Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1971, p. 11

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sorrow El to aE it air 3132 55 55 intro Falter raid that late Iboilmpttblllmlurlhm her at irlud rmvtctloal lppIr rrttly bld not turned blI lemon lie untch him to two months In toll an oath oi two eblrw oi tboit one Ito and two oblrr II at tbcit trader The ten tenm will run conturrratty nan Fined On llssault Charge motor Wlutbirr It at wood so no tinrdttu In provincial court Wodnudly Itllr bl piudzd guilty to cblrrI oi common Blltlll Tho ohlrro wu llid lIstlob ta lltIr poich wore callod to his borne rtortnl llndty die pull Wlutblcr III obumd by volleo with one bond Irnund Ibo thrdlt at mlnlod dlarh lor lndl rill In the otbcrhlod Too cbluel InroIlIny Ic am um wltbdmn by tho Own liter be ploldorl ruilly to the noun eburr lelt Hospital nun llccidont Man ned $100 mln who tell Itoyrl VIctorII iIoIpItIl ottor bclny tltIn thorn by Imbullnco ioIIowlay In loci rIont tut Oct it won Ilnrd tioo Indootln nl tit lltor ho was renrlctrd oi Iclvlny tho local oi In lrcldent Victor ltlvnray It oi Writ lllfr Grown Attorncy Mn Alexan dcr slid lIImaIy was tho driv er oi rlrlnvovcd in In acol denI It Blytirtd StSophll tit Intersection iIo Ind otbcr oe ruplnts ot the motor vrhi wolvrd In tho lcrldent nor cut to the modal by Imbullnrc Tho poiiro oIltrcr tnveatipatla to do oertdent told them no woo v1 Interview them It the houpltlt It not itlmaay litrr Irrivlar II the hoopltll told tho olhrrI ho was oinl to rnotto phono all and lllvttlrryl hubltquont Investigation ltd Io ht nrrrrt Der It lit Alexander sold lhol al Ibouuhttamray bad remalnod at Ell tho rutno oi tho arrldrnl until ho yr vtlr rrnl to tho hwpllnl it had nut given his name and addrrls or rmulrrd Impaired Driving Mon ned $125 tIiIIIunt Ituy llrutnnwnrl to oi Ilaytield Slum llnrd 9115 In nrurtnrlal ruttrl titdnenday nilui Ito plcrrdtd uulllf to dunno oi Impolrtd drlu nu lhu tlrnrzo who told April It nilrr car driven tintin nnnwl Ilnlrk parts car on Itrarllard St nhcn rlly poliro Ins trstluatrd tho iwldtni Druno mood was lound to halo It slrony lnwll oi ulmbut on till breath bloodshol eyrr Ilurred rocoob ttnd suuyrd nhen ho Ilood broalbnlyror Irtl lotion shortly Itirr tho aroidrnt rrveutrd bc bud blood alcohol porrrnloro oi tti Man lldmiiied lor Examination John ltclirlne our runtun rlrd by provincial rottrt luduo It Iloslor in lrnrlnnuuirltero itttntnt IIrnIth trnlro notday unlit Jonnt tor psych rbIIIrIc exlrnllntitlon rigr too Could It ocor it lollnltroiiytseltiiicd he bollorcd hieilrlne Is mentotiy III lieltrlno taro lire rbarrrs two at lhrit min at rnraplnp laniut ruitoly uno oI brrnrh ol probation and charge thltt tho Liquor Control Art Ilia Man Fined For Shoplilling Ilrnry tisttrr hlni ll oi till it Urilllu uns llmd til In no rintlul rourt titylnewln liter he plrodrd ullly to shop Iting Kin mined tho theti ot roll oi plper toerr throw and Irlnlrturtm totlt vltuo Iopro xtmliely tour dollars IIIrr ho wll Ipprrhondod by an orn vluvoo outlldo tho lloytitld st Willows Itvrr Iyil to Innislil Up Onl inath rltrplyon in mtn Ioui tax Inerelso till you in that than acorn Briton tho II lulu Lul amt mind Rt lb lm ruidcatlal rats at tit milk In lamuo oi ll mill over rm Tbir rrprmtr In inrrrooe oi only t1 tor tba lvulro borne men In tbl township Simlllrli the 1m rommer oil tax to Ill lot It on lnllLruptbmndlkiromibl