pl no llyl rt II In Mlll mom lie no tlrei Tor Ito Int Mun ES IlnI your lee Tl only uttIt ml ML MYI tor 335 AND ll mutation Lttmlno TM ltd Mllt tuition lutth MI HM vii TID LII awfm Tl ill MM lo Marti gmnm WHOM Moro KM Hunter mt tr rIeto KIM My Kill torllr trot Avellool TLIRTIIII We morn 1V APARTMENTS WANTED TO RENT IIGUIIID DY It 0mm ttoar thmnt DWARF out MIIM ton II mottIi III MW MYI WGIXIR MAIL Illv Ind II Im tt intou noted illlltili totIon Iurtolt Aw mom or ItrtI POI YIDIIILIGRAL mlrrlltl built element It Modern ml Ioprlutnltely lilo month ll qud by July hetero Colt lib SW will Iltlll anIInIII limi thment MY Emoan an In HOUSES ro tour Fltum rotI men teemc him route In end tIteetteot norm it III bedroom unite nit ro lgmle Iltm WWW lill nllt My TIIIM 1mm ROOM MM untrot Ililblo Juno rumm 113ml It VNIII WWI MM with Ito trend we Immoqu mm For in In between on end lm mom BROOM Mm urm In ill III Itmt Ir retoolt end MIWTIIote Mr min In rrh lumber MMM WM Monro tenhooi Lam meuo rm HOUSES WANTED TO RINI pm In SlewLIAITEW Mom new In Ntlmd trout norm or nmo Mildred it more loci FARMS FOR RENT RIRT IR Wnlott in TORI Ind EMA it met wot bio on route Ilium ItemIo or onto MYI FARMS WANTED TO RENT ll turn with Not own Tlitptooo Mr Tm lib IW1 71 MY rnooenrv women To rent on LEASE WANVID within trilll lldlvl pl Ilttil bitroiot level IIrd blow trenIIoo ottierIbiy tlri Rtoany Il III April 01 ii Wllll M1011 ltl Ill Port troll MYI ROOM AND BOARD INS to rtliottten MI lo Mullom ISL Cello lit Melt ulollu 1m twoohmonmm Iu INTOmi In bolyllov ioieeiooo 7700 MY ROOMS TO LET IIROLI IGOM lo tltti Iltilill lot IloiL itiernoro 71031 MAWII aim to mm new row Ill bot wool Downtown me photo motto MAWII MALII only roomy IvIlt loll II looml IIJ mlIY mole It Downtown lento bhottl Hill FUlNIINID homotuoin loom lbil Irrimldillely For Witter Trillion iolounono TthtL Tl LAIGI blith lwin MOI one blot trorn owlpwit Iilll pm of two million Toirptono ltltut MYIi I1T 111 tii GUI DI NLenie street you m1 NY In Ram in bright turntth bedroom limit Ioolllld lt mo inIino entiol IIDMMTIINPL MYll PUINHHI room Illtt liililli Ilr ultld tor tie to penile rnIitet lit ottotoilitt new between one Inilttdlll tuit Incl My ROOMS WANTED TO RENT LADY PINIIONII would III in ilittulrilthod room with Imlll lhtlli Illill end liiooo on proond itooe Ietr lIti oi om Iol tto TELWlerrio rumour rm OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE AloO will tool Ayllilblo lmmldlllr ty tle Bunion lut rt Inptioit JlHiil blip Wit It IGUAII toot room elite our tntnl Ind Iloto room ivity Iireom then pull lot to me It wow litre month rttoohm motto MY Iltl at too tout Iiitoo Aiiiguld IitIiII To TIlIDMfD iron COMMERCIAL SPACE T0 RENT FOR LEASE ItIrI lawmantroupe mlldlii ll Twill tnvttrnuzrtL Import rib tr were ML il ynw uhw now Tho Iow ion All lot trio Very 11W Llpyl Fule mth IIINTALS eoirronortvr eAnrsrottsAtr Intersection