In mocrro town or common International Hockey Approved HIUNDEii RAY Old 5entln the lulllliyot heroin emrteur hockey down on term the Crnrdien Aronteur llockey Wedneedty to reenter loierne tlootl mpetltlon in Ill dirk Ildlil except three Involtlnr world or Olympic pity We now ltei our poUey er nerIiive one Ind it In Unit port to review the tired and boom brrIlnlnr CAIIA president Err Dmoo Illd alter the to rorlIUan hId irert unenlntour Ipprovrl lo the motion It lit to hurl meetlne CrnIdI pulled out oi interoev tlonrl hockey competition to drum me when the Inter nItlottr ire their tinderlion reverted lie dtclron to elite cuith use oi proieuleoei ploy err In world ehtrrtplenthlp Iy tape The CAIIA decided then are would be no exchange oi teemr between three Ind Conrdr until the mo iIn teont wee el towed to uro ptolcrrlonrle Arroclrtlon noted point Drown raid the IIIoeletionI elrnd wu not nerrtite policy the It First but hrd become thl wry Lbecrure we hrd rrtIde our Now we here to he euro were not hurting our trlendr meret end we here to ItIrt hemlan with some oi the Do ropcIn ceunlrin tor their me when it center time new yerr in min dlIcurI CIoItIII proporrle to use my Conrdien pie err in world competition on him CAIIA execu tive director reid Re hell principle thIt er Ilood by but it ernt need Men to ll oorreliee to IIle in the position It hole rent out prerldent lrrd Pm oi VInccurer aid the Dr enr hrvo IuIIeried atrlrtmrr Iournrnieot wllh the Crnrdlra eenlor hockey ehrm ploo the Aheerne ip chrnh ion Ind lenm lront tho nlled Bitter The StoryOiCenonerodiIeh But LatestThoroughbrd Saga NIIW YORK AP the story oi Crnortrro ll un wenlcd II yenrlinI Ind rinrrhed oil lot more 200 to dealer it hot the tried rnrrrlorlchrr rue ilttt rrteknr thorourhhred horn rutlvr Io Ilrmoraur hack in iltt lur lnttonet there qu Alrnh list our there who won the Precinct Ind ended hir reclnr crrccr with 33500 in oornlnor then tinre wII Stymle eleltrted tor Oldith Ind the winner oi lllhtil Perhaps the molt Intolera ler herrela Mr Curry lirclt who ilrrd the lmeylnetlon at mine tort or the peoples home decode one It Ceno were it her done thtr yeor Finally Wins TORONTO iCIi Aiitr two tltlrdplrco tlnlrher Moe Queen linrlly iound tho wlnnerr circle Wrdnerdly It Woodbine rocvlrrck when the Irll home neck Iheuti oi Arrrh In the revenlh race liidur lurch covered the never iurlooII in hit to pry thin Arunhl returned it Ind thirdpiece llIiI ll Lott yerr Tudor Queen eluded it timer winnlnr tour tlnlrhan record thrco llrnor Ind third once lth elrnril limit for owner lrci Siallord the deity double ol iilue Stitch in the iirtl Ind lilo loot loony in the retool wrr wor ildtw iiohisitcr teamed with liver llrndldo in the north lor Still elector while lrbe Count nnd llo Cold combined in the Ilitth to pry tilde LACROSSE Uy TIIE CANADIAN PRESS Oollrlo Junior iirtmolce iiitraura Eloblcoke it St CatherineI tlhtilrle Junior Neorttorouolt it llldlurvie Onirtle hehioe li Winer it lolnt Edwrrd lntrrprtivlnrlel Junior it gt Cornwall it Oltrwe it THE MUFFLER swor llrrrlIr Own iiiuiiier Corry liuek who rorl lotk Price In erllntlted WW ended hlI reclnr eereer with under oi tltitltllllilllh plrce on tho elltintr money winninr Illl Cr Deck luri II Crone were did ihlr year Icorcti trculer vletorlrr in the eniuelty Derby and the ireeknerr Croonero ii the VeneruelIn invrder ltoI hlr rheneo oi rweepler the tart Triple Crown by winning the Belmont Juno Crrry Duck however uttered the tilt niple Crown when he lnlurod hoot Ind tlnlrhed out oi the money in the Belmont to Sherltiek tho Iurpiito tilt winner Corry lluek usually come iront iIr back to win with hrcelhirklnr Itrclch runs but like Cunorwro ll he Ihowrd he could In richl to tho lront end beet Ipeed hortct It liirlt can IItne Corry Deck conrldered to remit rent the wrone Ikle oi the trockt beerure oi un irrhloneble br Id In war rlrcd by holly out oi un ulw rcure retro Juripy irlte who red ttrnt nenr cleve lerwl It the time required Johny ioi lilo plut ottolhre god Ivr Jopryl heard bin or IFYOU WANT LITTLE MORE FORYOUR MONEY BUY OUR GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES llw Ililiiltti tlnntnuttuni my on lllltll Illlt Illinei lililil ililiii uinIiIIlIlItI Muttnttrivv