as ten 3AUTOMOTIVI neUeuxe RAT IIW will deemRnle to you the exceptional dollar value in this In View SKITV smriscsumaun sumeh i967 CHEVROLET CAPRICE $i895 ldoor hardtop literate MILK 1969 CHEVELLE $2495 mtdoorhardtoinmre p5 leaets I968 BARRACUDA mMJEHDYDALhbw 1112 manual DIRIHbmdmuimailet mummyem estrus ndinteem $IB95 eras TlisTth DEBTE Dr We in rm will Meet nouns pan wing emer testes nelson Idle Ihneuii lillt hr lmL $1495 DI hardtop relished In grant with Instran interior are tamatie tantI steering palm bralee radio and poster rates does and vinyl root Lie mot $1495 DODGE PTHTISIDS Ion pieilup llnlahed In yellow imippert with Chryslers lamour slant Is Isleiar heavy duty shirts and rosters and column shill lie HSTn $1495 to ACADIAN BEAUMONT Sta lbtthrs On linlsJIed In green with Alaex interior auto rustle eyilnder and white wall ism Llc XIII $395 INA PLYMOUTH IURY Dr sectors In Mark and red Interior eyilnder automatic and radio Ui ITIISN $795 ItGJ VALIANT SIONLI Dr hardtop llnlrhed In blue with rrlstehllln interior ryllnllvr automatlr and mutant Iadln tic Irma $495 TING DODGE POLARA Ilr hattitop Jib Ill lnrh VI auto matte ruslorn radio uhtleivalt tires and uheri IIIstt IJe snort $595 INS IOIIII MUSTANG Dr hardtop Iinishrd In red with white bueltel seats ReIIr console Iutomntlr VI rvrwrr steerine power brahrs custom radio Iv Lithbi $295 19 VALIANT SIGNIIT Its hardan in blue llnlrh with blue bucket lit cylinder outn rIIalir liner remote and radio lie semi $295 FORT iAiliXIH ill Dr sedan llrllailrel In Irtaris with red Interior syIImIII nul lonrntle and eIIstnm radio Iilt MIN KSUN ILYB villlllltll can 100 nunnrorm at 7260288 CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH SATELLITE VALIANT FARGO TRUCKS om dormant Is to storm II NIVG ACH III Adult ratren rnd lsr 10W alter leieum HM MVN IIsl Hmoqu Fury II III nlolar bower aiming IIIIII than arerana Iutnlltnn law as than Irarrpo pus telephone muse Mm my ronrrae yarnum convertible ted an our Interior in sstsltani noMltM one my Telephone in ms srzs or alter urn iTttoII rayrar am urn lNOLlIH It It IIIIIM It 00 It CHIVIDLIV TWIIIM let lair in Condition tests at at mm law mllespa Telephone MYTI IIIIIA SKYLARK lyllmlli Llllti one llmllv ul PIIVIII Low mliaspe III Hug malls II wsr alarrlno sewer hulls awless yallaw bollsm blasts lip Al saneth le So It Jim Sharp sello dooI hartlop autorrlatic radio Licence mil astronaut PONCHO LOST me III km Wit IMO II tom III II shit tilted IIIA or bites WW COUGAR hull III nrllk raola pom IIsaIlnn salt gran HAM new neutrinos Lto Ivy ma mu DUN pro and rims loud mt me start m1 runIIl loss Ipel postlrarllnn III line so at halts me baIII rIIsr ittl ate pm tonal this our Mini sea CC IGYAL Al mu mites vetannals All Trot CARS WANTED TO BUY eels Ivor toe wlm paidl galydllb ltid Hull II Iltltin MISTER Transmission Ltd LOST POUND sosr tryesumI OAO Vlsinlty or Milli Mil Id OIIA down us or events Lloyd Irwssn III7719 MYJ steward Mane Hm nee unaumrrtm otth rsu nuaiI was In good ewilhn suno mam artI ewsv Al MUM sum wry vrrsu saveI louse ylsrr mtm Ire tsunami NORTON 79 OLDSIIODILE one tlalIletu pom JAIL rampage In lemme mrm INTI VOLKSWAGEN ml Lloyd Form slam tern II bulb runway Totem iJlJilt AlIiIM PLYMOUTH III but bode Ill TITS Irbutll III will tenor ratuton and drive the curl ttlml tlih or out sIIaT Izsms liter am ANTI llil vavtottrst MI Had sate mite VI TIM miles stone miles mm tall lltliiehi moron tttsa Inseam artists mall 1pm Milli MORRIS OXFORD