Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Apr 1971, p. 3

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VHM Trgic Light Is Sought FbrSt Vmcent Grove guinItalardteeat 35 air FF as it pa 552 IL 3525 Egg Code May Soon Set Policy OnfGranls fo tlawmuchtewltonsendwben mayhaactdawnhsspolfqnd enact tor tonne grants in isomethaidowslltopmrtnetal and natimsltournsments Utilertoihbilh deotaspprnr mo tionto ulnltltelianle talism HotheyAlsodationmtopm chantorthsttsrrta Oro Twp Plans Works Program Ore thwnsbtp wilt besta works pennant tar missed then in the township model committee will meta recommdaiton to animal at its ltayl meeting that the town ship with with the province in mwtm ta1 mum work tor tobleaa men Sports Teams Cole time they eupportcd the motion to sated tor tlnsnce committee toenmeupwltbspollsyon grants to teen the money both fh at rad 553 sense as fE End at vs E3 is his EE is or so is egg E13 Ill AAI til Pvtiuel We it lthIIL Twin VI Mlyr immanent It In Mid lost It Tunisia IbaliE imam tr rnaoel mariner as am Invar snese IarvIs Hitters taming All Units In One Lactation Otytcoundt teat nlmt Approv ed It policy limiting Ontario Itouslng hrporstlon grandio inoonib misfitfamily develop mentsrto as units in any one locstt Aid clean Garrett who on posed motion argued that to recs limit was to tectdls pan re said that the 080 should he Ircnletl the same as any other developer in the div Ald David ittcCLymont said the number at one units in my mnttnmlhsttmdwllo location and type as development my pseiudg by set mer om tiut both Aid Macmil lan and Aid Hersey who supported the motion said that by restricting the numbers ol trails the city was In last lrhletlnl integration Aid tier scy said that the tar er the num ber oi units in vetoprneni the raster it Is tor the accu pants to be separated as Dd youp tils In Ooohe said that occupants at existing OttC units agree first smaller number at uniLv ls bcltcr blah number at units he said creates tit advantage or them JottN lIAttNE detected candidate iat the leadership oi the icderet New Democratic Party salts to thrce delegates Lewis W111 The election at strong teed rr who will enhance the Wit It political lortunee was the rm Inn at one delegate trons Slob we North who attended the Now Dvmocratlc Partys leadersotu cvnventton in Ottswe last west Wessengcr lisrrle lswi shed the election oi David The recommendon approved last ulllli also ash that the 0ND ride mainly slngln tomlLy other in titectiy with no more than three to bid The is tmlt limit applies to millfamily developments only The days opmcnts are to he at least no yards lrum each other Aid Jaeh Morrison said that the basalt llsnlt Is not absolute and that developments with more It oHc MattiFamily Limi titan units would be consid end But he said as policy in is copsfdcnd the maximum number motionlo delete the mom mcndsilon limiting the nunther ot Ottc units wu defeated by In ll meted rota Aid Gar cell and Aid hisClynsont who introduced the motion support ed it Puget St Sidewalk Issue The city will reapply to con struct sidewalks under local Itll provcment on the east side oi thirst st between Oodrtnrion and Steel streets where side walls do not exist ThLv time it will be cd with tests and times on th mount oi pedcslrlln trnlltc along the sirch and have the sup oi the slmcoe County Do at location The Ontario Municipal Board recently dismissed the citys sp pilcation to constnsct the side walk because it had no loch and figures on the pcdcstrisn trail and no ottthal school based support number at ras flotlteapply ideals in the area obtcctod to the application ltte public works committee last week met with tmsmlm lives at the school board to work out policy on tuturs tocsl im provement stdrwath applications Aid Del talc chairman ot the committee told council last night that the request tor the sidewalks on Roget bad or iginally come tram the school board throughtbe principals at schools in the area Iludrr local improvement the property owners pay part or all at the cost at sidewalk Nib nlng across their property serve to distinguish Olthrrine and Drain Wernch mun bcre oi the Barrie Collegiate Iy MURIEL LEEPHI The Spring Orcccri alien hi the tinrrie Collegiate Band and gttcst srlisLt was great suc ms lodging by the moons of the audience Approximately too people were at Lbntssl collegiate auditorium last night to hear band music vocal soles and to cal and Instrumental trio enrk It was sorted prngrsm npcn tag with Oossrcs Suite toe liand The suite was urrhnsirst in sound and at times particu