PLAN RVH AUXILIARY TEA The Horrors Nighilnil Tea an asiiaiet sods event held cinder the auspices oi Royal Victorls ilolpitai Aus lien will take place slay it at twitd our the tense oi Air and Ilse Don Emery the in Mrs Ran John bove centre centers on plans with no converters in to non BcILIelt sndlirs Ernie Itotnien Prsxocdr irom the its will mist In purchaan new sepsipsneot tor the haspt My Boy Rd assesses oi Pederoied WI Executive Mark Guelph Conference pee manged speakers to Ab tain iniormliiort irom displays but also to pertIdeto Idly in the dleeisnIon groups and then alter teaming to go home and translate slime sotials into still greater on iiise Iielen Itcitcschsr Disco tor ot the Home Economics Brooch Ontario Department oi Agriculture and Prod brought greetings to the Womens torti tuie dcicgstce Ind espoused ptesstira ihl the Womens ls stltute is the promoter oi things big enough to share with ohers Guest speakers Included Dr Helen Abeil Protester oi Soc toiogy at the University oi WAie mentors no ur rs and she reviewed the ansiy aisoi doll libctod irom Intel views in Mt term homes to the Province oi OIIIIIIO in tilt shady She then assured witst had happened to them and to their isrntiicr as thry were in icrvlswcd nine years later Mr Jolie Drir mole teacher and director oi our Drench Atiaiss Ontario Department oi Agriculture and Food outlined by word and picture the activi ties and opportimltles tor young people not out at the coileges oi the Unlverslty oi Guelph but also at the other colleges In the Provinces IIe dressed the lie temple to provide lecillties and opportunities tor the metal number possible to Hi thernssi use tor Involvement and work In todays world Dr Kethsytt l1 Kooi sicpest rrirrri chairmen oi Ismily Stud ice University or Guelph ism Ieynae Iptlltt on the closing sitesnoon oi the tdey cooirren re hire reticch the screens tor the cstablishnwnt st lisadons In hundred and on uni delegates Womens Institute rnernlsal irom the north south east and wcet oi Ontario alien tied the 21rd Andrui Oiiloers Conlrrence sponsored the Federated Womens iris tutu oi Orderlo It was held In Meritor tel ilsIl University oi Guelph airs Anette hoeiier president stethe PWIO braided ios the sessions Dr Brenton Asaisisit to Dr Winesrd President at the Uulreriiy oi Guelph con httmbcr ot the Womens Imit tsdc slid Mrs belies hire IIP god them to tehe advantlu ot every opportunity at tile Cooler inspiration irom the Musical Recital Held In Barrie The Bertie branch oi the Out ario ttegisiesso Music Toadien Association held meetth at the house oi ttrs laser Aesson 0n clued Drive with use psaidcsn hire Juno Ilsicsshsther in the choir Ilsa Walsh oi the icing isn eridation addressed the green stout summer 9an tor the Gryphon Thesis Company In Ionic end Indiinnd plans inr Militia Golden Era OI yuylis recital oi ruins and vo eel mttrw to Milngtm Pots them Twos Hollywood lhludtanx Cinln were one Martyn onroc Lxmsimdmw Kim Novel Ilssbesa Men are imp Im PIIJuAnm Wosiry hsi talltn un MTNXIOIII herd titrwr slung with tho movie waolrilrutlfitwmm Pioitmriatrymwlfli widen era it Am Cannon Marcia Vimh his girl out Mill and iii Sums lustre David lures nrwtninm tomeed the room iisno Pslnve Danette tiertier summons suchnspsririg btrplicn Fenian Ktrrn Ieoiun starlets as bIsrvir Deereii mm light Zionnupllruh ltsrlssia iisis uni aru ill Moria Umtldy John Kosher Hut willcnird