SEEING Wmali AriElli ii of Egge SE in THE SIGHTS Winnrlailalirallw tontloora Illa ol lawn bran Imlpt mlnlater Rldl Ia Vlanden Mayor Victor enI It Mt Ah Ior Labor Bill OTTAWA lCPi Klan Otto rnlual notion tor melon nwntl No rnlrer wnh ttm ntontha Iorvk tr poIltlon Iota on In rrIlIrIrlol labor ltlnirlrr llryrI linen IayI hill to amend the Canada labor sandardr Code It waant that the rnrrnber Irom York Earl dIdnt llha the prvvlalonl oi the hill Itaell whirh Iliarta moon worker In oomprnlu under todoral hlrlo dittloor lto yrllard mruttret tlut would lncraara tha irdmt mini mum Iran to it In hour Irom tits tteoutra eouIt water Ior to male worlrra doing work re outrin IlmllIr Iillr and eilort II ther male rountrrparta Aaaura tnnala Iorhm at 17 werha maternity lute Forb1d Imployerr to dlrrntaa worker bcrauu their men had been urnlatrred ltatI employerI lira tween Iltdli and to who notleo tor largercala layotla llequlra two null acItItin in elth min tor no your urvlco SAYS IT 0P9 SHORT Dut ha damned the hill tor not rotor tar enough In provlalona were little lhlllll he told that did on solar tho rut problem oi labor today The government that on labor pulley ho IIld to deal with Itrllu drndheadlnr and other nmrprodurtlra prIrtlm that rharntterlnrd tho oldlluahlonzd Icharno ol thing labor and management loolr tuma blaming their other II round at lnllatlon and unem ployment continued wlh labor auIIerIrIl when It went on rlrlla and rompnntea pauan on in cream gained to the common ttII Illlll no oald III that when Itrlh wu drolared no pl would continue to work but be the protlta made try the oorporr lion durinr tha limo tta worlerr won without eontrart would dia ha turd too pct rrnt BREAK THROUGH THE SOUND OF SILENCE round norm for you to them liming old Irom EATONS Complcle line of hearing aid It near as your nearest EANNS Ollde qualied hearing no audiologtstn to harm ltha most advanced ndrntilic hearing old in lormntlon available lPeroorIal domenstratlorn Ind competent hearing tools by appointment ttopatrr to tiniest all maker and models or well EATON VIKING tlitlerlos Ind accentorlel can be purchased at or through EATONS llorno cornultatlen without charge or obligation on your part EhiONS aranteo ot Good Satiriactory or Money untied mt Men ita Hearing no Servlre to ow lemon its SEE in Ivytum Iwr trauma umtutr amt Mr tat worm lGASPEClAlS IOATONATOES quInotIavlorroI vanmawmntl GNEFOOIARDE realm DOOTOOII Mimm HIM mun nonosomtrr silent WW won IOAIPPIE PIE IOA DONUTS Sim MIIIINO WI 39 oIIIoIIIoIts 47 Eriiiiiiisrrrs amtor reruns we or 49 than iii HE E3 no lg Milena Mrpunmm Mil IrIalrlrmiohId Ontylha Mmrtrry atrov loorornnlna thopropar nmountollntlrtholraytonnInlmvlrytandaIIlIoL AI illA yov pal noon Idlhio mot tor your dollar lhotr true anion TobIeRiie REDerBLUEBRAND WHMDIIIWI IUNGH RIOS WMMKIMM SUllEttllitSPttitl uwtuunummou not 59 iiriiirrrroos rIIoer rooo sorcrats mam 29 ORANGEDRINK ore iUiEiiimors llll allgg urn tilll ERIOIIC ill vaaunu lthtt GREAN PIES COOLVIHIP MAINE MM TRUIT DRINKS ii IYEOODS dill ton aorta null INSTANT GOTEEE 51 uIl ll III ROUND STEAK or ROAST OR mm Willi LB einrnermns 49 iiiimi 55 iii 85t PROIIUGEOEUM CALIFORNIA BEAUTIES SIRIWIIVERRIES iiirorsnOO NEUUSE5=W iiionrRO iiieior oav oarourrncrs eio neuron 21 iiirNiIIIr 125 mrurrunn mmnmmamanmnamoam YOU thrwuh tttlt travelltnr oonsultnnta EATONS Hearing Ald Consultant MR GILLIES leI In IIII Kill It on MAY woonesonv om mm It and service stil lives or IGA YOUNGS IOA FOOD ITRDUD all unit MWIIIIIIWIIOIMMIAWI Toto Irom EAT appointment or tromoononhal MARKET SOUARE IOA CHRISTIES IOA IOODIINER HOME AND WRITER Ii WA RD lift of KEVIN IT