Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 May 1971, p. 1

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shrinesorely PitttiOltltl or visit siircrrn Selection at the saiety ps iroilervoi Ilrsyear the top school patrol and an honorary award bldtlldrltd lisrriaa ilrst Salaty Patroliera and Pat is Nlaht Sharlosinthshoo made an honorary member trom King Island public mupym 91me school selected saicty patrol lrr oi the year starynn Pass mm um um on were mm the ielt tori Mttcbirnon esptsin ot the win his Steele 8t sately patrol Vi srn ISIurare who was Boostittacdnhaidtoldtbs mun tends sourd iondlttoltwas indications on In drivsmtd elllel sreser ary tries tannins eeedlng Canadian some Minister too ol rooms as trims by the metrics in volved Soirees to tha ndatstera dele lltlon Indicated that dclenca establishment st Suilleid Alta is the most liter location to be nice one orients lit least Dozenlersons llurt As Can llils Trailer In Pits INDIANAPOLIS AP iha Dodge pace car driven by an amateur skidded out oi control It the and oi the pie and ran into trailer crowded with news photographers at the start ol the lndtsnspoila Morita auto race today At least dozen persons were lniurrd as Indianapolis auto dealer Eldon Painter was no able to atop the bright red eon veriible at the endcl the bail mlteionr pit area The car skidded sideways and ttshtalled about 100 yards in troni at thousands oi spectators From the rear boa vanlasa point the horrible spectacle seemed to untold slowly but terribly as those who were nlinl realised they could do notth to stop what was bsp peniny senses titre tAlLEtt the sedan slammed into the trailer which was partied at the end ol the pits in photographers would have rood view at the rt Hll pace car had led the tieid oi it race cars twice around the Manila lodlantpnlis biolor wedsy it then tilled oil into the All Area at at was probably well over too miles an hourwblle the racers sipped past and took the peers tisg startle tits sonuat loomils race Epsom NEWS FarmpUnion Locals To Support Strike ADDISON Out bloat locals oi the National Farmera Union will support call tor national strike June rt an rst ern Onlnrto director ot the union said today But Nrtl pres ident ttoy Atkinson said he thousht the tarest date was too soon Will Oppose State Auto Insurance tonovro tclt Douylss Barlow that Canadian to occupy ona ol the top North American any sreadinp oi the Manitoba province lite Ontario will run insurance industry posts says style automobile insurance to nlo still opposition ltr Barlow ssys the group he represents would oppose any prospect even remote one oi alatorun insurance scheme Abortion Demand Upsets Hospital Care sonorrro CPI Toronto doctor says that the demand tor abortions has brooms so rest in Cunada that it may start iolnterlerenith the ability ol hospitals to live other health oiro Dr Walter llsnnsh hlol oi obstetrics and gynecolosy at Colic liosplta told estimates or zoo Ontario nuiiiinlirlday that Toronto hospitals receive it to on or more requests week tor abortions No Big Numbers 0i Prison Unitorms OTIAWA tCP Prisoners who entered irdersl at instltn tlons alter lisy it will not have to wearunltorma in big num bers sporesmaa tor the solicitor general said Friday licats Sign lbsArgo Bobby Taplor HAMILTON CPI linmtlton ttsencstr oi Canadian Football lea announced today the alpine ol flanker hobby lsylor rnceritly released by Toronto Arronaula Taylor erreed to terms with general manager ttaiph Sarto ol ltamltton alter nesollslionr with Ottawa ltouslt tilders and liritlrh Columbia Uonr AdzL nonsthAinsnsiu IJLLW 2mm concussion ot the hassle Isiety patrol tlra Wayre and Janice Pnrdon srsde eirht student sourou also indicated at the as reminds Itacdonaid id in an inter view with The Canadian Pma he does not expert Canadian Armed Forces personnel would be sued In trsinlnr rrosaid troops But these had been an overdue compilinta irons Euro nn eoimtrles that they do not are sulllclent lacilttles tor this type at trainlnr Canada already operates illshttralnlug progrs tor armed losses personnel tron several NAN countries MAY CREATE sous binedottsld said there Ire no solid indications how well the proposal would he received but would likely improve Can adas relations with sorrow in crease Euro an awareness ol Canada In possibly create some Additional Jobs in Canads the dominant theme oi the meetinr was continulns US elinrt to have the European members or NAN assume larser share at the conventional Staneld Benson ll Disaster Areal LYONSBIIOOK NS iCPt Opposition lender ltnbert Stun lled Saturday dubbed Finance Minister Ei Benson as waittnr disaster urea and he rlonai Expansion Atlnlsirr Jenn htarehand talkinr disnslrr area The Conservative leader was speatln in iupporl oi pnrty candid Elmer llettay in the Central Nova constituency byeieetlon blunday Air Benson in his own per son stunsv up lstiurc in the whole domain ol economic msn seement said ller Stantieid tie is the man responsible tor the disastrous poUclts that have characterised this