Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Apr 1971, p. 22

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WMw Flf1ifQQMWVT 77 More Thoughts we In we Idem urrxoe urorr OAIIII on Il Iormt on me Ironm new moundmtnuumn colurmuhtuohrenhlum ImmuneImmuneth mm MIMI tumultuoume 29 run IInmentnlhIptuIIIroIchlno helnl quh Dhle Ihzttheythtnhorleel AndyeI Ilthourhlttnmnt Bymlue MWVI moral ytendttnyotdte rntedalmmdtnnm one ey xhumayouTumrm at IumoIIottr dllmmhly thenoetvn DUCK and DONAL thlt ore the run Ind lt lltl oontlnuent VIrIotII djttrr om In the body ehernlrtr lure been dlmveml Ind would bowIo III honeInt IIIII they lend to name better IIy It trutlhl tho dtuue Out eure rm ho unlortuo My Flndlnr the rertoln ehrmleal dtttennm uIIt erulle dttlerent rnItter trom belnz IlJlI to change them And It room the ore ol theno dllterenere not mean It repreunte the whole loom tr my very well be only pm at It It mlrht Ior IlIeeIItIIyrIowboIreutlt ooooteonuouenenoluhho phmII nther then eouu BIdeI tblI Ilthottrh tltao hemtnl elm Ire belnr Iwnd ItIIIlno thIeln muter Ito rman Iome ot the emo Izttonel oqureI under yhleh pettan berm to trunktho ounr pcrIon under lIrItly prep Inn to go Into buItneII he donl llltt the child who and nally thunkr under too nun demnndr upon hlm to pertnrm thus Ind Io Ind to moon Into mnkobetloue world Can It he Ihll uhlmohrtnln II eonditlon Ihlnlt III III yle ltrnI Iurtumh under oreuum thol othm III wtthIlIrIdI For TELEVISION PROGRAMS IIUIIAW IAIIIIIE DUPFAID TORONTO IUIYAIA TORONTO II IIAMILTDN I2 PETERBOIIOWII MORNING VIEWING MONDAY T0 FRIDAY III nthm Drum ml 14mrtllM IIfrhmly 01W TIIUIIBDAV AIIIIL EVENING IIIIIII met IN toteloom Ipthe Il Love my AIIll NKNT llhlIm or mm In Mommy to mo III Volley tlllo wum Ianr yonlun JIvlll Mu Ind totlllld 7AIIIIImtm no mm no ttumnerdlne IIMIIIIM lmmelhh IIttodrnl Mlloel luule mom IWll Wu IN mm ttI Drum or lumlr III MITIIIIIhlIIIII thItI IboIn II hard More II to other membm Illeu MIISltntey to In on In Ichlxoyhrenla tumour mmmt IutbooouhoulbdydtentlI bi than no me tnueom ItrhmrntotndleeloItend eorylonrdee ebo heytor may he ted II thoouIthtlInottheumonI IIylanhedlIeaIeItutltI Aptn Iehlwvhrenll rIn pop on In IImtty tn Irhloh thero II no evtdeneo ot the ume etlment It II to may um dteeuo IIrnyoutn IIIomeoItho Itmpter yIrII dtuuen were hetorr tho dtunvrry ol lam Ilternr thle dltterenee there In very met ouInIIod eltort today to Itnd tome InmrI Ind dteloetlnntlon Io Ioeeyt the tolllore ot the null Such or tor hot one mole the bcIIeI In the ITWI thIt you Iould drlyo out devttI hy beoltnr tho pn llenll Ddrr Dr mom Should nIltenII wtth Inhrltll drtnlr mtIIIhln 0M ThoroI no room why they rhouldntInd tor lDIIITII heIIth more remonl ehy they rhould Note to hltILI It oompler I1 homhlnntlrn rt IIrIouI them In III the munM II II and othm Ian ruuohun MIMIva um enmn Flue IIKIuJlCNI Meter IIII Iluteotm new threw Itmt Inmtly Amt IMmto om emmIn III III ot ll mod II 143 LIIIW ITMI EIII nvlt It tAdrml um toner the III Ill IOun Mllllte IMtnl AIWM IIOllld FIMI III tMwnlu lIIIlI AM It not HIHVIIILIlNIM Whither II IIIII LVlrwlnl In Aral world In home Toll loomed anathema better then Imm hated In good memlre on hullenIl ulna South mended three etuhr Ind went to the om the rotor to tour North would prohehly hm hId le hId Went hot nude Iomeehnt unexpected double II III eluht Wat ted diamond Declar er rulted In dummy Ind oIIyed the ol heIrII hen West retuud the lrIrI South rulted out the hean Ind wound up Itlh Ilt tho trlrh to hrlnr home Iron ot IIto potntet ItId Went IIIen the no at hrnrtr South would Itllt hm InIde the trId hut Ilth only ono over Irlek Inttead Inn At thI mood IIhle Ihe htdd Inntutedtho unto my but ended dIIIerenIty lI mt Nlrth Tut Booth WEI Fun PM Pen PIII Illumnnd VIII led nod South CROSSLIIIID Ily hllll ALLEN hIr Ind IIrI IIttruI utroy wero hundIy vtIltorI It the Donn homo Ind vlrtted lhelr dIurhler htrI homo Donn who II on tlonl In Peneteny Generel Ito yttnl Aehtevemont DIy tor Itt IIII unlt Collont ttIy Be Smart VIII haturdny Tho ylrtt to ho