Chain Sm it IIovlng Tntrtration By GERALD ALLA Eundnee Sporte Editor the erneolrplr heroewlththm iIrII one reserved tor the inky lot ul to etliren Ind sort kw RepellilWl who Bot ditilall vent the vein Model need It hertkullarriiy IheI Ir rivedhnrrowprodneedelotet Incline herdeeher erpedoli Indie world ot iuthrli Ii wonder ehoor lied to retbred uw mu leoli Irene with mirror won derment whether the lrtett plror toe the dry thwld be eoooooee II color on ehen ethedulrd or due to inclement rev ths er Ionic diamonds track It Intro on Neitniiy the prospect oi nude or renter terror the rprrtt lrnwlih thourhir ot tote to letter in the were on the horde rcene Indt leieet indictlionr Ire wer tber permittinr II hatter to edd one hsilmr Qiir helikret to be but we make note rod expect In In IIWI Icon It the he learnt executive rppcrrt deter Apparently Sunset Speedwry tr pinaalor operrilonr It well The me were erred in hIlt due to the wet conditions Iut olrht Ind Bob Brooke lniotrru or this Milli that the sum trrek rIIrrle Mp It Yeoch ilrrtln willbe rrtoeloL Thlr to our rrln date Ind we qrrkm lithe most definitely plan to run to nintt an our will be there So in the city Ind ditlrlet eyer LI Inrlourly turned Ikywar And it low prererr tor rup port at etidrlr In the field el Ire being rillred it it uederrirrdrhle Ar limb Book Spectre Maneswovene Ile players the title reenu up it lord ltrdre lhiI morninr nine ron eeroer out it we ever Ice SUNSET SPEEDWAY wry rriodiiled rrri the III cylinderr er with lots oi centellrtlont river one the hotter oi betel Sunset rrteneree Itood up or Ierneihlnr Irrnr eh have Redeem Iko uriy to the terror tnieee Ide EIII week to rebuild Add plryerr teem more the little concerned rod deilniiel InnkeiltoIet rotnIrlih thth were it It mderrtrndohie 1hr intermedtItI Lerrue thII eerron Ipperrr to be highly mpetiirre one with reterrl qnertlon roerkr With the more nwnt oi lIrt Iurorrr cheater lrnperlrl Euunrn to the sen ler reeks latter with them ter etIl oi the reported interrer tor error with the wetter terms dellnilely improved end the roeleriooer round it will be lolerertinr to Ice hot the lore riuh lrora titre border will Iroeer end it it hop ed that the term err get into Ieiion teen to provide irrtbeii IItil with the eotertrlornenl promised Accorth to ierrue oruldrnl Io tor ionth Ii Iyrtrrril Ire We lutl hope the Queens Perk the run Irrlo ntichly tut you it ihir rain to nine wrlckirrr so tent lookinr rkywrrd lir Quecnt TIrk tonight It pro ior lnlerrnedlrle irribrll with red at our Dru Borden And It Iril It Sunlet Speed Eiroud the Lrle ltodel We ilepe lir llrloe beinI rporlr writ Ill Ioma lie scored tire Iorlr end it under more we To Millie thedrrlL PRAISE DALI With lrnlncb ltotido III erri rrteurerewh uld Wedneedry he hrted to In Drier go but its tribute to hit improvement lhIt he wu Able to commend two plIyerr in return Iiier belnr weired hurt the year hetero In RohliIlUE Ii irnleeh oi the deieaeenitn he hed been reeklnI rloee the rim oi letl terron when Ilehlletlir no rookie with the Illhll tie plrycd only it em with New ork hetero betel treded to troll where he rrw Ictlee in nine rullir Luce rite tirried int ret wo with New York Al Detroit he planed ht