te moment III Elie thorn trimmer entommtmw it won Editor mum anmmumw In l7 rm wsqur It DropIn Centre For Elderly rves Consideration ese ndl has been asked to with Tlehlllr dtluna dropin ten m1 idea hat merit and no doubt 11 mm mm ll WW lb PW mm pcert mt olIWtheutlty tglrll lielkwlnndmmIne mm the tolul When recreate ititiifiitthr on We out from Wk dim it N1 toxin uripiinnr and renior ditzenr PIDlKlL lemptt to 75mg evulldil mod According totheliioheueestnent rolir Ie than oi Barrie there are approximately 3350 been II mm perenaninIIihecIItyoteroonenr oi Wminuta Some torn Ive roerea one all throuth two ortentred elube ehidl meet btxedom mun Will WWWW am week ihe maioriiy however drwtn rim 3sz hath to huh ere not involved ior number oi thII11 fighter Io pin IE Periodically nather mlIALdrothln renire would be open daily ould rehLeavgibeesgm and meet eILtltIeIlIegjhlltlnltogheIIrIItIogeIatnu moth cm summit 21mg 333 ggflggm Areyouthe one who sbeen cuctdatrng hale itteratureliy pettilonmg to ltd the mm mm an min ihnm all yinwelu Enamel nelQWlhOOdOlwam MANN Mont Wu many mayorem WanJaw ml mm where terrier dtlren could not on lntheeornmnr otthar mm Imam hen Then the photomphe OI emu Weenre em oi the eerthe ruriaee ere reilyed lo the receitlnl lll studying report in the oral then investigated because drouid mu eeIrv If UK II OI hm 13 etiordr etranpe contradietiont lute stand in the my oi progress nth lhdmdimmumm an item explained tltrt the out vrhd ransom they shouidoe up Ihleior llllllmiulontoeboui Mince oi Ollilo war prepared to ed and severely cant ted gmmlf fu ml tr nether mum nrenlt oi to oi hi win rte in II out ctntdt It tecodde ier anemic them orglvr it Unemphymeil it her menthenth notll andarltrinaieeitnetoilelinr varioua intererte intending lo open new vinee tad should not be alien to an he provided irom rtthtn inr dutytree outlet on an mm mm em torment opportvnltier totcthrr tilt Wt rm Wt 01 Mill Ind 50 may ght mar wirepholo were ad tinnel revenue ior the people at on the streets to Join the thousand em AW beueedluueu Maldm the province other unemployed gating tool gammmmihm Earle tmrmttirhi tr Ln the mmhon or tham Daily New Smmw In mnelgxwgm II InglvzlncimogriIJIiIIIIIIIII the imoeher duIIIIrifII mrtunity 10 and uiIiIie Iermt oil It II it report teem ator hut Canada will lore even than exportere In plrtoi theerterteite me mrwmlvllllhtlml um mmwum Ihir oi eotiree would enahle individ lealih eountrlee it mm ittrth inert mitt it their tained by the muttnmlortrtl uail or compartier with plenty oi ideal SLAUGHTER IS NO ANSWER Witt 0t 9th tell MI mm gmmtgpcarwiw Whig will IE thh not naturenle and little nth to put there idea into floroltlo Deity Star WWW ltgtuhergummurnr practicewith obvioutiyiavorablererulte Ceylonl three Communist tahlnet WWW rteermuttelumu Lllm$fmfnlirf WY mu to Mm tor Ill partier concerned minlrierr are piourlv ehoelred by the mun or thin yearl oi readlutt in lnduatry here it 25 per cent Cenl alerted with or Yttinmthertlrtotthmmeptper 55W Thlrhvhttlhthrrmt Wertthteel the mutg gm an Duper horn Common Inde rnttlttitatttil uarttotalotn Weir tourtare Home robelretho are lhe item 0n the mil starter muntrtee retort per heenreertmottmulvh no yand the development tithttnr under the tunnel oi the lite thin nth they ur the tit it trim little the bellevlblgldtlmlrteni oi IiI eltlblllhed company it reiured Cl mm In Wille 511 0i ll Mey eethiilloe Ind My the miller Still even lhai hardly el 53 mh 1m MI mum pttlerr are normal toolt What it more eompanyitaorured Summits I301nt In Igmgltdt thettldinlhe ionr run pro throttlnunerrortrtaut ntdttltntt lIIrlIinh tier with 2min rm mm wt re mum on mum to nliunl yraottu nte Com Cenath elw wtlltaot rodrwn currrnu hmth mmedmnulllonJetheu oi threatenlnpihe department to mod and deliver lnlhe ehape oi ttaternentl mm Wm CMHM mm mdunum maml into or no he tritulluui policy ehlrh pro erttere the market Iiriiilh trt rm 10 onhmm hdeIIiItIrIIIhIeIgndechriItIrIeIr