yswsng hceutirs Pulley Comet hroiircy Kent still ocrupy the his Spanish Mart Iiricnbocher tiery Lou type mldrliti isetiiinguingi HOLLYWOOD IAIt TM til Timpahtim to theirs will be prodded by auxiliary members lllt esrs tearing the timpitelatlllodipns Return trips will be nude st and de litmus Photo Institute which was to try to do something comtnictlva about the problems oi that day litr sly to suggest some simplistic way oi dealing wiur todays pro bionic does not sailst the div erslty oi the 10s the stated We have to Asia more settle tic understanding oi societyae hole to teach tolerance and we have re organised Itssoon aid institute to meet these occde It has acquired new name Colieu oi Assumes end Family Studies which is more symbolic oi tie dtvesalilcd pro grant Airs Itstton Manitoba President oi the Federated Wo snrne institutes oi Canada stole brie line on Thursday and rises the port tire Na tional Womens tuie speate onlhe6talttsot omen loan as Discussion Groups and plenary sessions ior the dc rice in view thcir attire and the hint tions which promote the aims oi the Womcos instilqu were set up at the Zttd Conlertnce ior Secretary Tstbrurcrs iiitiItt the Icndsraltlp oi hiss William Hum Highland Csccit with en nutrients tor Brunch Pu lit iteinlions Oiiirrrr under btrs Clarence Diamond with three shinnie the limbs ItIargeiirnup with Airs Waiter St George and resisted by live leaders the District Pse sidents with liss Austin inch he and the James Illrd and thc Arcs lrcildcnts under the direction ui llrs Stanley ilrlde Iorslwich Iiri iIobcrt Weber iiitnmingdnie is the Scrsetnry irconiser oi the Oliictrs Con The sum Uthntll presented YI Cuts Service lord was Discussion Group Dridcri WsetssyTr Movies Over or dance steps or reselling oil to auditions tteata wcie discontinued lies It an the singiesooen rate oi to week wse Increased to hit In an eiiort to cut losses at thins sands oi dolllrs in recent years Why the totem For vsiirty oi scasosw sputrswomcn say Occupancy capacity WI until about Iltl years ego tell as movies lost money awed stages wcnt dart many odqu ttons moved ovcrseae panic hit Hollywood some girls wrni bItlt ironic their hopes ior movie iarne battered 52 whithindotmanlethlrtlta uyahewpnldsntblstnemalil rnr STARS Sill owe MitteApriiuiArieat Anacqssintanoewiilahowap Sedation tor areeentrct oi Aprilllteltay ll tTeerwet Annetie hsthasir meyrnuseeomd titted lm sans minute rnunstssr sass tm The siisrnoon session oi the annual meeting oi blmcoa Best Womens Institute open ed with sing song at West mount United Church DrtIs Gciilng little prsctke bc iorehand were litre Itowsrii Campbell RR Shorty Bay srea president oi Simooe WI and number at Guthrie Wt playing the piano with voc al sccompsnimcni lroin Ilia Ed Denvcnuti centre at Vlo torts Crescent wr oritlta pout president oi blmtoc Host and tire Norman lttcit till Ilsrrle member Crown ltiti WI Ilsa Turit ia secretary treasures at him coc Area WI thoio by Rose msry Andersoni otry spcriol gift or sriiirons nice on MOTHER DAY lhcgiiiofiinico CARAVELLE by BULOVALI ACsievtIlc watch on Mothers wrist puts your timiipiitiulnesscioie sthend5oo curmllcction oi tisiniy Ceinvcilc timopicccs Ioi Mom on tier tiny constant reminder of your love and siicctioo Map to All It inertial Htlbiwxmimtll ON pro mi up quietly Jisea to Jaiy It Cascer ignora gossip you mer heir to your work area it It Iuri thatnothinl