or corner madly in penaltyklilior roles Driey to tow retiea Srhree Irmer trot reason potted Iotlerrtlnrt lillr lit now to Dulirlo item tltlruuh icnruint llirDuiio id turned in IoIlIrrrlnrl IverIIe oi Hi to Ad rrroeI tor New Yorks poe eriul Dmrhr term in the Geo trIl terror Nevin ttyerreld riml wlnIer led the III err In the recent Sunley Cup ryellr with live eerie and three rtIirtt till it IoIlI Ind 35 uritiI in the him it year record oi root end its IrIiItr wltir Toronto lltplo icrir Ind New York US Slams Back Alter Early Upset Boyer Admits Big Biasi Over Comments IlONTilEAL tCl Atlrntr lirrrer tor Iotlirllliid rtrrtd Iyelort iloolrcol Expat Iclrnoeledrer thtt lherer been bi hirrt In Allrntr about his rotviemnIlion at Brever renerel mrnrrer Ilill Illclt htyer epprrenlly war It In with irul Itichrrdr Ienrrr rnrntrtr oi the iirrver over In Iniervlew the plIyer we to New York newlprper la the interview ltaycr wer quoted II ruylnr there Ihouidnl be my piece or my like lllehnrdr in boreholl lure Ouiitr rptrtr editor ST ANDREWS So at Toronto Argos TORONTO Cil The Ipeeln ol the hook hrrru over the Toronto ArrrtnIutr toothrtl club And it may never be pub Uthed The eulhor lr veteran cor nerbut Thornton end the title it Get it while Youre Not Beam Youre Color to be Cold Lone nor tirnr th book dercrihed II the tnrlde rtory oi Cenedirn too hellwith rpeeiei Iltentlort eld to thI ArroorutIhrd been scheduled tor release to coincide wIh the anterior oi the till italbtll terror it wont be red the rpeculr lion Iboui who ruled it it or report II the rpeeulnilon at to whet it told about whom intide the coloriul covers it it reported lhIt when ihornion rhowrd lew limp ten to rportl writer iriend the writer rdvlrui Dick in reek the Idvlce oi rcpulthle ireyer Dcit hId rppercnlly die rrrtrned some at his oluylnr er oiirtlteiield pnitertu ioe hookor It lcurt lhr lew ehapterr previewed Gillie Aeotlelly lI known to hove upret corrh lee Culnll Ind odterr WAINT OUll Iilhli lhorntonr book wrtni our idlid oi raid turiy Stealer ilwrntanr editor It Wm creedr Lid It wee too ruhlective Dirk tried to oulNImoth Nomrth without help Joe Nenttlh end it rnrde him look like terrible III thoueht lot nt people would have been hurt lry the book The rexuol erylelir were too vivld end there won tolrl rilrek on the toothed IriIbUIhrneri dont know how the catch tound out whet er In the montrrrript but he tlid llnd outTltornlon Itld And he In hit uptight Ibout Then he mm but It hit pubilrkerr Al relrtlvely new writer notice in the hut Inlet oi the puhllthlnr world rolled entirely on IuldrneI Ind advice rent rnr pub tleher thr Ilnce dimered ihrl mum or thin advice war not necertrrily with my hert Inleml in mind leel that the men rho when he pleyed wilh Winnlptr illur Domhcrr htd hit tweeter numth err hierened on hlr rtIerrtohlle itlr rtylr it more in twin with lair re ly in tho lldy It the eocktelI prrl when the innulred II to ere he not there lelrhlnr berdr he me under lhornlon bent hlr crooked rrnlle upon her Ind II nuletly took cm oil derd indirn Aintrrnlly Dick hut der ride hir toolhtll corocr iekcn precedence over literary career It ihlr point but he told lrn not tiring up lint portponlnp it while do cided there