Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Apr 1971, p. 13

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lbuw double cringe oi the col An in to Ippm council Tom memllc Incrcllo orce yeliherBlamedlorSll In cancer Societyiiieturnr Poouellber bu been blurb ed tor linden In return In the but Ioc hind oi the Emmott ol the CsnIdiII Clnoec bodily Clrnolign nun Ilel DI ell llld tally return hlrl boon received born Ibovi It per rent at tho unill loo clnrlucll in the city Ind district The money thll Ills come to it In good Imolull slid Iir Dilrll it rpm to shoe In problem cement with reruns thll lreot In yet Planners Give little Ave Area proooled mill lulcrl lubdivilldo Iotttb oi Hide Ind next to the till ol the re ed loitth to high re the city lr been mono molded lor drill III ItiII tr provldlrg coercion or insult wernln It It llrr dull St outlet lbl Iubdtvh Ion 1hl ptInnIn bolrd Ielrntd Ilst nthl thlt loll or hid on Littll Ave lnyrlhlelcr com lng out ol Ihl moored nbdtvl lion II iilrlbl it Will llIVl yeubiilthl It llid he been to wind igntbe to by tho jlnd lInut Ind thll rnelnlIhlgltlortbyiblclo nIlerluho bereft ycc turned II their my lllrtng money collected euiy bu erln booelltl tor the only but you In Ontnrio lilo codlty elrnld In utrl till one In llth by getting hind into tiil but early Md Dov oouht Ind the cutter pl hlvl thorn the more they meld Dratt Approval Subdivision mlxbl be on lit to Are Improrunenll to Little Are not which would eiilnlnlll thll hlr Ild lrl uboduicd lorlm1bo ptlnntng bond recommended litlilhl subdivision be given drsltapprovli providing Miles For MilliOns Walk on to ilrllcllon until utiil Are ll improved Ih ll ed tor inn dblim wlrnlngl ol the hand It ATli STUDENT MAYOR 0T WEEK Terry Arthur Itonte tell goes over his echeduil lor his term ll nilyoroltbowleii with Allyor tel Ooote Terry Erode it ltudlnt ll North cotlrgtltl tie ii the ibycln old son ol hlr Ind ltri ill iil Iiorol oi till lilrril Ito Continue To 10 Tonight humanity locicl problem villbouviondtodlymue lrIItlIIlnloIt ProluohliIodrobinllerlo dainllnutiibeprml It tbodeyioogexoouttnututlng llbpnliohilicrbtilllnik tdhlilJoldony in to Hi In ldiition to rkilng Intol IrIlIIbk Unit the ilrlcticn ll IoeIl dirtetllDinJlebul Slow Mt Gildlul bo eicty volumin lbs in ol trinity rehtimlhip by lettinganinoellImllycornt mowmmIn bllnritedtoblly roles Aplneioliceolgeniiidil oukade unin lilnlieotyubIndth IllOMoIONIlilNNlntd ihlblmhlbolrdbum ommenoodmoolnglolllou lltIll store on properties on Bil Rd held under option by tbosiincol Dittllcl Mpelltiis But Is condition to men iog the pinning boIrd rotod tilt the Ietlll store could blvl either In entrlnco or In eIIt Ior trltllc ooto Em mi but not both public hearing into the re ronlng request us held tut night Severni merchants Irom tho Aiilndlil Irer lppelreit not to child lordiieliiy to the retoninl but In Hotels concern shoot the trioverrlcnt ol trIlllc In the Im TidriillOll Ate lrel Ono merehlnl rsld he has no ob lion to the running pro ng thctl ix Ionic wsy loc trllllc to get in Ind out Ind linen Mall tKginc herring Is lcbcduled lot next meeting oltho blrv tll pilnnlng bond on III looti cltlon at the developers oi the llIyllcld lbop Ing mltl or re ronlrrg ol res cnlisl properties on hnylilld iii In Italy Iddi tlonli plrllnI ScIntI Investments Ltd rio vetvperl at tho pins on tho vrlt lilo ol Illylietd St Itittlll In sworn in It iut nightl meeting ol city council in Indoor