else Jaly It An tintTo deys events so the wisdom at course eetios tater tart wceir Ann to It titles Yoiiti teel en visible to concentrate Postpone Impor tsritdcclsions Sept id to ilibrsi Surprising nerve calls or chanlo domestic srran resentsbencIIclat however Oct It to 12 Scorpio Well bill tod cowerters con onlndiiv iiculty Na It to Dec ll isantiae lost on mete winning move in battle oi wits Dec 22 to JIIL It Caprlv seraisomo tension indicated Avoid highlyng or neurdJc Imp to so an iAgnarioei Vihn you know more tent then what you now Trio in to Alas so Pieces liaise no important decisions In the sen itoura alter noon more prlllt peell liornlng undec Itellriss will be best laciittatod by rtcsdy sspptlcation oi eiiurt Dont aspect mirth cooperation irom associates and dont coiuit an inch to see you through Any possible disoganlulion should counteract by early alien mfuodgsm and diliODOlIODI go on own elcr In the dry but the time is not suspicious tor rutbrushing so slick things out tor the time being Aitcctlon and cornoiiitlon ior days crosses will buoy you up during the evening oi oi news agency Tess said in colored Indicates stile tips cards to the ancient Asians br camel cerarsn irom Iireopota 39 53 Inorms sums MIXIII Prue OIAIIINIAI murmurs ttostse AND our nowsne ttANtthtt sensors IMPORTED unirs GARDEN cswrws spears rsnswwrass 11 star $l Over to Varieties to choose irom Inclndlll ml garden piasia New ie the Ideal time to hnipllal TREES Obioeniain Ash Oliirch Oiled Alepie IChliseeo Bins slippch OOrahepplrs All In from It to In height with trusts YOUR CHOICE ANY Till ORDER YOUR BOX PLANTS NOW Over 41000 arriving later this month Freds Flowers Flower arrangements her all occasions Hwy ii Stroud south oi iGAI Phone AIMOII tie leltlrw oompirla selection oi OFLOWERO BUSHES FERTILIZERS tor all sppilratlonsi Quinn itargerci iedrield New ion Vin Itemsrt Iticiioel itse hssn vcnlie Csdesu Iiiide Liar slntll itsioi Knitter Stephen Ito mir bitchrci Graham Denise Csdcau iilide titrcsintiii Karol Knrnsl Si hen Kosher Iluth Ir Holnlm iRisinelII Iiosais Dakvgdulilavel lecridy grimy in notes rants WWW ml mm smitIAt OLCAAIONI eiios tisrpcr Mary Kent Mari tor Corinth er MM Itelimens Lynn Laogtord Jim Dossit Donald Dunes Do poppy Get out this spring and summer with wig from Continental Hair Styling bra Heienhsctier Joanna Mo Bride aod ingcr Aorsort Choose irom group oi popular styles and etiodos Save now during our VlO CLEARANCE news CONTINENTAL ItAili STYLING spoclntizing lit shaggy hair cuts CONTINENTAL ll toittonetienondcutris The Bridal Room or oilior House HAIR STYLING 2i chain list be worn es Your Plum pendant or them Also In Twwisnlmhlhdmulllclhd rthrything ior tiioilridoaiisl her party let us outlit snd harmonise your oomploto wedding psrty 54 MAPLE AVEr I65 WELLINGTON PLAZA 12398 TAM i2 REG 2900 COLLIER HOUSE YAiiIIIONA IOtt titttttti lioiit iiitii titles out me with twin dieiiioiids Ii eweh sihsr riiouitd dial lie In while woeiiswrwtissi WEBBS JEWELLERY irssw to 1282267 ntiihiilmt Nets to line otoewtitvuis swim ode eiletlivisess All the suicii it brlose to both lites end tilts Dont petite median subspace Iiid dimiorIbe outmo srbtititlandyltwpnslte ioi OWLERS EXTRACT eeiunoaraawrterv whit Motel 12th 81 ions wsustrrniswiuvw individual designs upon request sunon to Saturday limb in to our sin Friday 1000am to 800 pm Evenings By Appointment win wen wuss