to Iisooaie lt bun reg ii 35 ii is e53 rec Es IIIPWTIU oi Ontario idy dro in hernia ones were bomr ed last hmt tor hsslag seblav ed million maaheunn without the Natlwsi Sslety Doorbell wsrd own withtho award 1W irsn ceretnsonlea will be hald at tho Masonic Tomato on Owen St lisrrlo Juno it It 13 pm Also elected to oitleo were it Robinson Ma atoning Ind Rob ertson Auditors her officers will be oppototed on the night at tnntaiiotion Damage Was $500 hiddiineddl Wallace John Struts dd II Mid are not fill m1 Ray Grillin manager oi the Geor riss his series boa three barrio sres manner and lit Ireland tmsnlaer Photo Youths 0n Bail Pending Sentence tolio sisoornornbnaiCoIv tierat Dolled canes our area youths were remort dcd out oi custody on bail until June it tor sentencing sites they pleaded guilty in provincial court Thursday to break rnler and theil ilsswhy Trumblsy it at till Danie and Daniel Nelsons also ii at till Pholpston pleaded guilty to total ehsrgo oi breslt enter and the It mmbiay also loaded gttiliy to brooch or pro tiers charge The pair were charged srlth break enter and their Ittcr they were lound by innile Township Police outside cottage that had been brolrea latolno its money clocks and several other items were recovered by police Both youths gave aiatamsats ad hunt tsao ltard site In provia mm 1m to elol court Thursday Iiter ter the car he was driving struck the our end oi another cnr thnt was about to taste tell hand turn oti itlghsoy is it lust north oi the city limits causing ns osllsstaltd the damages China at Impaired drlvlnng and reluslag to comply with demand to tslre tho hreslhslysar test were withdrawn by the horn Drove Oarelessly ilrea Man Iined William iailtts 20 iii till Pbeipston was lined not by pro vineial court ludgo it It Foster Thursdsy alter he pleaded ttty to ebnrgoei careless dr bottus was charged test it Iitor motorist tlsggeti down an Ontario Provincial Police miner and advised that track was weaving on iiigbway ii the truck driven by toitrts was iotloood ior moundsboll ntllea during which time It wont oil the higbwry live titties hetero it was stopped Crown Attorney Thomp son told tho court that lollies had been drinking at the time at the incident An impaired driv ing charge was withdrawn by tho thorn cottego dad ito char oi lienliio Sittnowascbargedbmtah Mindy also piesdcdgutlly wilfully isillng to report to probation other no required Probation oitlter Gordon Keith told the court that on Its stons between Sent to and Jan btbls year 1Tltitilllly hId toll on to report to bits During that time numbtsy reposird on two other occasions hir lielth said ludga It Iostrr remanded to two youths until June while pro scnlcnoo report pre srvd hath youths said they had on on probation ion by riding at the time the brcuit and cater occurred Borden Youth Gels Probation Thomas Barnaby It at Bose Borden was placed on pro batten tor six months Thurme by Judge it lusler Boraaby had been remanded until Thursday alter he pleaded guilty to ihcit charts hiay tie and another youth woro charged ones they stole shoes irom base storogo building histohii lodge Footer told that prelt sentence report indicated that the iiornab youth with super vision or probably loop way irom criminal activities tier alter bo pt Iargse Ontario Hydro in Barrie Earns MillionHour Award Tho it employees at Ontorto ttydro in Barrie Iron were roc ogrtlsed last night tor worting more thou million msahoun and more thoa aooo days without toottime iohsry Don Ireland liydros escctnlsl manager at regions and market lhl presented the BIrrlo stall with tho National dainty Ostrich award at merit and Ray Grtitln manager at Georgian Bay se gton presented tho award ior onoo days Iioth awards wc pied by Dan Iisgco Bards Ireo rnInIg er on behsli at his visit In lilo remarks It the presea tatioa held during inety dinner at tho Continental irtit iir tro land connatutoted the area stall and noted thst it is only the see end limo In tho Georgian iin re glue that on area had achieved the national award The other ms was uriitis Ihieh reached ntitlion man Four Are Fined For Shoplifting Four persons were assessed tines ssnnag itWi its to no Thursday alter they pleaded guil ly in provincial court to sbopttit tas charges its no stopped Dar out It tm and he thrzir the dress ed at In tho one play ace Gown Itiney ll Thompson told tba court Dar hours between October tent and stone toes The period conned byilarriearrslolroonrlill toot to Jnnusry or this year iir Grliiln congratulated the Barrie Ines ntnii tor lts chtere nieni Ind said that only three oi tho it areas in the Georgian tiay region had earned saiety dimers this year hir Grillin said that Iiydro workers should condone lo locus their attention on raiety Our target In spite ot the very Ipe rlsltrcd warho mint do is sore accidents In Ontario Iiydro number irom tho regional otilce In Bonnie and tram lilt nirnn bead since In Threats It tcndtnl the dinner incltslin 0er Russell usiniant genrrs manager at personnel and Wer rra tiiton ltydros director oi accident pretender Christopher Glories David by was In bod state ol Code ti oi till Aunts woo iiatd It by Jud 01L Foo bd guilty in charge at their lander ted Coda was