were more ml nurer ihun plutcr in the thin IuIt now So the tnenurcriyt you heck Into ilkit Thorntonr hot tam drawer ii in II contro vcrrltl and II looded II the more try it it end It the Itlhor Inicndt lIi Ill on It It ion II he piryr luttheil ll mild he nioro valueltle then norul runtrrrt COPELAND SENIOR CONVENER Itory out It Otillit elrteI lhrl irek coprlertd prit pee eldrnt ot the Orllllr Terrierr oi the tutor DNA Ilene her been rppolaicd the era Ittet eenreoer The tultrt Ind Timer Ioter ie Ilory yeIlrrdIy thrt Corr lrnd in conilrmlnl the op pelotrnenl third that he will Irkrd rhooi the petition It the DNA Inertial irw work no end litre rrked iur lime to eontider nil prIl weekend hr told Incident no the Ierli Mir Amelia ibet he would tote the petition II eerirrti Ir Copelendr Itllemrnt the NM title would not ronltnn the Ape polrimrnlr htpnhittydiiil tour at the rumor malehct rtormed hrck lo the Itierooon Wednetda to Internpoint it ever it British lit the erkdr Oup Ioil competition The the term dolled drivirr illrl rod cold wind over It An drewr iehled old eru in rccordlnf victerlrr in III at the clrhl Inrler matcher their one Ind drewlnr tmr ihe ohrrp revcrrel oi irriuner mode the Uli term Itronr choice to reieln the cup when the tour lourronter Ind elrht rlnrler are piryed today Amcricenr heir won it llmer time the lnlernrtlonrl Imrteur to mice wot Ilrrird In ml They text only core in mi Ind tied wore in this in tiriilmore Fischer Is In Command VANCOUVER lCIi Uabliy llIIhtr til the United Sitter de tected iturk tnlmrnov oi the Soviet Union on the tilt move It In Idleurncd rerrw Wednee dry to trite to lerd in their ucorlcrIintl clirnlnatlon rnelcit the thyroid mtleh to In court perllion hlr rrnrnpeti poeillon Riroirorr ireewheeltnr iihephertied by the hint were rpprnrchlnl the not when irimrnor minted Next rume ll toty llrIt plryer to the Iernlilnrlr oi the ehIllenl Soviet tlnlon tor the title Itndr iAIi lient inrren oi Derunrrtt meny III itth move oi their Irme rhip chm rnIlelt Wedneldoy minority on the ttnd rnovr Uhlmrnn in ruch Join pIIyer TIMI reieeu tgdry ii are imam worltl II ohomplonrhip in iirlllienilypinyed end Irene lrlritiiyhied by lldile lite oi hither the UN Irrnd rrterlrr took no movtr rod lilo liturn to port itir lturlh win in Al rdlournmrnt llirndry iIo rhrr rod Irrndmrtlrr Trim not were in whet epperrod to but Trimrnov could not hold ryrlnrl hrhap When Fletcher plryinr whllr did rocrillce the piece he eb trlntd Irt tornpenrrtlon two prered prwnr on tho nueentldt INN are lit pninlr In the mrleir tdvrncet to err round Evrniuri winner of the round will meet worid thrrrtpion Oorlr lipttrlty oi the LAT IALIIAS Clnrry lo tirrndrntrirrr Wollranr Uhlrnrnn oi tut dot red to drew on month in the world chrmpinte titrlionrerr outrteritnel the lame wrt Idlourned Intern now her in polntr Ind itlchrrdr TiieIdIy Ir rrylnlt out cheque ior to It told he telephonid Myer end the plryer bod told him he liId not been miliiIbIId in the New York dlrprtc Ind rostrum By THE CANADIAN Illiih Amrrleert leIIor Iirrt TrltliiiL 17 II dli II th tiOO 21 In All II All II l7 it Ike 27 Jill Went II it ilJl 11 Otil tii Tl it lili hilr lthntar City it It lld IltI Clricolto id 2t