larly in the two middle mote meets the muted horns and woodwtads were quite beautitui liut although the itrsi part at the concert tncludcd roost tn tcresttng and modestly reward ing Neeleundlood Rhapsody by Howard Cable and Tscbaikev skys lnnttttsr Dance oi the tired Titties expertly handled by the ttute section still it was the brll Ilsnt and cttrcllve tools to the second act at Aida that display ed the excellent technique and dynamic range ot the band Fisher launder and dir ector ot the band tor as years had his young students open this excerpt with splendid Lehmrpbasl eotnd and rrted Ilsapesitarnanee re dad that demonstrated again the bands ability This was the hills spot at the program DAltlTONE Bruce Owen baritone and well hours barrister in teen altered the spotlight on part two at the program with soprano Agan Butcher win has bucorrta known as one at the musical ttrurss in llarrtc As well as singing solo hire Doucher ran some delight tut ha oselcc one with Dick ltornp cnrlnct and tttnrgsrei Padlicld plnno rnch export on their respective instruments tttr Owens group of lol in cluded tour welt loved setcc ttons None but the lonely Hurt by lscllstkovaky Old lien River traps the Shannon North riding candtdnte Jdnatban taint ot than inth in Ottawa last week tsvrn leiit Pnul Wesscngcr ot Barrie ttoger Pretty oI Oriltla pravlnclaINevI Darrmiet nhance The Party euclt at the no cor or was Iilite latter in particular are throwbacks to the past he sold STRATEGlC Vim meniln on the sharing olctlldI tactical Wattle branch at btr Wesscnger ad lltfileliuthol tho Wattle scored strategic victory in the load my genteel as James Loser ltr Vossengcr described titr II it Is sblcst Puttsnten since it was invaded In 18 his victory continue the lie luv oi the NDP as political titty rather than movement teked ever coo voics lira on voting tor rtsoiutfonv Wattle strength was generally estimated at too his Wessmser saw the extra one votes tor Laser as coming turn people primarily disen chanted with the party eats llsbmcnt Broadbrnt suppor tors ml die Orittia Tosca Slovene North delegates were among more They made their presence tell he said tbough agree with David Lewis that the Well lcre were overrepresented at the convention otherwise he tell the Walden had been totally dntcatcd as they were slain excluded item ail party pasts placlnlyonly two on the general nouns litr Wesson or said can test between Wallis cifon and the parts establishment add ed great deal oi interest to the conversion Personally the hassle date gate to ed John Hersey who was sled alter naming third on the third stun with or toy votes unequarter at those cast it is ltr Wessengers contra ties that it Haney tantra to elect now leader at the party SPEIAL DEMO er Ontario Provincial NDP rrc rctary is able to win scat in the Commons he could be strong contender tor the leader ship when the ttyearottt htr Lewis stay down With showing on the oor John ttnrncy detinttety cstsb linhcd hiimctt succcssor to David Lewis lcutin also on rcased by many Lew suppor lgtc he said tiavtng attended his first as tionsl contention Mr Wesson ger feels that political petites are hecomln more democratic as party tea are less lbllll ed and subject to closer semi lTern going to see mire lead rrsltlp conventions in the hi hire he sald Band and amen tn the tunior brass sextet Catherine LIJT plays the them while Carolin bills the trombone by Jerome item the Sea shan is mensadonb and Rodgers and ttemrnerstelns ltrlto Ymtag Lav en These taveritas were accepted with warm applause by an and ence phased to hear then again Bruce Owen has line minute time style that highlights in terprcistlons oi these tsntillsr solos The group ol songs by Anna liouchn Dick ltomp and Mar sorrt Psdlield were unlarnltiar but an musically fntcrprclcd they made an citccilvn tsnprcs ston an the interested ststlicrtcr The trio created mood that was relaxed and certainty warm 1y musical it Is music that should be heard again BRILLIANT STYLE ltrs Meshes opened and clue ed the group at info selections wills vocal sales that are always popular She has brilliant vs cat style eminently Hilldd to the dsitghilirl Una Vocc Poco Pa by Itosslnl and use carried is oil in chernttng character tierrle clttscns should take de in the realisation that we re in our cmnmunlty such line musicians as titr Owen auditors Taylor Horsey and liarsaret Pub lietd pianists eni Did Romp chariots are not only tedtnlclls redolent but show artistic styts fathrlr pcriorntanae All three musicians have well the art oi mowing and ensemble