prcvlotn rlr ammo OPIbIPdnlM lnOnililo dramatic Ftdtrh Irlmpotlao competitor hlm Ihlll tbo othcu IwIll their lttic Gab prtmd their all lion Itioet In Pricibomtttb Iiybted the lam sum Onl bylinninrtopbooorsin Thm medal wianm In the boymthrmabllmine Looal Gymnasts Gymnastr irorn Ibo Plinswicb Gymnutlcr Club moody took top bottom It tho Ontlrto Gym nutin Mention meet in Po crooth Eleven bore and itll wen Inttrrd In trlmpollno competi tion It tbo provlnrlll Icrel Tlhlnr the roll modol la the boyl dlvtcton on John Aodcrr it It EIItrIow ttcoadary reboot Bonn Sobamlchcr ll ol ti dorrto South antrll chool In 0m Ibwnobtprlplurod lilver med Ind IHPIMH umt Lloyd oi Ptlnrwlch bromo mrdll In tho rlrll competition otblr rompotitorl and their Itladlnn won 0le Webb at ernch public school Debbie Dario ol itumll rrbooll rnl Kerstin Schumlchcr oi0ra own shIp reboot In tlto boyl dIvIIIon Dtln Strtllort oi Johnson on Irhoot tth lilto Auden oI dabnaon tth IiIrry Illln oI War he 7th but Kurt stauIItrt oi dobnlaa Stroet ltir Timtrc Ineo All results store comblood mlrt woslstlnl oi compul sory rouan Ind In optional rut tine mdl up by tbl competitor torcth the xymalste lro Itich Kimmln Ionner cloud Iln open tIlrnpoIiao eblmplon Ind llet Phillipa pbyolrli odo oltion lnatruotor lt WImIcI Irhool Ind orxlnlrer oi tho Pllmwlrk um club irlrtiro Marlena Iro held ev ery charldlr It VIraIcl school In illnawkt brptnalno It too pin tn rumor mi hlr Kinsman IIId they In Iatrruted In torm Inro Inpollrtl eIub bertoninr hex This club would be open to Mills boys Ind ulris be room right and to who Irel they rln pcrtorm on the trampoline It In Idvorwcd level Anymolntrrestrd thouId eaII blr Phillipa It mm artycw rdnl betworn Ind onion tinfoil tunnels BIIICIIIIIIIIE HAS THE SPEED Waite tslrria pollrc obit Tlrhlrblrt ml b0 pkdirl loo blturd bitter iar lllltloon wathtbu hll Irrh lint titlll totrvlllol publie rolltioal nolalrrr mo tillm tbry have sprrd II their sldr rlllml tor Mtuldlya wlllltb on do not pbuo no one bit llrh IIIIIIIn Ittr itrrlryl annlyrr Ind tr rr Illil lro irana tho eblrl line he more to Illrrio lad Ia my ltaowteriro be hllat wlltrrrt but In over ll yrlrl It II on rournrrt rooltlr mmprtlllun or would no worritd itut II to wt Ind tbo rbtrl rlat pull on bll Itomlrb Inway ttllei brel Iortrrt It Iatr II dhlol Toohtr Irt mltrb thltt Irtrd tlr With It won rrportrd Titledly the rhlri on doctnrrt me In ptrlm Iver ilr Itrrnry tilt mliot out nrllr Ian Insults rhlllenlre pubilelse the hilIrI tor hllliioal Illhltboa which otlrls It tho Illrrte Amoury II It Slb lrdIy Iundl valord lrIrn plrdrrl lor tbo ilsrrllt wait In tour tnlernllioolt llrnrlca oblrh ltle underdrlrlrprd rountrtrl Five Barrie Area Residents llurt ln End0v Fire Itrrrio and are rrridrnlr mde srriour Inlury tr rloy nben tho ear lny orro rld too In rrarbrd Ibrootfb ruord rIil and lllrtptd In over old Into dllrlt St Monicas Pact Signing Next Week contract should bu slrnrd by the end oi ncri wetIt tor mi ooo addition to St lionlelr reboot in burrito The eounly teplrote Ichuol board tart niubt lutborited ibll tnp horror by drbcntnm to Ito anto tho sir room addition Ibo rrrnalndor ol the root wIIt Ito tllsed born turrrnt tunds Tito miruet till boon ltitiltl rd Io ltrrtrum Iirolhrrr Ltdt Ind tho prulctt hul roeclvrd Ilnei Iovrovol oi tho department ol edueotloo Ilctt were lroulrd tor cull brut ses and lbrlslona It Itoyal