station View VI sat AIMS late at mt cub bl Tu sown est martini Hard for an Am MY Imus motor with arson miles use il Main Illnlns enlists ml or beat burr tsr TRUCKS FOR SALE dump IItt stay at serial dams Iatophana us me ml Telephone alter am srststI slit I000 HONDA tillltiO In Wind these attnn Illa Irlsavnm slutty aI Plymouth vs with shipment ohm Items it Ilary tit WW ola m4 SED CARS due rm bistl it is mountain rate If as nu are soon Drink and ti RE IIGIJTII winter but sure has teeter on an May as VOID TOIINO latentMI VI ateI rntas rnlrss Estaltenl ermltora sata uestil stem or beer Ioll MYII our Myst mm Only TIN unit It Y0 OUTS You the present IIIIL CAMARO wnmalarr saw MY MRS II ran HOGV Voltbltlptsl eat with low per roll bar motor ttIas used In lIus pun also or best otter mule most Opt llilr My iltatldnll er IMIHI rendition km lib DOOR OUIA swoon er no Illtlllil and tram IhIna Minted lmlnar lAMlllIArpevkah tunnels no mean onesvtllted man no men our otter tellshem WP Mm rs were IIIlo TI damned body an we olvleer lltl than om run hell ram iiilIS FORD IIOO Itan telephone Ilsnlo Myst HRH MERCURY IAI ION TRUCK IllIlttIdl hoolh with lltlilttlIMr Must iNTlANAVIONAL YIIL Mint tell villi team mam aerial All auntie alts iuor cvcfes srrnro AItttYDAVIOSON enovvm Iiihii TRIUMPH 500 send use motoeTIAeut ml 1070 RSA Illii MIII CAR VANIIH Io Ills Iew mum Vern time AUTORIPAIRS tiood Good Automatic Specialists Ttbdiil llWT health lesthoe initials wrtrl Ian and Ulla MVi wnno stoo nsssss 1U HELP WANTED JODS OF INTEREST TO OF COURSE YOUR FAMILY COMES FIRST BUT MAYBE the estrus you want Ior your lamlty Also wln prises street people have tun Its easy to get started Just write BARRIE Ont IALISLAOV or Iauoliwilt Ilnrl flamiin and sort me reply Wylie Irlnp stt ova ss LEGAL SECRETARY snarlmo too small allies elem all in may at mam days or dollar Isthlvli EMPLOYMENT WANTIID new IvIolIII will arrmu In own area horsemanThom Iveiiabie to we Ior ham ana lsmtly while you may mourn convention an trio was or INTEREST ro Ianluv InuitInto arerspe llpomtn ms smutso Ire Mother son in tannin ll surm MI mouuy tan willing to turn szI to wow led In White titre it as EXPERIENCED FRONT ENo MECHANIC rnlrpa Ill MITI VHI lain litviel man up tIIrr wally etub In IaIrie Tosvlras patterned awsntua ea Liv ovl Rammtliton tommanswlb with esuetlml Pull homtll Illness CIII batman hit Int CM PM tsIson listens For person able to iron Feed me Ia ton Acytinder tit engine red tlniah $1643 1970 METEOR Dr Hardtop hams Options utore eylinder automatic poets radio etc WI 5061 $l617 them 1969 FORD LT TihlN at Dr Hardtop $2495 Air eonditlused eyitnder 351 eadne speed automatic radio Urenea sorta I969 CHEV Station Wagon $l999 cylinder are mine autorrntie Utenee mo I969 VOLKSWAGEN $l543 cylinder auiornstie Licem Tltstt Easy Terms Arranged Right Here 379 Baylield Si 7287361 and will want kio lllvlld Mm Io Walter Wind is and white llltie ran on eoltar our Ira name Jim II lot In all Ymhll la Anoly tit mom rats MT Apptkant at recognised sec intend to rumplele management levels limb lion WOMEN NEED AN lDET INTEREST 00 can be an AVON tie are earn Irsaney tar IMW III lm tIvsIlnp Obonrhanlry tar III In It mail EL NUHLMULLUR II use level an Mm In prison as muss III MOWAL use at aha Eaamlro MY ill oitn tar amtnra usi evenings assays lZTENDERS trot lea III Invite as 1G lento dillrici man Myth In illm Iipte so low new Jill ol tyne on My 11 In the ONTARIO vanisTannslrlw Transom manor any or lreperrenl