tIttmoeseu munEmmet mum1 DMD FOR NT CS Trio Ilene ZD SUMMIR RESORTS COTTAGES WANTED tutt two but uiELI1mn AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE FAMILY BUS tllp thum pourorer but lIetory errInty white er MIUMPIM VI terior with red leatherette Ieoll ndlo with me then The ldul vrhlelo or man with IIrII unity or lot oi trleode BARRIE VOLKSWAGEN LII Rd It Gown 5L lly tree MID homo rel Illh MM III Al HIM Tltl DON CRIVo AMI Cut mil Ill Ulttt mo vinyl not Imlr in ereII no um you too mu III II out Drink mom will mom Ito motIm wet III II at mm em to USED CARS loo VIVI Wont mo leblrr Wuoo too Toni door nee Meteor Convertible CARRIE VOLKSWAGEN EJto Rd It Court St ltyd 1N1 DONYIIC ltt Ioel Pvle ll lryllttdlrntoimtd unurillird mi will IT IN Tlilltlnl 11Han It VGLRIYYAGIN MI in Mile in Imilont IIMIIIML In em tow mltotrr tuttwrmo Tole IBGI MUSTANG IIIIle VI Iutomlilr not WNW DINA MYI rm KAMTAN 1111A me If in top condition Buckle rodlo ilro mine rrd otttItdo with white leItlterettI interior In me made Illll trIdttlorutl GhlI Iiyiinr BARRE VOLKSWAGEN Em Bowen 11361 FORD tlttdittotL Mini ttlootoite mote lit IIMCA 76 III MA on boot IM motor or not run Yllh POW Hill MYI New MY ml out Cotton ouiotnttle Ioer IimI rtoio whtthIII elm lett utter Mu III not 715111 It COM door HMO will to built too minder In and wont ice lloo tIIIWI Ire doll II tor lot We USED VOLKSWAGBNS lWll Model IIm Muriel bltdo lilorlell 11160 Model llotl Model IlW Model Illdd Model llldi Model 21901 hitttloll UARRIE VOLKSWAGEN Eeeu It GowIn sti1 WI PONTIAC llilllwil Myllllll no with oiIII IntItIer lit Imtion MM mint II It error Ittt mylm MYIG to lttloltilllrr otter eto phone outtoo My MYII mi JAVILIit Ill VI Iutomtilr ldilr Mr IIWI MINI Looo INT wileITTIIDMM 305 Rooms ttoo Llwtnlltlpe Immerulm roMlilon mm tor oulrt IIio tell In or Inert II it ionn lt liter Int Mtt SUPER BUG TRADE not Toyottt Sprinter Smart iIItbnrit Ityllny yellow outtlde with brown leatherette huctete low mileage Ind mtly reooodL lloned hlony rxtrue lnctudinp rodio Ind to little BARRIE VOLKSWAGEN Butt ltd It Gwen Etil 1069 ALPINE GT Intent loud Lomll ttooo tilt now tun tilt tow totem Nepilt My INS PONTIAC Plllllotiiil Curtpm toovtritlte Vl tetnotk pow omr II to theme twoueito tinitn btltit lttlItloi Immu rendition lit down my In it Litton Yl mt CNIYSLII door Milieu ytIyt root itnieo pine rtlmlir rowel II LoMiiloltiitp lplld rootrol IINII wtnoowr oonIr ltorti mm Ilti erIIrt Itoeo miter ImllilO you errInty thi to tor two or out enor tat MYLTMLILIJ CARS WANTED TO BUY COLI GS rein III Ind true 75an TOP CAIN llld Alll Ilillo Ipplll rome ptli tit mom TH norltd TTiwcits ron soto ml oooel Von Iilnt whorl am too mttnoe In my M1 ren oitton ten or teen Ii ti HMMGMV Ir nitphm met it CNIVIOL tt Loon exitowl EUyMIoEETAim tumutrlr ll nuqte POI SALI lit 5i SE ROOM LL IAN To 1969 YAMAHA tummumnmth mehm NEINLC INT7 JLT tron