Vittorio Ilusultul 0N Till lliMltlJ Innnlll tbwnablp Itrovo Iro Iiu Ilurton will renrrlont tlro tirorulan Illy IIrqunaI Develop ment Council on tho bolrd oi lIuronll Tourlrt Allurllttoa llr Ilurton it director It llrte Ind rice ebIIrmln at lone Ibreo oi the llillllti inrnorucr honours Ilre Urut tltdtll ttty Pedro 1M5 Amballars berka runs illl 14mm erEnd llccident trclladol turn ltlnlmlorr lbotol ditto dorm Examiner WW3 raunsohu nor ionn Board Tiny Twp Seem Far Apart minty Karate Irhool tnrs cllls ol Tia town lhip me not rot tuprlhrr to dismm tho lolnshlpr odurltlon tax bill thll year Iho township bad In Increlro oi about mm In uhrrollon root In the bolrdI hudoct Ianouoo rd April till lnrtelto rotor din to tho board muti iron Irrclrr bond by tho township llnre non whoa tho towmhlp tullctlId in tune beloro tho blolard bad tubal Ito ilnll moul on 1bwnsltp dorkGuy illurkb ehlr Id In letter board It tbt boo tart mocan thlt rom mcntl made by cduclion when thobodylt wll dlsnrsud wrra In umllton oi bll oiilce tba It ommltr toeli uvbltntBuolm main Iltrltor Corblcro told the board during the bullet mrct In April lblt Tiny would have had no Increlao Is year It tho Iownlhlp bld not owed the Irrrlrs II legal loolr lit Retirement duplrlty crowd yrslcrday It trndni tlw tmnd oi thrrI pro rttlremontt rounscllin II Ilc minim inrmss no Alter hrarln Mr Idwritul romplllhh the board wrote to to the tawnshl rounrll oiicllnn detention Ibrro inble Io dlaruu tho bud rt Tho Intslrra nonwd by tho nl were my rrprosrntatlm anrtrl llarrb lod and llov Guy llnrnol Ind Barrll inttin Ilosn Saurulrrs drllrnrlrr at tho budrrt wrumlt trc Ilul tbc lntard was told that al ht tho townsldp rounril her It did lhlt tglopnsal ml will meet but wt llr Eaton and Mr Co rro Tho board took no artlon no that alvbL mow told it con oi Barrio will It Iitll tlnr lily arm lily ta lrom nl to arm The thnol will It tbo Erhhansy on Iilltl The liryerilnns oi Toronto will prorldotha rnlrriollunmt moellnxr rponlorod by AIIEII tAsaorIltlon Iur Tru ed Ilrtlrmrnli at Collirr Strrct Ubllttl Cburrh lo dhcms thc Ierni mportI oi ulironrent Chnrlra Wilson itlrrlo barrlalrr told that Import lInrlrh anl tor an lndlrldolt to preplro bImslII by being aware or Istlo rryuIIlIons hrtrndrd err on oratrod around the Joint truancy man lttd Ilio oi roal oiiulo uhtl rmt uhonros In tho gilt tar olhor lublrrts ranmt Intlud rd wills power at Iltomry ear lair no and stlurmllon duties Channel In tho Unomployment Ioiiro ldonllilod drlvrr hurry Itobrrtson to at Ialnl nitt llo Ittalttlnrd outs to his loit lnilo Ind elbow Tho olbrr plssenrrrs tn Ibo rar Sievon mm to oi Iiilln blarllyn Clark 11 oi IIIIIn Toni lcnrocb 17 II Itoys it Ind lily Cantor it oi Dunlap Si Iho car In ttllltll they tvoro Iravrillnr latter in nepotiato tho turn It the lntersrrtlon ol Lotto rboro lid and Tiiiln St The rIrwal writn oil with darn lro oatlrnalod at now Says He Drank Inatuoheo net that eomo into ei Irrl Jilly wrro dealt with by it ltrltly oi Iho enroloyv mun Insurunro Commission oi lrc lilrold Kulscr Ioclt rtnro luniltlro or the Canada Irna Ion Illn and tho Old Aio Soc Itrliy Pension explalntd tho penrions Ind disability and old owx pensions 1hr ilnnt meslino at tho Irrirs will take plan It Colder Slrrct Unlitwl Chilftli lily It hialn lubIect to bo disuuscd will to tho poyrholopicut Import oi rrttnmrnl liliDralt Recall 0i Evening llazy Leslio Cameron It