rxomuto TELEPHONES Item etaNW mm Ahotbsrpoocnnsots mom 107th Yo No I06 Clip Vittorio Titanium barrio OttIorIo Conodo Thundoy Moy I97 Hot Men moms star IONDON API us dollar bounded on Duopron excbon hoioy but the respite Will temporary or the tour ugioool monotory crisis contin Athenian money no In short supply or Ipeoulrtrtro nrsttrd to cover tho doilm they nod boon ociilnl tor more than not without owning thorn The British youN was sought in the rush worn pt reitinn lent the trio lor Ilrrllnl down It roints to must durinx the On how at Irodinx In Iondon Motor U5 doilor trrdln re toothed All but suspend Wool Gmrtsny Austrto Dei um Fintrod Tito Netbrn Portqu Ind Swltrcritnd Is the notionoi boots pt thou cottonta still rcitued to buy dollars lad Nut RecountI tho centrot on Itoppod yin Wodnudsy alter two ot hectic elllnt by aim olttcElnn to West German rnorto in anticipation that tho Gerrnon currency wouldbe ro roluod upward GAINS ITTIENIITII The UN doitor yolned strength on the open mar ot to Wool Gonnon todry otter rus rnqs tbot tho onItIlttIItt would port Ito decision to motor uh alter motion at common turret tinonco sod economic rrtloLrloro Soturdoy Tho West Demon ocorootnlu ministry loter contirrncd the motor But ILroody on the Itronrth oi tho rumors tho US dollar hot risen to onset moth on the open rnorbct otter oponlnr It Add The oiIIcIII tioor price to not Tno West Ocrrnon eoblnct LI OTTAWA It The world may produotly oocopt steriilu thin to tho moons to to with the Irrt tor threot over populo on NI Nobel Priso wlonlor biochemist Sir lions Krebs In on Inter view ntd western rodety rnirht do well to motto ortort now with rtoriiisotlon ot persons colnvlctod ot roperod violent or me What wonder to II the In portonco oi lotter tnttorr are Iuitlctenlir opprecloltd by SINIISA who moto tho lows no so In Communist countrch thorn Itu tor irsr rrlrne especially violent crimel thn In the West ern world because communist states were extremely ruthirss in punIshtnn crlrne locked up In prisons or labor coran or long periods crimi olis do not reproduce wo oro too bolt sold the Oxlotd blocitctrrtotry protestut Iio itclurid hero to tho Ini etol Itrlcuituro dtpnrtnronto on Rallies Manetory Crisis if Still Continues muting Ertdoy to discuss UM With More tor moha tton ot snort to check lotto tlon to Gertruny But decision was put all ottu tho Itbodruinl oI tho amnion Itartot meettol in Itnuqu AI It the rnInLIIoro oil the III notionsWort Grrmony Pronco The Netherlands porno unmonumui tryloworhootooobalropoi not on non oloco tbe nsort on lost mob utd In September tree Sermon orornmont Ipotesoton III special tools net method would be bold liter Emory session to decide on Interpol It and dormtlo on rules Charges Govt With Blackmail NAPANEE Ont CPI Tho OnlIrio lbtlmmtut boo re vortodto ttleoi rbuortc Ind biocbrnoll ruteod ot cooporot to with ottowo Opposltlm Loodor Itobrrt Nixon roid Wedneodoy olrt Ilo told the Prince Edward Leonor LIberII Asoociotion the oriociolm vernrnertt obould pro cooperate with tho ledelrol rovcronteot in the ttoldo oI urban policy economic monument Ind toreth toto overs ot Condos btninouor lit Nixon cold todtrot Itudy conunttteo recommended ntobtirtunent ot communitlto near the Nocdonoid Corttor treowoy between Itonlreol Ind reooordr brooch on Iood mttob oilsrn Trained In medicine In Gen may be tied to Britain In In His