uvhueoldidtbe bouilhteeltetdetyhe them Iyood end to ty Irbool bored oliteIIlt on turret open Sept tor III eIInroom Idiitlon to St tinni eII about to Burk tone ol the Iddllion be you ttnodIy hy Bertrun It In at BIrrie rnttttt report II In new upectod to be pro Ieotedelthuennletnyetthe moty menu Ithool The bootde etIlt tree one eur ontoI oil mu and moto vnent roiiI In the Moll to find out bow rotor Ihedente tn upon eto orhoolr Ire lot betnt pIid III by In rapport Carbine bonus Id trunteteetor told the booed tut ntth the report will be ourte retelling The boarde problem to thtt only mpeyer who or Itrted In omrdnpei WWII roile II uporere oeme ruoportm rIn hIte their tor money In to tho upInlI IyIlern endent Punt ilkdon Ild Int nlxht Illed thI board In eoruider lorminl Intel orth nth hoerde In eotne error at Innirlll loooehlp Ihere It too not now eoilett Irth lIIu tile error not booed LAN wthFLAPIJFM IornI on Import mlnihil Pull III outo borne with munrel weenlnu II to You We port It ment than to kill ill Ith environment It will to tote died 5822 El 53 quettlon Ire bell monlhe end III III II ehernjllo IIId there hon been It no evidenee the tinI JIntk debenture Ire towed to pry tor tI Inrtte toluoble Isrrssment be 1th IllST um double ed in mined by the board In tome horn on to the two Noe but II Sunny And Windy Fri fooling TrendOvrnith day Take Promotional mire IirIt rIIII eoruiIhIeI with tile Bottle Ioiiee Deport rbent tool mentoI IblIlty leIt ind two written more II pert oI lounelep prorrem to do terrnioe Iultobllity lnr pronto tlon The teen Ire port oi deperb moot promoltoool IIImI net up by the Ontorio Police mu under the direction It the On torlo Polite Committion IeIt IdtnInIIIrIInr TIonr In Idrttor to the torn ITIIIIIU described the torn pteportd wide to pron lion premium tilr IIyior In the lrIlI on provlrtee olde heels told that at my to ol ronrtlbtet tested IP oelrnItety one out oi every Nve tulleere will be Iound to hnvo the necetoory ouIIltiee to mote Iueeueiui edmlnlrlreloe Iero tho Irorrem III de timed to creole unilnrm Iinnd Irdl lor promotion meet the previnte deelrehle tool In the me It the tommluton Any lIrIt eIIII ronstobte with three yeebrzurmrlm my to es INleylrlo IotIeI Chlel DI Teehlr the will pIrtrnent Ire not IulornI Iuhleet lo the dIIeIelton oi eIeb pottee IuLhnrltv in oton eeuo Io lmplrllll method ot Ielretlnl are lot protmtion body An ofcer receive Inert out oI too In the tomplet leotln proyvern lite mldll Ihliily teII Ind wre trn exernt count Iot IS per Ito told It every IdeI bee ruled on when he lep The hnlretep rent The oIlleeII mutot IIlule Ilnnb hll own epIItIMnt rnup led Illh en lntervleor by pnl ire hoerd worth as per rent the boerd Includes three Iour eentor polite oitleore rep reeeoletive Irotn Industry or In rdutottonoi Institution Ind pub Ilbty In Idleor lrom the polleo Iomnriinnrt hylew exImlnetIon end In on tom renttoltotn enroll In on dillonel to per eent peteent poini ended Inr etch yeII at twice with minimum nl three end rnoxlmutn It to per ent In with lot promotion In 01th pIIr th Imlnellnno Ind metre Itlmertolotorbttle rl ten II lion withlo polleodo but Atonllnrtrendwhlebheldlho Eerllon In hlIhtemperolurelodeytomdo tlmmlne to to men Illl turn love tonight ol to to It deyrm io warmtnr it expected in marrow with the hlth tempero turn It do ytrut Slit will he runny with low Iloutly period with hrtrk wind It to It miles In Mr Toronto Sunny with Iew rIOIItly ode run much cooler lutlu lltntlr westerly lo 95 Irltiiy mulnly runny Illlh lotloy It to to low