at tild Iand war ptacrd on probation or oil months litrr ho wlruon victrd In provincial rourt Itrd hrsdly oi wiliul dlntllo oi CIIIlon liotrl lullrl hilrth Judue it It loottr ovdrrcd Connrun or town oi probl tlon to tnan restitution lur tho douran rod to oily out oi burs crlro rooms tameran ptoldrd not ruilly to tho rhlrro III proorrded with but couristl No botel employee ttrtltled that ulnar to midnlrht they heard truth lront lhu washroom ot the rnrno brvornro room when thoy Invrstlratod Iltoy iotlnd Cameron Ilnno in the Wllb room on to Mid uult shattered Ilulh trltlilrri tth bed rloor View oi tho wlsbroont enirlncc pad that ooono hIrl mm out oi It lltrr tbo mob Clrnlron both tuttiicdtoid them he did not do both padre wrto bulb railed Cant rron tell tho wI room and tho hotel Domaua to tho toilet unit not tutti Carncron tetliilrd that ho had drunk about to plusors ol drllt bear that ovsnlnp and that till rruall olvtlto ovenlnu wls hnry Iiowevtr ho told tho court that ho war polliivo ho had tuit tho hoSotshortI IItrr ii pm Ind thatbo bl mind at Mr plrcntl lildhurrt homo ha Ioro rrddnlrht Ills mother ho llltl anIyI looks tlrn door It midntrirt Crown Attornry John Altxniltltt rlld tberowol no doubt In his mind lblt Cameron ms nu drunk Ito rotddnoi remember the overdo oi tho Ironloy or that ho wll blottlnllt out at his mind Evtdrnrl ol trouble or placed Clincron storm in the wuhroom when tboy bclrd rrlsh bo raid KATIItI Jltbti uI Alronl llrarh uddresrrs hlnnoo Corp tro leurol Association mrnrs nual mortan at Illlrmt hool Inst nirht ttrs lens was zirc Totli mumcnt on whirh the mill nil is based blunt on ill but don to Will or to rrridrolilt ornament Ind Mist tor rommrrrlll will rrprrsentr Ithm to mount Thu budreL II Ipprmtd by conned IIs prrplml by irnloro rhllnnln Russell Stuart item Burton rotripllmrntrd iIr Itutxrlt lod Ibl rommtitee lor Iocplny elooe mutiny ea roots bad to pull In the boron In etrry dirrdton In light at Id dltlonnl mil to srrro Ills pub lir bl raid CE PROTECTION rrIrI pomted to the no It Incrrlu In coils in pro trde rutnlill public srrrirrs ouch ls polio and tire prolto tion Ind rold rantntonnnre Ito linyicd out the polite do partmcnt liooe Is ronlributin tn lorrrlrrd expenditure maria awry by the lddlllrwr oi tbrro pollro older lrll brlni In utlrils on plr with thorn ol pillVltttill police Itraidenilsl rltr iii mills tor ml Includes III mitt Ior I4 urltlon trlcrncntlry and um dIry srboola oumblntdh mill tor Simrvo County Ind no2 tor township tuo Tho mlli rate tor rdurltion rrhrrsrhts ll mill drop from 1m Elementary srbool limo htrnt Lr ltd mill and aeron dzrry cor mills Tho testdrntlol rlto oi tot mills rrprrrrntr 12 lorrrlso wblIo tho county rlio dropout Took Sunglasses Youth Fined $35 II year old Struud Iron youth was lined to in prorinulat rourt Wrdnesdoy IIter ho picn rlrd outlty to mm at Ibup tttlttno pair at litnrtlma front downtown Will Iiorr Stowan Edvard lieinioeb ld ndttod tlttnr the III alluseo without plylnx lor thrrn Itirr ho wan Ipprrhrndcd by Itoni wortb rmployro In tho Iiorrs trader yurlye prrnidont oi tho prunin rlal riding ntsocllllon rurrrrd to Jerry hlotJomb oi liarrlr itom Irit Ire Ileltno Winlrt Illrrlr aerretnry tronsuror lorrdurotbotlxrslormL new STEWART lulu rblri Ir voids Ibe midrntial utI Inriutlrr II it mill tonnrhtp 1er tor roads Commercial useaamcnt It milll numbian township rate It In mills Iltb IM