tenth The two vocalists were scorn WorlcTollule Cancels Choir Teacher power in the turns at work to rule cancelled the scheduled appearance at the North York their at the biting Concert oi the Barrie collegiate Band htondsy evening Almougb maturity at second ary school teachers voted against work to rule in vote sanc tloned by the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federalon North Yoda has Instituled it Basically teachers came to school at ant and leave school at the cod ot their last period cutting out alter school act trttles such as mtuic art and sports So for the North York diets It was case at on teaches no travel Uwerturbni band director in Fisher welcomed the eppr hlblly to give local talent great er exposure in place at the list ro ares chub Borden Needs City loses Symbol Early last year Canadian Fob as base Dordrn oitctcd the city surplus Shannon tank to syrn bolise the trienttly relationship bctvrecn the base and the city That alter has now been with drawn because the hose needs the tnth for training purposes Ald Rona Archer auggcsted last night that the reason for the whhdrnwsi at the otter was procrastination on the part at the city development committee which was charged with the res slbtlfiy oi locating the ink ths city But Aid hiscroiltan en ptnlrted that the committee had heard some time ago that the innit would be needed tor train tag and was rreuitlurt letter to match it elltciai Tito lottcr was received by item in Cooks recently But the city development con rnitira irritated in recum mendailon that it will continue talks with base otlfclats tor an other symbol at the relationship between the city and the base Ald Nelson Garrett last night suggested that the city seek surplus airplane as harden was once an air lnrce bathing cen ire COOP PRACltClT Barrie lo0p oi the intermed tste iuIbsll league will one tics Wednesday evening at at Steele Street school Vfm osmiumww Idlmemloemm Prior to pnlormlng the bliss disarm concert mnsm with band pruldent Richard Dui ney imminer Photo sled by an interesting arm sen tat written by liorousky and entitled bloods Trumpets Dare Booth Catherine iterates trom bones John Prince and Carolyn tiamtea mach horn James ltnblruan Baritone Rosemary Jacobs and tuba ttalph Pclcr enn made up the ensemble The young gnup played acctuatcly and with good ensemble tone and obviously picseed the helm en GYMNASTIC WORK Following the tinuchcr ltlo two young gymnasts put on display oi artistic gymnastic warts that was quite stunning The ensiumlng and especially the choreography act to Gay lors music legend ol chhtch ing nhlclt nns yinyed by the band was compclcty artistic lntcrcstintt throughout and tecllva The young gymnasts era nialm Debra and Ctnde Scott and are credit to the common fly The program conclude with part three consisting ol Sabbath nitrate tor Band and iiusalsn Whmwldm mullethelm Under the recommendation dnynerlcmnilcewtllba set up to an applicant tor ibspmgrsrmthettsewtit hareatleeatnnemcnberoldty gram have not yet been worked atd the day can tiea would administer the program under the prvstnual Genes Wallace Act the metal psrcot would pay lit the day care service would be baud an insulin llsmstltan said The number at ehlldru that would benefit irons each in gain will be determined by the amount that email the citys share at the prom in the current budrct now bring spared the am committee Aid ttcrses said in long run the prom save the city money Not torrid it allow people an weilsre in base the city pay tor day care at their children so they could work out it stsncnutd in rent hum going as wel tere maid Councilllpproves llgreemeni Bands Sprmg Concert Fireghters Get Ill Per Cent Tanned Great Success City mncil last night approv ed new agreement wiLb the citys to hell time themes that will give them pay raises even aging slightly more than to per cent this Council members had so our rcf with the pay raises an the one year contract which will give the firemen virtually the some pay as linemen in crittte and slightly less than lircmcn in larger southern Ontario realm lclpalhles The eontondnus issue was clause in the agreement that will keep the citys in tire psa vrntlon olltccra basic tour day week until at least Jan tm The two fire prevention allies er the the past three years itva been washing to hours day tor four days week Every tittlt week they work tire days giving thorn 41hour average work week But bylaw regulating the tire department passed several elects ago sets out basin live dny week tor the tire prescri tion ntiiccrs hicmbers