IhIlIlIIItIrIlteIIlIIIIl wgwmnuwgnm mmmclm WI gameItIIIhlIrI linrrnthtneoot weather date on him will be timed and about 50 em mm aide rompeiltion lngeuln more than three Ilmd Im ling WWII Mm to in ulen rule irom pioyeer will nd themrelvea ottt at orutle armor there maybe mm GROWN to exporterr are or work At the other northern end oi the than perlod ni reedllth nut ullntru tn the crnttttn lml littiilr Depending or mm on the amt lndiart rubconiineni the Priirtan govt mt only Iemporery problem WW MW Wit mullet rhrro ilrrnr would counta lot about hell lmmuluuwmm thir lnvtaitnrnl lo Nllllnlll mm my ieor total budret SIz azrazgssn hair5 worde used by the repreeniatlve oi thil omen ll Wtiitt dW inmld NIID erlwrlzwllrt m3 mum enee movement with rimiirr ruihiett my that the irrmioe mtlon ltnl Impuize IIItII hm beg Tmnlig bmhmyI In mm omml hm Sggufm 313317 ahotrld he gradually erpored IetI uIIeIntanrdMIa Itllte to due itotn till marltei and 33 Emmonfhlm rplain rtatemtnt oi the iaete ihlr mori Watchword mm to be No quarter ain to um importer ot littler mm WW mm roots at the type thtt etch Tmlgz mWImfc Wildhrtt their hath roll ettltnr reportlnr percent Inth Imr it Wu mm immum are oi capital would trigger mm Another toealled met by lhir rom mint Wm PIIny wzr that oi relilnit out to an Itm Yourgmncglm Eigmtgttltulgmuitilhnlt lllllrietcin mm Hm In in time oi national cririr civic and rm Jamar mwmngnngmlrmz We ltnow inr int thrt tomeiimet munlclpai eleetlom ma teem like email mu mum government departmehtl are quite can WWII mm the mietehe oi lnm mm eerlrin property tired by the public who more directly than any oi the renior upperair wanted to roalte mortuaeiui aileratiom mm mm mm Ind mm Iagttnlgrtturhmf mummhumlegwzlt to hit premlter lie war reiuteti oer mittlon until tome atrin were uileti 10 1mm ii ll no premiere than rttrnhle and otnettl lnlrmnttnrl trnnrhl the It to it let 1m WI it WWW Wt eaves servers YStl 19 pllihulrgvlellvlbzirltlllllhuaoi DoETlronIrequlreddwlmlnaIIiew gaylv Ihgwtmm IldlYIlfI gltdr Id znrwmtn IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SI IIIIm II III liiIoIIznngonll then rtumtanter in not that one ra er are mporan Ire Mum WIIMI YMvthrltc ettthttbe ln Weslllnionlnd turtcelvn it HIM at tltndi however in the department ucaiiortaipollcltr the hiring oi teacherr rmrntn tam wesnlhorort ttri the lm nln Im mill igiwlgmf Elwin matrrlmed di ll eiiere tnme aeiy and hill rice the planning at new educational pro ho enemy little the llntl mt rtlhrute mittulttot then mm mm on mmtmm rum 1de mm mm rciourtn their doeiriont Theme we haveln mind it that oi the owner at mm Am Wlm both civic and tthool boardlouoher you Mhmmrv Egg $53 SEEgs at to roll vi tottethmrrlern record on mime uh thttohtt graml Storm tireerr but terviee guatywi1tihnttIthIw mluwmlWNW groomItal the teen IAIIthnttewYorklimerput matttlllutntinnocent in the int ler tale doptrlmerti oi mm Mud mm leave thee nor iorrlhe lhee Welpone hat Ietl therrvert to log fullytokfwm him fit in the OntariarlDeveio merit Corporation MMldmmmdlmumi mm huhnhrtntd he cluelduull hm la mlotlr 0h Prettiert Nironluwiibrlthll lot even to athlete totper oitt war Involved nyor er neret ocorttern wwwmm Munmmwnhmm stilt him would nnt t1c luthlllmlledeceorduntil ltorthlllltr puhilcrelhiime Suuit qutlilonl rhould be ihorouttlil youmlt with tuch ittuet in tn Ilmoxlthereoi turpenta Wu breathe rt lter tr to this litmohrtttvtr no oilictt tor the north In gm Exam the Marion mm hiutlly ill Inmtvultnl he who ldttlhnhu wretched lento It We commorioeered Untied stttrr MiW en Hrtmrtt tome FWittnbvlhiduto ten Ihtv Itlll up to ttnnthtr eel loellrboilenr Dmrllihltnlreolrierti quid Beyond lhei we td memo ahiwh on nwzt tramean ommwm Wu amt ahtllilgnW$nllTl river and eierulvg and bo portlhlu mm mu uh 0mm WWW mam weaporu aliholtrh ho tonerdod Egg rotate very intentlvo nerotil CW STORY new no tartthirteenth irmhmtimvhoh eeeortottauiiail mountmerit vtent Vlrtvnity me lieItalic en air