mill tor tho eotmty at or rtrmrn tlry srboob and Ior rerun dnry schools Althoth rtnrrwlt bu not bod rrtnl or Iurplos to Ill It boprr Inotbrr Will be IrbiomL Government 17 mils rrridrntrat Int Ill ruIrora Im operltiaai Iota mo indudtai UM liual Inna Polk hat yrlrI ourle Ila sppliol Oouacll tr tam with the prol prrl oi raslnr room In till tur Its own nor Tbo per rlptta rrlnt later to mluro rrsldrnttal niri ls blilm oi moor trottim mills eommrrrlll Ia tbe bodnt art erpmdltltn lur palire and in pruitriim mounts to Mill Ind In mmtirrly Public Hurts lotiliinl 8110 In ntiuliu Iii nuIIr rrutial up the Ill mill tsr rain tut Iuliultip use Drruty limo William GltI bins all pooh tornprn Iaan htl luy Ior palico prutocllun Illli other Iolnablpa that do not hm their own departmeatl Tho deputy mitt ls did othrr rouxsert members polntrd out that the amine irom the torn drip drpartment outwulpbn the not isutur bunniiar iilaio tonsllblo rt maran lblt sortraan loo mou ey bad tren usnt to born tbl im budurt down For trample new punt ratio In tho nrlrhbrrb rd on bad brra paid tor rompktely out oi Ioteraaro iron liejecis Bid For Slow Growth Status InniaIiI Marita rronret to blur the township drstxnlttd slow rroulir Irra bu burn ro krlrd by tho proviorioi govern limit Tblr wrrh limo Grorro Iiur tan hrldtd drlenlloa Io mrot tlltb provinclll oilieials Ii the township bod surmd Id In Its plan It would halo meant that Industry would burn brrn rilrible tor rporill gotrrn nrrnl orlnts Ilut we on turnrd down ital the trove slid Ito laid tho orrrnment tr dimling the Inn towlrd in Iulrd Inns oi the proylnu Ila laid minister lndieatrd tho pratlnco would bc ablo to Irnd rruntty to an Industry at tho so top rate ouncil didnt appear ovrrty disrruytd havloz Ill equesl drnlrwi In rt orrryondmmf rd in tlto tanmlncbeuh Ipproarb to dchussinr the mat trr iitln inrnrilo trnrrvslon Itreso Iiurtnn said nbrul that Iotiutt stir tho oil ouru rlllor Ititurll stowlrt added that bluflans did In Ilytu oi llrldiord around vlrn pruri drnt Gil llublllnrrl oi lrnutnrr nulahenr lIrrt Irrprraidcnl lho Iilth mornbvr at tho tbrns no uro holding both it tho prorinoo is sharinr It wraith As an oxide Ilurtrvn Mid band on talk round Qurrnl llrk there Iitllo rbnncn oi rulorrut otrrnrnrnt brth trn plernrnt in the all in thI near future Head Ollice is In Barrie OTTAWA lbporlalt Tit 5A5 qutrhtlon ior Southrnst Asia Study Inr boa rmIvul Ila Ieltrrs nstmt Irunr Ibo lllnlstrr oi Consumer and tbrporato Al Ialrs lIrnrl nlilm ol the foundation Is tnIlnrrIe Tho Intontorltorr lrI town Itrslry Jones that Id II tnrrulhrrn and tlaruntu Arthur littlrnhonro ibo tonrnlnllnn bnr Irrwn lnron porntrd nithout any time rapb III new mroolntlon rxorutlru rlec tryl Ibrl nluht it lurid inn bun ul Iiarrtr thin irrprrs ideal rErarnintr Itrator Provincial Liberals Confident With an elrrllon pot rd sorhutlmo this your prvlarlll liberals tho uppmttton party In it llldlttittr urn cordldrnt oI the PNEIILIIVII Con srrro to In tho rovrramtnl Gtoruu iitnn Librrll ltII from Toronto llurnbrr told tho unnull tinttin oI tho Slnirtu lust nlrht at IIiIIerraI school In Itarrie lbht proolo trim the or rlnru nru dull and tlrrd oi bby treatment to tho ntlt dorm tram tho tory routrm mrnt Polla tllrrn by both tho liborv Iii oortylond indcptndrnt nrron llationn lltWI lblt Ibo Liberal party In Ontario to or popular or Illdrtly rnuru popular than Ibo rulinu