hItl minor sovllllio nrnivlaiilil vilirnris Trophies aura prrsenlcd Sai lrrdsy to individual willows in the tutor division tits ass nest halter lam TORONTO tCii The con slittitIlrlIl division at responsb bitity tor correctional services may soon bs lbs sublect ot tsdaralprnvlndsl copiersoco Soildtoslknersi Gm said Wednesday aim III told the John Nollrd Soci cty ol Ontario that the dual position on rscoiolnendstioas corntat this are in tho oulmet nport on gonoclions la snail is cshiact consideration lir Goysr rnsda no relucnca in bls spekh to dis recent up vislnl at tiinpston Penitentiary when our person wss killed end it others iniuscd ii Illa Isiused to comment on itinptoa situation liter tha mutiny Beverll numbers at the soci ety which tries to rehabilitslo onsrs otter thalr scleass ssld the were dlsappointcd ml she did not talk about the countrys penal system 1th said that becauss oi itinutoa than was priest decline or vnoraio IMI lands and ttsosa Isaiaan prIJorlm Spestlnl on possl Mellon on tthttullnat plow Its Goyor II loanII thSisre acceptod ln tIpIa by the prominent BAXIER Irina comm Contrataistlans to SI nd Sawdon an winnnlnl wrist watch on the Tunlbtourtd pro nsm on TV Saturday mom or Kenneth radon at the week cndwitblantisn tsttvy its and tilts Gauloy lllrs Ethel Graham liars Ind Elwood try and itcnncth Edsar ts rd tha astb wtddinl snn sar oi lie and Airs licCsnn to tools hsii On Sunday April zi at tho Presb arisn Ulurrh It ltio tart Oary ilnssa Cochc rsns was baptised by ttav it Wilson at too shown birthday dinncrwsr held tor Bryan Thou Iitcodias were hit and onaid Cooke and Bchh tires iisnlinl trans ivy tha tar and Cochrsna isnliiics ilas Lsdiu Aid are sponsor in tits Word IisInn Wart tar hospital and tool kitr tor Viet nam Support this missionary work with your donation tilo piano land is praduaii increas as but hasnt reach its raai yet chnesdsy visitors with tie Ind lira Bruce Educ were airs lcsn Simpson andi Simpson lists John the oteukrn at birthday her the Mrs EdsIr linear NR3 JOHNSTON Birthday wishes are extruded in hlrs Johnson Sn wha its ccisbrstias hcr slur birthday this waeir iicr dad or itiona an lirv tlurt had birthday ulrly tar her on haiurdo elc nlnp tier son Edward tam ily Tilt and hirs iicrb Lans mln lllr and tits Art andiim Lanlrllsn also altcnricd itob tlldilopa and tiob Lanz vnan aimed their slides and cars colnrnentsry on this best tour they took in tho nildwrst era aisles to over so people in IIto hall in Erlrtsy creator April It lionrrstuislions to ill and hlrl Paul human who wrro married Sstunia in Richmond Pauls tatbcr sn mother broth ers and sisters motored to Ilith mood to attend ucddlnr lie and till Jack tlerrlnytrn Ind lrmily Toronto spent iiis wsstsnd at April as with her mother bits itaiph McLeod dim wttlrcd Crowlord is on the slots list iesoilorra ti boys hirit single tlsren high triple itsrion Trscra Llrls hi Occupier girls hlph sinsie Noll Pole boys bin trl la Jody Asa hornptnn Iris so shall approach the prariaces with turn proposal tor their micro and as result no rrdsht noon hold IIHCTIIWO vlaclsliI eaalercnca on correc Text or his IddrcaI was nsada Ivsiishic beiars delivery or ill rocomrmdsiloltl rnIde by the corrections conv vnlttea raster its Justics ltaxsr Oltlmri ni hinntreIL bid been ilnpienientcd he said ISSUE OUTSTANDING The make nuistandinr issues in the area at dividrd constitu tlooai responsibuily wua emlilon olk institutilsi as para room on within this Iasna Jurisdiction tnvoivcment at mental health services in tho tield ol criminal justice and screen liens with the thorny problem oi assessing who is danpsrous and who Is not 11 problem or the isnprto and tomato oliencier and her custody closer to taraiiy and iriends Prspsration at tcdcrsl lions act that would eni bts sil Jurisdictions and son meals at tha correctional pron era lenpth at sealaan as sols criterion tor tbs division ot vclt aponslbtiity tor iroprtsoned at tendons ltevisian oi the Prisons and ilsiorrnstortcs Act process now under way other OuimstIropossis would also rectors