research In biochemistry brouthl him Nobel Ptlso In III iot nbyrtoioty Ind mcdl so or unsuf Seeks Divorce I135 ANGBLES tIteutorI Film rtIr Donald Sutherirnd IS tiled lot divorceWedncodoy Irorn bis ulronzod wits Shirley so on unds ot Lrtmhti table diierencoo Ilnth sutbortond rtor ol IIASII and th wlto were born in Cnnndo IIrs Sutherland on porter ot rndlcrl cousct woo arsed In tbtt with supplying luods to buy to bond pounds or the Bloch Ponlhorr but the shorter were later dismlrttd In court CAPSULE NEWS Work Together 0n Problemstiindras TORONTO It ttobcrt Andros icdcrot rntoiotcr without portiotlo rtsponriblo tor booting rolled Wednesdoy tor closer coopertrim brtworn the three levels at government in toivlnn urbon problems God help us it no lot to ochtovo closer to operation bclwrcn chcrol provincial Ind municipal tovnmmento tho Liberol tobinrt IIIIIIIIIIIJDIU it we toll ottr society will Iuiirr White Council Will Still IoOperate TORONTO tcit The Onlorlo Wciioro Council voted Wed unity to Low on worttnx closely with tito provinciot povontmertt despite rntrrvnttons EXINIIW by romp rncmboro Critth toored ctoso rciotlonslttp with tho nuvornrrtcnt would prevcnt tho voluntary ortuntrnttort Ironr criticirtnn tovornrnrnt protrorno Irnoly Women Pilots Complete Angel Derby IIANAGUA Niroropur IAPJ Fourteen plants and IIItIt to Women pilots cotttpleitwi thr Ansel Derby olr roco Wednesday two dryr then they Itll Cohurtbttt Ohio tho Ilortlnn point hix tecn piIttl blunts uto on route and must orrlvo in Itonoyuo by It pm tonight It their pilots oro to nuniiiy Ilpd mthnr over Mexico woo bottsvrd dotoylnp some at tho liyru Firemen Poiice Ilurt In noon IOIIK lAll At least It WIth wcro nrrrstul Ind II Including pollrosrrrn sod is tirrrntn wore Diluted Wain doy and early today in tiushct bclwtnnpoiicn out In cotimotcd too Iooters Ind mttstid throwrrs In Inrpotrrisbcd Brooklyn neigh boyhood 1m disordtto Iotlowrd morslvo peleotul domonrtrntiono by tho Itlock Coalition to prutrst strte budtct cult oitcctinp IttiItiiC nosislontw nnIInurtoIIts trinttol loud stomps Ind MINNIE Tornado Kills One lniutos SO It tornrdu thot touched down It durtt Wodhoefdilyycktitochbi thII southwestern tilooourl oily ot moo ll dinner hit one person dead It Ioost to lniuted Ind mouth It nulmttm tn Ito watt Potion rrqwtrttd domone to ports pt Motto Inrzoiy toncrntrottd In Iii dlmrrlitwn Iron 137 III UiCriminals ScientistUrUEE TWOCAMIndohouootee teroolbobrinkoincrotor toured by mostlvo mudrlldo at St Jean Vlonney Ibout ID 26 MISSING ST JEAN VIANNEY Our tCPI Hosting debris Ill rrrrohed tor the dead today Ibrro who no hope or the tons Intor workmen trlrd to pro ttnt spread ol the Institute Ihol swollowod It prrsurts Tuesday nithl mlirs irom Otiroutirnl Que ICP Photo Billinguql Plans Called Threat Unnecessary Ill CANADIAN rum SkepUcIsrn oorno nitrian op position and coils tor routlon hove metro tcderot pIon tor I1 bliinnuoi districts Itroso Cons Ids wtur only New Drumwlcko titlcoi Ind IrcnrbConodion rtdtrr voitlnx tenerol accept ooco Quebec Iober leader coiled the plan threol Ind Dolor rpokestrten coiled tt unne on III the Moon that tho rooommen In re obled 111wa to tho Mommanoon CITED Home 11wa tho Iuhno ot noobttlo iod erIt dot oerroouII the donor ot crcotlnt Prcorh opoohtnn rhettoo Ind In Otrtboc ohout bltlnquI rtotus tor thot provinco openlrtl the door to on tarnishinmost