reborn meta 13 an lhttl III will neon Ill AIM WWI CM more MO or no oRROI MINI ourow In MUITIIIIE vi motelom IIIIIHAIL Mr ownenumzhowmim ur my me Itc motel le Mm II Nth halter mm Iver nuheor Intro TIM loom PM Amt ARTS FOR SALE MOONSI ONE BARGAIN BARN hblto PIlnt loo per nilon leiritlelonl ltd Electric Boom tll Radios es RelrirerItore blue rholrl tribe bode trultreuee drone ore obeotntleldt chrome loll mulonol ehlln drIpeI Ind leItltmtto motorill Ind hund rodlolomermlodueod tlelIL All It bil lotion PHONE 117 NCONSTONB Intenter VAININVII liltll Kill lltd Wait 11 ml Ill known In Int metro tom RAWLEIGN PRODUCTS role to yrme It on Oil II it Malibu IIIIA IINIM In Ill MM Rollo Ihh 1th mute JAYS DIAIII 11m one nu tIrIlo lilt II mil IIquIt ermine toireooro motto tore PIICI IIMM hum levoi NV Ind ltllll Aut ll Domviolr DIM Alllimnl MY IDIOPIAN TINT low with em 50 MODERNA Ilium TRICYCLE MYI Yer Ilil llrpo lttd IN lltilll II 00 toieohotw Hill IACK next lm Iltl more MM llttll 111 Ill IA Ailing WI IMQI Ilc lurk loom ltd CIIIM limi LTRIJUN SWIMMING POOLS llntntte ml on mt WANLRRI mien min mom AND UIID MO Chilly Ill Itotl WWI Mushlollotl MYI Nil MI Him Hamlin LVl vottl who no WI lain toptlrln on In irti MYI IAYIIYIGUONING llllhl MI to tooth thumb toIIirt low wItttotooiId Milton Ir HW CO NI Am new QUANTITY OF BOARDS loom liltthll nun on oil hue no In Iii Wit Ill Tob mm MYI II Vi JIM ll KNIT ml lilt wtevutm ItI meet hi mu not If no III III out II Iltrtn In em unruly rt wt mm Iii II more um our It Ind win It been eieim mun MY IIAIIIIIUL lirorr mm It no tom memo lllll motl mtu mum rm uiirrro not run HM llutlo roll not iii to vmuum we return no turn on SPECIAL Till MIMI Ilom Ill Item tot Into ltl Irwin Iievrl tor IiItIeI rm um IruiIt lliio Ittlillbll new It Nlllot TIMI MYI GUITAR It unlit SIM IMI Itll III with lttl YltlilM leer mm it In Itttort otttr mo rrtonihl Id PM new em NMID GIIII LllX III II Iie lllt will WM oqvlb mi on Mel on noon in III moot uymntt mm troll LBS MYY RIDlNG BOOTS III IIM teem omit yin In brown ItII ttL In In tote tom mom rm Moll or New My rutmnt out Ill ihltltiollllle Itn Mime moo wtlA tom mutt llll III in Hull worm maiiim Gllllll Ill IHL lltlli till lumen towel lento rim on II 7mm Ylyl Dilllrrtlh no it My limt roam UICUINIO FIIICNY lint met blhluttlttl anyth in IT Mllutnry Illtlrttl mill tut You ply only till ml rm tte mmy loll ll be moron III Irldlol IIML MYI LAWN MOI Mn TI limit we mo lord euiemotie wtin note menIntrIt timu mtttktte Tlltohonl Nil otter in NM CGWAOIIII Demon domailthll wIttI min In outdoor lotion lil Iniopum down to um Imroetty Ine Mlllllltll IIIIAI tun unoeIIinIoto Ixityin bololl lilo rm Item to oe or ill OW lllip YLIHMI utteutm Toronto mu on our Inner mo wooed Iimt reblnotl wit Ill Mn um Itorut not to In Iyllrm our oil It It in Itll MIM mood it twin toutre iItmI II II eiIohono mmo rm Intu mun1 to tnllerlortllt NE MODELS ON