ut the nance arm mitten which drew up the fire department bylaw pressed the tour day warts week tor the tire Association which segments the lull time linemen said he planned to do study on the itrcmens hours at work thll year clause in this years con tract uses the city the right to dtanga hours at work but last tintii the aim at in flour trork be said era bargain sbta item the association ntday night rntcvt in accept tits agreement with tile city motion to send the course basic for turtltcr consideration was dclcnted by trial on recanted vote The tour ntesnb ers at the finance committee Aid llcncy Aid Dorian Parlor Aid floss Stephens and Aid David hlcCIymnnt sup ported ths motion Aid Del Cole said that the tire prcvcntivn otticera had been on the lnurdny week let some time its arts other members at tho dcpartsnentt and that It had rrnrtrcd out quite amicably Aid Stuphcns said that in principle opponni the clause the thing that concerns rm be said Is that these in peer pie in the department an WWWJduntlfhthat Under the ngrccmm tint this live limiter win ra csfva salary at In Instill rate Christina Music by Altred prevatlas silicon in the spontmlvrthetisstslx remanrants JntalJorthasccondeInntontba and the Dante Collegiate tyn who negotiated the agree oi the walnut ho VIII band didtilllitnttce to the cum meat tor the city with the flap salary at an annual rate el rte Protestant Flruitghtere woo Read menthand malor any positions DAME WANTS club plh chcd in to help the John Doe on time tur Boys last night wills cash domtlon Pater tittortl one at the co laund ers oi the home spoke to the club on the organisation and ptnpos at the home establish ed only in maths ago Danny Woodland one of the boys truth the homo gavn ltiunn fann his imprutafon oi the horns tr Utionl at left Danny nd Bill ary club president cItnt before tint snccting rasnlncc PM John Bosco Home For Boys Perfers Independence The John Bosco ttonte tar Boys in Orilitn hauscs boys between the ages ol it and it yet does not rely on govcrn mcnt grants or subsidies Peter Utinrd one at its so toundors told the Dorrie Kiwanis club assassin tor Ullord and Jim hostile started the home little more than year ago both men had done great dent oi social work in Windsor and rustiaed the need or boys home The obtained vacant con vcttt Ortitls and set up the sin home it is owned by the horn an Catholic Church out owner ship it to be trnnsterred to the modern in the near tantra Mr Utlord sold ABORD 081 Sociui service organisations such as the Childrens Aid 50 leiy supply the eight dollars per day needed to cover the cost at boy living at the home We absorb the meta tor any boy who Is not enamored by such an on gsnlsahion Mr litterd sold in many similar homes in Onl ario the cost per boy per day is high as Sit hlr Utlord The home has been altered government grants and subsid ies but has not accepted tltem We prelcr to remain independ ent because we dont wartt to come under government restric tions he sold The toundcrs are now in the midst ot incorporating the home We have done anon worth ni renovations to the home since it began and have more plann ed said Mr Utioni Most of the money comes tram donations by service clubs and tndlvtdu There Is no shortage oi help There are topcopte right now who are willing to give up their Jobs and devote their time volts tarltr to the home he said EXPANSION The orator mint oi the loun dera new is to stat they bare had requests several large cities to are similar homes The cost of abllshlng more butter is the drawback so cording tnhdr till Danny Woodward one at the hope In the home accompanied his Uttord Danny had spent several ycln tn gt homeland tolar bonus betore taoor going to the John Bosco home tolnttf hccuuse was glad to get out of the elbow said Dan ny Now would like to stay on and help out If could its great place Since the home started is boys have pnssvtt through and all at them are still in coated with the home We have had to turn down ovcr boys be cause we didnt have the room said Mr Ufford SCHOOL LtORTAhl An attempt la made to con toct each to parents in many cases two have gout together hm the ys carry on rou school being an hoportant lat oi it and they also have their own bllitlea We are not out to monetary gain which tntlorttmately many mob organisations are he said We rely on the commun tiy merely in cover cuts The house mother is the only paid stall members the boots The borne tgnsntad sites sat who indicated his tits owostlngwttbbnylintheelsly

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