Pholnl by Dr Robert Peiktiec oi the tor it to be muting lhmgb mfg proper to nunended Iur requ Ill on the out side It Ens lid near the lion lid Pmbylerius lurch NO DUN PLAN Iorne Power culture or the CoOp told the public herring his liriii bu on delinitl ptlnl tor lion its yet but the Item he run out oi clpunuiorl room on property It own on lnnlsiil SI Ind wants the relordng so it flan bill retIli outlet on Em Aid Dotiln Ilrirr Isird the bond why downtown commer llll sorting us being sought to rtrnd oI speciIt roriirnerrlll vbtch would lino Ilioir lotlii lure board chllrmsn George IlIr Public Hearing ln MidNay Rezoning Bid the ertrl land would bl riled tor potting only Ind would not be used to incrllso tho looses toot Igo oi Its pills the pisrl is limited to moon loom lcei by Ihl OptIrlo Ituniclplt Ilolrd decision on the cityl toning by law Ind ollicIII ptln Pinnnlng bolrd members lllt orcd tho reroning but with condition thll lstiillclory In Needs Volunteer Helpers When In tho hitter loi lilh money lor underprivileged plo Itonl mlreh lily cut rnIll pl nic Ind Pick Up Your Psper Orglnlrlrl stroll ihlt will ol tundice ltd have th tor rInlemcntl lorlhlenlrlncc Ind shopping pills romrnerclli cxtl ot lclitic to the till he toning on the properties which worltd out with the city Iho ctlyl Iclllle deplrtment It now root on Illylied St The Itrm rnpolcd its own corn studying the mill psttcrns In Addiction Iterclrch Iortrthtil InOriiiil on Id llnily plain cobotons Ind mereli dill mmlliheoihorlopicl Illibimimdlilinlmil lion told 11 ls protect ol the battle Bunch ot the Calm Mall liclltb meringue lgl In II to mend full thI opportini try to rooms Itib turning wooll lillllilll lltce llid iIi cooo hid video unto oi poulbio ulel tbll dolntoln motelrill Ming Il tbougb the meld coinqu tone bu stricter rendition lrdiog lids ylrdl trtol ylldx City planner George Guy prated rulcrrstlons about the resolving He told he will not recommend it because he tell It would dclinilel tiow trIIlie down on Furl It until it Is widened tScbcduileI loe Imi iIo Ibo leit It Ill spot rerouting bcelulclttslntherniddieol Tth commercial toning urea near the church still re ldcnlilt toning rem the meet Mr Harper however suppor led tie retoning lie uh thI use Illoucd under the pleural scrvteo communist rotting could gencrstl us much or more troll tie shot the city would burl no control bill it Aid hllcrniitnn moved that the running be grlnlcd but with the condition thsi the since have no Tlhlilll solution or exit lrocrr Ler ltd Tho price tor getting whlt they ulnt Ll getting whnt we in no Itlle tic mngcslion Aid iilrrriiiisn llld But other cricrnbcrl oi the board lctl there Id bo loiril Ircelc irom lLm Ilrl Board member lI liruclcr introduco In amendment to show eith er ciitrnnco or all at trIIlIo truth the mould properties on Io Lul ltd but not both The pllnning bolrd mommro dltion now goes to the city dl veiopmcnt committee tor rec erl must bring their own lunch lithoum loll drlnll Ind hot chocolltl will In IIIIlIhIl It The blrrll lull hll ll ltl Plot PII contribution to tho Intipoi iution ntriwrrtl they hoiprlilo llogln thil you it min It it Ill Minimal in do tour Traiiic Study Beiore Action at our 229 on tor PlInnIng bond Itllotl on In lwiltlilolt by donut shop tor rerooing oi relidcnlilthop Ilier loutn on wmllusr hII been deterred poridll thI rmltl ol lrIitto dep meot Ihe phoning bolrd Iul night rceommendrd till the mil lion tor rezoning Iim