DISPLAY SPRING SALE OF ALL 111 MODELS Limited Mill SPEUAL PRICES KNOllY PINE SPORTSARAWNA litany rr ltl Dot 7284111 TltlSTE IV NIIGTGP mitt lotion or Ml My ll krill Git 0km Milli CGJTRARBRS INI tltttplrtg tulle nttiltl Um no umot Itioe II mum AUII eatnpint CALL US FIRST We are skilled in our Service and will give you Prompt Attention CLASSIFIED SBRVlCll REPAIR GUIDE ALUMINUM ALUMINUM Stroutt Ont REYNOLDS ALUMlNUIil Sldlnr SotIt Porto Goblet 1711071111 doorI Ind wittdowr lwnlnrr rIiilnp roolInr rur Iree rorportt uddiilortl PACTOIiY THAINED INSTALLERS Ptzo trumpeter Room 011 4392114 lThST lNSULATlON SleE ECONOMY INSULATION tho blowltll method at r1 experience We Ipocleytiro In oleotrlo booted hornet ttutrenteed wort Fm tlnteter 5001 Hum ttINlSlNO 1191217 11 ROOFING GRAHANS ROOFING Elves and CHIMNEY REPAIR 72110028 Mylo GENERAL WILL DO IT Point lorden choutteur rIe Untverrlty rredulte eIpIitIe Ind willing DON SlDDAlL BA 1237070 T1hS Myil SECRETARIAL rvrtuo Ioottuoirtu In no an TRUCKING MN minim one mm mm rot orntm too term or too Inuit Iotteuoie Telephone muo Myr lNCOiitBTAX wtoo Areovntino oerka new meninttord lei eon 1it III WM Ill 1Mllili I1 lY IIMCGC em em mom or About stmoutrttto SIMONIZ lrotrrt yottr cor tInIIh iront ruetrnioy the bounty oi clean ride Ilttx Polish Simnnit $590 COEIILRT Interior optional 7280129 TlltSll21 pioil we be in out more tocittuo iitcrtmo LEVKLLTNGIITG WtNTERlthtt COTTAGES DOCKS HURSI llleteelono errem Iiltr pm or tut LANDSCAPING TREES TREES lll WE PLANI OR YOU PLANT Vlriely ot llnpieo Crimson ltlnr silver Norway and Hard Maples trom tree up ORNAllENlAl TREES Pur lo Send Cherry Ptowerlnr can llowerlnr Almond orwi oi erI HIDUEWAY LANDSCAPING TZOIMBT litt NO TOP SOIL deliverrd by the ylrd or told It the pile TELEPHONE 1145000 OR TillSSW 11V 7350mm Ilil rm nes or itvtud It oer yItI itlttli Jltl DillWALL DIYWALL Tl Inp loom ilr ill IIIMil MY Wiser riteCIT Tun Ineillltliool llllott 7259351 SNOTOUN SHELLS It our the Wit mm me let nnm Intorrnoiion town 12 wt Myty TV ANTENNA MYI Lott IGWIII tool to it Will rntuitit ll Ill Ail Elly IuliInieo IV ll MY NHL PGLIINI llmonlu MS tomy liVT HOME REPAIRS PlASllIll STUCCO ROOPS CAllll HY CIIIMNHYS lVATllllPllOOElNU All ttork pudruttlrod 2o yeuro IIperIence lreo rsllntotrs 1111011A TIIORTIUN PHONE NW 512 innonzonorf CHIMNEY SERVICE is your chimney tolot it It the hozortl to your home For prlrre on now hilllllly ur repoirr phone Stroud Null FIREPLACES out srocmurr Mytl vpovmo MANIERI PAVING CO $5000 BONDED hiRhiBRii OP PROTECTION BUREAU Fire Ertlmolo Written Iuorttlttro NI 1th TOO SMALL Servlny stmeoo County over to yeortt tllrlrrettoest RR Barrio 7260081 T111506 IRONING IIGNIRC It IL 11 lhltte lillVI ltttl at 11qu TI MASONRY BRICK AND BLOCK woil om minim ttreuo Mm TREE REMOVAL lIllll REMOVAL All work potiontrod Clll mil MYll CARPENTRV IRIIIINIIG Hunter too on William uuin euree tterutm