th ll tiiiwauitee id El th ll ilerultr Wrdnerdry llulllrnore ti tlevrltnd New York Zlicirrtll iiorton Wheeler Colllornll tirltlrnd hireroi Krnrrr Cilyl ltlnneinir tillwrttkee Prohrhlt Tllehrrr Todey liilnntrelr that Hi It illi wrukee lialiln HI New York tieltrrnn it It Drlroll linllch tidi Clevclttwi lLIlllli lti rt itIItI more ilelmer lll erhlnrum triennttn lot It notion theterr to erlonrl terror Elli in Pet URL Ii 17 did to nip ll 15 ll lldl Wt it it too Chlrrco 10 It thh Mi Ihilodelphlr ii to not to irIt irn FrontIron or ti iiourrton 11 All Anrelee it It te1 it Admit it It ldi ii Cincinnoil it to tos ttit SI Diego it it not it llerullr Wedrerdry tit Lorie citrate Ihlledel III New York iionlrer Ii Alllnlll illlrburrlt CInrinneil llottnlon tl hrn Ditto id Itor Anselm iloeltm ilrhlrrtere Detroit New York Clevrlrrtd Wrthlnyton tirkltnd hlinncroln Celliornlt iii Louie New York Iltltlniml hionlroel BRAVES CLETE DOVER not um IUslilrtIl Ilhii been In 1er berenun Ciele nyer here with with been sidelined Irehnt the Erpor by tore knrc celled dont Ice or enythlerihit is two coun try FLU MANAGEMENT rnnnrremcnl nirht curtew tctmr current trip time ever nlphi lloyrr rnltl it they aint Ito goo chcrklnl in down In the lob our room tiul that door mean hut in like it iutI hecruto San the Alitnlr Contilluilon quoted ll Alirnla currently it locked In twowly lie lee third pilot in the Nrilenti leerueI Wort Di Elflort to Irmer behind the In RECORDS Over Richards him by iclephone No he Yer tho senerrl manorcr iioier enld bin how they can line the Bravrr Boer ru ed the ntld because oi tertontlly Ive been In on they roll Alilhklhlohl imputed durlnr the ZEEEEE or IitlrntII rtreie lrtnlan third too lirUcy with lhI lourih lh lx hilelim when Intentionally emerahaeiaoew Add iiroircrl look eeriuo into the leurth tricolor hkh with doItr moved ht when Slitilh wee hll rd it and reared relry purl orllnile Cepede toe in In tourrun eldvh inolnp in much the tlnvot ulterior with mm In eoihtenle My over the IeIu In ide lubtil one lot it up lotto the Ibo StooIoIIn told oi the hit whleh Mhhn rhuiwi to cite homo input lentil lnride lost on to im piorhhlitet Chile etenemrn Iinren did not rneke the tint on the contest IA continuity throttnted by run eroxrmr cetcher John DItemII lheh stroked lworuti Ilatle to loll WEATHER DAD At one time line mitt on telling rad lempcrrture were In the low we with lbil rtulo enhour wlndt but the titration altered up It the name were Ex booettd thrt to 10 in um worth when iiunl led oil to record teh when Fri lilen on new poleniill doublopler Some one it Perk torn end nlolhlzstl it vlrlon rudi IarI wee Ir Stonenrtn pitched hit Itcortd ttrolrhi corn plete rrme win but Sllurdny he rnurrltd Ill tliDi Slontman burn the Expat the temp key It the third with run liclleter Steve NIIN YORK AP NIllonnl iootltull terror ownerr Idopled iedrierdty Item her rule lnvolvlnr pennlilcr criled during pity in which porter rlon ol the boil ehrncer item one term to mother Under the old rule it term lnicrco let XIII or recovered turn in oilrottlnr iouit were committed on the me try Iiier the interception or tumble thI pity wII nullliled lho owntrr tell the rule pen oilrttl club which made In Iii