or under MEN him lets moan with Jim rd truth the Toronto alum IIruIII tmlidehtlal Ito Mm mm Mummy ruler ol Ontario Itouai teatim Toronto let not later Juna Pith The lowest prierd tty be aeecplcd ll lrm III tar appoint he Tm Iiliili PAYLTCEIJIITT the Mt MY AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY TO til Arultilloun dependable person physical rendition dr benelll rottrsnr with above average Apply By Appointment To TED ORENT LAKEVIEW DAIRY 72643500 MAW HIM BMOIIN pamterwlh Ilell hf III to HELP WANTED in corriidem stating irrtel IyIaIttlestluns as well as aslary remllrements to PILLSBURY CANADA LIMITED MIDLAND ONTARIO Inns DONT WORK ham WA Imuiar Full ltd Wt Rm oopntIqullel VIII ranma ieldtsvu tawonrry muhy No invrrtmant ltli Illnlshed Ir minim Htlitenl employ ran ra In re stTas ornonruunv lrpeht row plea bonuses noun lrsln WV SALES HELP AGENTS as TIauIns heirs lsasoualsttra tar Imle as not monthly rm otilra JUII ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS sue are Invited tor CONSTRUCTION Ol 30 SENIOR CITIZEN UNITS ONTARIO HOUSING TOWN OI ALLihTDN The reunited units may be under rorntnsdion or In the dealers state upon land owned by the option to Irnponl lornls spcellleallons and tnlarmntlnn may be obtain olttecs oi the Oarsroruliun Proposals Ior this propel will be physically received by tho Manaylny thr nn orper alien Ilit Dinar tilreet West than eon pm IDtit Wednesday roposul or any propoeai will not reversal OIIIaIIo Hdvalnp Corporation MYL MILKROUTE SALE II vinyl record with ohattltturs licence Exeallenl at arithmetic An early riser who enjoys outdoor physical work permanent position with guaranteed Income and Income Io entoya meeting people responsible tile and control money and to work with lnlnlmum ol supervision MYttiTIM MY JOBS OF INTEREST TO MEN AND WOMEN 705T ACCOUNTING JUNIOR We have In our or lnilliiOlI In opening tor promising not In the numlnliAs am We toe the pavilion otters room for Idlurreemcnt as well as challenge should be hints scth graduate and have one year blasting some completed ita or she man do mine with tho Idea bl pmnreutxrg to Indivldr history at employment sduear JUi wJIJuI l3 AUCTION SALES GIGANTIC AUCTION SALE SATURDAY MAY both at IT Noon Sharp ms or the VOYAOEUR UNIT ol tho SIIEDA SHRINE CLUE It the DARRIE CURLINO CLUB ESSA RD CARRIE Sale at Antiques Antiuua orssn rockers glassware Ill typce iumllure radios and IVI eiee iticll topplianeee at all kinds bedroom suites sewing mashin es riding power lawn mower like and many many otirer articles too numerol to mess on TERMS Cash No Reserve as the proreeds tram this rate go toward tho Crippled Children Fund We be you will attend and male 1h suction hate ecu JERRY COUOIILIN Auctioneer bIYTON OIGANTIC AUCTION SALE Saturday Itiay 21 at 1130 am sharp at the DARRIE CURLINO CLUD ESSA RD HARRIE Sale at now amt used Iurnltare etoctrlest lancer Inthure liveataeil maehinery etc Watch tor lurlher advertising JERRY OOUGIILIN Ittd GEORGE PIPIIIHI auctioneers WW Allhly7liillb AUCTION SALE Saturday May 20 at last pm arp Ior FSSAMRIH FARM At int 11 Con It Ease Tm one mile east and one ta north at Ivy Sale at it Ileud mirrored Aber deen Aneus eows many with ratves at loot others about line to alive The herd II In and Dnlcellasia tree and ineludos Aberdeen Angus iamilles such as Iestress queen Liana Irldo Witch Elna harbors lilaetblrtl Ind Miss Rus Is Also Iaruo quantity ol hull inn materials doors screens lssod Iasls this is tlvoetoe