room on or main Win Itiomm Well tune CAICINTII will do odd Mt ile VIIIont lddilim bill etc ltttontlte totot room ltlilku FIRIPLACBS FIREPLACES ltrlonollo like mm mtur Till COLEMAN HARDTOP CAMPER The tlnett mm in equipment heoutl ul models in them from otto tor every tImiiy need COLEMAN TRAILERS Ind tho livlny Is easy ARTICLES WANTED mnemo IIIo manhuntvane meoworname the am can lb mommarut IAlTlDIIMWIIIMN MIWIITIMW netted HIGH CHAIR no Ionnut Ital Intrud II In II now letouu none no rm BUILDINGS won an no no new mo tIvtI TENT TRAILER TrimI TIMI MYI AIYIGUTI II III II Iii IIM MOO ADI IAN rum Hi In CIIIII Mllll not in Intr lit em but In man IranIntent ti I3 Illl YA DOGS PETS WOOL hit Mill PM alum ll no emit II MIL leerhyt It more tour SANOYH PUPS to mom MMDM euro ItoI ewumd ltd more retroth no em Mrto POODLE PUPPIES Mlnllhrrl Millie mm bl reoittom Vellum motel out it Amman it fAlMIkS MART ttvmocrt roe utl mmlllimll hWWhIMUQ WIIIIID NM MUM ll MI IA at wt Illa vll III DUI ta on Iron tee tore FARM MACHINERY SIYDGUILIMHIIMVMM MM II who 11010111151 ENVY HI 1113 Tom III we ll tom DAVID ml lob IBM filth Allie llvrnltbt etu utt motel tin urn FORD TRACTOR tiol mew nod tm moire rim to III III IIit yoth letown loom tore FEED SEED It GRAIN ITn etovn one let nu ma rioto Itlt Mm Natal tee MYI Ill Ill bull IIH lilo WI tome mum or no MM mun MYI PASTURE WANTED TO RENT YIAIIID Putt hurt Ith It wIiIr Ind moo Yttr mm to Exclusive At 197 NAME YO DOGS PETS Em Trimmln miutimt grooming Ill mu onion mu delivery mm livdlo ttI ERIWIIVI tot Illl outTi Illl 0M4 RIM ITS DIN mm mu mm me BOATS AND MOTORS GULL ROCK MARINA our llIrrIo lie ury lituler lrlerburouith SoleI hlorttLu tttartno Inpyllm ontl trrtiru 4812122 ltlt Curio 0rd Toutttiiip TitI mu unt No ittl IN Iiiill Hill Inn NMIMT GM TollBltvitl the BARRIE ALL NEW FOR Yl torIII lO HELP WANTED toes or mom to women on em mum In rr tum Ill mm not WI nut llr won an Dom 1m Id netl em It unruomnummm we Inll Mllwl lit uh NY Id GM IN up III In rim out man trioM motel in my em JOBS OF lNTERIST TO MEN DIIYIAI Iutmnvl WI Hui run Ion Ino ttimn it name mil in no me no oil tome om In Mil WW mmer tor MOFFATT MERCURY SALES LTD 81 ESSA RD 7285558 ANOTHER ENCLUSIVE AT IIOFEAIIS trurulrd lite tlrno ltuetprootlttl ttr tttlt brltul new on little it 1151 ilrrt with TllltUtlARD RUST PROOPING It lilOFllAll MERCURY CAN TRUST PERSONALS HAVING HARD TIME RAISING MONEY Am you trying to nine money no that your elnet tItI to on to trip or your iornt run lttly mulptueni or tettnt lotlet unit he yurrhntoit 11 IO nhy not let tltv prutetrlunole help No rhoruu irr thle tortire Write or roll ilIitFlILl SCHOOL PLAN llt hunt on ltAliRllI Uttlnriti It being oromitnt In mitome no mu mi Mill to II tumor oooo um Tooohum rtttu JUAN um ml to liter bin 71 11 It not mean wli Inc min tIit on lot mu net or runny it out trooontirII in rm Iurtm intormeiim It Mn iontsoio morons