government trom the dart Olllt illsrvhnrld he said Wbeiwver he begins to tall perceptible shudder lots thumb the comment tire sblo lstinw but one oi those urn lortunslo people who were born with their tool in their mou Kingston Riot Immlnerlbota Canad Makes Facility Offer F01 Training OiNAIO Forces raised or sitrll trainin The deience burden on the cacti Nf NW thick Vita next several years Secretary Melvin tnlsd role in hampenn detence lie was reported to have said Se nata biIlorliy ltd Allie lianrlteld to tnrca woeseon New York Oiiicer Overpowered When Flees Hijacked Ieliiner that recent nnve US reduction ni American troops Egon was on indication too it res it Dont rurlt msl 2nd Soviet Probe lion named liars ill trslle mmUllonsnlle tourney Controversy Bails lls Hearing Date Nears KINUSNN Out th controversy over last smoths rebellion at Kingston nlisn tiarycontlnuedtobolt week and matters are not expected to cool in the near Arturo as trials and hearing Into the riot are ready to begin Nart Thursday it guards at the new ldilibsven penitentiary will appear in court Nlpanee Ont on ebsrros oi ssssuklnr prisoners involved in the riot SolicitorGeneral JeanPierre ioycr told the Commons Friday the It rusrds have been as signed to positions where they will have no direct contact with mm the prisoners their trials may provide the taste Association ot Medical the with allrnpse oi what Clinch Ural there is no loprer sppened visits the riots that it need to its top priority to pro will not rel tom the tncsmers venting communicable diseases bearings oi the threeman corn roost ot which an not now mission at inou Iboss eloasd malor threat hearlnrs wiltbe iuna in mother development Fri Innterm problem lite dayPrInkilowardNDl mem chronic physical and mental her at Parliament ior Sheena hsndlcapa nine and dereaera ssld prisoners heirs kept in to live diseases lated Tilrlers at Kingston leer Moreover the social iadort torthrrlivea becauseoitcsre llloctln healthpoverty poor less and irresponsible slate boualnr recreational depriva mentr made by Air Goyer nenL lain tatesldoay mllinr ng smoenlulrlgrm tdith WV most Etnopenn rnembers oi the allure bars talcum tutu ttva in tree purse mi live to improve their torces and If ch suspended all devel inersssa larce levels during ties opanent until the townships util Ui sources said Dcieocs iowrdalldl provlnclal ovems made clear to the meetinr that control no towns without an oltl his country is under tnereulnr eial plan WWI tt Will it Will Weve lowered our prices Il torrner New York city police mun who said he had wrapped hirnsclt in explosives was over powrted today as he attempted to lies hijackedieillner with Sent Townrd MilS its was whisked to Nassau Moscow in The Soviet he would be turned over to us Union soul second spaceship toword liars Friday one day bet to hcdlcdi hiss otilinitrliglstcsuspaceiurlilttn munmr Revamp ward the mysterious rcd planet the tundra Soviet space stat Health SQWiCeS sister abl lltr ll which SABNIA 0M CPI lieslih uni Imp yp dip on lllnlsler John Munro called out Step PM Kill sienna insertions sortercrumb Pnorocor SOVIET trillions Township Blocks NEAIOND Ont CPI Ol ilclsls at St Vincent wanship bsva bioeted tarsescsle do reloprrwnt ni vacation prop ertter la the hive protein Area oi Coltiaxeood eiatrrinr septic their may not be lttstnlled on number ol recentlypurchased lots There are reports that about 300 people mainly 1brnntoarsa liters have tavesed nearly 00000 in lots at prices be tween l9 and moo tor indi lteevs Clarence Orrmby oi are not lensibla iu the number at lots involved because the soil la mainly heavy clay which wlU not absorb the diluent lust overow into the sdlolalne prole tavar by boidine up lh billdln permits president and lawyer tor esp unharmoeaanmie eisi plea is completed this lol ad merit imposition st in ierlon Lot Development year ago and were nutlng It quite clear to near customers what risks are involved it they do buy any property said Air Ilelttlch No Well Water Since March 1970 ST SADOIIIL Que tClt the an lamUles at this tiny vil Inge have not had any water out oi their srirsln sells since hlsrctr in and they are still waiting tor nearby Oh to do something about it The residenh pay their mu nicipal taxes to Ola to miles east oi Montreal and when the wells went dry the vilissers stirred petition ashlar tor an spueduet to bring them trash water Iba Otis town cmincii paurd ricoooo tor the new water no lcrrt but so tar notth has bap posted or promised it tor Chrlsl said motels Busnelte than they promised it tor the morkava rive Isnt have water tor In lba villasers hove always res lied on the srteslan wells but then in mi theirprobients began St liawrcnce Culumbinn and Metals inc stnrlcd mining opera mont hall ol what they were NASAU Bahamas CF tsooooo The Alisckcr ldentliied as James Bencettu nt Com mach NY was buried to the round by senior pilot John ONeill oi Eastern Airlines as he walked toward two small bars illuminated by the glare hi waitlnr automobiles bend lights ONeill 5L had stood