equipment many household Items lneltnliny antiques Terms eash ARCHER COLWILII autlloneer AJO Mydib AUCTION BALD SATURDAY MAY 29 Wit It ttroo am tor Ilen hawrton lot tti Can West Owltiim bury Twp entire north at Dsadiord on Highwayalt tistaolrood hotueho turnttura including some Intloua Ioecs lull Ilno at term mac inery quantity rl hated hay straw and trod groin Ilernlard rowssome with valves It tool and sleeker rattle Terms eash No menu as Istm II sold WATCH IOit PULL LIST MAY Ti ALLEN IIORNICR Auctioneer RAMON II meDHNO JUNE at MS pas hastp to sel by public auetion the iotiovtngz PARH MACHINERY POWER noummrr Hatfield Untreo sat lotu tractor In real nod Condition Allis animal wvnhtne wmptele withpkinnra and hleess ll old tile new Perm mix Inll tusod little Paar hum Rydretnlg all it bottom eons pteta wt land wheel tnesr reo dltiont1ltlplbiciastliiin lor Pom row Cau corn planter the new tr Slot hiteh one way disc ll 1C power snow er Haney Phguson bale burs rites JtlandD weed sprayer 11 it boom Land roiier lets Grain thrower lbar One side delivery rah Rubber tired um and net New hay rach no eedar beets Roll ol snow lessee Quality at steel poets Quantity oi eultlvr tor teeth Ibo IL drive belt IR bushels at allqu seed It scraper hlsde rattle leaders Set oi chain harms Set Outer ehalns Grain dryer pllu many more smaller articles too numerals to list CATTLE to head at eholee iterelord puss cattle approst mater roam the Steele and helices AUCTIONEERS REMARKS Gentlemen the Tyrant this sale II Iurtl new and has nniy been uscd two or three years The cattle are real tbrllty and will do nothing but so Ilyht ahead Plan to literal Tlnla Mt pm5hs June and TERMS Ho reserve lIrrn sold Holiday to be re rssovad until settled Ior Proorlo tor or Antibaeershatl not be rrrponalble tor loss accidenta or In ury hrsthe property day at II GEORGE PIFHER and JERRY OOUGHLIN Auctioneers Phone or 1mm lIYlA or AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY JUNE 1150 pm sharp tor the estate oi the late FRED ORR at lot It Concession Orlttia Township on tho Hedonta Oriltia town line ruler north at Prlcoa earners or mile south ol loxmead Sale at no head at Iterelard cattle lull line at harn machin ery etc Terms Cash ARCHER OOLWILL Auctioneer MYOAIJUI AUCTION SALE Friday Ermine June tth at pass Sharp Ior ARCHIE SMITH at lot Concession It VeIpIs Township an County Road as mile south oi tttlnealns store Sale at term machinery inotudlnl lrsetor and equipment sheep and lambs lirnvr wool and sense household furniture In studies Palmer upright piano TERMS CASH No reaerva as the home and Waverly la sold Holt lor lutI tht Tuesday June JERRY COUGIIIJH Ind GEORGE PIPIIER Auctioneers MYHMJUJ AUCTION SALE SATURDAY JUNE MI It 1150 pm sna lot HARVEY POIIII at lot bi Con Eupheula Two miles south oi Hoalord or suites north or Kimberley Sale at head at choice htyh producing Holstein rows bred and II boilers and eslvss DIII records it can llulh eooter lull tine ol mil elasa Iarm machinery hut it new 115 HT tractor baled hay and straw Horus lurnlshtn Tattul Chev ears now Only atsbis cleaner with to Twins elevator cte TERMS Cosh Norescrva as the Inrm Ls sold GEORGE IlPIliiR and JERRY GOUGRLLN Auctioneers lhorll Ambit lIYthUI AUCTION SALE Saturday June It at pm sharp tar Wit WINCHESTER At lot 20 Con it Orlltiu Twp miles north at the Itan runs PY Selllnp lnrrn mnrhlnle lilv llnn men pony roll IIeusalvsld Iurnitnra ineiudlttl antiques Terms tllllii Farm said ARCHER