E9 Ew IVE Egg Sign is i5 is an 5i as is is ell stirs siisi if ahaE saints unha ilon will oi the Indianis Ptomaslts Walla Assoc tailors Arthur Evan Illi stab fadlhatIneioction wouldbobeld this year III situated the need or party Italwsrts to unity thr organization In readiness tor the Robertson was elected district chairmsn replacing Will IIrn Wallace who has tilted the chair tar many years Speak lay an behaiioi Its Evans who will be scatter the oiitcial nam InIlIon tor the riding William Caldwell oi lisnls told the no person gathered In Stroud Com munity Nail that the Conserve live partth no sensor to change tho present candidate Ila urytd their support re nominatioy Itr Evans Wills anlu Davis Idr Caldwell slated lhapariyhad the but possible leader Questions destiny with Fedora It matters old ass pensions and education law were discussed tCIldwdl said the greatest glint torplaon tired In comes ya was the Inated values oihoid Ilnu which rodtlced their can hihawlropoud reduction In the wotinl In to it years wu din eluted and mutation was nuts to set youth capstan tian Miss within the party humor nrmomv Hr destroyed residence and MI used by Bob liaimon on at siderosd north at the till line The owner had tell tor Ilsarte about haliivour Will to discovery oi the tire 0n Ir ii iii Egg is the teachinr oi these sublects could visit diiiereni stitooll In thI IIII lsotead oi pupils hav ing be trenvportad to the new so will eoderorto rind out Ii mo bile unit could be IdeIod DPPOIIIUNITY CLAW classes and the count Inspected distontio one at those classes InnlIiII had beyun this type oi leaching tor bad erd pupils beiore the Canvoty Board took over Records to not th made Iny mIrtad Adult 1i is 58 telephoto wed twoer telcpbon are checch at intervals when as lt irwble dove errarea DI Inform police itlce lnnisi bsdsooiiireronduty each day duriupolkvlry towrleorna visitors but none visited the ot lice monitoring ruitIhl rt lacs pro tor Ibo sits at the new Iron seth It still belnl ouyhi Ito quirrmani lor well drained land prrierabty in the area oi as Iidcroad Possibility oi Ioclud in homo manure Ind In dusiriai traits room In the pro posed balldiar its been approv ed teacher It Marcellus suggested that mobile unit tor lor trainins The board lnnisili has two vitally rdeI straw tht pupils at the classes cement touted up with educa uoI was at arva vi limit In tberoiorct lihly one at thI classes will be phased out The classes Ira best when not more lith doses pupils are handled by on teacher ONTARIO PLACE The lettisnds senior cliilens stub has sold Iuiliclent tickets to iillonebuslorthetripto Ontario Place earl In June Tlcietaiorsaec bus sresilll available The new proioct on the waterironi at Canadian Nation at Exhibition srounds will be his attraction this year or many illoussnda oi visitors en period to view the modern struc tures built on made In list at Eiruud lire unit the lsovue wII lnvciopod In ilIrrch land Lewis Calls For Dismissal 0i Price Income Chairman AWA CF New Delive crlytnlcader David lewis called Wednesday tor the immediate dismissal oi John Younr as customers at the tcdoral prices and Incomes commission The Common relused the re quired tnaanlrnou eonIert ior motion proposed by his lewla oondermlnr hir liouar tor what the motion called coniinuins series oi statement clclrniny that Ination Ia Canadas Nam her One problem Mr bowl said this was Will mu propsranda and Ipoloyy tor soveroment austerity pro guru which had Iorred unem ployrnent to record highs li ills prices and Income remission were allowed to continue it should ho rodellned to prevent It chairman tram Irilnl II sovcrnment propa IIndlIt bater In the qucallcn period Lewis Isltod whether hiv ounsI Itslemchil indicate that the moment prepar FOUND IllliLTY NEW YORK tliculerl m1 at ii men and one woman lound Taiwan native suiity Tuesdey at In attempt on the lite oi thlanp Chins Kuo vice premier oi Nationalist Ins and son oi President Ions KI it State Supreme Court Jpli Ilarold itaer remanded the delendaat Tantra Cheap 33 oil sooooo bnii pendan ero Ilach link cares Now available system OEapertiyinatIllcd cau ran lay coolinulny iiptt arslnst Ination Finance Minister Edgar Ilen son Iald ha had not seen the Itaiernenls attributed to Mr Young The government had been allowing an expansionary policy for year Aclias Prirno hilnlier iiitah til Sharp said opposition com meal seemed to lndchla that the government should not be concerned about tnllatlna Nothinr wss more likely to hurt the economy and cause un employment titan Ination and tho youcrnrnont was prepared to light It its the best way possible hir Sharp said hlr ilcnton said the potent meat is worilnr toward lull cm ployvnent and Itablo price per BARRIE PAVING LANDSCAPING Wortmanshlp pvsnranteod DIG Oil EIIALL WE DO IIiEbi ALL locally owned and operated ass Innislil St llarrio 0nL 1281783 cartoons MASTERPIECE by Vlalorinville liar Value 299 $319 saw mono asrmmnmm To ital Valor tilt Sim llcii oi line rattloallt oi ro ottomthisso laisiioaicd new modern mg It bedroome villa is man The bl tituliy ramed mirror sum The apac queenaiza bedding Deep satiny Walnut Veneer and depth at tone FREE DELIVERY FREE LAYAWAY by Vlctovlnvllle Tier II hniroum oi truly massive proportions The huge triple dresser or any with three drawers and two doors intricately carvtd and sculptured and titlnd willv Antique Brass hardware The doorcheat be two drawer and two doors the matchln headboard is illbu and coin ss complete with rcpdansrs iootand and rails lteilow Spanish Oak Veneer USE YDUII CREDIT N0 MONEY DOWN Open is today No iNIEliFST thorns Account in upon resular iiuvlyct hrrount with NO MONEY DOWN halanoo on term at your clinics or add to stir cslslIny Account with NO MONEY DOWN and Wills or nu increase in your present nnnthly pay meats nwsiindemand on the scene today pla dresser la tail loaf with It deep drawers and beau our irdrawcr chest storage space Tho With headboard will accommodate ei rovich ample or regular or adds special warmth lies bslua ml $419 SINCE 1898 26 STORES T0 BELlEVEiN WWW ACCENT llersls Imptrbly slyltd bedroom at truly uvodaIt price even want on no basins in eitcet nont no iinislt lustrodssnd perfect back drop iot ths omtle brats hardware Triple dream with lovely irInrod minor Idmwsr cheat rerular Id bed The complete stoupr it you NOW tor only tmi USE YOUR CITEDII No IIONEY DOWN 94 Dunlop St West Borrie Phone 72855