Irurrrsrlra tonaervnv llva lorly bo Id The polls wovo tatrrn olrow Ior that tor the Iirst ilmo Ilnro toll Ibo Lib crala hl nhlsttl tho Conserva llroa In pullrity Armrdlny to potirioitn by tho party slnwoo Crnlro is ex pcrtrd in return Liberal hirin on In tho nrrt rlvrllon he said Iiiruro Owen tho liberal candidate in tiny loll praulnrlul elrrilon ruptured approximate 8000 votes 1000 behind PW Conservotlro Arthur who was tirrt elect vIneIIt leylltltltrl In not II tho opposition brlltb critic tcrd oil on nun wnl litf oi polities litholittrrtl rrurnt iy by Irrnrler Iiilllm hurts to tho Iperrh trorn the throne and In tho provlnooo new budurt Ito rritIrisod whlt ho rlllrd rxlrovarnnon Ind min In tho Tory avernrhonh llu llro biostrri tho govern mrnt tor its now btallb elrr pram tor the rbronirlliy ill liI runrilon lu unemployrncnt pay Itut ho said during the buttrrt tchuto nirmbrrs lrlrn rllrln oi the prior at euro at beer in Southern Ontario and now mnrblnery rrbolu poliry litr Ilen laid the Irrlsllluru wns told that tho rim to tho urIro vi also oi boor In south rn Onturlo tons to ooualtro tho prion ol brcr orroao tho pravlnv Northrrn Ontario mldrnls Kathe Ions Thought To Be Flirt Woman President An Innlriii wansblp woman has boon clrrird prrslrlcnt oI tho blintuuo Crntro Libural ltIsoull tort tintbo Iilns oi Alton Iirurb lI lhoudtt to bo the tint woman to hold the proskioncy ot tho to rat provianII rtdinr usoclltion llrr narnlnalion tor the pmi doney uls eIrrttd unlnlmotnly at Wednesday niphtr lnnual ntrrtinu at IIIIItrest school Itppmrlrnltrly so prrrons lt tcndrd tho meetinr Furrnrr Itnctnnrullhrao hilt or Git hobiiilrn we elected not vleopmtdcnt std Illa Iion oI itrsdiord wu ntmed Iereni vleo preddcnt rod lilv Id tlopbrn Illrrlo lawyer wls eicrtot virovrrstdeat not no Ilntor ul Ilurrlo was cleri ud relrotary tronsuror ottho antorlutlon tirsllnsuhohulltor born uciiro In Liberal assoclIt this In Tomato and In Siniroo County turmoil Jerry lIcCornb oi tiar ro Nomrd dimtors tor comlnt year were too liarluo Brad lord Shirley Amlnl Ieno lunrulsbono lion IyIrr tiarrt Ed IIeltln itradiord Itruro on lIarrto thlrles Wilson lion riot Itoltlod Comrrptnobiit bob limb Bldtord llut liolt Berri wood Gordon John blltcholl Itorrtc It lio tiuin barrio Adclo Willon neonarolldtoeIbovlbrc ho is but lirad not dmraso In tho nriro they ed that $2100 iruvn Ibo prtro lotroqu hat uninu Into the pool rts oi tho nrlnuinrlurrrn and 30ko was rolnu lulu tho pru vlnelII IreIrnry bonttr tor Ilto lwrr haronr and peanut tor thu rowtrlr llrn luld ul thtI uurevrnnunt pul ltlS Limits AllolllirllT Tho Ilurnhur bll buil uet ptuuranl that Inliltun ho albiotltd tor tiiorwruont rt halo on now macbimry purrhul rd by industry in tho provlnro by heat blnrrh looks on the run tare tho good policy The our rruntont laid Ilro Itltttltt would moon purubasrs ol In tho nrnt Illrul ye nt help but rrrllo rnrploy merit bIr litlt said But on oronomle port loans that mlnuilrtutcrl would be ptlttliitllnl tin billion ot muchinrry In tho nuxt Ilrrlt year anyway This rttrom tho uovrramont ll Iprndlno till mil lion tor two million worth oi rnlchlurr ho sold rotor Ior htlo and you wont load youto rot tobo rrplrrd to ply tor blrn But slid it II Mdlllll nnnbrr elm 73rx1I YII1G also lndloalrtl ho lav til 09 In Do roll no II III roamII ro to the Wplo who clultd hint

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