Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Apr 1971, p. 1

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of ilip Estonian larch Mario cirrus WM rsra ma Notibntm iOcPIrCopyhgac OMMEND NEW ORONER SVSTE EnglishCanadians Fecsr Loss Of Rights urns HEIITIIBII arm anoint Ntrruioaan Isabel poses iiephotngraphrlhsglrlawera in chest and were separated In the Hospital ior Sick thit drca with twins iiealher list and rrristu toe their tint pub born In Siamese twins April Joined iron the abdomen in IaI operation April ll ICP Phdo Universities Allowances Will Be our on 1111973 tiresome rent Special clrants to new universities and the billhlilli universitlu hi laws and lauranilaa Ia MINI will be cart oil liter Mil 0o trrlo University Alishamath impressions next two years stter which titI tarrrslraslluilca will be the hull oi iacnaalI told news cauldron Brock in at Catharina Lake ln Thunder Bay Lang of Uni head indies Pakistan Tempers NEW iDDlslll tllcuier lndla and Pakistan appeared toda to be drawing away trom the oi diplomatic show down over the East Pakistan crisis OIIIeiaIs oi both countries con Coolirtg East Pakistani dlpioan de tected to the breahawa repub lic oi Bangla Dosh New Pahistanl apply high commu aloocr ran to angry demon stratiens The dangers arlsln Irorn the war at wards and re usal at ei ther aide to allow the otherr diplomats to learn except on the basis oi reciprocity still exists MUST FIND SOLUTION But there now seems tnbc realisation that some solution has to ba tound observers said hit is belles lgdlamlay Iva rug po mats and their IamIiIes be brought out road or by an airline at rd country rather than through Karachi Is Path stan has insisted an lar Pakistan is expected In re to the Indian proposals in In the neat hours or to ierrcd It tang here Tuesday on ways or no lag the impaasa over Iha repatriation or their diplomats trons Calcutta and Decca which has been rnnlor tactor In the growing tension be tween theirs lndla accrued Pakistan oi holding its diplomats In Dacca under virtual hoora arrest al though it was not clear how ths aovcnsnunt had receivtd lnlor matlon trom the East Pakistan The Decca and Calcutta mis aloaa wars closed llottduy alter CAPSULE NEWS BorowslriloundGuiltyOIContempl WINNIPEO CPI tllsways hiiaister ioe Berowshl today was lotmd guiby bi contempt et crust lie was given oneyear suspended sentence condition at the suspension or sentence was illll hit Baroutki ar within to days bolero Magistrate it htnnwarlng tn Daup in and tender an apology in soon to the magistrate lost Drink Contest Kept His lite TORONTO CPI The loser at drinking context that killed lite winner Monday is iirtrd in improved conditon Metropolitan Ttronlo Police said Tuesday night Police said two men split brittle pt liquor and each tried Io drink his belt ltrst Metro Board llpproves Budget Quickly ronorrro CPI Metropolitan Tornado school hoard toot only live minqu liseadtry night to approve user mliltdn on The boardanetlon wipes out the Ippasiblilty oi challenge In the Ontario governments nding eri lu decrease oi has to Is Builders Call For Payoii lngultt OTTAWA tCPI The Canadian Construction Auocinticn has called lot public inquiry Intoa rrportcd 150000 Moll tub wrlgtrls oi Michelin lire plants at tiridguwutrr and tractors in Nova Scolla it Stewart CCA president card In news please the grtoney Is to be paid to co miiiwrrghls or not working while eorrspnny melath lnstlll tire nsanulaetaring equiluutui Criticizes Use 0i RCMP in Probes OTIIWA ICPI no use oi the noun to Invastlcnie persons Ipplled to have their crlrnlnal records erased Is dciealing at the legislation Senator Earl iIsatIags lAlbcrta ar lucd in the Senate Tuesday the use ot the RitiIP ir Inaaece repugnant to anyone with an appreciation oi the losing that these people been had to make Senator Iinstlngs raid dur ng debate on his motion that the Senate lrgal altulrs corrunlltrcpturlv dictation at th up lgw phased In the last scuton ui iariia meat liitiilwwsamero canon vocal oi Toronto Ira all In to such an enrolment oi tinthe entail ts handsby till1 Deputy ulna or Stewart said later the has ex NONTiIlZAL iCPI 10vec Eonstaat background at beck llnl EnglishMan speakers kept hammerlal at the theme at their rights in Quebec belnca Ibo pIrllamentary committee on the constitution Tuesday night Aeoaliacrnt It show so young heckiera It the back at the protecting railh noisy but minorilyenioys in Quebec generally gnodburnorod coml Some acre clearly siprehcn x3 About 350 persons Ibislle about the Muse at these ndrsority riger aDurbec 0i ro iwmaibcleisrcad to the gym at in swim rum some can or acts ma Iy capr callrd tor extension at minority the opinion that the icdrrll syl languaga and education rights hall in the westcnd district at to the other provinces in match NotroDIrnedoGrar enll rights the Englishspeaking Parlr lieElected In Korea Margin Thinner Than Beiore SEOUL IAPI President Ding lice Park otSoulh Korea won third term by big mar gin Tuesday but not as big as tha last time with rt per cent at the esti mated tar roluton votes In the election tabulated