LOLWILL auctioneer AtiJOhlyIi LTII Asollydttiiut fizz Es EEE TEE =E 32 395 loldbarnmrodeasldiny tbamrneleiridlaa Auctioneer Mr Archer Oolwtl hurls Ontario another may be Inspected Hay Itulmzletalpns hrrthes tnloesnatloneon1ut Groves Walntmdent Provlssetat Toet Station an Insert on room run ovum mm at oi Dbdlllsd Threats averse onusIn starst YE OLD SHOPPE TN AURORA an Wettlnslae 51 last tornlerly The CNR Station sale at retrtgeeatere stores roommates even an use and tables and articles the burn ereesternenttonlrom naps store Adorn All spottanm salt he an In wetting condition Tunis Cash reserve aa Ieaeehas lead an aurora building he by number reliant resistor with Inside cer ALLEN IIORNER Auctioneer HYlmJOt SMCOF FARMERS EARN FOR PROTTT anon sarcoa DISTRICT coco 7200531 RETTIICROPT HA OPEN DAYS Auroraltoad tnliioaastoitob avnnvrlnrlo lot on no and Harlan bonenlan lg ttorn Tex Tan stmbsn barns by Saddles pillar and Sullivan Gloves Randn Tony Laura and Retrial Doors bailey Hate Me Riders Ronald itlts West ern Shirts Sunbeam produtll TELEPHONE till iAiH MY HMJUIJIAM lARMIRSf urns FARMERS ATTENTION This section II reserved lee your convenience to SELL TRADE as SWAP Overlook household In tlclar larm eqalpman tor services It word ad rates mm DEKALB PULLETS Hero and more poultry men are choosing Dekalb Pellets Started readyvtolsy and dayoid ehlels For service or net on your poultry Ioblems cal IO HUNTER POULTRY TARM LTD STROUD AlbHit FrtTTura IOIt reIIr PAIYUII ti rent It would have st the prod stars and Imsbelt roe II IIIIta Wk 40 ACRES WTIH STREAM miles east at lento reasonable EM HILL MY ip area aonT IUINILI at Mill III and Its em havta ITIIIII million It til ARCHER OJLWILL Arxtinnoer HYJIIJNH mummiesmoms HINT latte was at or halanlalihousebold not nmiiitt PM attr tOOLI ctc Hr ltaw is giving Na JERRY wUORNIR GEORGE PIPIIER Anetiabeere AUCTION SALE huntturo bouhehold eiletis electric appliances eta tor TON WUSIHS loheheid TURBO JUNE Isn shagV Located In the rotor mes Ina WUJiaIn St Iurt all as Highway Tenses Cuts No reserva Mr Ootlsiu has siren up hotua mental and the Muse la VERNON AYRLS Auctioneer Pbm $1M Stmd HYNUL auonou sears mDAVtEVENWw rn lortbaea testtboiate PEARL PARR at EAYIIELD CR DARRIR sale at Reinein lurnlhsre aetrleal Ippttascea and got antiques toets ete an car No reserve the estate nulat he bellied Look toe has list an aura lath JERRY WHORLIN Ind GEORGE PIPIIER Auctioneers DVDJUL COUNTY MARKET FARMIRS MRKT NICKS DEAD STOCK DEAD SIOCR Dead or crippled rattle horses buuii animals removed lroe For taat service PHONE DARRIE mean Collect oraair Ior EEle HiJh NO CHARGE uhwnadsyotdsysarveeir Rh Framed Ontario Itlct Monte Prop Lleem more LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HORSES boupr boarded sold and tar hire THE II RANCH tth Concession Orr Phone itioonstono 11th MWP NOIIIINOII rumtlro steal an em wives iIIITITMML TSPMD Horus IALRARJLITIIIRAWNW tttittlim that sites he we IltrohsIIIlM mMillie Ehsstout sent annals MITCHENIWM Jewish an srrwd emtho Horus moth man ram old Asaaaaea salt with lust idl and stars III Nottle Ya AIIVNAAII II an maIIlIla TWILYTTNIJ iatrtty avarremss Intrlilosl Ind vets Inltamalton Avstlatle Interiors NARI em New last list lawleihvll TARMKMACHINIRY HANK BROWN Doiaval mu Phi Ounphte ltrs Dal Term Eghipiittitt Supp hurts Rally Rwy Turns HINT ism Itlh sash dbl COCKSITUTL TRACTOR huh teaser III MUM HWTITATTJYJIJ TVIO and itlo lJ lllm wlra New It In Luau to rlmpaI 4M on Samariumh