Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Apr 1971, p. 9

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more or THE Ww mannermom mIlI In Idem vunonIlyeeucldnlliu menu mu urea emu McKepugh Roasted Robert Bourassa In Legislatures lo IN IlIl MM ulna el llle YoolII Solute unmou II mlrw of the ymm mm 1mm MI Mliners Werried Aboul oumc rm orally meal Iboel lln cello Inlnrl pol woo been el lllI Illecln Inlyhl lane on Ihrlr mwnlu Wilt Reorennmlyu el Camel mlnll comeInlu upturned comm why It lhe nrrl In nuIl mulls ol IIII Clllllllln lullllrle el Mlnln Ind IIIIII Inry Iboul peulhlllly oI ler NIIMI le lone rompole to me ommlonr peolecllnl lhI enrlrorlmeul They uld lerlalallon lorelnl tompInla to mod llm rum on Inllpollullen muwm Iould hurl III Indulry by re dmlnl erellle Ind IlluI mull rulphur dloxldt hyproou II the Imelda preteen In More Id In Inlulry ume Ivele elllly Ior only some on ulloe on he not Invernmnl Iellon land on demlnled Gem KIWI lhu eelee llIle Ilndlnp 1U Toleher Illa omllourd whether he Iddlllru In we use In In hopedII room II Mmhrrlc pollullnn In In moblle uhml 111m no relponrlhle evle dam lhnl lull II II mm In Iolomaelle enlnurl In ulrl Kellh Ilenrlrlrk NorIndI SIIeI Wyxnlloo ulrl rop pemmlllu tomoulu lhreuylwul the world In Inven PQllulion Law And Profit la Ville lo comply Illh Ihun lie IIId III mull Illm II no Mlle Mall pellullen Ill hurl III Indmlry AMI to Iowa maul II when an lllnclll eul look ol III Inow elre Mud mo llelnn II ledml lwrrnrmue In relerrn erowolll Menuhin nal mm ol oomllou lhe ReelIII Que rIlIlnleo ol the Iran 0o IN Cundl uld lln proponln mlm dLWWIIl In vulmenl Ihlclr would olheruln develop llll lIIlIIlnl Indulry llr llouuue We the rule In Indulry would tool In turd lbe um owr lnduelrlu be use oI Inth In Cur II nomad develeomnl elm vlrelllly III III Illhoul MINI null lhl he Irllrd demure eonlrolI Ind Mlmnl prete Mr Dm IppeInled II LouI new Premier Io lama well Bmllveod In November nu me II III In ooded by lIII noerl bul zonedan clur III Illd he llll mlu Frldey Led Iveld emeImIIlnI the en Ir OnlIrIo lmeum III qoullonrd by the novedllon Ibeul lhe lobrmlln Iblllly oI Inn Pronoule emllrn evenmenle Mend Ilye perm lu rIbIII on merhln Iry eunhuu on rule wIeI II rem Mullen lhIl nelrld III your renew mull Ilium Irnl mu Ind renl perm timed lllb rrlmlul Idem ml roan dellR Iron Mn mulled lo loudly II II Ir more uld lee pv Inrrml do Ml Inleod In Iny Irlloo on me mama um III melon Ind land mull Inlemllu Ind Ill norm mill Al Wanda oyeodlleo mum ey were In ed the wane of III mel premkrl ldey lllrlplolwudlnllmm meal Ior Quebec Ir Mun Ielll lllI IIllonII Imrrlb he now lo menace IIIII II mull In IImIl Inch In common lander Jun Income Domed upmud MEI on lhe premler land Iol ll lo announce Ml Imp Illlln In loo new Grlnl NIIEIII normed Ihe RED 0R BLUE BRAND uckS eak III III BledeReesI 69 lb rose ul Roosl 79 Ill llies aposeliol DIkI Lul Hell III Pllnln Non SIM 59c Iunrh