eomotlmentod on tho drew eI they mIde the modelttnr ex hthltI demonrlntton ond IltttI Ovumtuteltom lo Gonnto Ken hey who won her County hon OFIICE HOURS ROBINSON Mr Ind Ila Oren IIIIherI on run out IIItberI memo home on ThundIy from three ml holtdny In orid Am OIIntler Ipent In dIyo thlt out week to note lll wtth her daughter the Ion Colemnn returnlny homo on Sunday NH not Ind Mn Don hIorIImIn ot CooIIIown Ittend the Iled Crou eonrentton It tho IIoItdIy In In IIImIIIon Ilrl tlouyhlon unmounted them Ind Ipent tho dIy with her Ilrler In Ill Itre Ct ltwrhton tteoent vtIttorI wlth htr Ind IIrI Herd Connetl um Ilerh Connell IA Itldllnd Ind hIr Ind htrI Golden ot SlIyner Me III II Bell Ind hm Bell rlrtted Aortl Mr Ind Ilrr IvIn Dell Inthelr new homo In Unbrtdre The April meeItnx ot the ltntt ed Church women In held In tho ehureh bountont Ilrl Connell nu hour the well deot hlrI Iteher preIlded VIF ItorI were lament Irorn Cooke town Ptntrerton Bond IleIII Berton Dunkorron Ind Schomh ell Iln ItIlh Ind Il Chtnh lrr were In chum at tho yrn uem Tho worrhto Ieryleo nu condtttlnd by oevenl memberl on We shm ntlh II on Am Iloth Introduced the MM tor Mn Gourh ot ltIrrII next ruldhltt otslnteoo Pm hytert eho rm en tmomrlvo tent on Communtculnr the FItlh hlrr Orr ol Bond tleId my two opproorIIII lol or hlrx Chrntler exoreued or yreelntton Ind ttrv hlr Kohln pronunced tho henedletlon room hour tullowrd III rII4mIIIIvuIAIuM IoIldhrun handle III onrntortnhlo to hold Ind pull good welt on InInI nonln SECRET AGENT NuaaIN DAD Guess WIN mo wort Doweueve osoucrtaunl WHO BANGED OUR FENDER II boy Ime III IhmllyI AlIIlr IJomy 0wa nutMm th kxuy dune www telnet long yva To IM mm mm III IMII two ADM oJIJIIIInIlI 20n rro run In truth PI Iu1y rumble nu IMIIIM neum lunw Mlound ther Llluhvttll IIth tIWW remumn rule to meet Mommy pom Mllllh mm met IIIIIIIWII ISM 41113 In OJAhI my own In anllvl uptm htturdrn mm humornun Alt ILTAanlqentl sultanm no mm mu AIIIIttttor weter Hun on Itvwm More owneroyl Wot lwtnpound chum new AlrmllIlIlu ITIITEIINOOI RAh Inllth nIrronrotorwnrnrnrnuxrlsn mu lllltderetentt Imouth 2mm or mentor imwullmmmmmmh WWI in mm ver III rew Iterueol Hwy 99 you um Illtl far umptlon MNMII wretm pull gt mllyAIIIlr HIMVII COMM MID It Allen rooum JIM1M Atnznn IrrI tnvntoe LION mun H6 Am warm Ionvtr Mum Muldlrf Lloht IIILM TAII MY Chlldrm 6W lot It not mm IIII run Intel not IIIIonic IIII Helena 2CIrvtI ILMMII the om owl 1yIthIt wmo II llrntt me IIIIIII IHII Mm rJoe omnalon It untrue Im no romo Frmt Wk to North man try Ml but mm IIlluvy IMwn to domed IIrovhle won my autumn nku mun Communal 31mm BROWSE AROUND mng OM 1333 PLEISEutmomtwm ummloum rth THTERMMERSII Llama LEI II Hemmer dime IN rItIohyulrttluulroheer uwvmw Immer IdthhIrod 2mm or II Inn thM MW 113m hutIn trot Iltloh hIoIml MM blotml Mun tvnwootnt BUZZ SAWYER me IADII ow leu Ht Wt roy lounllon ILm II Merry Intlttduld 1m IDowle home on ternoltwloo WHAT CIIN DO FER IOII BARNEY GOOGLE DAILY ORYHDIIUIIIIIglterort how to work Ill Immy cum AXYDTITIAAXJI SWIM III to lomymww Leno more no er py Item for mother In thlt ItI mum at moot ymamm Mm him used tor the three 11 xtoIthe two on ole lrtIlrrI attendlmbm Mm llVtem lellon emtrophel Iho tenlth Ind Iormetlon ot the word are Ilt to 1way dunth tlvnon Menu IIrIIlmnmd uIlMtetoot tmootllhl mm mm HEY LOOK CUI MY Wm thaw htntr lull any the rode letter Ire outrent FlNGERI Ioeelll 5mm mm Ilryotnrrern QuotIlton mm Itlllctmum my own vrm TIIIHIQQ Wt no ur HWW Iml xrttrqucnnt on xvv ouonyx ow loony nutxo III HKtlttTnQIJ oz xInthnvxunh xrrtturrv tlilml elllt umm VententlyI tryntoquotcl tlltt UNIVIIIIIIII ttt IUII OI IAOIIJAII TIIINOA WAITING IIOII OUII WITH TO GROW IIIIAIIIWEDIIN PIIILLIOTTII the My Lam Iltmu Imam Incl III nu IIM qwnlW tell In truth IMIIKMG ItIlellotl or me utm to IIIMm tIuIm Ioortl tIrnIy om HUBERT III III Lola emu me litour In om IuVIIIIHFIVIO mom Imy thtumt III rLoyel anmolllon Jill IIllv Wllm IUAIVIIIIIY II III III MH Nwmprm uu Qwava4$lwlh Mavmeemm 63 notmam IlaIel

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