Illtiilrll rlillll till Tenn 1km Droid eetr up Ill betel knocked down by tormer huvyweldtt thrnnrion Floyd Priierroo in the ninth round ot Met in Ciereleod 6an Itith Peltmon won uneolmottr decirloet in the drill which lent the hill to roundL it wet Priierront iottrth IIIIILRl victory in comeback hid hr heron lost yerr iIttrrron rtends in new mmth EA Wholuendrrirren ot Toronto tented IuionIIilc rocoadilon tor croturlnr the world iooln howhor the ort roio It 1th in tits in the int yeer world champion Ihip enIiliteI er Iotemrtic entry Into the Sportl IiIil hi how Nick Wedoek Wledror Oat bornplierJIrtliietuooeol the mid ootrtrndlnr ema ieuro end perennial eonteodee td entrieur roll turrets in Coo liAl Tint BUILDER laeludtd in the hot were thm tn the buildere caterary who contributed to the moth ot rportr both emtteur Ind peo lestioerl ibmrn liyrn oi 1b ronte totindor tirepin bowl lnr melee liver It ilontrerl who wrr retire in rnnny rpotia pronmt II writer cuter Ind mlnlrlnl belt term lierry Jerome Veneotree hill mum Timid Ind Eric Owl Winnie ell toe their teen to trIck Ind lleld Met Boll Noheoo Ind lire tuner In dud lAl outm Robinson wu ti when he turned in hit ehrrrtpleorhlp her presence IIIlnrt boIleII item It cannula beceroioc the old at coauthor em to win the world title Warlock who now melee hlI borne in Durtlaltim Ont her been member oi Oeirrlot Vrillludon in Ioit term It timer indudinI it might run from 151 thth ttti llrrn Iekoowlrdred iounder oi tlvopln broiler wet too bony tn ml to petrol the ldrr lie rattled tor Irrlchlor it grow into recreonnel puttirne en by eyer prunhteoi voice in Quebec Iportr tor el mort hrlt century It iourn told let hrerdtrrtcr Iulhor Inti Id rid mlnlrlrrlor For less moneyThe original peppy little economy 2door that was an Handles like subcompac Mevorickollcrsyepc Grabber weve addo iamllles need more room VB because some peep since Us Introduction Matter trouble tree it Maintenance is simplicity ltsoli breeze to drive Thats why your best vernightsuccess but has more room lie is or her been tihiirled with rrrlour pair in horse roe lionrl llerkry Ilrruo oilirlrlr tor yerrr Smiliehboro Sturgeon plrywd Ind torched tome in the 1th rooie Irer Ind er president It the Toronto Irri Dirlrlct Irene orutl run belore ruinan in until born In lwi loomed his irrde while employed In belihop in Detroit then tied hit prom on who lde heels while litter reriornly tr hlonlrctl Toronto Vrnrouter end Vlrtorie motldmd one at the lite top pocket billierd pleyen in the world Utenler held the North ill tl weedtilde dlrn In rod to little ol trtlnnr No In lie tentatively Iran the til anionic title In link we ilrorutnthrr ehrnoton IMF Lit both Illnilrh Ind bu lIteheIIn Cnnndtnn trrprhootr in We red It eul tteedier in lam InoIIboe in poll end horhey Roblon held nine world Corral Iiier rrurk Ind III the Indian bomer In record holder lliI nrnnier high lump on Ihrlrr el tour ieet tlo lathe III lint one Ioeh below the world best lie dornlerled the rpmlriet but WIN related hi1 granted tine horn ill thrown 5M NUT MAIL lire lottery wt it in Ate nil ilOl when rho rel tour ttrttlnh Empire Garner rwitrr merit It lonelier Miami to doctor lndivldori lreeriylr remit It low end yrrdo tier tetra rnrrkr were in the medley nlly Ind retry Iir Phyllis Down the III rtnrned CInIdII atIlrlIttdlnI tt trirle Ithlete ln int Ind It that time held elmooi every Ceru dien tmILrlI record tor women from it yIrdI in one mile don in the in tire trial led the revere world end It wrr all dried immt warld lot more then den The inger4dorfmil economy Maverickwith more room in the back seat to Even more Maverick$2686f if Maverick Grabber the jazzy holce Bcsldosour New and sporty 4door model because growing Weve also added an optional le like little lok has proven to be virtually more power And Parking is cinch choice in compacts is more or loss Maverick Urrrdonniin preprrrliorrl oendl iouitIo ll nothilidllrilloniurl to lllitilhittill Hui rovintiel be economy ompact with the sporty car look The new ll8 Maverick is the lowest priced ll8 car you can buy lipelrllrtr lit lNNlIllL lllONll Hull UAil OllI TOl hleple trove Soccer Term who won the tlory lloy noltlr lilemarlol Tr Irrntiyirnvoro ir intuit in ltAllilll