IiIIlI ltd bltnclud ll Irtvl Who ltuclybclng cIrr ed out on lhoppiog pills enlrlncel umber llliillil to the it Peel the ow director nntng dlrliopment mod to no Donut Lidehlclr Iiiorrl thin to biiiid llorl oothr Ind Ill The tlrni II seeking reronng at tho reli Do dentill Emeriy immcdietliy to thuoui lornwro ridnrlnd Inothcr lcconl to lyileid st EsslTownshipT The Rescue thll township council lill vol ed to come to tho ltd oi lowsn Ihlp midcntr iii rubdivlrlonr honicrlug in town Ill Ailiilon whohlvn becn without glrblgo collection tor lorerlt wretl the council voted hionduy night to post bytrw to Itltull muntclpsl glrbugl col Icctlon tor the lies The Iltbdlvilltltl with or III hornet lormorly hid pri rllo lrclngerncnil with con iroclor who did when collie lion tor the town ol Allirton Itouovcr thll contrlctor no longer worlu tor the town In the would lubdivlslvmi hm no glrhlgo pickup tin All Its conirnrtor hls pro vldod In iriduli rcrvlco come at tho relidenil who here been unohio to get in the Iownrhlp dump iownlhlp clerk who liIuIey ll now drlwln up the brim uhch would Ii ow thl townrhlo to enter twoyclr port with the Angus conlrlctor Fire Protection For All Oro Work it continuing on the ex tendon oi llrn lerricel in cover III at tho townihlp oi Orr Iirn ilrp committee It council met thll Iveck to dircull delirill oi pith thll would rccuit to tour rc Irelr vIlh lire tlllionl In the townl The township currently his two municiyli liro victim at shanty Day Ind ltlwleltone Ind lilo communityowned do psrtment IIIiugby Under llro protoction byIuw pliredin hilrch our third ltllion would he ertshlilhcd ll the Adult Occupnilon Centre lid gur to cover lhn northersiern lrel oi tho township Ind tho Ruyby doplrtrrienl would even tur ty no Illumed by tho munic IpIItty Ilto overnit pro It hit On irrio Pirc illrrhll ollice Ip yroVII It it crpcctcd to into shout thrco veers to complete tho Itheml CiilEl TOlOllliD BEAT lit heblrhIrl Innis poi leo chtel ll goiIg ll proud but Tilly III Ild thulel Tierney ill lemrtlrne weltbccniII cblilclged ech other In the tiller Ior hillDooI nih litob Air Tierney lurrnrr In illtrvmll roll cII with him Into the ground All pli lcemen Ire itltlootl Ill bl on my toes ll Ihl end the chill counters llr Tlcrnry will be monog nrrrn In MAY WALKATIIOII ed by hot wuttell Ioclt holinellrnll luurllco est Illl belt Illl ll the in lmll Ibo lilIlIll Ulb ll Illin pcsleti Ily il lplllorlug hir 11cm Ill ul doiilr mile IId bl will IIdoilbchly rind libero 1h cth In htl IrIllgrr letting eponlors llr hint Till lost time the chic pour ded brlI III in Kitchener til the dOI Bonnell Blasts Ontario the tint budgct produced by now Ontario Irlml lllnliier Vi llrm Dlvls Indicates more to tho richt Iccordlng to Dniro Donnell New Democrltlo Putty cIndIdlio tor slmcoo Centre IIr Iivnnetl In ltltlmcnl reiculod today cited pubilrhed reports that lntct only tho 0n tIrIodlvlstun ol tho Clnndlln tlsnullelurerl Alioellllon end the Onturlo iirmbcr oi Com mvrcc were publicly plotted by tho more Ontlrio budget In neunccd Ilondly Ito cooled comment by Ar thur livnnr IPOSlmcoc Cenlxsi who termed the budgotl tilt million In crcdltl tor coroorto Budget tlonl lily winner tor the bulldclirnln Ibo only concession given to the smell crisis in Ontlrln II the Iblllly to lilh without licence slld ltr Bennett ihIi will come ll welcome hell to thou who tlnI Iitoiri melt htr Donnell wlr crltirli oi the bullets gencrli rcducllon ol luculllon