOHN COL CLARKE MCONSTONI AL IOSE OOID SPENCER WM CAIRNS NAIVIV will Ion FLEWELLINO LLOYD thcox MIKE LVIAIILD to owrus NAIIV OILLCSPIV 7150 III Ilil motto ILLS Realtor ITO1011 Apprrtsili Outage invited JOHN IL WHITE norm Ill MIDIIUIIST IWllrtrldIIrnldIIr some bus Ipr it P0 in on erty Good value hcrsi Fervva ther tsiormiiton plvs us catt FERGUSONVILLE Tl irrsi ll mIIII north oi Bin rte Just oil III hwry house hIrnInd drlvrrh Your down payment any do BIlIncI on our euy TnortrIge Ciil soon on this one Him DAVE Ind DOLLY MORTELL 7280070 SHIRLEY STEINIIOIF TEAM MARG KLEIN CLIFF OOODIIEAD DETACHED HOMES at $990 Down FINISHED MODELS New Ind ihcdroome Ismity room baths Ittschrd garage broadtoorii living room Ind dining room Priced Irom $23995 ARNOLD HOMES TZOZBOI To Inspect drive north on St Vincent Street to Rose St East on Rosa St to Roslyn Raid Models open dilly CARSON REALTOR TELL WI lill Cltlln Norm Mill It ltiliIlI Iurril cm WIIMIIIIHIEWIEMER TMISI TIMI TF MYZO uldl mill liner Teluhotie Hum TRAILERS NEW IN COLORS ORIGIII NEW IN DESIGN lBOLDi MODELS Ii 17 II 10 32 26 All models ttuoh toilet equipped Same with Showers SEE THEM TODAYI KNOIIY PINE SPORTSARAMA Highway 11 Midhilnt Ont Tlddlll STAIICIIAII TENT TRAILERS SA Sleeps to loicsropirrg Insul ated hardtop ttIIII complete kilr ehtn iuvilitres TRADEdNS ACCEPTED 7360351 AIItt 530 WWII or TltiriTO III Silo VIAVIL TlAlLlIir nttllr Illl Itll litter TIIYII irIiiIrr ll tsrrt tirin eartinned with tiistdn eerrmmr vanr been ilud due to MINI Abe Iiy wIiiieptsn street Istr Him itt TTALTDLER istrtwilu Md INIer stem is tum telephone Mimi MVII TRAILER TRACE AVAILABLE in linear trailer loll tor rent and witr rrioown isrvire building CIII Mill MVII RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT Parts and Service Northiiirder irsvotux Genorsi Giendiln Cilh or Irnns up to to Yeirt ll Rwy Burton new OIIIIIAL I0 Oood WidIIIk in be seen It Lot it lth Minimal twp omnith m4 Aviiiioio June in Irom lrwevdlout IP oiilml Md llwtdly IWDIIIII IKIIIO Ivst rrrrrrrrtrr Irotri rm intercom marred tetrahom rziim lltlt ltid wnilodr sur URN ISllirD Dal bedroom living Irom Arid litehete modern isprirrres hurt at medium Ilievitoul trewii meldlys EAYETELD APARTtiErITS Luwriosis two bedroom continent Iriii be mum on Jim so omiwtllil tino ll Itnlrtg ITII snooirn row let riothei rtouli hit tony Distthnushld surroundian for me intormrtrori please telephone APARTMENTSWANTED To RENT our on two esoreem nit eouetmd tutnlmd at uAIwnTiMl Ioirmw rrrr netting Pretershiy low with slow and tetrtnmtor om witsiii swims rrrn on college rrroeru son orrviiiu wonder to rrtorri 0o ruoltwr IY slit tit writs toll an inn Ioovorlmsis we end seam to no no llrlte errmim Houses TO RENT OPEN HOUSE Saturday and Sunday Ito III 51 LITTLE VENUE bedroom townhouses Iii baths IppltInccs Mild more thly CEII collect Tomato ID MTI evenings mom doyr All Rut Estates Welcomo ESLT MOOIIN MM VIIIIIV Mil Io AM stove NI till All men hl YIIIDMM 71520 TVP ve mu bedroom em with it this oriiirio Am Mi HIM IT Item bedroom mum HT Ihl IMMIIY touted II 01ml II All TV All II MOM all IlolooM street or Iiitmri WHETHER trIHrrIiiidrti Chin Irate yr mold nghtl magi TI eovnrirvrh onimiemns II till ms to little new WIVItlIy All embed ma Tell