quietly to one ride oi the nurway its said he sistd the hilatler up and alter decidics he really wasnt armed waited until he was close enough and then Just stabbed hint In good oldhred leek and wrestled him to the pound About to United States pus toms scents airport personnel and Nassau pollcs then subdued hennett and stripped him as they searched tor the espio river they tound none tall and Bahnrnlsn police said is today tor comprehensive ros trvcturlnr oi Canadas medical services to meet new needs and to give more selsbt lo the wishes oi the patient it is the consumer oi medl eal and health services and not the providers cl such who are going to be calllns tha shots its told media at the On Attention ehoidd tooth on lionmust be dealt with aliens mile down the road irons the viliara ntrc and the units been to dry up marshals today in be returned to New ork The hilarklnl besan hours he tore as Captain Imsene Sullivan and his other the crew mem hcrr aboard the EAL trilrt prepared to land their its pos serrgcrs nt New urks La Guar dla Airport Iiier lilsht Iroin lilamt rnmn numsrsn and no thudosuare erected at Up lands airport in ottawslri OHAWA CPt Prime Illn ister Mars dmiilktl Can adas new protocol with the So viet Union Friday as an urrpnr lsnt document designed to put relations between the tub coun tries on men structured and orderly basis Air Mean addressed the Cnnmoru time been nlttrt incident in Ottawa lctlowinr In ttdsy tour oi the Soviet Union the prime ministers enthusl Ism tor the protocol ecsnlrnsted with suspicion voiced by Con native speakers and some RollWhirl irom the New In ocrals Nhlle Air trudenu said he harbored no mite better that the protocol would suddenly re suit in relationship nl suret nest and trader tcelincs be tween the ten countries the do cument went some distance to wards placing CanadianSoviet eonsuttrtions on the same hosts as those with linlaln the United States and install llc reiterated mmmrnl he made durins the tour Canada had clearly taken the initiative to tighten ties at lricndship eventual commons iniurmr lion and advice that would bet lcr aliirm Canadas independence Canada which must not be in situation ol excessive dcpcrtdcnce with anyustalc or map oi states way to seen them was to in crease contact and eliort at uni desstnndtny The prime minister brourht with him some comments on speciitc tunes that opposition members hsd urxtsi him in isle up on the trip 0n groin solos be sstd Csn udss snip oi wheat to the USSR wns reviewed in bios cow unit hr wns rirrn nssurs ants that the Soith rovcmiricnl will treat Canada or prcicrrrsi source ol supply applying hcrc lirsl when it has to ampsrt 0n Jewish emigration iron the U5bll lir matron ssid be was assured by Premier Alexis Ncsyrm that his govern mcnt had ullowasl siprdllesnl numbers ot Suttrt Jews to leave tor tsrnoi in past months stnlonwnt the prime mini ter said hod been torroborrled by independent sources his Kosyein hnd nlso assured hint he would give person Al stay on their return irons to Soviet Uriors Airs Trudeau tenltuar to lisloi name It 50 mt ritisens who ntirltt he lie Iowcdtneomatntznsdatnn unite tamsises The premier had said his gov rrnmrnt amid not an tsn hutsllshie haulers the II at enacts persons The two had also screed that Canadas lean that the Soviet bhinx ticel oil the Candi Best Coast is tattna too um catch drsrnl harthes tails DEBATE WELL MED bir andenus speech csIoI durinr srllvtlrrtetl opposition riny debate oar motion tron iiealh biarmrsrsle tPCiiiiiw borough that resrrtted the no ernncat had not submitted the protdgcul in the Commons tor stu ilelorc thI prime minister spoteStsnley Knowles iNDF tltni=rr North tenlrel do tinned the Conservatives both so on any rcdhaitlns tan penis that result diminish II tnrts to build brldrer between countries especially since the protocol renUy didnt ml is much more than trivia anyway tie compared the document is In agreement between inversllea at is summer camp that they would exchange penle letters ii the government wanted in use its Iood external altairs nsirvds seriously he saith should apply them to solvin the Vietnam war or the conflict in East Pakistan Gerald Baldwin slid the speeches and lecture that bed surroundrd lhe slrninr ot the prolde hsd tell the Impression that ii signilird mater shin In Canadian esternsl policy which many Cnnsdlans wouldnt sup port The pritrrc minister was not correct in suggestion that there was unitrrsnl approbation in Csnods tor the slrnior oi the protocol lir irttdcaus rcmssts had not oisriiicd the governments intent tor the doesarncnl 0n the other hand no one should any thsl the Conserva tires were not in laser at due cussioris consultations and pr cottations with any country in the world lir tiseQunrrie contended that any lime Canads eiens an agrccment with blr power is should brlnr it before Parlia ment Anything less use cort tcm nl Parliament or deal ml ol the imperialists oi the arrccmrnt holdsa bou is weltwishersilectthotol

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