duticu lithougir ho conceded IIImere deserve bust In this lctl thtsmovlwll ldcnthc gull between the end the hrvonotl In our loclety hl lIId Only by circling New ilemocrItlc ovemmcnl up the people oi On all hope to brldco his gull ol ineoulilty tlr Donnell criticised the gov rrnmenis corporation tut Incen tlvo pronoulr In order to lllmulltn corpor Ill investments the comment will lIIow cor cotton to deduct It In eorporrt on Inroino Ilr tor Ivory loo lplnt on now much ino lni emlprncnt he slid oruidering ihlt molt oi thll money will be lpent outrido the country how does Ihl govern merit mohciin loch Ipollcy with ltl crowed Intention oi encoun BIIIIIIII socurv iOIi vsvcnlcn RESEARCH hire on to ion indoirclrto on mongooch Icrlthnlt hllnlirl om moo lie iiucllty loc discolor Ito phlnomenl were Iclrch ll tho Librury Illtt Aboll bl ploplc hole Mrl shirlc low Icll end her hulhl Ilert right Ins panel dtmurlon Above hIr Ind llrl Junu tlitt with bill hilttsnd tiuimtrrr Icing Onllrlo tothltlotil In prctorcnco to Modern corporv lllonlt he liked lln Hill the bud lIrIo tnpryorl to Iturther sub ddlrl Arnerleln corporltlolu Till governmentltriu to lcntlonl lcl quill evident he sold it in tho Intention ot stopping the lion oi Arrerlcrn control oi would but is In llct openly encoticrginglt Ilr Ilonncll lotto illl lit lo the itlrrio rod Dilirlct borCotindt od ltn Itnret out It iotlil Clnsdr timl worte tted to atomic It the nltcd Etoiel Is loiiowin thl meeting the is Mr Corinc donltld Itol to the lttlly riding clmpllgn turd ilot ol purl the midpoint Ind NlllltOi the mollusk Volunlocrllruiiiinledldtowwt help with llrtrty oi lobe dun tr lb wIiLtnc llhoclgAIntl hollrlllturt lrslion Ind dci Stodan cIn glt lponlor lornu lor the visit It their schools but older writerl In being cn counted to his purl thll ycIr toolnd lpocuor tonne no be litth up It nlol Ioeltlour in he city Tbth Iocllloru Ire Ibwerl It mlrl Dominion Stern Inlck blrsimcooP Dntpl Woolworth downtown tinrnell itohblec Kcensnl llu Ile Store Ind lm The Record Allin Orglnlrerl try It lelrt iI schools in tho rlty Ind In cluding Illlo Borden been contlctcd Ind students Iro look lng Ior lporuorl This yesrl will will bcrln It the Armory go curt on End rington st to Puget north on Punt to biocio west on Sterio to hcllon north on Nelson to trove out on Grove to High wry ti north lilghwuy it to Little hull Siderond west on will thro sideer to Duck rvorth loth rm nuckworlh to trove welt on Grove to St Vin font St Ind then Into the coun ry Iho wsiit contlnirci on St Iin cent to htldhurtt their well trom litldhurlt ill Snow VII lcy to Country old to tooth AMONG OI1IliiI business Eris iorvririilp Ilotcpuycrs AlltKllllOil iIst nitht Ippolnl ed Iitl hllrglrrt Itllth ins terlnr prclidcnt until new ex on hold to to Sunnidnio itold enit Ind mothers or bunnldlio Police Fire Protection E680 Ratepayers Issues itond to the Ilriirh ll lilo Ar moury Voiunlcerr or peole seeking Inlormltlon shoot the unit cln nil the tiller tor Millions littor mltloii number mom Board Approves District Plan distrch plnn thII will lcrvo II the bull or Iii other reli dcntlIi district pinns In the city were recommended tor coinoil npprovll by the pilnning bolrd in night The pilot tor rcildentini Illl lrlct the ores bounded Ivy Nlnicr St Vincent rind Nelson Strcctl end Iligtmy too lctl out lilocllioiio tor population denlltlel houllnr types lchoni lieu elmrnerclt Ireu pal tcrnl oi rordl lnd llrvicei clc Whlio