observed by an Allied low on lad sorority otticer In it putting ilno cassette lobes and tour Em novels in his pockets Ind via the store without paying tort era lie was stop outaldo theolorerogoods val ued It mrl were recovered George Edwin Furor at Iielroaa Ave woo ilacd It odor he pleaded guilty to charge at the under too lie was charged Jan to alter In Allied Towers lid security oiilcer observed him put ttm cassette tapes in his pocket and leave the atom with out pIylng tor them lie was stopped outside the slots and later sdntittcd toting tho tapes The tapes valued at t1lt were recovered ieyoarotd Thrusts woman llevcrt liolws was lined its alter pleaded guilton theit under to charge The charge was laid til it Iher an Kresge nec ty oiiicer observed her take pair at wtrtgiassrs in tied at tits in the store tstto them to the store cnieteria put them In vest pocch Ind then leave the stars without pay ing tar them Clayton Darby 2i ot till New Lowell was ilued ens Ittcr be ended guilty to charge oi tho under too lie was charged last Au ns sites on employee oi on department store observed him leave with some this sittiiod underhlsshlrt0nc outs do the store the employee can it was print dress Anetta intoxication at tho tlnno at line Oren against Darby was ed liquor Control Act trim oibetagrlruaktnaptbtle oco WEI by tho snows No Evidence Case Dismissed Windsor man Russell En ae Chilton bad chargo oi interns roltlhllad ogsinnt him dismissed proviaclIlcourt Thnrodoy when the Crown pro duced no evidence Crown Attorney Ittarrw son had asked tor on adjourn meat lie raid that notice oi intent had been oerred to air Coltlru only thst momlug and by law soocnd notice nont be given tint Judge roster or dered the trial to proceed otter deience lawyer Iitltsrh ob cird to any Idlournment Ito and the man hail ap nred March and had it ll irom Wtrntsor ognln to ilcs the change Thursday ludge Faster noted that Thursday had been net as trial dole and said the Crow had irom March to serve the gt notice Ilr Collins pleaded not guilty to the charge The charge was then dismiss ed when air Thompson oiiercd no evidence The annual Spring Show oi the hassle llorticultural Soc iety ientuscd it entries des cribed by Judge It Trade ital stay Ills in who now as tir Kelsi and others Ibo would Ills to IN tlrcaltkrrl banned gold Grant ptsrchsard them without her knowledre second he Bdrd Iterator son oi It John St mattered semi dc herons and is still lnhoopi on terror in Karlilieeta then about least tyesn stage Apparently other Mlltliil and groups share litr hearts content the woman plans to dsall petition to present to city muse oil and the Barrio Ministerial Lion it aside taking din heroic Examiner NEWS FRIDAY MAY elml dill Stolen From City Company Apgxooimatety soon in cash berniorccdatsdacsshbonse nous stolen sotncilmo dtolag the night from the marlin Wire tannin Oonnpany on llorrvsn itentl Tho thrri was discovered this morning by an oilico onnplvyeo Adrawcrtrsthornalnotltcohad SPRING FLOWER SHOW POPOLIIR icy as being oi very good quality Alter the judging panel discussion on landspr tag and various itowero was tinned inero were so olons oi torccd entry to tho bnihila police said company spokesman said night watchman ls usually on prendseo but happened to be an holidsyg this week uty police are condoning their Investigation held The panel Included tmrn leit hlro Pauline hut alngbsng moderator Larry sq so AntiFirecracker Bylaw Is 1Pushed Eire Chiei mum sllllhme aetioatsirn shorten crackers mBurlolirlIIrRl by whichtirochieiDaIIKwt Careless Driving Man iinedSiOO nycorold Windsor man Iloy Nelson brown was hand m0 in provincial eorrn that day liter he pleaded guilty to cham oi careless drirtng Brown was ebnrgrd sitar Sept to incident outside the Inn en Club It hue Borden cl driven by Brown board out at parking space at the dub and stan another term then back ed up again and rlrttek yet as other can lie talked to tho War rroimoliheesrslndttm Ictt the parting let on loot Ila later admitted to host artillery police that he bod med tho cnr Chsrgu at impaired driving tolling to remote at the scene oi on accident and toting car witan the owners rminsiod against Brown were glowed by the hosts Whitby Gordon brancthrrlrh rad Julian Dartmoor chaser laer Photo Regional Approach To Some Problenrie May Be The Answer For Barrie ea While regional government In Garrett it such study might IIhonew munlclpsistlairsritia still dirty words in the ntlnds ol many municipal politicians liar survive salt IIITII nu crrowrts been Attorneys litegding the about meeting oi the on Irln Drona Attorneys Associa tion in bottle this steel occe limit iiad themselves in Will waters In court but didnt letthihlshdeler thstn iron testing acoppy room Lake Simeon yeoiesdiy during bresk irom the business seslt stoas Prior to setting toll John Murphy Goon Attor ney tor rimcoo DaunLt intros ducoo hisrueli to guide and csptsln Jim Cotton at Toronto htr Cctlooo Goluy it was the largest oi the aneurrlonysehts maniacs Photo rte city council to tiadiag that regional opproach to some pro blems may be the answer Council this week endorsed two rogoud udleo denllag with pro lensrn lisrrle and area ante deal tth the growth peeled