Irohlhle Ilithm Iotlly Chlerco lierklnr twi til Si Loulr titthrry 11 lion Premiere tltryrnt oil It Lot Anrelor Sutton Atirnir tilted Hi It Ilurtl rcri titrAnrlly lti Clnrinnlll Iiierrlti tori It IlliIhurllr lIJIllt bdl BASEBALL STARS liy rile AilliOtlATitli tItreii lirllinf ierry llchrln St Laur Lordlnulr droiorlrt tour rune witit twovrun homer end pair at doctor to Hi iouit truurtvetl thlcrIo inirr tot tmtl motcd Ittlo ilrri piece in the Ntllonri terrue IIIIl iiteiilor hurry lilerker iloutlon AIlror hurled one hlllerutilllr Drownr lwoout ripple in the Icvenlh lnnlnI II liourton whipped lien iileco tindrrt lit in the III and name It lwiriiylit dauii Ioull trrcoplloit or iorntie with tlton hand up to the tirno they uctuIlly ruined porretrlon hi the hell Under the new inter prcltlivn they will retrln hos iicats Sign Five Newcomers HAMILTON IUII IIAnlIllMl HEPCIII have timed live newcomerr to Wit tvitlrectr tho Cunadirn looliroll Letier club Iuld Wednrttlny Amonr tlto the were Scott ltrnderron it linebacker with Unlverrlly ol TcraI IMll ltornt litl north end tort tirrdy deientive hrltlrac who etched with hllontl llol phinr at the Netionri liuultell terror in root or ireo sort the otherr were Tom ltrrwv ttylt relertrti lrum the term In thou Iiier iIIyln on rpecltlly llrwl Ioier llentlcr iionker dclenrive breit lroin hlcOllI linlterrily nl hterttretl ertri lilll to iullhlrkvllnehrcker the dried with llurlinrlort IIravrr oi the Ontario Junlar Conlertnre The savings soon add up Tllht DAitlllL EXAlillNElir TIIURIDAYIIIAY Ii It New Clean Hands Rule Is Adopted hendr oneoui Ilnrle Piitrburrh timer on tour hilt Itrlkin out it ttrnrrer Gene llaurh IIld Ihtr Wedoetdeyr me till Stonemen her tehei rlx torn plIlI link to err rlmoet II rnanyor he picked Ill ot let Iton It now plichlnr conrht like he tried to pitch rpuo Tr LANDSCAPING Workmenthip pirrentecd DIG Oil SMALL WI D0 IIILlil AL Locolly owned Ind operolcd In elternoon union the mm unnlcom owners decided on two other 7284783 ruch ebonIet filiihi rott rnrr rsnwrrr The Milli Borrles Very Own even it pcnrltirr Ire in union Iiier the hell chrnrtr TIM MUFFLER ISIS Ii llti time your one yet new mitiller drive now to the miller rhop We know we can putr Inteo you tut rervloe beeouto we oorri PM stock tor Iny nulnrnotlvo oxhruet system We rill oilor tree lnttrlittlon Ind widle youre in ill Ibottl our 3year Iotrrnleo drive in new to MUFFLER SHOP TlLlNON RETlllVN nmtvt iCPl Ollulva incite Torn Doyaon hrr decided to retire the tilirwr ileum it re announced Wednesday lleyoon it native oi Weier loo tint tribe to Ilklcre In nultpoken former ellArnrrkI node with Errketehewnn querlerp ck lrom thirtlo Iiuurhrlderr in tort WI NAVI Tlil Md UmIll llltl it AND ALCIIIOIIII lirl iltl II Ill AVAIL It DAilliiT IIORTI LTU new here no rllernrtive hut not unite the publicrtion oi MOSCOW iiieuleti The revenue All in th world were er qurrlervllnrl be tween Soviet rand Inrrterr itelirn teller Ind Vltkor ltoreb not wtr Idlounsed Wednetdry en the tltt move TIII newr Ireruy reportr Herdqutrlert lor ltrnovt keundmetler erltevtl eytlerne by Welter IOO INNIIFIL AT IROCK PHONE TIAmt MAIL TllliiT The rtrtement luri doernti sound like the moddrorrlnr tr mm WAN him out