Park had million votes to million toe Itionai Assemblyman Kiln Daolung oi the New Dem cratlc party Parks Democratic Republi can party said it wsaelcu the pleatdcnthad been elected to third tounyear term but Itim rehtaed to concede detest ctiodjlllbeircatti vrsi ihqletesbcemh whithnll ported to reach cool by Witrt and thalliumineligible is phatde grant intn the Unirrrslty at pluraan Isis mlg an gran tamtlan bpth moot bilin guallsni grant and assume grant as yoaag uairsrsity iilr Whiia also Innntmced mum grant lor bilingual edu cation It Glendon College part at York University The announcement that cisi grants will be climlaacd Itlccla number oi other util vanities with special programs in miIL Guelph will receive straws extra tor lLr trimester system and hlctdaster ln liaartli ton will get 15 million tor its health sciences program Regulate Tera MP Tells Muruo urn OTTAWA DP The amount at tar and nicotine in clinches should be rcgtsislcd hlarvin iIowI tPcWehingiondrcy DultrrInWaicrlaoi said Tiles day at meeting oi the 0am mona health contrrdilce tdr linatc told lieslib Minty ter John Munro who smoked during the exchange that he would like to sea the develop meat ol later cigarette Iieaith department aurvnya showed tremendous variation in the amounts or In and nice tinelacigarettes Plan No MP Pay orrawa iOPITba tederal prices and incomes commission Is not planning to investigate government proposals tar creaslnl the salaries oi mem bers oi Parliament and PM tors and will mean local school not Grrraa Itltiti darling lgot Ilsa list promised rrlel cause one rants ulbtcdtrcns MS aao salsa it The New Its charged that Parks party dulled ballot boxes and committed other in committee neutral body regularities it redirected the which supervised the election central election management tempura all rats counting CanadaWide Manhunt Begins litter Vancouver Bank Holdup Iran is worn out and macbcc should secch tram Canada young Pmrwaanadian not thrwuugla goingovcr by the hecklerc when he said he was proud at being Cascadian and said icdcraiism was the but guarantee oi denimracy iorntsi bricl irons woman Identiticd as liie iepagn reit erntcst the pies lar minority Preachlanguage and education riwu in other provinces to rnsich these oi Angiophonea in Qucbec But an Engilsbcpeahlng woman said many Canadians in Quebec tear losing their rtsitls borne and labs and many had already tell tha prortncc Some were prepared to lo mitoses mcckly it they lost their rights but others would light to She also said new constth lion must guarantee the mac ndnorlu rights cracywhcra lo cantula op British Columbia Visit By Queen LONDON iCPi The Queens health has raised question intone inndna news papcr whether she will be able to lullii her today tour at lirli Iab thatumbia but duck ingham Palace spokesman cm phasised there will be no can collation oi the trip The palace was liarsded bs tel ephone calls otter The Evening standard Bcnvcrhrnok paper timing IItwl wy VANCOUVER CPI Police across Canada were put on the alert Tuesday night alter three armed men escaped with 3550 In the biggest bank rob bery in the eiivs history City police said today there were no arrests as police toms rta and border patrols were ted descriptions at two Is described as armed an dangerous The robbery at the panic at Montrraia Vancouver General iIcopiIaI branch took place to minutes alter It opened tor the days buslnras iao pistolwielding bandits rushed into Iho bank and grab bed the cash irom the vault minutes alter it was delivered by an armored truck it was to have been sued to cash part oI the payroll tor the hospitals c5oo employees third man waited in the sta Probe Raises But the proposals cauldeaure serious diilicultles The commission says in In statement that it has taken into account the last that special advisory body had already studied in dcplh and made rec ommendations concerning this matter Prime illalsier Trudeau told the Commons Muhdly that let iaiIlion wlll be Introduced lh spring to increase hIPs salaries to tilt tram allow and raise their tastrce expense allowance to 000 irom 000 The name legulailon would in arms the total income or scans toss to moonattain in salary and ttoto in tax tree allow ancesitem the present MW salary and H000 expenses it may he that the approach which has been iotlowcd by the eranrenl In this matter and mdlseussloa which takes place in Parliament will Aucrcod In convlnrln the public that In creases this atrerasture and are instilled the ram nsiasinn aayr rmhnsey lavataslgrlslytar lng the lirltlsb Columbia tour is possibility not to be dis countrd Ihcl spokesman said the pal arc espresso rage over the story and iruislrd that even it the Queens health is not Im proved she will still go to Can ada as planned len getaway car which had pulled into the parking spot va cated by the Irmurcd truck they entered the vault the gunmen ordered out accountant Gerhard JaniLrehek and assists not Ehrlyn Gmnlond who were ending the cash lust stood there iiss Groaiuad said couldnt move And then he grabbed me and threw me In one std bruising her arm We