stu on national scale llr Goycr Is Thcsa in voivtd thI principles on which lbs system at criminal Illsllco and corrections rests Detention should not cut the inmate all completely irom the oulside world he added 0n the contrary we should create or him ihc normal conditions oi the human heioy ThLl raiscd lbs roblcm at roplupot visits in prisons ssls dI produce tram prison indus lrlry an the open martcl com munity rrlooso programs smaller prisons nsrrrr and own iiuide larva rillds schooling procrslns snd helter taclittics MUST EXPAND ttlr layer also void that si though the tedrrni government prnlldu rrsnts it more than tits million to privsio Irenrics it will obviously on up to the ssrnrics to expand their serv ilu in those areas where the prciioirs assistance by incona nl prsnts was roastdertd by them to bo Iols adoqualc its said that because at lbs in errssrd numbcr oi people on parole voluniccrs wcrs nerdsd to assist pratsssi is in lthr pruwinl work THEHEAHETIMES wnru rvrnvour usras SOUND INVESTMENT ESTATE COUNSELLING When you need the competont ssrvteoe ot trust company lat us halp you on and tents Is Tax Motto Succession nnlna nd Administering Ea investments anvian Instill hintarase Cart tiestss the dual eroLinoIo snd osrd party was bsid In the bait Sat urdsy artnlill April ti Tth will corianenca in tbs lsii usln lllh EXAMINER WANT AN ruous rustic unaniopltrastLIAtiiiil Cochran boys hish lllille Bruce tEumIncr Phatot MW 88 DUNLOPW trey Urges PreSs Counc By Consumers If Not By Papers WAIA Ial Smelt Davey hslrinsn ot Benita committee on the media which mm nasndad claw lot pull casinos lha apps chsrober that olplper opin ion has been dlvldcd about the mmnlendstion Rcturinx to invent Toronto ancestors at Canadian new paper publishers ths Icnstoe said he hood the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Asa socialism avoid nuts some prom this tech towards prera rollneiL it not then the inI It bash in the court at common such as blame Anorlatian oi llWhat in Mummy IIli and below At Firestona Stores listed blitow orparticlpstrnp Dcrltrs 7266585 made who night my net tabs tha initiative is sad Senstor Daley woand up do hats on hts committee report with speed at almost three horn thll ruined reaction to tbs truly riots it was published Doc to Senator Dairy reiterated Lhdt the committee had proposed no computer involvement in plus councils that too many publishers nin thua to select the idea even ot tha minimal reader involvement to ransom proposed or its committee hl said Ler BODY The senator said his study at lbs British prus council had showniltohesnsehli but that cost publishers then only season year is run Its said ha tell Canadian ptlblilhfll with healthy piano colic aliard more Qiscbrc has lirsndy set III on provincial prus corner he said but he hoped national mil arid be rslabllsbod LI sddilitss in dorsal bodlu Marius to the proplad he an ownerdlp renew based Senator Davey said that vir taaliy Iii publishers who an gated at lleo hearing 1er Ind rm Kinnde thIi comatrsdon at media can whip is problem them Senator Gellan ousry lttPOnlsrio adrlor emerittw oi the tilt Jotrrnni had Illsan rip the view at publishers in supports review board Stmlur Davey said pro in list Annmarie lepis moss is sulllneni the senator Date Iald moral sntlcanrtdnta tellsis tion has not world in prevent ownership concentration Senator Davey Ilsa satd ha is sure the normal It act on rubber committee com dsaron to althdraw special treatment Tillie mausine and Rssders Digest in mad list the report says rim thou marines competitive sdrsn tare sons DI editiials oi the its Usaanrd magazines are ex enipt by eightyearnid low tion irons in twin whereby Cr nsdtsns who buy advertisins are in nootsnadisn vents are cannot deduct the cost II business espcnsc tor tax purposes Senator Daisy said the two inasssines thus est into sdrrn usinx mch that mishl othrrv will so to tailoring Canadian lrlapsslnrs Time now is earn perils tor local as well as or lionsi sdrerlnsny lhmrh pionsi editions he slid Open Firestone BudgetAooount layout