oi boittddte WWW WWW mum nietll it not outririlt rite ltel Iteiurri potion runrlhteed ln aomo quarterr therepmm Itallyr lindenno tome airmen were at ion Mlnllhn to error tone erreitmenl oi the ply MW iheepxepleiihlemwm Iiiithnco oi the document curried rtrttonruro Wlllilm rui it with also Uh So my ton rIItltrrnogy by trim rhtlmnn or the so vIgt lntlerr It the hitheli llv ct nynonhowtidii NotIIItaIIutttheenne toilrliltil rIItItrnrrtIinto erl lentilhereto if 5m Jvfutlwmgl Wolsey muttny amt Im 31mm wood Wt Northern wilthhtitltti into it out the hitherthittttn hour it hurt it em Utow Illtll wreioetudyiho uauaee in MY oi truth II oi canemote yeltlrt ItlI not mutt be mnethlri mm ll Wm lielllieielm other cotntrirt me turn nnrotoitthtnlrrnrrrlrr drill pltltleltlwllilltilltik MSWW5 ii ho record lul IW IV Upper Cltliltil and to rrieko reo hm mm N0 AirllliiihlirNT NMAII VIII teeth or the eIentIIiIo lihlVOItIlnlllIIII hntmendetirlnll IliIllhlmtliiivi on tile eunelullon eermlrtxly Ian the Nixon edminii ti oerln Id rut vlonnne it til Ireu on my In title hi hi llral aria war in WI mummy Mm Tm piritrti on by more tutti ntttrn decided to play it up domertle ltd mm Duct haniihironlihatuorllryntrtail olivervrrr ea atiltllhielratien polltlrr number iii the lender or the iiW PM mm mu intittniro tooth to tlrtrlli tho the Kremlin iltlton pmilnr oln on ienuury ll Im TM II levniullnnr while llllii thrr lrmumt WM cndl vutrtir ll ill th limlilih were outdated lltltlttl ltitli illthiiitta ant ttrtnt in and Milli hum WW oniruhrttrllivelnirlenlgt nil hm lterlud at with mtg mm or hliniater Lord Mlibourile that weremdeiroe row we out its will he elrenliherttd rt NAM thelrltltltm latter and Upper Clnldl tn the Iowarl Itt Minnit to lord totreturn tetllm uilved moanedttnrrttrttmitt Itrltl intent Secretary itrt litteeitioni ohterttrt report lmmtrhhthhwhirrnt letheiltt dm Wm mm wmw WI IIIIeeIItIutItIIIIItItIItIIIrIurnrd at ilenirow horny 0hr lthI eItIiltleaIloIItrte utodIior VIlii lIgirId yer oIoIiItltIIIto mp but will not went to ereittn rt tlmmmi the are lit mete iii in the ii at Irevellnl mks pu ee otter rim Wio II new ontotnu remelure nine or comm thhnrmone wl nenr nrlllihldhylllluwllllldt vI lnthil Dper erediteitto Ii or 01 Win Mm UntMitt TWIN Vinittltn In it elinnyt HAPPENED IN ritite hi it WrReileld and To Ill anti Vuhurlit it groflIItIitIIeKIIrIleetIIIntRIv $10 MnnI In mmkume WI IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIVIIII II mm mm mm IIIIrI otherIIIrrIigton lIhe IIIrIatiuiti tilt wlIMthel Hm you Wm lllll Durham wet erllielted in mm hum Mm WW mm mm IaItm III Inleifw It llIIII eIIIIteln tutti new tear or Weidwhrthtahotytten ItwtuilinIIthtIIndntltlzh Itgi rlttrtrnrm 11w mmttwtitmma IIHIIIItiII IIIIIIIII rIIIIIIIIIezuIIEII Imam brIiIIvIIIIthIIiIIeIhigIIItIIorItI wIIIIII malaria will WI it leeswnrllt ttrtt toopefl WW iteypendloreoilddaveiomerttt arthearemtte Wilwiiilm Midi llve ell reilhory opened at WW in the rhetoric emu liniitttton lhe rm uretldetitlnl Ctr mrl Iona hell in alll iurham let it Ntlrl llit tum till not llr wlert er literate with not ttthrnnrit ltilnurtihlttiri on the Alice Med lime or lttutrr mutt lht it will Mi luiltmtmtmdt gilllelrllm ot tilnutoh lnti throttle Ntrtt hmrmrht Morita mkwm Mm melatonininnervation liltidlthillltilttltiwltil VDtlehrIJllchIrlrlrmeiiml rtotutlollotlr Ila ihut tupportot tellon exreemenl toupiatl with PlutolendLrapierolliiimltiultitctuene Dttrhem ttld not not in the tie lentie eolarliee bltl he met their Durhent retommendodIre line topyrttht ileritlrulitm Numa lailte in uteri erein irt tlelrtnhi And on he rtlltlrl lutltllitttin deputation ai Quebec and ihnntihln rntetnntent tor ttn letsNoviounoitrte mu her were mm In Im MIII mm IIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIMI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Montrell the but met that Quebec he eiectionatnce ltinInICenettL liekfnyuwimi lived the Wethintion Itvenlnl devropmertt ie um nunnWWW It