Meals 65 lb Cooked Hem NOW FEATU Mnsums MlllCECl 308 596 Brennan MEAT MARKET 42 Maple FrIIPueklng ueeeeo were lower Ilscaunr Ill 75 lmnl In Incrrl In In Imln Phlllo Iolrher el Correlate IloMnnlro Iqulpnnnl Lid mnl chlnu However he uld III copper ml eollullen md mllrllc polltlrI In III mewordvlrulluhllhlulllg It mlnelclu In III II 04 Ill nllnlnl Indu II am of Milne NI Ind Ian who try Ir Meter IIld loo InderII vrmmeol unlll no III III ArgueGarelree camera lluNiI 997 Popular lnIlInl lemma emu Imam Odreyln eIrlyldae llleM mme ewes were pmenllen SAVED RING MON NI ARH NVERSIIRY new IerrrIMI 10 nor run 5mm mrnrns nor am AN nee TELEVISION nonnncn REFRIGERATION ARE ceuemmo um um BmmDAY AND OFFERING Low Low Ms 0N RCA APPLIANCES HER rs JUST one EXAMPLE vlu wooemml uumnm Ill below plcloue OuulllncluduceleovIllnLll heube vollune hIIIIrIeI Ind InllruellonI Idler Pendenl Nelelun helllll mm 971 more pee Nelr care Sel AllCIIIOIIIIIIIIIunnwndlntlnlulnlli 97 Neellnlllee II Eleelrle Rndle DIth woe omwwn fullrln 4e97m to mm me was mm mm ml eelown mm enan rm mm mm Mogul wy pummel wlw be mm Mu um mum wnm leln Inn wln In me elm IMI In low my new mammal mm we owe MN Illlllll Cullle yr run me mm mm he now new mm II hymn ml mum um on on new eally care Conlrol Ilehlllm color Inlenrlly MODEL levee on color ImII yeo llln on my rheonel YEAR PROTECTION PLAN VIIan win new MI III III Glrulll WHY ace IS NO IN COLOR rv blullon el many mum lhIl brlnu llle lllod ol color pldun we Ill urn ll mu Jimmy 1m RCA producer llm Emelnn Color TV In June MI RCA Introduces Turn VlIlI Solld run color TV llle no color rv vlrtully lrel Id no In mm nulrh Ironch on In mm Ilely loch In rorrecl Ilml on ORCAI own Aulemllc Chrome color olelure lube ll only II good lhI lullan lhIl lupporl ll Brlzhlnen Ilene ll Selldlnlurelrd Clreulle mu mIIer llnl III lunlnx ton 5mm um TTHGJ near nnr rm mm MI InouIIL OenIrIIl Ilene ll nol Inwxh Slze alone II nol 2mm ll II the IolIl cone leImerork So More yw buy me nu ImoorIInl mm June on nee Inlrodum Permchrome Plelun no nonu no room nun Ionnee Inlrorlumllullllnckllnlrlx llrlurIMr mm Aulemllo rue mm um dlelm mompllul Illva RCA AccuCoIor Iunlnu OncAI deunlve new Amllnl game boron AulomIllewllh Iml ll We allcololwulllrrlr bulloru In my RCA Bell In loll Mull Irepl flour In lneelnln Tnllu IIIeI wallowemumm pull 71 we be melon ox el nrnl IIIII In Ielre INI Nnull Nlmelelu 099 II on box or men mung gemI Mun one on Chuclln new comm Ema meommmgonuomu um or eon II malty Iyuelemrmmlnom on block bar Ioloy vulery wlln II dlllmnl IIIIId no wrorlu IM olum 21 III II II Rmol hoeeleln ll dlllmnl Ind dlrllnellve oenlm cruech el IlnIclM IloyII hen dllll I21 Lewneye Chemo Cheroleler III llml moonle Someone mum mun more elm pun ruler choc own EVERY TELEVISION PURCHASE 99 mmnhmnmeunm Vim Ilwu mm In mu my mm Alm ml or IAVIIIII IR rum III null IIOII NOUIII humnun some rep Ill em FIN9 one

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