rolldorillnl District ll Iiinolt completely built on It will still lerrl II bllil tor the production ol other ml ilenllli district pIIrn Itciidcnllli dlllrlct rim Ito required under the ct rrncw rontnr blIIW lnd oltlclt plnlt belorl Impropert canho up Iilgcd tor develop the ment ml nelr Mililill lfn ll scheduled tor com ill on ll trlcl btho In undoroiop Id nortwa ion at city IiiII len ll orpoetcd to omyictod by June ll two old ouestlons notice Ind liro protection continued to garner tho lions Ilium ol li tendon It Ncsdnys meeting oi the Hun 1owirlhp Itrilcplyerl Alroclutlon On both irsucl Anfdl reli dcnll continued to reel their dirspprovol with the total at service beinl provided blvrrai rutcpnycrl were our truirtly crltlcnl ol ilitl marl docilion oi Ecru Mmhip toim eii to ioclto it new puppet in thvrntou Ind Iervo Angus with cribod by rnlcpayerl II lltilo crlbeil by rntcpleru ll rinllgl II Ind museum plccc the lame rutepnyun pointed out that AnguI or the most built up cm In tho township chcried Ilrc ltItIon Ind the bell to equipment At the moment Angus Il ulrv cd by lhciownshlp llro deplet mcnt rrllb trucks tram IIuII ttordcnlnd the Department at LIodl Ind Porelll IrIItlbil In emergency the view Will oxpeciled ui ill meeting thll the trucks do not till curry enough ruler lo titht meter the nod Ire oltrn too llll In striving In my cue ccirllio ll cicettd in Novem bcr Shown with ltrl Ilnlkcr vro Lhill Iitou councillor hiiclcy Gcrvlll Ind tlut Clnipbcii intl poll lhtll tumyboil Ilmltlelii ol the rllrplyrrl Itrociution luld thll be our gutting nurnrruul coils lrom Angur residents Ilk trig what was suing to be done Ibbitt llrp protection ilr Cotophcll lutgcitrrl ihlt richlysupported petition wet the method to lorco cotttivll to sit up and Into notice Althoth not dclrndlng coun ill Councillor liivhry iorvnll ol Angus lold tho pirrccrrrvhi oi the vintage wutcr rich in Angus ll nt leuot llrt Ind thl ritlnrs Is lortunlll In hlvlng good voiunleor lirellghtlrl der pill tbo tomhlo leeimping on paying voluntccrl Iieuordlng pollen not Ich pro teelion itr Ounpbcll slid the rlillge bu grown to Ilrl In the lust decide thll thcrl All never been Ideuueio planning lor pro tlctlon inst night doclllon will mode to lend letter to CONN ro urrlln II to cllrlly will strive ngul II In mud to pollcl protection PROVINCIAL POLICE Ihl rIlcplyerl ruched the decision liter being inlormtd thll thl rlIIlgl lrrutcer In uti prnsldrut who minted hll port loitouih notice oi troun icr to New illum wluk Indtrrr iholul InI council tirut xlcpr tir token to gut provinviut poilto do turhrrrrn Ivr Arielle inu vlllluo it currently patrol irrI by ctulicu ltottr tuuvinelli polici rlulilvhllrrnil nt ilnrrlo and Atiirton Itutcpuycrl lctt erurkdown on Irallle ilututurl onrticnirrv Iy Interim on ltlrhwny to it to order limited dirtquon ttltlml eltubillhirit Ite own pollro tort with ll Initloi cost to the not borhood oi moo gcnerlliy ho iug rcgllded ll prohibitive Councillor It or II llld no mop hld conticlcd council rcgrrd to police In Incl there til been lb wittieiy nothinl told dbout pa in protection In council he laid Aunln Ilr Cumpbclt rclterl ed thui cllircn ortlori wri requir ed It the mlilll oi Ancul wont Ielion lrid that It It bent to gel tuplylrl to look It lento othcr on truth tho lien poierlcolll in mode on mi in viii ol the dileppolntlng turnout tor tut niphtl meeting lbwtI dotcn perronl

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