wonroo TrttAt tttttiftTdtiuott loll op will linl Sm Telephone DOW MYI TREES Ind SNRUBS Touii UIDVDII en roelrt In Ivorill em tit luI IoIo PLANTS AND BULBS olutili Rt tIinIm IIteorirr row polol Moll XIV ore Mm MATUIID Mlttore to bvlhol or lotd lilvlill ilrl plotlld lewnr Kiri More removel mm enurrs veoIrIeLrI TIRE Knoll Coo union Dr MN lltlwl Ill Iii CAIIlMI NE NW AL tnio ronnrns Ming NTcRs DEAD STOCK DEAD STOCK Bend or eripplod eotllo and home Smell animal removed trio Pol III Iorvleo lllONH llAililili TW ttuileott or tult tor RHNIlIl Gilli lNU CliAiltIEl ti Room tiny daye week till loxnteld OnlIrIn Nick blontu uI Prop Licence mm Tl LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ll tor loll TIIIbMM Midi HORSE WELSH PONY Mir anlhllLlMlIllr im lilo riled to III In Mil tu MYI uiimmlo me Mlll Ind Imt new It min mdmtdor MII it United rtIti II Immune mm MYI NURSING HOME VACANCY or one ltttiy or gentleman ttt reurunnble motilth rule INNISWOOD NURSING HOME 175 YONGH $11 liAllillH Lleon competent euro nllh heart Pieure roll MRS tliLl Atitttltt letrotor rottrot or nontol 11 10 HELP WANTED eoometlcl hue or writo iur dolIIII ANN ttoutos A13 4810401 tum JOBS OF INTEREST TO MEN APPREIillCE 0R ASSISTANT CHEF lritote mimiry rluh In Dorrie reoulrur erperirtnnl Ipprrn tire or 1nd rhrl Ute out lttr ntunerutlun euntntruluruto wtih exporlrnre htlt htnrltt lrlnrrr LIll betnmt it MIL 11 pm Lhri lntti Lurron no or to Mlolil WI or MUTUAL ll o7 Cl tItIr mutt iivt lot It SiliilAG uin ill to my mouth Itioeme room Iiiiro it snot crude Cilil iloulrIJ Mittitttt titlll Ihb don lillomi AUDI MIMI to MYA EINIRUSION llA IINICIAN nun mtnimom to your OWIllina tottlllolllt Along with tom III or Wde tlliu toolim ltiG Wllllf tptllitll Atommo titm MM rr III II MYI Uoor tnrenesrTJ MEN one woman DIITIIIUYGI enormity tor pore tune with Inllllltyll IlnptI l7 Mblttd no will turn to loll mtlnletd loo outlily will IMlot Ml Iotltillrtt innin MlOttdl lor MINI th motion onllrl Mn Sterilrit GIMiII Diritiboior All lllrir lllrptim tieim MYLAILIA JOBS OF INTEREST TO WOMEN FASHION CAREER OPPORTUNITY NEW PRESTIGE LINE OF COSMETICS There arent many ileldr today thnt ollrr nioro pleasure or renter rewunt lu persim than that ot the ulnrnoroue world ot rotntetler VIVIAN Woodard Cosmetler ltd eubrldllry at General Food limited Ieeltlno Itlrortivo peoplo to ut their neluroi love Bl beauty to proittuhto use So It you wool enloy lortrnlttz the pro lesIlonIl beouly retrotI In this lnoulrdfo with when wo woud like to meet you Thole we uleet ll be folded In bulldlnp their own highluhion htIteprottt netr Small lttierttnrttt ht potential Excellent eurnmleeton ltun your own hueineu with rootrtetler youve read Ihout In Vogue To learn more ttbout tth prettier lino Ind Iherlnr tho VlVlANll IOODARO COSMETICS LID SUBSIDIARY or llme rooos uttrrro 2200 Yon Street Suite 1710 Toronto 91 Olivia pportunlty now roll