IIIeover Amended Is tho dcsltno tlttn oI III II Ouebec Ind hew Antonio or blinnuoi districts with ol leoot ooo hltlnruni dio mtn both or the other provI Twoivo distrch Ire wormed tor OntIrto cl tor ontobo seven tor So otrbenon three ted dttotmtottuoeudonuw Stanton Ban Ordered In us High Mercury Levels Found wnsrttneion tor no US Food Ind Dnr Administro lion odvisod the tic todoy to stop oolinl owo Ash btctuso BS cent oi Iii rornpies cxom nod orero oontomtnolcd nltb poisonous mercury Govunrncnt ot cloLt acknowl cdttd tho wornlnt probobhv would destroy the US owo ilrh Industry Itlo rlicuior Important that chldron women oi childbearing one roholn irom consumption at tho oeoiood the FDA sold Iottowtnt completion oi thrcornontlr government lortlttl roman iur mercury In Iwordl troop ot Conodlon Ind Arncricon medleoi oxpertI endorsed III Iirvdinls Despite cxlurulvo rerotls by motor diolributlorr choins do Ipllo FDA seizures lolnillnl HIM pounds ond derpllo overIII coo rotion oi sword IlIb brokers withhdidtnl up to tour million pounds hum tho numb the Ipency to still find In owordttoh otIttobIe to the on he at or over tbb dctlno told FDA Griei Stores Bd words Urges More Day Care TORONTO ICP cosoJor more dryIcoro Iocliitico ortd ex panded Iorvlcoo within ths Broccoli oyolem wrs got to tho ntorio loptrirturoo umon ro oourctoonmmltteo Wodnrsdtv Dorborn Chisholm roclot worker and teocbtnt consultsnt to three oducolion tnItttuttoru told ohttircn need to be or to drycore proprorns bu the need has been misled by por onto Ind municipalitloo Under the propromtho prov Inmnow porn to per cent oI doycoro ccntro costs but the pmnronu must be inltlIlcd by municipalities This or the vinco boo hudtot IIII nsll on tor doyI rnto Irrvlcoo hall at which il in provian by Ottowo under tho CInIdI Asstolonco Pro trorn About 170w Ontrrto chil dren ore to daycore promnu SHOULD DROADEN TERM IIIoI Chisholm sold the lucr Inco ll misquoton prov din protrorns tor chiidrcn oi MILK parents but tho department oi Ioclst Ind iIanly urvlcu ohotrld broodon Ito terrno oi roi erenco She oold Ontorto It not lotion tuii odvontoto ol the Conodo Artistmo Pro run to the potent tuttntrl or on rulrtnt children On ihi blots end In View 01 Mi evaluation at test doto by PDA and by outside exports the TD bu on choice but to no our end It this time that the public not eat rwordtlsir Ed rtordo told to outctncnt terms oi the Otticinl Lnnrusnes Act oi III by IOmcmbtt Iti visory board nrry be pro cIIImtsl on low nny limo otior Aux Tho Intorol govornrnent would bnto to provide btlinttrtal ocrvim In the districts it tho blii LI possnd It the rccorntnentinllons It adopted tor Quebec sold Itnn GerInIoioie Quebec hood oi the Unitod Steelworkers ot Arnorlco Quobecorowtti ellbor IAIIWsNIIINAoC II too nhdidu unique particular Itoluo tor Quebeccro oI troruitlonrt blllrr Itlorn whDo preparing tor the ppooronee at their ntotber Ionguopn rrrncols Cloutlcr Quebecs cultural oiiolro nrtnlrlet oold Fire bodirs bod btwn rc toured TwentyIII persons were rnLulnn II mutt oi the slide tn thLo community hour the junction oI tilttore our Voscs bird the Strucnsy Itiver III mitts northrust pI Ourbun City More thItt houses slid to oblivion with the mucty Innd little about Itrtd pm Tuesday try todoy It but been rntuttrd Etiorts were being mode to halt the devastation by hoping more water irom rrorhlnt the wit