tnnirht to to Ii IliIlr Iritlny ntnr ti IIttd Mntirtn Itemiitnrt ltIr Luke Erie late Sunny with yoriodt lntl rttuth otrnlrr loll VInrlI westerly is to 23 meInIy runny Iliuh today ant to bow tonlpht It to to Hill lrirloy near to IIIIII Low liIIII Tolly Tonlrht Ill Window 70 35 Hitrhoner iii 33 Inndnn Itlnrthom Itutole 35 Ilnmtiltn Ii 40 gr II on do 40 Ielorhnrhurit Ntllrioe hi North lint Intro lllthltI low rlnutly 553555 Oll Get what loo lernblet and more trntuIoee ru Atoll ht III III IIItill ltflil but it trttt IJIIU IOVI ID III ON ll AWIITIHD ICU IIIIII III rttrttrrrnrtrs Uttendilienoiiy ovovorlrrd AI rhorp Itthi point on lent to let one your Ar somr Ont FRIDAY MAY PM IE IT BlEED Gimme Shelter You Cant Alwone Wont Exams oitkerI who our the require mentI receive eatery lncro mm In the lento tbmln lotee there on too rent higher thIn rtrIt IIIII eonslehle roeporel Ind IlIII terreont The Hilton tn the ploloololhee eeetion may hold my deportmentei renL MANY SUBJECTS Yelterdny tho it Bertie com ItIhIee In Idditlon lo the IMII III Ihiilty trot leeed en hour boil turn on tho lJouor Con trol AcLtIIIthy TrIIIre Act Ind lederII ItItuteo The More Ind Ipree reptil tInnI test II IeheduIed Inr Juno tel Intervienl hy the polrre bontd olll be held in June or July the it Bottle cotnloblee III III the lure Ire Ron Pickled Robert Thompson Fred leeh rnIn Iirn tine Donald Buirnrr Bill Wells wiillem Johnson Bolt Ileiternle Rots Cememo hor nerd Ilunt Done toner Ind Tom Bootey Aeeontior to Suit Set IloIph Berry the Borrie lotto II the heel department In the county to IuollIrIrI looted It Intent It tnoItudyior Iheolltrtelln vetted btnnlnl Io JenuIry Chopieon so wnltnnlvrr or to It GerIIdtnn ti IIoownee it 50 50 IIIIIDIS lIiIliESl IIIII BESTKNOWN RECORD SlORE 86 Inelon Sealed Stereo leng 7on Retetd IIIIII nnBE Mldnlp SUPERSTAR Heletllene Item the IIII Deere veterdld on Al SN 0va Chill IL hurt duel IIICOIIIIIIIII TAPE IZW irn AtrialILLonn 198 Itll Alto IARRlE 66 DUNLOP ST WEST OPEN 10AM I0 RM SATURDAY our 21 to AM Innrtortoutv ortteum Em Ion hed been drIvIoI their to the WM put tbde three noun ot tetllnl thtI wool on port It not to made their orni eItIooI Seroret ollkere ore ehown textan down to the open boo oterninodoo on tho admiral Undo tmrnlnor Photo fined $125 Each OI IIl Charges no men were lined tit eoth in provlneIIl court WedneIdIy Iller they pleeded littlly to then It under the hreIthIlerr no ltd hon ol till lminll code WBIIilCotrlht1loICurn betlond be not aborted April error the be we delete Ittnet the teer oi port on Cotton bruthelyIer test teveIlrd be hnd blood IIIohoI perrenlm oi II Ai mm It impIred drttIII alnhl him In withdrewn by1 the rm orIeo DouIIu dimpeon In or Aurore we ehIrerd April pt Il tor city police obsened bu III III Inother on Burton Ave rurve brrIthotynr tool to veered ho hod bloodeternal peretolere II II Althoth the reIdln no high he ptrlorm ed phyIIeIt teItI outle wetL Coven Attorney John doe Inld eluted in not The pIIyolI runnerI up In the Hempvitw Need Nteht Wm tome ten erelnstSImptno woe III ewe by the crown ENERGENCY NUMBERS Fire the they Pollen AmhIlIIee kn re mm OIP MM me 99 oath lortItyIIIIed Sltltl ttty Atrottl ttrr Ierier IE BE Iitlull Ilium intioirriwe III III IerpoIdItlIndIIIIIIIAuorrlhe Iinivrrro end more or limitedOne III AM 3rd oor lIrIIIl IIlIttt uuu llltllt Inriedee the II III more AT SAMS my 350 STEVENS Morrhow end Sen IISSEIIES ctr 149 It noon Gilli noon 349 TUESth morn III lII torment loner new 1h Undo er Cootlroonoort ItIrvIIInI lloelhee Iroede It not MI Cool WI tent nu