stood outside the vaullll door and he said again no one move and he pointrd gun They grabbed the bags oI money and quickly it The alarm went all Just as they tell the bank The bandits took three bags one at them containing mom in i5 lid and 20 bills The oth ers hold hills in dimes iloman Catholic priest visa iiing the hospital on routine sick calls watched Isthe men tell the bank Th ordered me to stand stillI nld ttcv Niels liiorrowot Our Lady ol Sorrows parish They were getting into light blue car being driven by Iiiv other man Father Morrow gain police the licence number ol the car located short time later low blocks away Detectives searched neighboring apartment blocks Britain Gusts Soviet Oilicials coupon titeutcri Britain has expelled three Soviet oltl clais Irons Loaders since last July because they were engaged to inndmlssable activities In iarmrd British sources said today iirtlaln also has refused to admit to other Soviet oilieialg who applied to come to lssndon to work In the Sevch embassy and the Soviet trade delegatinn Ol the three Soviet citielaia asked to leave two were tram the Soviet trade delegation and one from the embassy oi the rslusrd admittance sir applied to work In thesava canvassers start their door to trada delegation and tour at the door carrwalga today to estab when vetvary up If an TORONTO CPI wide ranging report advocating new oeeosarr system in Ontario was tabled hr the icglslAtm Tiacsliay by AttorneyGeneral Alina Lawrence The Rpm prepared by the Ontario law cclomt menisci roam aeriu al do tlosrs dealing with constitutional matters rai innsdrics ino deaths and the structure and inaction oi lhI current coro nar system Among ILs anabtr moonwa ldatinnslsiharrpcalotthetaw onrra Act to implement new proposals rcstrtetilws oi coro ners power over witnesses and provision that would allow coroners to call on aspen t5l many The commission also dealt with number oi mmmenda lions oi the royal commission rnto civil rights Allcr ermidrring the civil rigth proposals the law rrlorrn commission rccomrrwraicst ith all wilrscesre bare the right to legal enamel and no person charged ulia criminal olicncI arising tram death be corn pelted to Icstliy at an innsalry The commission also Idvo rated establishment at coco nera council similar to the eIaI council governing prdgrs and proposed that eoroaess coda oi ethics be gel out Tahliag the Mpaga report llr Lawrence said Iha govern slrnctlrarosnmrnt rn ling la the light at cceornmradalions so that they my be eorraidercd by the gas ernmcnt over the nest in smooths in iuil detail Straiying the coroner onions belntc cbatrrrtan it Also list Toronto lawyer were inrrrrcr Ontario Supreme Carrot mitt Justice James Stellucr and lawyer Richard Bed Gibson Gray and William ll Poole iir Lawrence raid Ihatirr order to lmplrmerw the recom mendations Ontario would hm to replace the system at In quests with system oi public lnnuirlea into deaths ilc told the legislature that because eonwrcrs mots may be rsussidemi as munl as criminal courts it Is ilhrly that matters at intrucsi prululure would come under laderai rather than prollaeiai lurirdsc iion Ii tith view is correct all at tile misting proceckrrai sections at the harem Act are ultra ricer luncoastitutlonalt as would be any attempt by lhs leghiatarc to implement the to pravemcats Ia ioourst prams durc recommended by the royal eprmlsaon lndulry into civil rg Easing Oi Iobless Problem mnt probie ara elv to per tarm planning list in Canada tar at least three rwlngs ha policies yrsra Arthur Smith chairman oi the Emmie Owned at Can ada said Tuesday The head at the icdcrnl advi sory agency told the Commons llnanco committee that the el leclr vi governmrnt policies oi the last nine months to stimu late productive aclirity will be sow Any attempt to lorcr ouirkrr pace at recovery would be dilitcult it not impossible he said Smith appearing during committee study oi government spending estimates renewed council plea tor longerttcrm pnnnlnp ni anemic policies and development oi more so pltlsiicalcd methods at trying to achieve stable growth We bait been saying that the economy does not react quickly and costly to changes in policy Mr Srrdth said this mountain inn Barrie Ilortlruiturat Society the society The aocielyhad Robert ithuade otNorlh over troo members last ear This year canvassmsi It chm Tornadoes Kill iii in Kentucky LOUISVILLE Ky lAPi tiltanano tornadoes raked section along an domiinlnag path through snuthccntral hrn lucky lata Tuesday Stats police said to persons were klird and damage would total millions bl dollars Police and hmpitsls reported more than to persons inland William Walker gird dciern director to Adair County said he was at the Icons where some victim were found One body was blown about ooo lac tantra house it was woman Anatirer body woman was blown about no lch away and there was child blown from housa at another place lii signs her membership term tor esarasscr hits Prod Ad itch record membership its toscilovcrlhotl Abovsaira amt itiaaminer Photoi 53 It

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