con that underloy thc stricken subdivision Fire hNtl wtro used to divert wnlcr trons storm sewer Iootinp the city Ind send it directly Into Itivlere aux Votes when the bodies Quobooo point at vicw wos not Ioten lnto recount to the prrpr ration oi the rrpott to the lid orII government should not lotto doiinilo Itond on the matter until Iilcr tho ttdernlprovinrioi conlrrrnre in Vittorio next month Cold Dammeusy Royal Tour Continues PENTTCNN BC CPI driuiy hectic dry oi lourlnx in tho interior oi British Columblo come to close Wedneodoy night with the proscnlotlon to Queen Eilrlbcih at on Indian peoco pipe Tho preteertlon on tho Queen Prince Philip and Prin cess Anna pteglrod to spend the only nirbt ot olr lodoy British Cotuntbir centennial tour Iwoy Irons the rays yacht Britonnlo nos mods by George word oodhtr tho ot tho otonoyrn lndlon bond Cloro Jock In costume II were the Words tronrtoted tor tho etdttIy lndlon who door not up English Today the Iton Fondly nor to drive throunh tho otonoton visiting Vernon Ind Ketoono bcIoro Iiytnl in tho ottomoon to Kornloopr ortd then returning to Vancouver tor the niyht The evening Ieotivttlos In Fen tloton which Included dinner in mentor 16yearold army cndcl with the IIC Drltoont Tho ropo on the lion pole to iront oi the citys Piltrlm Itoure Ilnthruyri Inn tor the night hntt broken when on ITIIIICJ Iorcos oIIIur pulled on it Up word IIrirn Ihtnnylny Itonc to tool at pole olIII wct with iresh ollvcr point Ito Iixtd ths dsntnto to tho chcors oi hundreds ot nnIoottoro Ind woo token Into the hotel to hrvo his unltorrn cleaned up Tho Itoon Fondly woo met It tho olrport by Prnlirlon Itoyor Doug suort Ind DC Itines Itinlstcr Punk Richter lhcn ro thr Pentlctott Pooch Iter Ind lndlon donsinl copped my oi woltlnl throuth In old old nub town and riding on Iteorndrivonlroln BAVET DAY Tho romposuro ot the royoi orrivoi ot Pmlition woo ros cusod with rplomh and lost ntinuto Ilotpoto climb by Ilrloo Could Reduce Child Deaths TORONTO It Tho incid cnct ol ottltientoi poitonint ol chIIdtcn could be reduced bl motolltltrthO rtentby tho uto ol Childth tont oonto note om brlei to tho untorio Cot tero oi tbonnocv Tho briti ondorrod by union too roomian coroner Dr II Dr Ontoom woo prepared by Dr Itrrtrl llrooult mniicot director oi tho Windsor Poison Control Centre tirod to the bout tor its Ind rust boiuro dinner For the running LDI Ouoon worn to lurnrnt puwn oi double crcorn stone with spurkttnu orn hrnldorctt bodicu with diamond ItItAIIIN Ind rnrrlttrr Allnl worn on unuo orrntno town with long Eitrnbothnn strum onti highroll ntwk Eoritur while touring the to constructed ItuAto town oi Iort Stcclu Inundcd by Northwrst htountcd potltcmon nonrcd Sum Steele tho Queen rxlrcssod in tomb in the Windsor Hotel cunrplotr with rnlstsl ptunit boordwnltt in lront wcrr Iound downstream Iron the disaster ores StiAlttIl IIIIEIIS Search operations were ornlrrd It the continence III the itiriere oux nsu end the So urntil ttosruo wortrro now up hope Itcdnesdoy ot tindint Antone Ilitc In the dobrts ot Iroashod houses It the bottom at the rnrthsllde oil which tutor 160000 square yortls Ind wu tsiiIlIJItIi to be quartermils lonr too toot wide and irorn too to 200 not deep The rldy It the bottom oi the porn wns litre quirbondono nron Iikontd II to mid Intro lIutopsy Today On Bodies omwn CPI An autopsy rnrnt doromporcd pectnt todoy