In ares irom the Emulation ot the provirtclnl sign tor Development pl the other dealing with disposal in the region to again endorsed Control stmcoe Area Planning hoard movo to seat provincial study on the lnrplamentatlon oi the provincial Governments Design ior Development Toronto Centred Region plan in llarria and the tour townships surround lag the city llUDY SUBJECTS It hisrch to meeting at the Ocntral Simeon board planning board and political oiiiclaln irom the tiva mantel allies dis cussed list oi they sit might be lticlttd In tho studyr itno subloclo lrtclttded pre servatlm oi agricultural and re creationist areas growth centres within the barrio Ireo trssup ortstiotn corridors indtuttinl loss sic Under the Design tor Development plsn hernia and area is slated tor immediate grounh when soled by Ali Nelson lead to recommendation tor regional government ting hisyor Aid linemitlon rev plied that it to possible City council also endorsed on other regionsl study the recy cling oi garbage At special note morning at tho dcorotaa tiny Region Development Council last week mantelle representatives heard panel discussion on re gionst ro operation in the dis sol and recycling ol gnrbsge elcgnteo lo the sons meeting passed resolution reeommcw ding investigation oi regional system oi waste disposal by the GDRDC STEP Bt STlii liconwhllo In Toronto the pmvltstessww minister oi mun clpnt atislro Dalton Dalel says implementation oi regionnl gnv eraments in Ontario will contin uo on siegehyvsicp basil Ilr Dales told the Toronto bur eau at The Iiarrlu Examiner ro gtonat gotcrsuncsnis are neces sary ior the well being at the to economic regions In the pro Hart The government is Introduclni regional government to innuen co the ocertomle development at Irons he sold The ten areas are Eastorn Ontario Uh Ont srlo Central Georgian tiny gsrs Lots Erie take Midwestern Northeastern and Northwutorn ister sold he expects criticism trons the municipal level titre scion do not happen with new typo oi government that goes beyond county bottndaries be said There are new pro is and new problcmntodcniwl loos tobllshlng regional governments The live regional governments already edabttnhod are experien cing growing pains as they dev elop said the mInLtter These re gions are on their own They hsvo to learn to make decisions at the regional iaveL he slid hit listen compares changes and ostodlttcstlons tn the present regional governments oi Thursdlt rr llayy Ottawa Carleton Ills guraI Munich and York to an nuatchsrtges in tho Metropolit In Morita region slnco list COthIITIEI 531 UP tie rtmcnt committee was not up hir liales Inst month to teep close eyI on bricts and problem sent to tho depart meat at municipal Itislro by the new regions in planning regional govern ment legislation Ior the areas under ntrsly the minister says he wants to take his time to tarot the problem as they develop ino minister so he is opposed to netting itrnn cadllnos Each situation is unique when regional government In ostst rd be said Regionslguvtramentplsusbt blintster Donald lomieson In public support tore the nninlslcr Include the Waterloo County aresI Oshawa area Sudbury nd the Toronto Centred llcglon Plan in the background Brampton Pee Illon ares Northeastern Northwestern Ontario and Guelph Welling tort County area because oi the anticipated higher costs It the start or re gional government programs the provincial government make special grants available Granls on paid on per capita basis at 8150 The grants include money ior pinning and transportation studies or tor costs trtvoived in setting up ruglonsl Wll iorce es lo replau the Ontario Free vlacial Police Determining costs to region prior to Gaming regional gov ernment is itnpoosihie said the minister llr listen said elected representatives in region have the responsibility to deter nttne rests INCENTIVIJ Any discussion et incentives tor Oshawa roman or any oreIsurrottattlag We must await the announcement oi the new airport location ssld hlr hates the location will lorgely determine Ibo orou to obtainin centlres be said bin hates told the Toronto bur eiu Prime Minister William Doris snd Federal Transport idicoln the Icontinuing to discuss the local Dlir Additional incentives for areas outside at tho Torariio ores will come irom the department oi treasury and economics and not the department oi municipal at tnlrs sold the minister Ito saint Provincial Treasurer DArcy hiclieough Is enpoctcd to announce doilnlte Irtiorrrtallon within six months on the Torea to Centred lieglua plan as to the location oi highway and power corridors The ml munch iy could occcdo is throuth private members hill iu legislate hell out llr Dot said he could never too this happening Areas out St Cathsrlnrn In the Niagara Region which have considered leaving reg loast government plsn Its not given the lien enough tlrrvo to work We appreciate the concern and constructive comments gir en by munlclpsiitloo in regional government areas but cannot stop the clad and look at one area while others wait our in teatiop is to have continuing concern tor robims as they dotslop sold Itr Data lie raldreglonsi govt oturttoo are not loaned to areas where thorn to demand as