OTTAWA CPI Doctors born loud bottcr nancially and thtir truaner horc crown steadily undrr tho itdrrol rrudl rul care insurance protronr onrnints nnd manpower studies show Substantial Inrrcosos in ttrnxo not prolossionirl Inmrncs urii bo roturtul in drtnil lntrr this roar nttrr lull nnniysis oi the titnrns Iodrrul hrrrith do nurttrrcnt sourrcs sold Itcdnos day Nouioundtnnd whose NOILOIS ranktd lhtrd In ottrnto net pro irsslutrul ittrotrto In turn climbed to tirst pinto nitsr thc ptDIiiltr Joinrd the pin In tote similar but lost spcrtnrulnr tint nitturret tor not otorntt Itrrorrtt oi doctors in Nova Sto Lill unrt tinniiolsh which niso joinul tho protrnrrt In Istlt Unto on this nnd other AIMS oi unions is Just bttuminn nvnlintric or Im or result ut runtyutrr Itrulysis oi Income Int returns TIru data is usrti by Ttttiittli uNKItIIItItIS in hcoIIAIIItI too Sthtdtiits with protlnciot rov crnntunts Elnl IIIlttItSI risrs In Irerots not Intutrro tuliuwtd Alburtot Ind Ontarios Joining ol the led ttItI rntliirnt care program July was to be rornluctcd todoy on the brdiy decomposed bodies ot two oun women iound Wednesday In woolend Iport There Ircro no external moths ot intury on either ot the bodies nor any sits at viol ence sold Coroner Dr Itoword ltoattte Itro bodies were thorr It boot to noonno om badly ond suthoritm ordered worker to stay rIrar tor tour at new stidrs At rheSsgurruy workers In Noelbutton roubqu oilltd de brts Iiuotlnt downstream Ind iourot the we bodlts recovered Wednesdsy Porno oI tho Inndsiido routed warts rstirnotrd It 25 tool In hrixht which rushed down riser into the Sorucnoy where one rippul concrete bridge rieanly iront III Ioundntiorts Rescue uorlsrro In drittnl roin slotted throuth the much Wednesdsy nttrr shoot 79 pore Ions nuny scrcomtnn Ind nmuninr hnd been brought out nterrdshtt SURITIES SLIDE One survivor was Itontrnirn Intorpr who was tsioop uth his pro with ortd tbrro sonnil Iirrn In the tint house thsl icil Into the chum Thcy were nwoltonod by hrs hum Ind ItItI Into tho titrhcn where reirtrrrstnr and rum were Iiidinl burns the Door They went on to the rounds Ind tho houoo dropped moto mm the loot btr LIIorlo quphl his way throuph the mud to the de ot the troter rciotiro raid His loudly III lost The woman were bolloood to be in their oor Indrho dentI It the verst ot 0t tan An Idohtttlrotlon who or Atso In the slide Ttoeodoyotibtlme on the or embed only mm betnre the vehicle trppltd tnIo the nurse More Doctors Doing Better Under Medical Insurance Plan Ind ON ISIS rrsrwrliurly The nthrr thrsc protinm Iotntd April toot Visions pt mum at ttortnrs item the country In tho lure ol struts ntrdirinc iniiul to lit the nudity Idlttol nothorttios soy Expect Reaction To Steel Hikes PITISUUIIGII iAPI ItItIun trytttido ronrttun Is cryocttd today In tottnrsdnys annntrrtcn nrrnt by tho lortrst US strut nutter us SlotI torp rotting prices on your root on nruny rtctns used In autos hnd oppirv nnrts Shortly alter the nrttmunrc TIIIIIL horn nruior stool t1rnrrr nics inritrdinp itopuinlic Na tional Arrnm and June and tnupitltn suid thcy wt to viooing this price str turns untl probably rtould hntr rur lnlcd unnounrrrrronts Inlay Univ IIrlthhcm Stool hid the No products dtclin ttt nitditto runrmont Sourc rtt Urlhiehenr sold hnwotfr that thc umpnny probably won unit Inz to soc what It Iluthing wnr done by tho tthIlo itousu